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        대학 부설 평생교육기관 프로그램의 운영실태에 관한 사회학적 분석

        김동위 한국교육사회학회 2003 교육사회학연구 Vol.13 No.1

        Some Suggestions Drived from the Survey on the Life-long Education Institutions Annexed to the Universities >본 연구는 대학부설 평생교육기관의 프로그램의 실천적인 전략에 도움을 주고자 하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위해서 먼저 평생교육 프로그램 제작과 관련된 이론적 전제들을 검토하고, 이에 기초하여 서울 시내 45개 대학 부설 평생교육기관을 대상으로 프로그램 기획과 실천에 관한 내용을 조사하였다. 연구결과에 의하면, 일부 대학부설 평생교육기관을 제외하고는 대부분의 대학부설 평생교육기관이 일반사회의 평생교육기관과 차별화 된 프로그램이 별로 없으며 또 대학 간에도 거의 유사하게 프로그램을 운영하고 있어 각 대학의 특색을 살리지 못하고 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 이에 따라 대학 부설 평생교육기관은 대학의 사회 봉사적 성격을 분명히 하고, 단기적인 수요자의 요구에 부응하기보다는 중기 또는 장기적인 목표에 부합되는 프로그램에 주력함으로써 시중의 영리적인 기관과 차별화를 도모하면서, 한편으로는, 대학마다의 특성을 살려나가는 길이 성패의 관건이 될 것으로 보인다.

      • 평생학습의 사회학적 고려 : 새로운 시대를 대비하는 교육의 방향 The ways of solution for educational problems in Korea

        김동위 상명대학교 교육문제연구소 1997 敎育硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        In this study, it is the main purpose to show the practical strategies for the implementation of solutions with the ideology of unification of North and South Korea. The study consist of four sections : section for (1) establishment of new educational ideology ; (2) consolidation of basic education ; (3) expansion of general education ; (4) diversification of higher education and construction of life-long education. In the first section. it is asserted that Korea education necessitates a new ideology to cope with the unification of North and South Korea which will happen in the future. The new educational ideology should be built in the basic concepts of liberty, democracy, and peace. These three concepts should not be limited into the political ideology but expand to the general ideology of human beings and nation. In the second section, existing educational problems led by dehumanized education are discussed and basic educational principles for developing logical thinking and humanity of students are suggested. It is also emphasized that textbook oriented education needs to be reexamined and community involved curriculum are important to develop the humanity of students. In the third section the problems of dual educational system at the secondary level are discussed. In this study dual system refers to the division of curriculum between liberal art high school and vocational high school level is suggested. In the fourth section, social and personal needs of expansion of university education are analyzed. On the basis of these analysis, it was suggested that university education should be diversified to absord the growing population who want to have a university education. Practical strategies to deversify the University education are also provided. By doing this, it is hoped that university would be a center of life-long education.

      • 한국 교사지위에의 사회계층적 접근 : 지위 불일치 및 직업적 반응을 중심으로 Focus on the Relations between Status Inconsistency and Role Conflict

        김동위 상명대학교 교육문제연구소 1986 敎育硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        This study is targeted at teachers and attempted to explain the relation between status inconsistency and role conflict of teacher. It also had the concomitant purpose of evaluating the theories of status inconsistency. As an analytical method, it tried to identify a discrepancy in role conflict between a group of status consistency and that of status inconsistency. Sampled for this study were teachers, principals and assistant principals of primary and secondany schools representing large, middle and small cities and counties. Multiple Regression Analysis was used in the analysis of dada. The findings of this study are outlined as follows: 1) There is no effect of status inconsistency to the role conflict of teacher. 2) No differences is noticed in role conflict between subjective inconsistency and objective inconsitency group. 3) Role conflict is felt stronger in the ascribed group in status inconsistency than the achieved group in status inconsistency. Concomitant result of this study led to the following suggestion. The combination patterns of status variables and career background occupation variables largely divide in to status consistency orstatus inconsistency.

      • 1983학년도 「신입생의 특성 및 의식구조에 관한 조사 연구」

        김동위 상명대학교 학생생활연구소 1984 학생생활연구 Vol.- No.4

        Ⅰ. PURPOSE It is obvious that effective and systematic planning and activities in Education should be based upon the precise data on the students. Education is a series of activities, on the one hand, to promote intellectual development and, on the other hand to encourage the cultivation of character and formation of their morality. From this view, the importance and meaning of collecting data-based information on the students are significantly acknowledged. Acquiring knowledge not only on the method and content of education but also on the student, the object of education would be the meaning of education itself. This survey study will provide appropriate information as a reference. The main purpose of this study is to find out the backgrounds they have and to predict the mode of their behavior with the research results surveyed. Ⅱ. METHODS AND CONTENTS The freshmen of Sang Myung Women's Colleged in 1983 were elected for the sample of this study and the data was collected from them. In detail, school of education; 414 cases, school of natural science; 168 cases. Humanitis and social science; 170 cases, and school of Music, Art and physical education; 108 case.(The cases totaled 860.) The Analysis of data was classified by the departments and employed method was percentage method. Ⅲ. RESULTS The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows. 1. General Character of Freshman As a general characteristic of freshmen, age, seat of High School they graduated from and types of residents and religions was surveyed. The everage age of students was 19. In regarding to the location of high school, the greater part of them are from the schools seated in Seoul, Kyung ki province and Inchon. Relying on th seat of school they graduate from, they take up their residence at their homes. The religion of students showed Christian, Buddist and Catholics respectively. 2. Family Relationship On the matter of family relationship, the number of family, whether their parents are alive or not, the degree of education of their parents, kind of jobs of their protector were questioned. The number of family are mostly over 5, the majority of their parents are alive. The half of their father received college degree and the education degree of mother was almost middle or high school graduation. The kinds of fathers' job were revealed self-managing enterprise, white-collar workers and government employees respectively. 3. Economic Background On the economic background, the living standard of their family, supplyment of their educational expences and everage spending money for one month was analyzed. As a result, the standard living condition was middle-level. The way of raising schooling expenses is dependent on their parents. The everage spending money was from 20,000 to 40,000 won per month. 4. On the Major of College. In order to survey of major in their college, the choice motivation of their college or department, and influencing person on their choice, degree of satisfaction on the department choice and the reason of disatisfaction was asked. The choice of department war generally decided by the students themselves. The degree of disatisfaction on their department was meaningfully high. This was caused by the lectures of professors, attachment to the first college/University they applied. 5. Campus Life The opnions on the campus life of freshmen are asked by the following items. On circle, the problems and worthwhile things of campus life and purpose of going to college, more than half of freshmen joined circles and most of them are positively responsed on its educational value. Their problems are mainly related to the studies and career. On the question of the purpose of going to collge education, they regared it as a means of getting professional job. A lots of students also agreed to be a well-cultivated person as one of its purpose. 6. Views of Man and Life On this subject, the nature of man, the relationship between man and nature, the priority in human life, and the value of labor were questioned. On the nature of human being, few of them have views man is bad by nature. Man are to be in a good harmony with the nature. The outlook on time of human life was highly oriented to the present. Those who think to have leisure time as much as work were dominant. 7. View on Society and Religion In order to understand what view do they hold about the society and religions, student's concerning with the government affairs, its necessity, important issues of society, necessity of religion and its reason were analyzed. The necessity of students' concerning with the government affairs were mostly acknowledged. While, most of students view the religion is necessary and recognize it in present life. 8. Views of other sex and Marrige Their meaning of dates are not in the marrige or love relationship but on the friendship. 9. Views of Job and Career The teaching profession was regarded as the most desirable job by the freshmen. In the standard of choicing their job, whether it is suitable to their aptitude. and potential ability and stability of the job was pointed out. -Conclusion- Relyed upon this data-based information, the overall policy of college education and the student guidance are to be explored.

      • 미래사회를 위한 가치관 교육

        김동위 상명대학교 교육문제연구소 1991 敎育硏究 Vol.11 No.-

        The main aim of this paper which divided into five sections is to explore the problems involved in formulating a value system appropriate and relevant to Korean society and to Korean homes. In addition, there are guidelines included for the education of youth so that they can effectively meet the challenges in future society. In the first section, the paper describes that an awareness of the internationalization process and its impact on each an every members of society in the future. As part of the global village, Korean society and the coming generations have to be educated in and appropriate system of values that will enable young people to lead fufilled and satisfying lives which will, in turn, benefit the entire society. To date, the emphasis on science and technology, in the pursuit of rapid economic development, has been detrimental to research and thinking in the humanities. For it is within this field, that the fundamental questioning of societal norms and values takes place. So in the present situation, rapid technological change has altered time-honoured vales system to such an extent, that today's youth urgently need a rationale that provides guidance on fundamental problems such as the present-day conflict between equality for all and freedom for the individual. The problems of society at large are further delineated in the second section. This paper points to the conflict between youth and the older generations. With the rapid improvement of living standards and relative prosperity, there have led young people to critically examine the values of contemporary society. They have become deeply concerned about questions of human rights democrtization, and equality. And so This paper relates these question to the impact of the internationalization of society and tries to predict how this will affect coming generations. Thirdly, there is a discussion of how people formulate their value system in society and the their homes. How the process of socialization takes place; the improtance of peer and reference groups. There is followed by an outline of specific problems evident in Korean society and homes. There is a lack of awareness in society at large about the problems faced by today's youth and a failure to analyse their needs. Take, for example, the materialism and irresponsible commercial activity of modern society evident in the ready avaliability of Games' Rooms, where young people can waste time and money anytime they please. Can they be balames when there is a severe lack of carefully designed leisuretime activities which caters to their needs? And the media presents the problems that must be dealt with. The content of most television programs is simplistic, commercial and emotional. There is little educational content to be found in the programs of today. Besides these concerns, other fundamental changed have taken place. There has been the adjustment made to values as families have changed from being extended to nuclear. This, it is claimed, has led to the individual developing self-directed values often at the expense of other family members. The divorce rate has risen and where women in traditional society remained at home they now infrequently work. This income-earing capacity has been steadily transforming the focus of authority within the family. So the fourth section itemizes the problems faced in today's society and how young people have to struggle not only with these changes but the pressures associated with a modern knowledge-oriented society; an open society where everyone strives for upward society mobility and every parent wants to see their child become successful. And so it is judged to the essential to educate the youth in a value system that will equip them to cope with the problems and tensions that presently confront them. In the fifth and concluding section, the paper maintains that it is possible to educate young people to formulate and appropriate value system to meet their needs if individual families and society cooperate with each others. This value system should take account of the following guidelines. The need to consider morality, the autonomy of the individual, the empowering of self-positive and constructive self-confidence and equality, together with training in rational thought. With these ideas in mind, it is claimed that it should be possible for the youth of today to overcome the tension between expectations of upward social mobility and the reality that everybody's expectations cannot be satisfied. If the youth can be educated in a value system that will help them overcome the present crisis in their own and society's values than the future will hold much promise and fulfillment for the generations to come.

      • 상명여대 학생들의 도서실태 연구 : In the Sang Myung Women's University

        김동위,윤태수 상명대학교 학생생활연구소 1989 학생생활연구 Vol.- No.7

        The aim of this paper is to examine and analyze the Sang Myung Women's University students' reading state and suggest the effective ways of reading direction, library facilities and utilizing data. This is also planned to provide reference data for improvement of reading environment and other guidance of reading method for students. The research method is questionnaire survey and the object of this survey is 400 students who selected from 4 colleges with no restriction. And the questionnaire survey was consist of total 38 items which surveyed and analized reading motive, purpose, quantity, environment, habit, territory and all of matters with utilizing library. As a result, it was pointed out that reading trends to give too much importance to literature especially well known bestseller or some modern poems and essays, also, the survey pointed lacking of reading quantity and time immaturity to utilize academic data, necessity on improving reading circumstance are main issue. Thus, those students need to consider own reading state and library needs to check the reading environment with this paper. Also this paper will suggest good guidance both those students and the library for best reading plan.

      • 成人敎育 프로그램 개발에 관한 硏究

        김동위 상명대학교 교육문제연구소 1996 敎育硏究 Vol.14 No.-

        In view of the rapid pace of scientific, technical, economic and Social change, the access of Adults to education is a fundamental aspect of the right to education and facilitates the exercise of the right to participate in political, cultural, artistic and scientific life. This study has attempted to present effective procedures for the development of Adult education programmes. This study has formed up the historical, philosophical, psychological and sociological considerations for the devdopment of Adult education programmes. It has also reviewed some institutions, organizations and some programme areas. Based upon this work, it analyzed the major procedures in implementing of Adult education programmes. There is considerable variation between individuals in their appraoch, performance and commitment for the Adult education programmes for the planning and implementing of Adult education programmes, the major procedure is : 1) to identify and anticipate educational needs capable of being satisfied through Adult education programmes, motivation is the process which leads the individual to attempt to satisfy some needs. 2) to establish the relevant aims and objectives that program planners intend to reach by the end of the programmes. Bloom's Taxanomy of educational objectives can offer planners a classificatory system which was intended to help them to identify educational goals in the form of observable individual behavior. 3) to make full use of existing educational facilities and create such facilities as may be lacking to meet all defined objectives. 4) to ensure that the various specialists, include all those aspects of skill, knowledge, understanding and personal attitude which are relenant to the various functions undertaken. 5) to evaluate the extent to which his overall objectives have been achieved both by the individual learners and by the groups as a whole. The above findings in this study which covered with theoretical considerations, practical procedures would influence the development and its final implementation of the educational practice. In addition, I hope, an effort has made to set the starting point of adult education programmes in a rapidly changing society by providing information and knowledge that people need in order to cope with changing conditions.

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