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      • KCI등재

        러시아의 WTO가입에 따른 한국의 대응방안

        김만길(Man-gil Kim) 한국국제상학회 2007 國際商學 Vol.22 No.3

        Russia applied for membership in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1993, but throughout the 1990s negotiations were slow and formal. Soon after Putin became president in 2000, he energized Russia"s half-hearted attempts to enter the WTO. He made a commitment that Russia would accede in 2003. Now in 2006, Russian officials are talking about joining in one year"s time, as they talked in the late 1990s. On November 10 Russia and the United States finally announced that they had reached agreement on a bilateral protocol on market access for Russia"s accession to the WTO, and the United States declared that this was a good commercial deal. The main work that remains is negotiation on the multilateral memorandum for Russia"s accession. A general expectation is that these multilateral negotiations cannot be settled until late 2007. The West wants to make sure that Russia is really enforcing its new legislation in defense of intellectual property rights. Russia still insists on its right to introduce far higher domestic agricultural subsidies than the European Union and the United States are prepared to accept, which is a typical question left to the very end of the negotiations.

      • KCI등재

        FTA에 따른 우회덤핑과 원산지규정

        김만길(Man-Gil Kim) 한국관세학회 2014 관세학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Circumvent the anti-dumping duties on the subject merchandise in the production or shipment method change, and act to avoid the anti-dumping duties. Circumvention of anti-dumping regulations, the United States based on the three types of circumvention dumping, First, importing country circumvention second, third country circumvention Third, slightly altered products and later developed products that may be exported. Allowed to stand this act of dumping circumvention traditional anti-dumping measures to disable the effect of the domestic industry from unfair trade practices of dumping can not achieve the purpose of protection. Thus, the anti-dumping law countries have established and operated at the same time trying to avoid anti-dumping duty order regulates the export of circumvention. Circumvent anti-dumping regulations in the United States and the EU have a representative of the country. United States and the EU, including third-country circumvent to go through the manufacturing process when the number of countries based on rule does not circumvent anti-dumping rules of origin in accordance with a third country is also taking action to detour. Korea has been skeptical about the circumvent anti-dumping. After expansion FTA domestic regulations for circumvent dumping the need for a re-think occurred. In the long run, WTO be established in accordance with the direction of the circumvent dumping regulations, the bypass will need to respond to the circumvent dumping.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        한국과 중국이 체결한 FTA 무역구제제도 비교고찰

        김만길(Man Gil Kim),유창권(Chang Gwon Yoo) 중앙대학교 한국전자무역연구소 2017 전자무역연구 Vol.15 No.2

        연구목적: 본 연구는 한국이 체결한 FTA의 무역구제제도와 중국이 체결한 FTA의 무역구제제도를 비교하여 한-중 FTA의 무역구제제도의 특징을 찾고자 한다. 그럼으로써 한-중 FTA 이행에 따른 대응방안을 모색하고자 한다. 논문구성/논리: 본 논문의 구성은 총 다섯 개 장으로 구성되어 있다. 제2장에서는 한국과 중국의 FTA현황을 살펴보고 체결된 각각의 FTA의 무역구제제도를 분석한다. 제3장에서는 한-중 FTA에서의 무역구제제도를 분석한다. 제4장에서는 한-중 FTA 무역구제제도의 문제점과 대응방안을 모색하며, 마지막장에서는 결론을 제시 한다. 결과: 우리나라와 중국이 체결한 FTA에서의 양자 세이프가드는 한-칠레 FTA를 제외하고 나머지 FTA에서는 조치기간의 단축, 재발동 금지 등 WTO보다 조치 수준이 낮아지도록 규정하여 WTO협정보다 강화된 형태이며, 다자 세이프가드의 경우 기체결된 모든 FTA에서 상호 적용배제 조항을 두고 있지 않은 WTO 준용형태이다. 한편 상계관세 조치는 한국과 중국 모두 WTO 협정 준용형태를 유지하고 있다. 반덤핑조치와 관련해서 우리나라는 반덤핑조치의 수준이 낮아질 수 있도록 제로잉(zeroing)의 금지조항과 최소 관세 부과원칙(lesser duty rule)을 채택하고 있으나, 중국의 경우는 상대적으로 반덤핑 및 상계관세 조치의 완화에 대한 의지는 부족한 것으로 판단된다. 세이프가드 조치와 관련해서는 전체적으로 피해의 요건과 조사절차, 조치의 존속과 재적용 및 보상의 형태에 치중하고 있는 특징을 보이고 있다. 독창성/가치: 한국의 15건의 FTA 무역구제 조항을 분석하고 중국의 15건의 FTA별로 무역구제조항 들을 비교 분석하여 특징을 정리한 논문이 많지 않다. 그 특징들을 토대로 한-중 FTA를 검토하여 문제점을 찾고 그에 대한 대응방안을 제시한 것에 의의를 둘 수 있다. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of the trade remedy system of the Korea-China FTA by comparing the trade remedy systems of the FTA concluded by Korea with the trade remedy systems of the FTA concluded by China. By doing this, we seek to find a countermeasure for the implementation of the Korea-China FTA. Composition/Logic: : The paper consists of five chapters. Chapter2 examines the current status of FTAs of both Korea and China and analyzes the trade remedy system of each FTA concluded by them. Chapter 3 analyzes the trade remedy system under the Korea-China FTA. Chapter 4 explores the problems and countermeasures related to the Korea-China FTA and the final chapter presents our conclusions. Findings: In the FTA concluded between Korea and China, bilateral safeguards are made stronger than those in WTO agreements by stipulating the shortening of the measures and a prohibition on their re-issuance. The multilateral safeguards do not allow mutual exclusion and are a form of WTO compliance. Meanwhile, countervailing tariff measures have been maintained by both Korea and China under the terms of the WTO Agreement. With regard to anti-dumping measures, Korea has adopted a zeroing prohibition clause and a lower duty rule to reduce the level of anti-dumping measures, but China lacks regulations on the mitigation of anti-dumping and countervailing measures. Originality/Value: There are not many papers that have analyzed the fifteen FTAs signed by each Korea and China. By examining the characteristics of the Korea-China FTA, we have been successful in both identifying the problems and suggesting countermeasures to resolve them.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 원산지증명제도의 문제점 분석 및 개선 방안

        김만길(Man-Gil Kim) 충남대학교 경영경제연구소 2011 경영경제연구 Vol.34 No.1

        우리나라 원산지증명과 관련된 규정은 대외무역법, 관세법, FTA관세특례법, 남북교류협력법, 개별 자유무역협정(FTA) 등에 산재되어 있고, 그 규정도 서로 상이하다. 발급기관별 원산지증명서 발급을 위한 제출 서류의 상이, 사후발급규정의 상이, 원산지증명서의 현지확인 기준 상이, 원산지증명서 보관기간의 상이, 원산지증명서의 확인시점상이 등 많은 문제점이 지적되고 있다. 또한 원산지에 관한 법규의 단일화가 이루어져 있지 않으므로 관련 법률에 의한 수입물품의 원산지관련 기관도 서로 상이하다. 즉, 비특혜 원산지규정에 의거한 원산지표시를 위한 원산지 결정은 지식경제부장관, 특혜원산지규정에 의한 관세특혜 대상 여부 결정은 관세청장, 그리고 남북 교역과 관련한 원산지 결정은 통일부장관이 주된 기관이다. 원산지증명서의 발급과 관련된 규정도 일반 특혜원산지증명서의 원산지 확인기준?수입물품 원산지는 관세법에, 수출물품원산지증명서의 발급기관?절차 등은 대외무역법령에 각각 규정되어 있어 수출기업들이 이용하는데 혼란을 주고 있다. 이러한 원산지제도의 분산된 입법체계와 관리체계는 원산지제도의 통일적?일괄적 운영을 어렵게 하고, 운영에 따른 행정비용을 증가시키며, 무역업체에게도 불편과 무역거래비용 증가의 원인이 되며, 또한 특혜원산지제도의 이용을 어렵게 하는 원인이 되고 있어 이에 대한 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다. Korea Act provisions relating to certificates of origin(Foreign Trade Law, Customs Law, FTA Tariff Special Cases, the individual Free Trade Agreements(FTA)) are spread and its provisions are different from one another. Institutional issues of the documents submitted for the issue of certificates of origin differ, the difference of post-issued regulations, the difference of certificate of origin based on the local check, the difference of certificate of origin storage period, time of verification of certificates of origin, and many different problems have been noted. In addition, regulations on country of origin does not consist of the unification of the laws due to institutions of origin of imported goods is differ one another. The origin of the distributed legislative systems, management system made up difficult the origin of the unified system, batch mode operations, operating in accordance with administrative costs, increase the difficulties for traders, and cause an increase in trade transaction costs, and also preferential origin the cause of the system has become difficult to use for this is to suggest improvement.

      • KCI등재

        해상운송인의 감항능력주의의무에 대한 일고찰

        김만길(Man-Gil Kim) 한국무역연구원 2021 무역연구 Vol.17 No.5

        Purpose - Carriers are obliged to provide ships with seaworthiness suitable to withstand the accidental hazards encountered during voyages. Non-compliance negligence refers to a violation of a significant notice of duty that is a maritime law obligation to the carrier. Consider the carrier s liability for these violations. Design/Methodology/Approach - Incompetent negligence is divided into superior negligence and voyage negligence. It examines the basis for the carrier s voyage negligence and the responsibility structure of the manager s negligence, and also examines the carrier s liability limitations. Accordingly, I. Introduction II. Time to fulfill the duty of caution in seaworthiness III. Who is responsible for non-compliance negligence IV. Proof of responsibility and Carrier s Limitation of Liability V. Organize papers in order of conclusion. Findings - The carrier must be equipped with various equipment, necessities, and required documents necessary for the ship s own seaworthiness, as well as the crew to operate the vessel, and the necessary documents to operate the ship, so the carrier can meet all of these conditions. Should be given great care. The carrier must prove that the carrier s negligence is presumed in the event of damage due to the vessel s non-compliance, and that the carrier has taken all reasonable measures to prevent such damage in order to indemnify the carrier. In other words, the carrier will be able to avoid liability for damages by proving that he has taken great care to provide a ship with seaworthiness. The carrier s liability is limited to damages caused by non-compliance, otherwise it is indemnified under Article 4, Article 1 of The Hague / Hague Visby Rules. Research Implications - The purpose of this study is to derive a range of responsibilities to carriers and shippers according to changes in international maritime transport rules and to draw up solutions in case of problems.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 미국, EU의 FTA협정 상 원산지검증에 대한 비교연구

        김만길(Kim, Man Gil),정재완(Chung, Jae Wan) 한국무역상무학회 2013 貿易商務硏究 Vol.58 No.-

        Origin verification is regarded most essential for FTA performance administration. This administration is divided into direct and indirect system where Korea has adapted indirect system to Korea-EU FTA while direct system to Korea-USA FTA. A comparative analysis was conducted on the system of origin verification and provisions contained in preferential tariff law of each countries. The study finds that Korean origin verification system is a bit lack of procedural provision resulting in less protection of domestic trader's rights. Another point is that Korean Customs Authority is weak, in respect of organization and man power, to protect illegal bilateral tariff application by counter part FTA countries. And therefore this study suggests the policy makers to arrange detailed FTA origin verification procedures with earliest meeting with counter part FTA countries, and further stress that make up of organization and man power for origin verification in a timely manner.

      • KCI등재

        WTO의 LMOs 규정과 바이오안전성의정서와의 관계

        김만길(Man-gil Kim) 한국국제상학회 2007 國際商學 Vol.22 No.1

          At present, international trade in LMOs and products have to take place according to the rules agreed by WTO Members, in particular those spelt out in the Agreement on the Application of sanitary and phytosanitary measure(SPS Agreement), the Agreements on technical Barriers on Trade(TBT Agreement), the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT) 1994.<BR>  Since biotechnology is by and large proprietary technology, the rules of the WTO Agreement of Trade-Related Aspects of TRIPs may have also a bearing on international trade in LMOs. Disciplines regarding transboundary movement of LMOs, however, have also emerged from specific multilateral agreement being negotiated outside the purely trade context, in particular the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. The rules included in different legal instrument may not be fully consistent with each other and may give rise to conflicts between GMOs-exporting countries and potential importers.

      • KCI등재

        배서금지 기명식 선하증권의 양도에 관한 연구

        김만길 ( Man Gil Kim ),오병석 ( Byung Seok Oh ) 국제지역학회 2007 국제지역연구 Vol.11 No.2

        유가증권, 지시증권, 요인증권, 상환증권 등의 일반적인 선하증권의 법적 성질이 기명식 선하증권의 법적 성질에 적용되지 않는 경우가 있다. 또한 배서를 금지한 선하증권의 법적 해석에도 차이를 보인다. 해석의 차이뿐만 아니라 기명식 선하증권과 배서금지 기명식 선하증권의 양도방식에도 차이가 발생하는데, 이는 실제거래에서의 적용을 간과함으로 인해 잦은 분쟁을 야기하고 있다. 선하증권 종류의 법적 성질에 따른 양도방식의 차이를 정확히 이해하여 분쟁발생을 예방하는 것이 필요하다. There is possibility that the legal character in general bill of lading made out to the valuableness, orders, primary factor and exchange bill is not applied to straight bill of lading. Also, there is difference in legal construction of bill of lading prohibited endorsement. The manner of transfer in straight bill of lading and the straight bill of lading prohibited endorsement is different, and this brings about frequent dispute. So to prevent this kind of problems, there should be understanding with regard to difference in the way of transfer by legal character regarding to the type of B/L.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        호산구 농포성 피부염

        김일환(Ill Hwan Kim),문기찬(Kee Chan Moon),김수남(Soo Nam Kim),김만길(Man Gil Kim) 대한피부과학회 1985 대한피부과학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        A case of eosinophilic pustular folliculitis in a 46-year-old woman is presented. The patient showed repeatedly developed erythematous, indurated plaque studded with srnall yellowish pustules on flush area of the left cheek with blood eosinophilia and biopsy revealed histopathological findings of eosinophilic pustular folliculitis. The patient responded well to systemic administration of corticosteroid and dapsone.

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