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      • KCI등재

        조선시대(1392~1910)의 산불정책에 관한 연구

        김동현,강영호,김찬범,Kim. Donghyun,Kang. Youngho,Kim. Chanbeom 한국방재학회 2012 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.12 No.6

        본 연구는 우리나라의 주요 역사기록서 분석을 통해 조선시대 518년 동안 태조~순조까지 27대 임금이 교체되면서 왕조별로 산불정책 집행에 대한 기록을 고찰하였다. 연구에 활용된 역사서로서는 조선왕조실록, 승정원일기, 대전회통, 고려사절요, 비변사등록, 신보수교집록, 수교집록, 국역증보문헌비고, 경국대전, 황해도연해금송사목, 제도송금사목, 대전속록, 금조절목이문으로 산불정책이 기록된 문헌을 조사, 분석하였다. 역사기록서 문헌에 기록된 산불정책 내용으로는 일반산림에서의 산불정책, 금산과 봉산, 도성 숲에서의 산불정책, 왕실가의 분묘, 종묘, 태실에서 산불정책, 강무장등 사냥터와 사옹원 군기시 시장(柴場)에서의 산불정책, 산불피해지역 백성을 위한 어사 파견 구휼정책, 사고와 사찰에서의 산불정책, 봉수대 등 국토방위를 위한 산불정책, 병충해 구제를 위한 입화 및 입화단속정책이 포함되어 있다. 조선시대 역사기록서를 분석한 결과 조선시대 산불정책은 크게 산불예방목적과 민생안정목적 정책으로 구분할 수 있었다. 결론적으로 조선시대에도 산불의 심각성으로 인해 조정 및 지방에서 여러 산불예방정책과 산불 피해로 인한 민생안정정책이 시행되었다. 또한 산불예방정책 중 산림내 주요시설물을 관리하는 방법이 포함되어 있다. This study surveyed historical records on forest fire polcis during Joseon Dynasty`s 518 years (1392~1910) in being and analyzed the Annals of Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮王朝實錄), The daily records of royal secretariat of Joseon dynasty(承政院日記), Daejonhoetong(大典會通), Koryosachulyo(高麗史節要), Bibyeonsadeungnok(備邊司謄錄), Shinbo Sugyo Jibrok(新補受敎輯錄), Sugyo Jibrok(受敎輯錄), Chungbo munheon bigo(增補文獻備考), Kyeonggukdaejeon(經國大典), Hwanghaedoyeonhaekumsongsamok(黃海 道沿海禁松節目), Jedosongkumsamok(諸道松禁事目), Taezonsokrok(大典續錄), Kumjojeolmokimun(禁條節目移文). Notes recorded in the history of literature wildfire policy is included such as general forest policy, Kumsan(禁山) and Bongsan(封山), citadel in the forest fire policy, Jongmyo(Royal tomb) Shrine of forest fire policy, hunting ground, salvage, defence, pest extermination. In conclusion, forest policy of Joseon Dynast was performed wildfire prevention policy and livelihood stabilization policy. In addition, forest fire prevention policies and how to manage in the major facilities are included.

      • KCI등재

        증강현실을 이용한 전력 설비 모니터링 시스템의 데이터 교환 기법 설계

        김동현,김석수,Kim, Donghyun,Kim, Seoksoo 중소기업융합학회 2020 융합정보논문지 Vol.10 No.11

        Since it is difficult for individual power producers and non-professionals who lack basic knowledge to control, manage, and operate facilities through EMS (Energy Management System), augmented reality and virtual reality monitoring systems are applied. However, in the existing systems, data access efficiency is inferior due to the process of analyzing column values for analog signal values collected from sensors and converting data after combining the columns. In addition, high-speed operation processing is difficult due to a large number of indexes for accommodating access patterns for various analog signal waveforms. Therefore, in this paper, a bitmap generator is inserted into a non-tree structure to convert the data collected from power facilities into physical property information, and the converted information is encrypted with a common key, so that the resources for the resources shared between each device are We propose a method of exchanging data for an augmented reality-based power system that is controlled by measurement.

      • KCI등재

        제강슬래그의 매체접촉형 재활용에 따른 중금속 용출특성 및 물벼룩 생태독성 평가

        김동현,조봉석,신원식,Donghyun Kim,Bong Seok Cho,Won Sik Shin 한국지하수토양환경학회 2024 지하수토양환경 Vol.29 No.1

        Most of the slags generated from steel-making industry in Korea are recycled into media-contact aggregates such as fill and cover materials. For their use as media-contact aggregates, the slags must meet not only the waste quality criteria, but also the Daphnia magna acute toxicity test criteria. In this study, Korean Leaching Test ES 06150.e (Korea), Japanese Leaching Test JIS K 0058-1(Japan), Detuch Leaching Test DIN 19529 (Germany), Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (USA) were conducted for batch leaching test of slags from 6 Korean steel-making companies. In addition, Korean Standard up-flow percolation test (ES 06151.1) mimicking field conditions was conducted to assess the impact of the slag leachate on the surrounding environment indirectly. Heavy metals such as Cr<sup>6+</sup> and Zn<sup>2+</sup> were detected from both extractant and leachate samples, but all of them did not exceed waste quality criteria of each country. However, Daphnia magna acute toxicity tests using the leachate samples from up-flow percolation test with slag alone and slag/natural soil conditions exceeded ecotoxicity standard (TU=2) due to their high pH (11.3-12.5). After neutralizing the pH of the slag leachate to 6.5~8.5, the Daphnia magna mortality and immobilization were reduced to satisfy ecotoxicity standard. As the reducing pH of slag leachate would be extremely difficult, appropriate recycling management considering the physicochemical characteristics of he slags should be stuided further.

      • KCI등재

        제강슬래그의 친환경적 매체접촉형 재활용 방안: 용출시험 및 국내외 재활용 지침 비교

        김동현,황인성,신원식,Donghyun Kim,Inseong Hwang,Won Sik Shin 한국지하수토양환경학회 2024 지하수토양환경 Vol.29 No.1

        Slags from steel-making industry have been recycled at a target rate of 95% and most of them are recycled as media-contact type such as fill and cover materials in Korea. However, as they contain free phase CaO during their generation, they may not only expand and collapse upon contact with water, but high pH leachate and heavy metals leaching may occur. In this study, the Korean leaching procedure (KLP) and up-flow percolation test were performed for the samples collected from 17 steel-making production plants in Korea. The waste quality criteria were met in all tests, but pH of the samples was above 10. There are no regulations on the pH of leachate in most of the countries, however, Germany, Italy, and Australia have set a pH range of 10 to 13 for the leachates. Although slag leachate cannot be considered hazardous based only on its high pH, it is necessary to reduce the pH of leachate to minimize the impact on the surrounding environment. Furthermore, conflicting regulations on wastes handling and management in Korea created confusion on the types of wastes subject to recycling. Therefore, an appropriate management plan for steel-making slags needs to be established. To this end, this study attempted to provide a guideline for managing steel-making slag waste by considering international guidelines and current management practices in Korea.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        심벌 트랜스듀서 배열의 광대역 패턴 설계

        김동현,오창민,심하영,강순관,노용래,Kim, Donghyun,Oh, Changmin,Shim, Hayeong,Kang, Soonkwan,Roh, Yongrae 한국음향학회 2021 한국음향학회지 Vol.40 No.1

        심벌 트랜스듀서는 Class V flextensional 트랜스듀서의 소형화된 버전으로서 크기에 비해 낮은 공진 주파수와 고출력 특성을 가진다. 하지만, 높은 품질계수와 낮은 에너지 변환 효율성 때문에 단일보다는 배열형으로 많이 사용된다. 배열형으로 사용하면 구성 트랜스듀서들 간의 상호작용으로 인해 단일 트랜스듀서에 비해 주파수 특성에 많은 변화가 나타난다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 성질을 이용하여 심벌 어레이가 광대역 특성을 가지게 하는 패턴을 설계하였다. 특정 중심 주파수를 가지는 세 개의 심벌 트랜스듀서를 먼저 설계하였고, 설계된 심벌 트랜스듀서들로 3 × 3 평면 배열을 구성할 수 있는 모든 패턴을 찾았다. 그 후, 이들 패턴들의 주파수 특성을 분석하고, 그 결과를 바탕으로 높은 비대역폭을 구현하기 위해 가장 효과적인 배열 패턴을 도출하였다. 도출된 배열 패턴은 기준 모델에 비해 비대역폭이 최대 24.9 % 개선되었다.

      • KCI등재

        비시안 무전해 Au 도금의 석출거동에 미치는 하지층 무전해 Ni-P 도금 조건의 영향

        김동현,한재호,Kim, DongHyun,Han, Jaeho 한국표면공학회 2022 한국표면공학회지 Vol.55 No.5

        Gold plating is used as a coating of connector in printed circuit boards, ceramic integrated circuit packages, semiconductor devices and so on, because the film has excellent electric conductivity, solderability and chemical properties such as durability to acid and other chemicals. In most cases, internal connection between device and package and external terminals for connecting packaging and printed circuit board are electroless Ni-P plating followed by immersion Au plating (ENIG) to ensure connection reliability. The deposition behavior and film properties of electroless Au plating are affected by P content, grain size and mixed impurity components in the electroless Ni-P alloy film used as the underlayer plating. In this study, the correlation between electroless nickel plating used as a underlayer layer and cyanide-free electroless Au plating using thiomalic acid as a complexing agent and aminoethanethiol as a reducing agent was investigated.

      • KCI등재

        3D Visual Attention Model and its Application to No-reference Stereoscopic Video Quality Assessment

        김동현,손광훈,Kim, Donghyun,Sohn, Kwanghoon The Institute of Electronics and Information Engin 2014 전자공학회논문지 Vol.51 No.4

        As multimedia technologies develop, three-dimensional (3D) technologies are attracting increasing attention from researchers. In particular, video quality assessment (VQA) has become a critical issue in stereoscopic image/video processing applications. Furthermore, a human visual system (HVS) could play an important role in the measurement of stereoscopic video quality, yet existing VQA methods have done little to develop a HVS for stereoscopic video. We seek to amend this by proposing a 3D visual attention (3DVA) model which simulates the HVS for stereoscopic video by combining multiple perceptual stimuli such as depth, motion, color, intensity, and orientation contrast. We utilize this 3DVA model for pooling on significant regions of very poor video quality, and we propose no-reference (NR) stereoscopic VQA (SVQA) method. We validated the proposed SVQA method using subjective test scores from our results and those reported by others. Our approach yields high correlation with the measured mean opinion score (MOS) as well as consistent performance in asymmetric coding conditions. Additionally, the 3DVA model is used to extract information for the region-of-interest (ROI). Subjective evaluations of the extracted ROI indicate that the 3DVA-based ROI extraction outperforms the other compared extraction methods using spatial or/and temporal terms.

      • 하이브리드 자동차 시스템의 동적 거동 해석 시뮬레이터 개발

        김동현(Donghyun Kim),이상문(Sangmoon Lee),김수훈(Suhoon Kim),최우석(Woosuk Choi),김철수(Chulsoo Kim),김현수(Hyunsoo Kim) 한국자동차공학회 2005 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2005 No.11_2

        Vehicle stability control for a hybrid electric vehicle is investigated using the front motor driving/regenerative braking control and electro-hydraulic brake(EHB) control. Performance of the vehicle stability control algorithm is evaluated using ADAMS and MATLAB Simulink co-simulation. The co-simulation program consists of 3 parts (1)ADAMS vehicle model, (2)MATLAB Simulink powertrain model and (3)Interface model. It is found from the simulation results that the direct yaw moment generated by the front motor control is able to provide the, improved stability compared with the vehicle performance without any control.

      • KCI등재

        가변 입구 안내익이 있는 축류압축기의 성능예측 방법에 관한 연구

        김동현(Donghyun Kim),김상조(Sangjo Kim),김귀순(Kuisoon Kim),손창민(Changmin Son),김유일(You-il Kim),민성기(Seongki Min) 한국추진공학회 2012 한국추진공학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        In this study, numerical method, stage stacking method based on the result of numerical method and scaled stage stacking method have been applied to predict the performance of a multi-stage axial compressor with inlet guide vane. The results obtained through three different methods for off-design conditions were compared with performance test data. And the effect the angle of variable inlet guide vane was also investigated. The three-dimensional numerical simulation has been performed by using flow analysis program, FLUENT™ 6.3 and the performance prediction based on the stage stacking method has been performed with compressor analysis code from NASA.

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