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      • KCI등재

        고정옥의 민요 연구에 나타난 ‘조선민요(朝鮮民謠)’의 ‘암음(暗陰)’

        김영희 비교민속학회 2019 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.70

        Go-Jeong-Ok majored in Korean oral literature, especially folksongs, and he studied about ‘Joseon-literature’ in Kyeong-seong(Keijo) Imperial University(京城帝國大學) in 1930s. When he graduated from university in 1939, he wrote the thesis about Joseon-folksongs. After the Japanese colonial period had finished, he re-wrote his graduation thesis and then published the book entitled, the study on Joseon-folksongs(朝鮮民謠硏究) in 1949. Then he went to North Korea, and had written the book, the study on oral literature of Joseon(朝鮮口傳文學硏究) in 1962. He had studied and had written about the orality and the collectivity of ‘the people(民)’ presented in Korean folksongs and folktales, which made an influence to the studies of oral literature in North Korea. Go-Jeong-Ok presented the characteristics of Joseon-folksongs, divided into the brightness and the darkness, in the end of the thesis of the study on Joseon- folksongs(朝鮮民謠硏究, 1939). The mentions of the darkness of Joseon- folksongs were longer than ones of the brightness. He remarked the decadence and the primitiveness as the darkness of Joseon-folksongs. The mode of the argument was very similar to that of the discourse field of Japanese colonialism, considering the characteristics of Joseon-culture as ‘the cultural femininity’. In this context, the femininity of Joseon-culture was interpreted as representing the aboriginality and the uncivilized of the colony Joseon. 고정옥의 경성제국대학 법문학부 조선어문학 강좌 졸업논문인 <조선민요에 대하여>는 1930년대 말에 등장한 ‘조선민요’에 대한 체계적 연구서로서, 식민지 제국대학에서 이루어진 근대문학 교육의 효과로 드러난 연구 성과였다. 이 저작에 나타난 고정옥의 ‘조선민요’ 인식은 식민지 시기 ‘조선민요’에 대한 ‘제국’의 왜곡된 시선을 답습하는 한편, 식민주의에 동화된 지식장에서 벗어나려는 ‘탈식민’의 단초를 드러낸다. 이 글에서 주목하는 것은 고정옥이 논문 말미에 언급한 조선민요의 ‘암음면(暗陰面)’에 관한 그의 민요 인식이다. 조선민요의 ‘어둠’을 기술하는 대목에서 그는 조선을 ‘제국’의 한 ‘로컬(local)’로 바라보며 조선민요에서 ‘토속성’과 ‘원시성’을 발견하려 했던 ‘제국’ 학문의 시선을 답습한다. 민요의 어떤 자질들을 ‘토속적이고 원시적인 것’으로 재발견하면서 이를 식민지 조선의 반문명성, 혹은 전근대성을 입증하는 근거로 해석하려는 태도를 드러내는 것이다. 또한 조선민요의 어둠을 ‘여성적’ 자질로 기술하고 이를 통해 식민지 조선의 ‘여성성’을 민요를 통해 규명하려는 태도를 드러내기도 한다.

      • KCI등재

        음식특화거리의 이미지가 선호도에 미치는 영향에서 미디어의 조절효과와 거주지역에 따른 차이분석

        김영희 한국해양관광학회 2022 해양관광학연구 Vol.15 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the moderating effect of media(mass media, social media) on the relationship between the image of food-specialized streets in Gwangju and the preference, the difference according to the residential area and the image of food-specialized streets. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, a total of 400 questionnaires were distributed from June 1 to June 15, 2022, and 343 questionnaires were used. As a result of the study, first, it was found that the food-specific street image had a significant effect on the preference in the restaurant's professionalism, the locality of food and the tourism of the street and the harmony of the street was rejected. Second, Second, it was found that the moderating effect of mass media and social media between food-specific street image and preference had an effect on both. Third, there was a significant difference in the preference of food-specific street in Mudeungsan barley rice street(17.001, p<.001), Daein-dong food culture street(13.659, p<.001), Gwangju park food truck street(3.267, p<.05), Dongyu duck street (9,127 p<.05), Daein gukbap street (4.416, p<.05). Fourth, there were significant differences in the Mudeungsan barley rice street(18.178, p<.001), Daein-dong food street(10.266, p<.01), Gwangju park food truck street(3.267, p<.05), Dongyu duck street (9.127, p<.05), and Daein gukbap street(4.416, p<.05). Fourth, there were significant differences in the Mudeungsan barley rice street(18.178, p<.001), Daein-dong food culture street (10.266, p<.01), Gwangju park food truck street(3.267, p<.05), Dongyu duck street (9.127, p<.05), and Daein market gukbap street (4.416, p<.05). -

      • KCI등재

        텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 개인정보 위협기반의 트렌드 분석 연구

        김영희,이택현,김종명,박원형,국광호 한국융합보안학회 2019 융합보안 논문지 Vol.19 No.2

        For that reason, trend research has been actively conducted to identify and analyze the key topics in large amounts of data and information. Also personal information protection field is increasing activities in order to identify prospects and trends in advance for preemptive response. However, only research based on technology such as trends in information security field and personal information protection solution is broadly taking place. In this study, threat-based trends in personal information protection field is analyzed through text mining method. This will be the key to deduct undiscovered issues and provide visibility of current and future trends. Policy formulation is possible for companies handling personal information and for that reason, it is expected to be used for searching direction of strategy establishment for effective response. 과학기술 분야를 비롯한 산업영역 전반에 걸쳐 기술의 방향성과 흐름을 확인하기 위한 연구가 중요하게 대두되고, 이를 위 해 대량의 데이터와 정보에서 주요 토픽을 찾아내고 분석하기 위한 트렌드 연구가 활발히 이뤄지고 있다. 이와 함께 개인정 보보호 영역 또한 전망과 흐름을 사전에 파악하고, 선제적 대응을 위한 활동이 요구되고 있지만, 광의적인 형태의 정보보안 영역과 개인정보보호 관련 솔루션 기반의 트렌드 연구등 기술위주의 연구만 이뤄지고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 텍스트 마이 닝을 활용해 개인정보보호 영역에 국한된 위협기반의 트렌드 분석을 통해 주요 이슈 토픽을 도출하고 현재와 미래의 트렌드 를 미리 확인하여, 개인정보처리 기업에서 개인정보보호에 필요한 정책수립과 효과적 대응을 위한 전략수립 방향성 탐색에 활용 될 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 신분에 따른 북한관료들의 사경제활동 연구 -관계자본의 축적을 중심으로

        김영희,김병욱 평화문제연구소 2008 統一問題硏究 Vol.20 No.2

        This study examined on the aspect of accumulation of relationship capital of bureaucracies and the cause of connection between bureaucracies`` private economic activity and accumulation of relationship capital, through the concept of social status and Boudieu``s relationship capital. The result of study shows that political bureaucracy has more opportunities to accumulate political capital than economic one, and that the public ownership and operation of bureaucracy have a positive influence on the accumulation of economic capital of bureaucracies, in the North Korean society. Recently, the bureaucracies are interested inthe accumulation of cultural capital, preparing for the change of the North Korean society. There is a tendency to give priority to the accumulation of social capital, regardless of social status. Based upon it, the cause of connection between bureaucracies`` private economic activity and accumulation of relationship capital is the influence of capital accumulation activity and operation of market function by the authority, while the accumulation of relationship capital of the bureaucracies is expected to be expanded along with the existence of centrally concentrated bureaucracy.

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