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        나라꽃 무궁화 품종중 가로수용, 분화용 및지피용으로 조경적 활용도가 높은 품종 선정

        강호철 ( Ho Chul Kang ),김동엽 ( Dong Yeob Kim ),하유미 ( Yoo Mi Ha ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2016 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        본 연구는 조경수용 무궁화 우수품종 보급을 위한 유전자원 수집과 특성을 평가하기 위해 최근 국내외에서 육성된 127품종의 1년생접목묘를 이용하여 2014년부터 2015년까지 2년 동안 생육 및 형태적 특성조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 품종 중 키가 큰 가로수 및 독립수용품종, 왜성형 분화 및 지피용 품종 등을 선정하여 무궁화를 조경수로 활용도를 높이는데 기여하고자 하였으며 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 나라꽃 무궁화 품종들의 생육특성을 조사하기 위해 먼저 접목 1년생 수고를 조사한 결과 20~120cm까지다양하게 나타났다. 무궁화 ``주몽``과 ``홍가로수``, 종간교잡종 Hibiscus hybrid ``Daewangchun``, ``Daeil``, ``Lohengrin``, ``Jina``, ``Yeonam`` 등이 키가 100cm 이상으로 가장 큰 품종으로 조사되었다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 무궁화 127품종 중 조경적 활용가치가 높은 교목성 가로수로이용할 수 있는 품종은 무궁화 ``주몽``과 ``홍가로수``, 종간교잡종 Hibiscus hybrid ``Daewangchun``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Daeil``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Lohengrin``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Jina``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Yeonam`` 등이 있었다. 분화 및 분재용으로 이용할 수 있는 왜성형 품종으로는 ``Red Heart``, ``백령도``, 종간교잡종 ``진선``, ``꼬마``, ``여천``, ``야음`` 등이 있었으며, 키가 30cm 미만의 아주 작은 품종으로는 ``안동``, ``청조``, ``Lil Kim`` 등이 포함되었다. 수고가 작은 왜성형으로 가지의 생장이 아래로 향하는 ``탐라``, ``Melrose``, ``비단``, ``하이리``, ``별이``, ``병화``, ``미백``, ``한양``, ``청암``, ``Lil Kim Violet``, ``종무``, ``은하수``, 종간교잡종 Hibiscus hybrid ``Saehanseo``와 Hibiscus hybrid ``Yousoon``은 화단 및 지피용소재로 이용가치가 높았다. This study was carried out to characterize 127 recently developed cultivars of Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus spp.) in Korea and foreign Countries for landscape uses. The examined factors were growth characteristics such as tree height of a 1-year grafted plant(cm), plant type, growth habit, leaf characteristics such as shape and size, flower characteristics such as color, shape, size, and red eye during 2014 and 2015 for landscape uses. The results are obtained as follows; Hibiscus hybrid ``Daewangchun``, ``Daeil``, ``Lohengrin``, ``Yeonam``, ``Joomong``, ``Jina``, and H. syriacus ``Honggarosu`` had vigorous shoot growth and tall tree size of 100cm. New Hibiscus cultivars, Hibiscus hybrid ``Daewangchun`` and ``Daeil``, having vigorous growth, uniform plant habit, upright, and compact branches were developed through interspecific crosses between H. syriacus ``Samchully`` (♀) and H. sinosyriacus ``Seobong`` (♂). This newly developed cultivar ``Daewangchun``, ``Daeil``, ``Lohengrin``, ``Yeonam``, ``Joomong``, ``Jina``, and H. syriacus ``Honggarosu`` having tall vigorous growth d unique flower with long red eye can be used as street tree or specimen plant in landscape. Otherwise, H. syriacus ``Tamla``, ``Melrose``, ``Bidan``, ``Hi Lea``, ``Byeollee``, ``Byunghwa``, ``Mibak``, ``Hanyang``, ``Chungam``, ``Lil Kim Violet``, ``Jongmoo``, ``Eunhasu``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Saehanseo``, and Hibiscus hybrid ``Yousoon`` were selected as small tree of 30~39cm. They had dwarf form in tree seemed to be suitable for pot or flower bed planting on both indoor and outdoor conditions. H. syriacus ``Antong``, ``Chungjo``, and ``Lil Kim`` were less than 30 cm of tree size. H. syriacus ``Antong``, ``Chungjo``, and ``Lil Kim``, characterized by its compact, upright and outwardly spreading plant habit; freely branching habit; dark green-colored leaves; good garden performance. Therefore, the new cultivars with tall and small tree size were a promising cultivar as a ground covers or pot planting as woody landscape plant.

      • KCI등재

        고각 환형 암시야 주사투과전자현미경기법과 투과전자현미경기법을 이용한 상용 청색 발광다이오드의 종합적인 구조분석

        김동엽,홍순구,정태훈,이상헌,백종협,Kim, Dong-Yeob,Hong, Soon-Ku,Chung, Tae-Hoon,Lee, Sang Hern,Baek, Jong Hyeob 한국재료학회 2015 한국재료학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        This study suggested comprehensive structural characterization methods for the commercial blue light emitting diodes(LEDs). By using the Z-contrast intensity profile of Cs-corrected high-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscope(HAADF-STEM) images from a commercial lateral GaN-based blue light emitting diode, we obtained important structural information on the epilayer structure of the LED, which would have been difficult to obtain by conventional analysis. This method was simple but very powerful to obtain structural and chemical information on epi-structures in a nanometer-scale resolution. One of the examples was that we could determine whether the barrier in the multi-quantum well(MQW) was GaN or InGaN. Plan-view TEM observations were performed from the commercial blue LED to characterize the threading dislocations(TDs) and the related V-pit defects. Each TD observed in the region with the total LED epilayer structure including the MQW showed V-pit defects for almost of TDs independent of the TD types: edge-, screw-, mixed TDs. The total TD density from the region with the total LED epilayer structure including the MQW was about $3.6{\times}10^8cm^{-2}$ with a relative ratio of Edge- : Screw- :Mixed-TD portion as 80%: 7%: 13%. However, in the mesa-etched region without the MQW total TD density was about $2.5{\times}10^8cm^{-2}$ with a relative ratio of Edge- : Screw- :Mixed-TD portion of 86%: 5%: 9 %. The higher TD density in the total LED epilayer structure implied new generation of TDs mostly from the MQW region.

      • KCI등재

        서울지역 도시림 토양의 산성화와 완충능력 변화

        김동엽,황인찬 ( Dong Yeob Kim,In Chan Hwang ) 한국산림과학회 1998 한국산림과학회지 Vol.87 No.2

        Soil pH change is an important factor which determines soil chemical properties. It is an indicator of the effect of urban environmental pollution on soils and plant growth. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of air pollution on the soil of Seoul urban forests during the course of the air pollution being dipersed toward suburb area. Study sites were divided into four sections of concentric circles with 5㎞ interval. Soil samples were collected from A and B horizons in the urban forests, and analyzed for soil pH, soil buffer capacity, cation exchange capacity, and base saturation. Soil pH ranged from 3.96 to 5.08 for A horizon and from 4.10 to 5.25 for B horizon, which were not significantly different among the sections. However, there was a trend of soil pH lowered at the sections close to the urban center. Soil buffer capacity was lower at 0-5㎞ and 5-10㎞ sections compared to that at the outer sections. Cation exchange capacity and base saturation were not different significantly among the sections. Following the pattern of air pollutants being dispersed from urban center to suburb, soil acidification was observed at the urban forests in Seoul area. Low level of soil buffer capacity toward the urban center was an indicator of soil acidification at the urban forests.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        필리핀 방사모로 이슬람 정당의 장래: 라나오 델 수르의 옴피아당이 남긴 교훈을 중심으로

        김동엽 ( Dong Yeob Kim ) 한국동남아학회 2014 동남아시아연구 Vol.24 No.4

        This study assessed the future of the newly emerging Bangsamoro Islam political party as an outcome of the Comprehensive Agreement on Bangsamoro (CAB) signed by the Philippine Government and Moro Islamic Liberation Front. The CAB will create a semi-independent Bangsamoro government under the principle of one-state-two-systems. The Bangsamoro government will be the parliamentary system where the role of political parties becomes particularly important. Upon the backdrop of the political change, this article tried to draw a lesson from the experience of the Ompia party, which was established earlier to reform the corrupt traditional local politics in Lanao Del Sur. Upon studying, it was observed that the Ompia party failed to reform the local politics. Instead it simply followed the step of the traditional local politics by relying on the personality rather than ideology and seeking the patronage of the central politicians rather than the grass-root support. The Ulama, the leading group of the Ompia party, failed to exhibit its political capacity to deal with the secular conflict of interests. It was mainly due to the centralized political system of the Philippines, the exclusiveness of party membership structure, and the socioeconomic condition of the constituencies. Despite the failure of the Ompia party, it is undeniable that the Ulama is the only democratic alternative to the corrupted traditional local politics in the newly emerging Bangasamoro politics. The CAB would provide a different political environment that the Ompia party should have adjusted. Based on the lesson from the case of Ompia party, the newly emerging Bangsamoro Islam political party should capitalize this opportunity to establish the mass based democratic party structure, and to promote the socioeconomic development of the constituencies.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        15-16세기 동남아 해상무역의 특성과 변화: 포르투갈의 진출과 영향을 중심으로

        김동엽 ( Dong Yeob Kim ) 한국동남아학회 2011 동남아시아연구 Vol.21 No.2

        Southeast Asia developed maritime trade from the early period due to the suitable physical and cultural conditions. The land consists of peninsular and archipelago, and located at the junction of the two monsoons in South China Sea and India Ocean. The people inherit cultural openness to receive outer influences positively. When Portuguese came to Southeast Asia in 16th century, the region had already enjoyed certain level of commercial development and sociocultural dynamics through the long time experience of interactions with outer world. The Portuguese contact to Southeast Asia was more of participation and assimilation than of conquest and rule experienced in South America. It was due to the higher level of spiritual and material civilization existed in Southeast Asia. Portuguese brought several new elements into Southeast Asia such as colonization and new weapons, Cartaz system and commercial monopoly, and Catholic mission and Casado policy. These new elements, however, did not impact much on the existing Maritime trade that played an important role to change the sociocultural structure of Southeast Asia. Even though Portuguese contact itself did not make significant differences in Southeast Asia, it was meaningful in a sense that it opened a path and left a model case for the more powerful Europeans who came soon after her.

      • KCI등재

        근대초기 동남아 경제 진화에 미친 네덜란드 동인도회사의 영향

        김동엽 ( Dong Yeob Kim ) 서강대학교 동아연구소 2012 東亞 硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        This article is to shed light on the impact of the Dutch East India Company(VOC) on the evolution of the Southeast Asian economy in the early modern era. It specifically focused on the state and merchant capitalists that played an important role in the capitalist development of the time. The VOC was said to be the most advanced capitalist institution of the time. It was not only a corporate entity but also a de facto state in Asia. With its military power the VOC disarmed the role of Southeast Asian states in trade by deteriorating them into either a dependent peripheral state or a non-commercial absolute state. The VOC also limited the commercial role of the indigenous merchants. Instead, the VOC heavily relied on the Chinese to supplement its needs and to connect the local people with the Dutch. The Chinese emerged as the major merchant capitalists and the wealthy middle class in Southeast Asia ever since. The opportunity to build a constructive relationship between the state and indigenous merchant class in Southeast Asia was wasted under such circumstance. And it caused to push further the Southeast Asian economy to the periphery of the world economic system afterwards.

      • KCI등재

        필리핀 사회 속의 무슬림 소수민족: 필리피노와 모로의 평화적 공존을 향하여

        김동엽 ( Dong Yeob Kim ) 서강대학교 동아연구소 2015 東亞 硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        소수민족 분쟁, 특히 종교적 신념과 연관된 분쟁은 타협의 접점을 찾기가 쉽지 않다. 일반적으로 소수민족 분쟁은 해당 지역을 외부와 단절시켜 경제사회적 발전을 저해함은 물론 치안공백으로 인해 각종 범죄의 온상이 되기도 한다. 이러한 상황은 다수 국민들로 하여금 해당 소수민족에 대한 부정적인 인식을 가지게 만들고, 이를 통해 정치적 이득을 취하는 일부 세력들에 의해 지속되고 구조화된다. 이러한 소수민족 분쟁에 관한 기존의 이론들은 분쟁의 가장 큰 피해자인 지역주민들의 생존권을 문제의 중심에 놓지 않음으로써 분쟁해결에 대한 적절한 해결책을 제시하지 못했다. 본 논문에서는 기존의 이론들을 보완하여 평화적 분쟁해결을 위한 세 가지 요건, 즉 중립적 외부 중재세력의 존재, 국민적 합의에 기초한 강력한 정치리더십, 미래 지향적 개혁 프로그램을 제시하였다. 이상의 세 가지 요건을 중심으로 필리핀 무슬림 분쟁의 평화적 해결 노력을 비교적 관점에서 살펴본 결과 현 아키노 정부에서 추진되고 있는 방사모로 기본협정은 과거의 협정들에 비해 긍정적인 평가를 내릴 수 있다. 그러나 국민적 합의에 기초한 정치적 지도력 측면에서 다소 약한 면을 보임으로써 40여년 간 지속된 모로분쟁을 종결시킬 수 있을지는 장담할 수 없는 상황이다. It is difficult to find a compromise in an ethnic minority conflict, especially those involving in religious question. In general, ethnic minority conflict isolates the affected area, which caused to hamper social and economic development and to nest various criminal elements such as drug and trafficking. Such situation creates a negative image of the very ethnic minority among the majority populace, and continues by the people who takes advantage of the unstable situation. The existing theories on ethnic minority conflict did not place the human right issue of the ordinary people in the conflict zone so that the theories could not provide a genuine solution for the conflict. Complementing the existing theories, this paper presents three variables to accomplish the peaceful solution for ethnic minority conflict - existence of neutral third party mediators, strong political leadership based on the popular consensus, and the future oriented reform programs. As a result of examining the past and present efforts to solve the Philippine Muslim minority conflict, the present Aquino government`s ‘Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro’ have more positive aspects in a comparative perspective. However, due to the weakness in the political leadership which bringing up the popular consensus on the issue, the present peace agreement with the MILF could not assure the desired solution to the four decade long conflict.

      • KCI등재

        필리핀 무슬림 분리주의 운동의 발생과 전개: 이슬람 부흥운동의 맥락에서

        김동엽 ( Dong Yeob Kim ) 서강대학교 동아연구소 2013 東亞 硏究 Vol.32 No.2

        본 논문에서는 이슬람 부흥운동이 필리핀 무슬림 공동체에 어떠한 측면에서 영향을 미쳤으며, 특히 이들의 분리주의 운동의 발생과 전개에 어떻게 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보았다. 필리핀 무슬림 분리주의 운동은 독립 후 중앙정부가 추진한 근대화 과정에서 발생한 소외감과 상대적 박탈감에 기인한다고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 분리주의 운동을 가능하게 했던 원동력은 당시 세계적으로 확산되고 있던 이슬람 부흥운동에서 찾을 수 있다. 선교와 교육활동으로 전개된 이슬람 부흥운동은 무엇보다도 그동안 지역과 종족 단위로 분열되어 있던 필리핀 무슬림들에게 통일된 민족 정체성, 즉 모로 민족주의를 탄생시켰다. 이를 기반으로 전개하고 있는 분리·독립 운동은 이슬람 원리에 입각한 이슬람 국가의 수립을 목표로 하고 있으며, 이를 수용하지 못하는 중앙정부와 지속적으로 갈등을 빚고 있다. 수많은 협상과 타협이 이루어졌음에도 불구하고 50여 년이 지난 오늘날까지 분쟁이 지속되는 이유는 필리핀 정부의 미약한 분쟁해결 능력과 무슬림 세력 내부의 지속적인 분열, 그리고 외부세력의 미온적이고 근시안적인 중재 행태에 있다고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 세 요소에 특별한 변화가 없는 한 필리핀 무슬림 분리주의 운동의 미래는 여전히 진행형일 수밖에 없을 것이다. This article tries to figure out the influence of the wide spread Islamic resurgence movement on the Philippine muslim community, and more specifically on the effects given to the development of the separatist movement in the Philippine Mindanao. The muslim separatist movement in the Philippines is an outcome of the communal sense of marginalization and deprivation resulting from the modernization process led by the central government ever since the independence. However, the more fundamental energy, which made possible to outbreak the separatist movement, could be found in the Islamic resurgence movement that slipped into the Philippines during the earlier days. The Islamic resurgence movements in the Philippine Mindanao was characterized by the missionary works and education activities, and these activities created an unified Islamic national identity, so-called Moro nationalism, among the traditionally divided Philippine muslim community. Based on the unified identity Philippine muslims strive to establish an independent Islamic state, and ceaselessly engage in conflicts with the central government. Despite the continuous negotiations and compromises during the past 50 years, the conflict has not come to an end until today. The reason could be found in the weak central government power to handle communal conflicts, the continuous breakup of the muslim power block, and the half-hearted and short-sighted arbitration of the third party. Unless the three factors remain constant, the conflict of identity in the Philippine Mindanao would be continued.

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