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        정서 및 행동장애 학생들의 자기조절력 향상을 위한 융합중재에 대한 고찰

        김건희 ( Keon Hee Kim ),박병도 ( Byung Do Park ),허명진 ( Myung Jin Huh ),부소영 ( So Young Bu ) 한국정서·행동장애아교육학회(구 한국정서학습장애아교육학회) 2015 정서ㆍ행동장애연구 Vol.31 No.2

        최근 특수교육계에서는 초학문적 접근, 서비스간의 연계로 이루어진 실천방안 에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 배경 하에서 정서행동장애 학생 들의 자기조절력 향상을 위하여 지금까지 진행되어오던 단선형의 중재방법을 융합 중재로 전환해야할 필요성에 대한 생각에서 출발한 것이다. 이를 위해서 먼저 문헌 연구를 통하여 자기조절력 향상에 영향을 미치는 영역들 중 네 가지 영역 즉, 신체 활동, 표현력 지도, 식이조절, 부모지원 영역을 선정하여 이들 각 영역에서의 중재 가 자기조절력 향상과 어떠한 관련이 있는지를 알아보고, 이러한 중재법들을 융합 한 중재법의 실시 방안을 탐색하였다. 융합중재는 한 가지 중재가 가져올 수 있는 치료적 교육적 효과를 다른 중재들과 함께 연계하여 사용함으로써 중재의 효과를 올릴 수도 있고 한 가지 중재가 가져오는 단조로움을 피할 수도 있다. 그러므로 보 다 효과적인 자기조절력 향상을 이루기 위해서는 학문영역들 간의 연계를 통한 신 체활동, 표현력 지도, 식이조절, 부모지원뿐 아니라 자기조절력과 관계되는 다른 중 재법들까지 융합한 중재 프로그램의 개발이 필요하다. 또한 융합중재 프로그램의 개발과 함께 이를 실천할 수 있는 방안도 함께 연구되어야 할 것이다. This study explores ways to implements interdisciplinary interventions to help students with emotional behavioral problems improve their self-regulation. This is a trend in special education, along with collaboration among services. For this purpose, this study aims to recruit collaborators involved with physical movement, speech therapy, nutrition and diet, and parental support. Collaborative approaches like this hold promise for students with disabilities.

      • KCI등재

        국어 양태의 특수성

        김건희(Kim, Keon-hee) 한국어학회 2016 한국어학 Vol.70 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to present the specificity of Korean Modality focused on the co-occurring or neighboring with other modal/grammatical elements. First, we examine that the correspondence between the modal notion and grammatical form is very complicated in the case of ending and depending noun which interact with other modal/grammatical elements. Second, the epistemic modality is closely bound up with evidentiality from the sub-classification as well as the definition and ‘-더-’ which has been considered to be the traditional evidentiality in the previous study shows the complex semantic function beyond the modality and evidentiality. Third, there existed the critical position in establishing the emotive modality as modality type, as the emotive modality was considered to show non-systemicity, however emotive modality newly-defined in this study are exhibited in the reported, not the assertive, showing the speaker’s emotion in the paradigmatic system. Fourth, speaker-centered/agent-centered word, ‘싶다’ is examined in the new view of the speaker’s viewpoint importing to agent. Fifth, the ‘irrealis’ is a useful notional feature in Korean modality but there is no one-to-one correspondence between ‘irrealis’ and ‘-을’.

      • KCI우수등재

        ‘이’의 형용사설에 대한 재고찰

        김건희(Kim keon-hee) 한국언어학회 2017 언어 Vol.42 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to re-examine the ‘i’ category as adjective focused on the negational form of the ‘derivational noun(N+적)+ida’. In the previous studies, the negational form of ‘ida’ has been regarded as ‘anida’ exclusively, however, the predicative nucleus of ‘ida’ construction is not ‘i’ but the element before ‘i’, therefore the negational form of ‘i’ can be changed according to the preceding element of ‘i’, such as ‘-지 않-’ in the case of ‘derivational noun(N+적)’. ‘derivational noun(N+적)’ is the most marked among the nouns which are located before ‘i’, it has adjectival meaning due to ‘-적’ and shows the long negational form ‘-지 않-’ like adjective. Although the ‘i’ shows the characteristics of adjective like long negational form, the word class of ‘i’ can not be adjective. The reasons are such as followings: First, the preceding element of ‘i’, such as ‘derivational noun(N+적)’ is the morphological and syntactical nucleus, so the ‘i’ is not the lexical category, but the functional category. Second, there are great differences between the general adjectives and ‘i’. Third, ‘derivational noun(N+적)+ida’ corresponds to adjective or verb from the perspective of contrastive linguistics, so the ‘i’ solely cannot be adjective excluding ‘derivational noun(N+적)’. Fourth, if the copula ‘i’ would be adjectives, it disagrees with the characteristics of the korean language as verb-like adjectives which functions as predicate without copula.

      • KCI등재

        언어유형론 개관과 국어 연구

        김건희 ( Keon Hee Kim ) 한말연구학회 2014 한말연구 Vol.- No.34

        The purpose of this study is to examine the important preceding study of the language typology and the main analysis instruments of language typology applied in the explanation of the Korean grammar. (1) The principal studies, Sapir(1921), Greenberg(1963), Croft(1999) are made a general survey and the main terminology of language typology, ‘concepts type, implication, typological classification, animacy, definiteness, abstractness’ are observed. (2) The general purpose, the subject and method of language typology are examined, which are mentioned in the major language typologist’s thesis. (3) The Korean grammar, ‘causative, adjective, relative clause, part of speech’ are newly dealt with these language typological approach which are comparative, functional, semantic pragmatic.

      • KCI등재

        연결 어미 ‘-고서, -아서/어서, -(으)면서’에 나타나는 ‘서’의 의미기능

        김건희 ( Kim Keon-hee ) 국어학회 2012 국어학 Vol.65 No.-

        본 논문의 목적은 연결 어미 ‘-고서, -아서/어서, -(으)면서’에 나타나는 ‘서’가 연결 어미에 후행하는 고정된 위치에 분포하여 보이는 의미, 특히 특정한 문법적 맥락에서 필수적으로 요구되는 문법적 기능을 살펴보는 것이다. 대부분의 기존 연구에서는 ‘서’에 어떤 기능도 부여하지 않고 ‘-고, -아/어’가 ‘-고서, -아서/어서’ 등과 자유롭게 치환되는 것으로 보았지만 다양한 기능을 가진 비대등성의 연결 어미들에 후행하는 분포를 보이는 ‘서’는 선행절의 의미내용을 강화하여 그 중요성을 증가시키는 특정한 역할의 기능부담량을 가지고 있다. 이러한 ‘서’의 기능부담량은 바로 ‘서’가 결합된 구성만 허용되는 문법적 맥락에서 명확히 확인할 수 있다. 이러한 문법적 맥락은 첫째 문장을 도치시켜 선행절로 문장을 끝맺을 때, 둘째 질문에 대한 대답 등으로 선행절 단독으로 나타날 때, 셋째 선행절이 강조되는 분열문에서 선행절의 연결 어미와 종결구성의 ‘-이다’가 결합될 때, 넷째 선행절에 보조사 ‘-야, -는’ 등이 결합할 때이다. 이처럼 ‘서’가 결합된 선행절은 후행절에 대해 그 상대적인 중요성이 증가하여 특수한 문장의 형상에서는 선행절 단독으로까지 나타난다. 또한 앞서 살펴본 특수한 상위의 문법적 맥락 뿐만 아니라 선행절과 후행절이 모두 나타나는 일반적인 문법적 맥락에서도 선행절에 비중이 실리기 때문에 ‘서’가 결합되지 않은 경우와는 다른 의미 관계를 이끌어낸다. 따라서 통시적으로 ‘있다’에서 기원한 [존재]의 의미를 바탕으로 특정한 문법적 맥락에서 쓰이는 ‘서’의 다양한 용례를 살펴보아 그 일관된 의미 기능을 포착하여 연결 어미에 후행하는 ‘서’를 독립된 형태소로 규정할 수 있었다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the essential function of the ‘seo’ in the connective ending ‘-koseo, -aseo/eoseo, -(eu)myeonseo’ which is especially required in the specific grammatical context. The functional load of the ‘seo’ positioned behind the non-coordinate connective ending is to intensify the semantic content of the previous clause and this status of ‘seo’ as morpheme is confirmed in the grammatical context in which ‘seo’ is necessarily required. The grammatical context are like these, (1) the sentence is concluded by the inverted previous clause, (2) the sentence is exclusively composed of the previous clause without the following(main) clause, (3) the sentence ending is composed of ‘-ida’+the connective ending of the previous clause in the cleft sentence which emphasizes the previous clause, (4) the connective ending is combined by particle ‘-ya, -nun’. Also in the general grammtical context, the ‘seo’ draw the significantly different meaning relation between the clauses comparing with the sentences which have no ‘seo’. Therefore the ‘seo’ whose origin is ‘issta’ is defined as the morpheme which maintains the consistent meaning function of its own.

      • KCI등재

        중세국어 형용사의 구문과 동사적 용법

        김건희(Kim Keon hee,金建希) 형태론 2015 형태론 Vol.17 No.1

        이영경(2007)에서는 '-ᄂᆞ-' 어미 결합 등을 토대로 중세국어 형용사가 보여주는 대표적인 특징을 단적으로 '동사적 용법'이라고 제시하며 중세국어 형용사가 동사가 나타날 수 있는 모든 환경에서 어떠한 형태론적 장치도 없이 그 자체로 '상태변화' 를 나타낼 수 있다고 주장한다. 그러나 중세국어 형용사 구문이 상태변화를 표현하는지 단순 상태를 표현하는지 판단하기 어려운 경우가 많다. 무엇보다 형용사는 동사와 달리 상태변화 상황에서 어떠한 형태론적 장치도 결합되지 않는 특징을 보이고 '상태변화'와 관련이 없는 용언들도 '-느-'와 결합가능하다. 이영경(2007)에서는 '상태변화'를 '-어지다'로 해석되는 것으로 단순화하여 이러한 해석이 나타날 때는 '형용사의 동사적 용법'으로 보았지만 '상태변화'와 '-어지다' 구성의 상관성도 재고의 여지가 있다. 또한 이영경(2007)에서는 '중세국어 형용사의 동사적 용법'을세부적으로 '겸용'이라고 보았는데 이러한 '겸용'에 대해 본고에서는 동사․형용사 품사통용어들의 '상태변화'는 '동사'가 아니라 오히려 '형용사'일 때 드러나기도 하여 '상태변화'에 대해서는 다양한 측면에서 신중하게 논의할 필요가 있음을 제시하였다. 끝으로 본고에서는 이영경(2007)에서 제시한 중세국어 형용사 구문의 특징인 '중세국어 형용사의 강한 서술성과 다원성(다의성)의 결여'를 '중세국어 형용사의 동사적 용법'의 설명적 근거로 제시하였다. The main assertions of Lee(2007) are such as followings, the chief characteristics of the adjective constructions in the Middle Korean is the verbal usage and the Middle Korean adjectives can exhibit the changing state as like verbs without any morphological supports. However, there are difficulties in dividing into the changing state and simple state in the Middle Korean adjective constructions. Most of all, the adjectives don't combine with morphological particles in the context of the changing state and the predicates unrelated with the changing state can combine with '-느-'. In addition, the correlation of 'the changing state' and '-어지다' must be reconsidered. In Lee(2007), the verbal usage of the Middle Korean adjectives are specifically considered as exclusive transformation, 'gyeomyong'. This 'gyeomyong' corresponds to the verb-adjective conversions. However the meaning of the changing state of verb-adjective conversions are come out not in the verb but in the adjective, so there must be cautious examination as to the changing state of the Middle Korean adjectives. Finally, the reviewer suggest the frequent predicative use and the absence of multivalence as the reason of the verbal usage of the Middle Korean adjectives.

      • KCI등재후보

        유전자 기법을 이용한 북한강 수역 Anabaena strain의 동정 및 Geosmin 생산 잠재성 분석

        김건희 ( Keon Hee Kim ),임병진 ( Byung Jin Lim ),유경아 ( Kyoung A You ),박명환 ( Myung Hwan Park ),박정환 ( Jung Hwan Park ),김백호 ( Baik Ho Kim ),황순진 ( Soon Jin Hwang ) 한국하천호수학회 2014 생태와 환경 Vol.47 No.4

        This study was conducted to identify the bloom-forming Anabaena strains with two phenotypes (straight-type and coil-type) isolated from North Han River (Sambong-ri Joam-myun) using 16S rDNA sequence. The odor material producing potential was also examined using the geosmin-synthesizing gene cluster. Despite of striking morphological difference of the two stains, resembling A. circinalis and A. crassa species, the phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA identified the both strains as a single species of A. circinalis with high genetic similarity (98%~100%). Also, two Anabaena strains showed to possess the geosmin-synthesizing gene cluster, indicating that they are capable of producing the odor substance. This study is the first report that provides the direct evidence of geosmin production in the gene level by A. circinalis in Korea, and provides important basic information to identify the source alga of geosmin increase and its management in North Han River.

      • KCI등재

        국어 형용사의 다의성에 대한 기초적 논의

        김건희(Kim Keon-hee) 사단법인 한국언어학회 2011 언어학 Vol.0 No.61

        The purpose of this study is to examine the multi-senses of adjectives. Focused on the criticism about the syntagmatic relation of argument and predicate, We discuss the question that the Korean adjectives express the multi-senses, in other words, Which decides the multi-senses of the Korean adjectives, argument or predicate in itself? In the previous study, the Korean adjectives express the multi-senses mostly by the varieties of argument. but there are some doubts in this argument-oriented study. First, the arguments which the adjectives in the paradigmatic relation combines are not same. Second; the argument of the depictive adjective and the argument of the adnominal adjectives are different. Third, there are differences of argument combination between the adjectives which consider as same by the vowel variation. Fourth, there are differences of argument combination between the original adjectives and the original adjectives + derivation suffix.

      • KCI등재

        명사구, 명사절, 관형사절

        김건희 ( Kim Keon-hee ) 한말연구학회 2018 한말연구 Vol.- No.49

        The purpose of this study is to examine the noun phrase, nominal clause, adnominal clause. In Korean grammar, ‘phrase’ aims to be used in the narrow sense which is different from ‘clause’ in the viewpoint of the subject-predicate relation. But in the real Korean grammatical description, there has been confused aspect where the broad ‘phrase’ and narrow ‘phrase’ co-exists. This confusion is relevant to the division of noun phrase into nominal clause and adnominal clause in the period of the present Korean grammar establishment. While the subject phrase and subject clause of the past school grammar textbooks were defined on the basis of sentence constituents, the noun phrase is defined on the basis of distribution and the nominal clause is defined on the basis of function(sentence constituents) in the present Korean grammar. The distributional characteristics of ‘noun phrase’ must be examined in detail and then the functional characteristics of ‘noun phrase’ which shares the identity of function with word, clause must be showed secondarily. In particular, noun phrase and nominal clause must be differentiated but the broad noun phrase which includes adnominal clause is valuable in the present Korean grammar.

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