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      • KCI등재

        전투사례로 본 군사보안의 중요성 연구 - 6.25 전쟁 초기, 개성일대 전투를 중심으로-

        김규남,이현희,Kim, Gyu-Nam,Lee, Hyun-Hee 한국융합보안학회 2016 융합보안 논문지 Vol.16 No.6

        "역사는 거울"이라는 말은 반복되는 역사적 사실을 통해 우리는 적을 대비해야 한다는 뜻이다. 현재 우리는 북한의 핵과 미사일을 포함하는 각종 도발에 직면해 있다. 우리가 북한을 주적으로 설정하고 국민의 생명과 재산을 보전하기 위해서는 우리 군은 적의 위협에 항상 철저히 준비되어야 한다. 6.25 전쟁 전투사례를 보면 준비된 적과 무방비 상태의 국군 간에 벌어진 전쟁으로 요약할 수 있다. 북한군은 해방 이후 치밀한 계획 하에 중공군을 편입시키고 소련군 군사고문단 지원 하에 전투 장비를 배치하여 군단 급 훈련까지 마친 상태에 비해, 당시 국군은 대대급 훈련도 마무리 못한 상태였다. 전 평시 군사보안을 위해 나의 정보는 숨기고 적은 찾아서 대비해야 한다. 북한군은 전쟁을 준비하면서 치밀하게 국군의 편성과 배치, 그리고 운용사항에 대한 정보를 수집했으나 국군은 이에 대비하지 못해 초전에 고전을 면치 못했다. 이에 본고에서는 6.25 전쟁 초기, 개성일대 전투사례를 중심으로 군사보안의 교훈과 그 중요성을 제시하고자 한다. "History is a mirror" means that we should be prepared for the threats of enemies through learning from repeating history. Currently South Korea is facing various provocations, including North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile s. For the protection of the life and property of its people, South Korea should regard North Korea as a main enemy and be fully prepared for the threats. The Korean War was a war between well-prepared North Korea and ill-prepa red South Korea. After Liberation, North Korean army incorporated the Chinese Communist army, placed battle equi pment with the support of the Soviet army, and finished corps-level training while South Korea at that time did not finish battalion-level training. In wartime and peacetime, an army should improve military security by concealing its own information and find its enemy's information. North Korea carefully prepared for the war, collecting information about the organization, deployment and operation of the South Korean army. South Korean army failed to cope with it and had hard times in its early battles. In this paper, I will emphasize the importance of military security, focusing on the Battle of Gaeseong, the early part of the Korean War.

      • KCI등재후보

        보호병동 입원 중인 정신증적 장애 환자들을 대상으로 한 명상 프로그램의 적용

        김규남(Kim, Gyu-Nam),이상일(Lee, Sangil),김정모(Kim, Jeung-Mo) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 인문학논총 Vol.43 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 마음챙김 기반 명상 프로그램이 보호병동에 입원 중인 정신증적 장애 환자들에게 적용될 때 고려되어야 할 점들에 대해 탐색하고, 그 효과를 확인하는 것이다. 예비연구에서는 보호병동에 입원 중인 정신증적 장애 환자들을 대상으로 8주간 명상 프로그램을 실시하여 환자 및 병동 담당의 및 간호사들로부터 프로그램에 대한 피드백을 받았다. 그 결과, 참가 환자들의 전반적인 기능 상태의 차이로 인한 의사소통의 문제, 예상하지 못한 퇴원으로 인한 중도 탈락, 과제에 대한 부담감 및 지루함 등이 보고되었다. 보고된 문제점들을 본 연구(main study) 프로그램에 수정 보완하여 적용하였다. 본 연구에서는 예비연구에서 보고된 문제점들을 수정한 명상 훈련을 실시하였으며, 실험집단은 명상 훈련을 받았으며 통제집단은 병동 내 일반적인 프로그램에 참여하였다. 예비연구에 참여한 참가자들은 본 연구에 참여하지 않았다. 그 결과, 실험집단은 통제집단에 비해 간이정신진단검사의 강박증척도에서 유의한 저하를 나타내었으며, 불안 척도에서 유의수준에 근접한 경향성을 나타냈다. 본 연구의 결과들은 명상 훈련 프로그램이 정신증적 장애 환자들에게 치료 효과가 있다는 점과 보호병동이라는 특수한 치료환경에 적용되기 위해서 다양한 측면들이 고려되어야 함을 시사한다. The goal of this study was to explore the applicability and consideration of Mindfulness-based meditation program for psychotic disorder patient in closed ward, and examined the effect of Mindfulness intervention. In the preliminary study, we conducted the Mindfulness program for psychotic disorder patient in closed ward, after the program, we received the feedback from patients, ward nurses and doctor. As results, several problems have been reported such as communication difficulty due to the difference of clinical function between participants, dropout for discharge, some pressure to individual task and boredom for meditation training. We modified the meditation program in accordance with the reported problems, and this program were applied to main study. These showed that the training group had a significant reduction of obsessive index and a trend toward significance of anxiety index compared to the control group. These results suggest that Mindfulness-based meditation intervention can be used to help psychotic disorder, and problem and improvement for the effective application in the closed ward.

      • KCI등재

        개인기록을 통한 국어생활사 연구

        김규남(Kim Gyu nam) 한국언어문학회 2015 한국언어문학 Vol.93 No.-

        This paper tries to establish a mechanic process of interaction between an appearance and lexical diffusion of an innovated form [čʰ] and the identity as well as the attitude of the diary recorder. This paper discusses a process of variation and change on an innovated form [čʰ] in last position of un-inflectional words in a longitude personal record data based on a point of view in Korean Language Life History. Korean Language Life History is regarded as a part of Micro-History and Life-History which were developed in Europe and America. This study's aim is to describe concrete content about aspects in a person's life based on a particular period and region. So this paper tries to explain a mechanic process about concrete facts in usage of language. The writer of Chang-phyeong diary is a typical person who made his fortune by his own efforts in modernization era of Korea. He had a self-respected character but his intelligent image in his village did not match that. The appearance of innovated form [čʰ] is a kind of sign of trying to overcome the burden of the gap between social achievement and intelligent state. This study presents a concrete process of language variation and change based on point of view in Korean Language Life History.

      • KCI등재

        농촌 남성의 개인기록에 나타난 국가 주도 이데올로기와 사회적 금기

        김규남(Kim Gyu nam) 한국사회언어학회 2016 사회언어학 Vol.24 No.1

        The aim of this paper is to analysis nation lead ideology and social taboo in the modernization era based on the language life history memoirs and diary of an old man in a rural area of Korea. Modern society in korea was built up through the colonial period, separated government of south-north Korea and the Korean war, Saemauel Undong. ≪Weolphayugo≫ and ≪Changphyeong diary≫ are a village dimension report on these periods. Even though the writer is an average person who adapted to the process of making a nation in each period successfully, he caused conflict with his family and neighbors constantly. His conflicts were caused by his attitude about the ideology of making a nation. It is modernity that influenced his conscience. It's affect on his conscience caused conflict with his family. He was the centre of power in the village in every period and is a typical self-made person. But his life was not happy and he became thought of as a troublesome person. In fact he was a victim of making a nation by each government in Korea. His success made him proud of by himself but it was a trap that made him a troublesome person in his family and village. Every society with conflict of a cross-cultural period and every nation should reflect upon his national consciousness and taboo seriously. This paper is beneficial for us because we can think back on ourselves in inter-cultural society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        북한의 핵 및 미사일 개발과 우리의 대응방안

        이현희,김규남,Lee, Hyun Hee,Kim, Gyu Nam 한국융합보안학회 2017 융합보안 논문지 Vol.17 No.2

        현재 북한에서 3대 세습체제의 김정은은 역대 김일성과 김정일 정권보다 더욱 호전적으로 핵 및 미사일 도발을 자행하고 있다. 대한민국의 역대 정부는 나름대로의 북한의 도발을 억제하는 노력과 한반도에서의 평화정착을 위한 방안을 제시하여 왔지만 결과론적으로는 통치자로서의 기본 역할에 국한되어 온 것이 사실이다. 2017년 2월 미국의 트럼프 행정부 출범에 따라 미국 대선 과정에서의 공약과 현재에는 대통령령으로서의 통치 스타일을 고려할 때 한반도 문제와 관련하여 다소 희망적이었던 것은 사실이나, 최근 들어 트럼프 대통령의 한반도 관련 다양한 발언은 우리의 상황을 암울하게 하고 있다. 이의 연장에서 김정은의 핵 및 미사일 집착은 역대 북한 정권이 기초를 닦아놓았고 이제 마무리하여 실전배치를 앞둔 상황에서 핵 및 미사일의 경량화, 고도화, 다종화를 기치로 더욱 무모한 도발을 하고 있는 현실이다. 이에 우리는 현재 안보상황을 과거처럼 타국에만 의존할 수 없으며, 대한민국 스스로 무엇을 어떻게 할 것인가를 찾기 위해 북한의 핵 및 미사일 도발을 중심으로 대응방안을 제시하고자 한다. Today, Kim Jong-un, the third-hereditary regime in North Korea, is committing Nuclear Provocation more aggressively than the past when Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il dominated. Past South Korea government had suggested plans to restrain the provocation from North Korea and bring stabilization in the Korean Peninsula. However, consequentially it was limited to the primary role of the President. When President Trump takes over the government in February 2017, it has attracted the expectation about the issues occurred on the Korean Peninsula due to the pledge that he promised during the presidential election and his govern style. However, various speeches about the Korean Peninsula that he spoke recently made situations depressed about what South Korean currently encounters. Furthermore, previous regime in North Korea has laid the foundation for Kim Jong-un to be obsessed more on the nuclear and missile which has led him to provoke more imprudently by highlighting the light weight, advanced, and various kinds of nuclear and missiles. Thus, we would like to propose counter measures in order for South Korean government to handle and solve the issues that they encounters by themselves based on North Korea's Nuclear Provocation instead of relying on other countries to get involved and help.

      • KCI등재

        Achromobacter Xylosoxidans에 의한 만성눈물주머니염 1예

        김체론,김규남,김경현,유지명,서성욱,Che Ron Kim,Gyu Nam Kim,Kyeong Hyeon Kim,Ji Myong Yoo,Seong Wook Seo 대한안과학회 2011 대한안과학회지 Vol.52 No.8

        Purpose: To report a case of chronic dacryocystitis caused by Achromobacter xylosoxidans. Case summary: A 73-year-old female was referred to our clinic for management of chronic dacryosyctitis from which she did not to recover despite empirical therapy. A. xylosoxidans was isolated from purulent discharge. Based on the results of susceptibility testing, therapy was changed to fortified ceftazidime eye-drop 6 times a day and intravenous tazocin 4.5 g/20 ml (piperacillin 2 g/tazobactam 0.25 g) 3 times a day. All symptoms were resolved after treatment with sensitive antibiotics and external dacryocystorhinostomy. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first report of A. xylosoxidans dacryocystitis. A. xylosoxidans are rare but potential pathogens which cause dacryocystitis. The cultures and sensitivity test were collected and processed to detect the presence of unusual pathogens in a case with persistent infection despite conventional treatment. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2011;52(8):979-983

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