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UV Laser Rayleigh Scattering을 이용한 C₃H_8/O₂ 화염에서 가스 성분의 농도 및 온도 분포 계측에 관한 실험적 연구
진성호(S. H. Jin),남기중(G. J. Nam),김회산(H. S. Kim),장래각(N. K. Chang),박승한(S. H. Park),김웅(U. Kim),박경석(K. S. Park),김경수(G. S. Kim) 한국자동차공학회 1997 한국 자동차공학회논문집 Vol.5 No.2
Rayleigh Scattering Cross Sections(σ_i)of various gases and the temperature distributions of premixed C3HJOz flame are measured by high power KrF(248nm) Excimer laser and ICCD cam-era. Results show that σ_i of 0₂, and Propane(C₃H_8) gases agree well in the 5% error range, but σ_i of H ₂ has the more or less difference from the calculated value by other groups. This is attributed to the low RS signal of H ₂ to Nosie level(S/N ratio).<br/> The temperature distributions of flame range out between 300K in the air and about 2000K in the burned area. In this temperature range, our system has the about 250K temperature resolution. Because low RS signals in the reaction area with high temperatue are affected highly by noises, temperature uncertainty of this area is relatively high to another part of flame.<br/> Experimental results show that UV Rayleigh Scattering can be used for the measurement of mixing ratio of mixed gases and the temperature distributions of flame. Especially, this technique can be applied for the measurement of the mixing ratio of air/fuel before the ignition and the flame structure after the ignition inside the Engine.<br/>
Industrial IoT를 위한 5G-TSN 기술 동향
김경수,강유화,김창기,Kim, K.S.,Kang, Y.H.,Kim, C.K. 한국전자통신연구원 2020 전자통신동향분석 Vol.35 No.5
The 5G system standardization body has been developing standard functions to provide ultra-high speed, ultra-high reliability, ultra-low latency, and ultra-connected services. In 3GPP Rel-16, which was recently completed, this system has begun to develop ultra-high reliability and ultra-low latency communication functions to support the vertical industry. It is expected that the trend in the adoption of mobile communication by the vertical industry will continue with the introduction of 5G. In this paper, we present the industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) service scenarios and requirements for the adoption of 5G systems by the vertical industry and the related standardization trend at present. In particular, we introduce the 5G time-sensitive networking standard technology, a core technology for realizing 5G-based smart factories, for IIoT services.
Streptococcus faecium의 급여가 육계의 성장과 장내 세균총 변화에 미치는 영향
김경수,지규만,이상진,조성근,김삼수,이웅,Kim, K.S.,Chee, K.M.,Lee, S.J.,Cho, S.K.,Kim, S.S.,Lee, W. 한국가금학회 1991 韓國家禽學會誌 Vol.18 No.2
본 실험은 육계에서 생균제 Streptococcus faecium C-68(SF)과 항생제 colistin (Col)의 단독 또는 혼합 급여가 증체율과 장내 세균총 변화에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 실시하였다. 암수 동수의 초생추 252수를 공시하여 Col과 SF를 첨가하지 않은 기초사료구(대조구), 기초사료+Col 10ppm첨가구, SF 0.04%구, SF 0.04%+col 10ppm구, SF 0.08%구, SF 0.08%+col 10ppm구 등 6개 처리구를 두었다. SF 0.04%구와 SF 0.08%구의 Streptococcus faecium 생균수는 사료 g당 각각 7$\times$10난, 1.4$\times$10개가 되도록 하였고, 사료는 옥수수와 대두학을 주원료로 하여 7주간 급여하였다. 사양실험이 진행되는 동안 처리구별로 분내 세균총의 변화를 알아보기 위하여 매주 말 신선한 분을 사료로 무균적으로 채취하여 조사하였고, 장내 세균총의 변화를 조사하기 위해 4주와 7주말에 처리당 9수씩 희생시켜 대장부분의 내용물을 채취하여 세균총의 분포를 조사하였다. 각 처리구 실험사료의 영양소 이용률을 조사하기 위하여 3주와 6주말 전분 채취법에 의하여 대사실험을 실시하였고, 7주말 각 처리구 별로 9수씩 희생시켜 소장의 길이와 무게를 측정하였다. 평균 증체량은 SF 0.08%(2.37kg)와 SF 0.08%+col (2.34kg)을 첨가한 처리구가 대조구(2.18kg)보다 유의적으로 높았으나 (P<0.05), 다른 처리구의 증체량은 대조구에 비하여 통계적인 차이가 없었다. 사료요구율은 SF 0.04%구를 제외한 모든 첨가구들이 대조구보다 더 개선되었고(P<0.05), 건물, 조단백질, 조지방, 총 탄수화물 등과 같은 영양소의 소화율은 전 기간 내내 SF나 Col의 첨가에 의한 변화를 볼 수 없었다. 예상했던 대로 SF첨가구의 분 중 Streptococci는 유의성 있게 증가되었는데 SF 0.04%구와 SF 0.08%구, SF 0.08%+col구에서는 통계적인 유의성이 인정되었다(P<0.05). 그러나 colistin의 단독첨가에 의한 Streptococci의 변화는 볼 수 없었고 Col과 SF와의 혼합 첨가구에서도 Col첨가가 Streptococci수의 변화에 미치는 영향은 볼 수 없었다. 분 중의 coliforms수는 SF와 Col의 첨가된 사료의 급여에 의해 현저히 감소되었다(P<0.05) 그러나 SF와 Col의 혼용효과는 관찰할 수 없었다. 장내 세균총의 분포 변화도 분중의 세인총 변화와 같은 양식을 나타냈다. 소장의 길이는 SF 0.08%구와 SF 0.08%+col 10ppm구에서 SF를 급여하지 않은 처리구보다 10%정도 유의하게 긴 것으로 나타났다(P<0.05). 그러나 소장의 무게(empty weight)는 대조구에 비하여 SF 0.08%구와 SF 0.08%+col구에서 가벼워졌고, Col과 SF를 단독 또는 혼용 급여한 모든 처리구의 단위길이 당 소장무게는 유의성 있게 감소된 것을 볼 수 있었다(P<0.05). 전체적인 결과를 볼 때 SF가 0.08%첨가된 구에서 육계의 증체량 개선효과가 가장 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 10ppm의 colistin첨가는 SF와 혼용했을 때나 10ppm 그 자체만으로는 육계의 증체효과 또는 양내 세란총 변화의 관점에서 볼 때 유익하지 못했고, SF와 Col은 소장의 벽 두께를 않게 변화시키는 효능이 있다고 추측된다. Effect of Streptococcus faecium(SF) and an antibiotic, Colistin(Col), supplemented to diets singly or in combination, on the performances and changes of intestinal population of microflora of broiler chicks studied. A total of 252, day-old chicks(Arbor Acre) of mixed sex(M:F=1:1) were alloted into six groups. A diet with no Col and SF was referred as a control diet. The basal diets were added with two levels of SF, 0.04 and 0.08%, singly or in combination with Col 10ppm Another diet was prepared by adding only Col 10 ppm. Numbers of the microorganism in diets added with SF 0.04% and 0.08% were 7$\times$10$^{4}$ and 1.4$\times$10$^{5}$ /g diet respectively The diets consisting of corn and soybean meal as major ingredients were fed for a period of seven weeks . During the feeding trial, fresh excreta were sampled at the end of every week in a sterilized condition to count microbial changes from each dietary group. Microbial changes of large intestine were also measured from nine birds sacrificed at the end of the 4th and 7th weeks each time per dietary group. Excreta from all the groups were also collected quantitatively at the end of 3rd and 6th weeks to measure digestibility of the diets, At the end of 7th week, nine birds from each group were also sacrificed to measure weight changes of gastrointestinal tracts . Average body weight gains of broilers fed the diets added with SF 0.08% (2.37kg) or SF 0. 08%+col 10ppm(2.34kg) were significantly larger than that of the control(2.18kg). The weight gains of the other groups were not statistically different from that of the control Feed/gain ratios of the supplemental groups were better than that of control (P<0.05) except that of birds fed the diet added only with SF 0.04%. Digestibilities of nutrients such as dry matter, crude protein, crude fat and total carbohydrates were not altered by the consumption of the diets added with SF and/or Col throughout the whole feeding period. As expected, the numbers of Streptococci in the excreta from birds fed diets added with SF increased significantly with a statistical difference between groups with SF 0.04% and SF 0.08% most of the time. However. addition of Colistin to the diets supplemented with SF did not give any effects on the number of the microorganism. Numbers of coliforms in the excreta were apparently reduced by feeding the diets added with SF and/or Col(P<0.05). There were, however, no additive effects observed between the two feed additives in this regard when supplementing Col to the SF diets. Distributions of intestinal microflora exhibited exactly the same pattern as those of the excreta. Length of small intestine of the birds fed diets added with SF 0.08% with or without Col 10 ppm became significantly longer with a range of about 10% than those of the birds fed diets without SF. However, the empty weight of the small inestine of the former group was lighter than that of control These changes resulted in a significant reduction in weight/unit length of the intestine of the birds fed diets supplemented with Col and SF singly or in combination. In overall conclusion, diet added with SF 0.08% appeared most effective in improving broiler performances. Colistin added at a level of 10ppm was not beneficial at all in itself or in combination with SF in terms of broiler performances or changes of intestinal microflora population. The efficacy of SF and Col could be attributed to the changes of wall thickness of the small intestine.
5G 모바일 네트워크의 Industrial IoT 표준기술 동향
김경수,강유화,김창기,Kim, K.S.,Kang, Y.H.,Kim, C.K. 한국전자통신연구원 2021 전자통신동향분석 Vol.36 No.6
Industrial networks has been developing various technologies from fieldbus technology to industrial Ethernet and time-sensitive networking. The industry expects that the 5G mobile network will solve the diverse and highly specific industrial site requirements. Accordingly, 3GPP has been developing standard functions to provide ultra-high reliability, ultra-high speed, ultra-connection, and ultra-low latency services, and 3GPP Rel-16 began developing ultra-low latency and ultra-high reliability communication functions for 5G mobile networks to support vertical industries. In this paper, we show the related standardization trends and requirements to apply industrial IoT service scenarios to 5G mobile networks, and in particular, we introduce 5G system features and extended 5G system architecture to provide time sensitive communication and time synchronization services.
Astaxanthin을 생성하는 Phaffia rhodozyma를 포함한 미생물제제의 급여가 오리의 성장과 육질에 미치는 영향
김경수,이준훈,신명수,조미선,김영필,조성구,강연중,Kim K. S.,Lee J. H.,Shin M. S.,Cho M. S.,Kim Y. P.,Cho S. K.,Kang Y. J. 한국가금학회 2005 한국가금학회지 Vol.32 No.2
This study was carried out to investigate the influence of dietary probiotics supplementation contained with astaxanthin synthesizing microorganism 'Phaffia rhodozyma' on the productivity and meat quality of ducks. Growth performance carried out during 45 days for day-old ducks offered in Joowonori incorporated. A total of 150 day-old ducks(cheribery) of mixed sex(M:F=1:1) were allotted into 5 groups. The basal diets were added with low levels of astaxanthin containing probiotics. We investigated mortality, bodyweight, and feed conversion used by growth performance. 45day-old ducks were butchered and carried out nutrients composition analysis, meat quality test, organoleptic examination, fatty acid analysis, cholesterol analysis, storage test, and astaxanthin concentration analysis. Control showed $3.7\%$ mortality and treatments showed $0\%$ mortality. These results showed improvement of immunity, for influence of dietary probiotics supplementation contained with astaxanthin. The control gained 2.68 kg and treatment gained 2.84 kg. The control was 2.15 and treatment was 1.83 for feed conversion. Treatment was increased feed conversion than control as significantly. The results of meat quality test showed that treatment was tender and taste more than control. The results of nutrients composition analysis showed that treatment was produced low fat and high protein meat. Ducks meat of treatments contained higher unsaturated fatty acid and lower cholesterol than control. The case of carotenoids confirmed that astaxanthin and $\beta-carotein$ were accumulated in duck meat.
아스파라거스 주요 식물병원성 진균에 대한 식물추출물의 항진균 효과
김경수 ( Kim,K. S. ),박현후 ( H. H. Park ),박병성 ( B. S. Park ),김희영 ( H. Y. Kim ),한준희 ( J. H. Han ) 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2019 농업생명환경연구 Vol.31 No.2
Ten plant extracts were used to select effective organic components against four major asparagus fungal diseases caused by Poitrasia circinans, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum, and Stemphylium vesicarium. Primary screening results using the disk diffusion method revealed antifungal effects of the extracts of cloves, mixed extracts of coptis chinesis and rhubarb, and grapefruit seed, bower actinidia, and purple coneflower. The extracts of cloves and grapefruit + Dahlia + chrysanthemum showed about 79.4% and 78.2% inhibition P. circinans growth at low concentrations of 500 ppm, respectively. Clove extracts were the most effective against B. cinerea and F. oxysporum at 500 ppm, with 86.2% and 59.7% reduction in growth, respectively. S. vesicarium was found to be effectively inhibited by about 80% at 500 ppm by all the four plant extracts. The grapefruit seed + bower actinidia + purple coneflower extract reduced P. circinans conidiation by 89.0% at 500 ppm. Clove extract showed an excellent reduction in F. oxysporum conidiation by 94.3% at 500 ppm. These results provide basic data for biologically controlling major fungal diseases of asparagus using plant extracts.
PCR 기법을 이용한 한국내 젖소의 k- casein 과 β- lactoglobulin 유전자형 분석에 관한 연구
이광전(K . J . Lee),김정언(J . U . Kim),이연근(Y . K . Lee),홍경표(K . P . Hong),김경수(K . S . Kim) 한국축산학회 1995 한국축산학회지 Vol.37 No.4
This study was performed to offer rapid and accurate methods of both sire selection and dairy cattle improvement, according to analyzing loci of κ-casein and β-lactaglobulin in Korean dairy cattle. The blood samples used in this study were taken from the 45 Holstein cattle in the nearby Kyung gi province, where milk was sold to Kon-Kuk milk plant. The results obtained were as follows; 1. This study established the extracting method of high quality DNA from the 45 Holsteins blood samples by using phenol and the analysis of κ-casein and β-lactoglobulin polymotphisms by using PCR. 2. Due to the amplification of κ-casein and β-lactoglobulin loci by using PCR, this study confirmed amplified products of 8746p and 961bp, respectively. 3. Due to the restricted enzyme digestion of Taq I and Hind Ill in amplified products of κ-casein, AA type with Hind III and Taq I showed no change of size in amplified products and BB type with Hind III showed 525bp and 350bp fragments and with Taq I showed 558bp and 317bp fragments, respectively. 4. Due to the restricted enzyme digestion of Hph I in amplified products of β-lactoglobulin, all lanes which were digested by restriction enzyme showed 961bp and 741bp fragments and A.4 type showed 220bp, while AB type showed 220bp and 166bp, and BB type showed 166bp fragments, respectively. 5. The κ-casein genotype of Holstein by restricted enzyme digestion gives frequencies of 75.55%, 17.78%, and 6.67%r for AA, AB, and BB types and for A and B alleles being 0.84 and 0.16, respectively. Restriction enzyme digestion of the β-lactoglobulin genotype of Holstein gives frequencies of 34.38%, 43.74%, and 21.88% for AAA, AB, and BB types and for A and B alleles being 0.56 and 0.44, respectively. 6. The fitness test(x²-test) for genotype frequencies of κ-casein and β-lactoglobulin showed gene equilibrium with AA. AB and BB, and β-lactoglobulin indicated Hardy -Weinberg equilibrium in the ratio of being 1:2:1. 7. The genotyping of κ-casein and β-lactoglobulin loci can be utilized for finding the association between genotypes and production traits in dairy cattle.
기능 안전 설계/평가 프로세스(ISO 13849) 적용한 지게차용 변속기 제어 유닛(TCU) 개발과 H/W-S/W 레벨 및 실차 레벨 검증
백종희(J. H. Baek),김경수(K. S. Kim),조성진(S. J. Cho),정명길(M. K. Jung) 유공압건설기계학회 2022 유공압건설기계학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2022 No.06
As the application of automation, intelligent technologies in construction equipment has been increased rapidly, nowadays functional safety regulation on the SRP/CS(Safety Related Parts of Control System) of fork-lift trucks become more strictly applied based on ISO 13849, EN 1175, etc. So, we applied functional safety principles in TCU(Transmission Control Unit) for industrial trucks and performed verification and validation in accordance with ISO 13849, for the first time in Korea. As a result, we developed TCU H/W with the PFHd of 0.392 × 10<SUP>-6</SUP>(1/h). We also conducted S/W tests such as static analysis for MISRA-C compliant rate, dynamic tests for white-box and black-box test, all of which are compliant to PLc/Category 2 or the higher level.