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Number Density of Mast Cells in the Primo Nodes of Rats
길현지,배경희,김이정,김성철,소광섭 사단법인약침학회 2015 Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian Studies Vol.8 No.6
Mast cells (MCs) play a major role in allergic reactions. Surprisingly, the acupuncture points have a higher density of MCs compared with nonacupoints in the skin, which is consistent with the augmentation of the immune function by acupuncture treatment. We hypothesized that the primo vascular system (PVS), which was proposed as the anatomical structure of the acupuncture points and meridians, should have a high density of MCs. In order to test that hypothesis, we investigated the primo nodes isolated from the surfaces of internal organs, such as the liver, the small and the large intestines, and the bladder. The harvested primo nodes were stained with toluidine blue, and the MCs were easily recognized by their red–purple stains and their characteristic granules. The results showed a high density of MCs in the primo nodes and confirmed the hypothesis. The MCs were uniformly distributed in the nodes. The relative concentration of the MCs with respect to other cells was ∼15%. We divided the sizes of the primo nodes into three classes: large, medium, and small. The number density and the relative concentration of MCs did not show a size-dependence. The current work suggests that the PVS may participate in the immune response to allergic inflammation, which closely involves MCs.
Neurovascular Primo Bundles at the Kidney Meridian Revealed Using Hemacolor Staining
배경희,길현지,유영웅,태주호,권희민,소광섭 사단법인약침학회 2015 Journal of Acupuncture & Meridian Studies Vol.8 No.6
Neurovascular bundles were observed earlier in connection with the K-meridians of a rat [1]. At that time, the existence of the primo vessel (PV) in the bundle was not noticed despite expectations in accordance with the description of Kim [2]. Applying the hemacolor staining technique, which was recently developed to detect the subcutaneous primo vascular system (PVS) [3], the expected PV was, indeed, revealed. This finding of a neurovascular primo (NVP) bundle is the first example of a PVS found in the peripheral nerves.
정규석,허성기,노은정,김민하,길현지,최나영,이동환,임정아,류재기,김계훈 한국토양비료학회 2013 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.46 No.6
Animal manure compost is a commonly used fertilizer in organic vegetable and fruit production in Korea. However, livestock manure compost produced from animal feces can contain a lot of the non-pathogenic andpathogenic bacteria. Of particular concern are bacteria causing human food-borne illness such as Escherichiacoli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes. The objective of this study was to investigate effect of temperatureon survival of E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes in livestock manure compost. Commercial livestockmanure compost (manure 60%, sawdust 40%) was inoculated with E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes. Compost was incubated at four different temperatures (10, 25, 35, and 55℃) for 20 weeks. Samples were takenevery week during incubation depending on the given conditions. E. coli O157:H7 persisted for up to 1 day inlivestock manure compost at 55℃, over 140 days at 10℃, 140 days at 25℃, and 120 days at 35℃,respectively. L. monocytogenes persisted for up to 1 day in livestock manure compost at 55℃ and 140 days at10℃, 70 days at 25℃, and 40 days at 35℃, respectively. The results indicated that E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes persisted longer under low temperature condition. E. coli O157:H7 survived longer than L. monocytogenes at three different temperatures (10, 25, and 35℃). The results are being used to developguidelines on the management of manure to reduce the risks of E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenestransmission to foods produced in the presence of animal waste.
Survival of Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes in Chicken and Pig Manure Compost
정규석,허성기,노은정,김민하,길현지,최나영,이동환,임정아,류재기,김계훈 한국토양비료학회 2013 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.46 No.6
Livestock manure is a valuable source of nutrients and organic matter for plant. Thus, livestock manurecompost is commonly used fertilizer in organic vegetable and fruit production in many countries. However,contaminated or inadequate manure compost can give negative effect to soil microorganisms. This study wasconducted to investigate the survival difference of Salmonella enterica and Listeria monocytogenes in chickenand pig manure compost under the selected environmental conditions. Commercially available manurecompost (pig, chicken) was inoculated with S. enterica and L. monocytogenes. Manure compost was incubatedat 25℃ and consistent moisture content. Samples had been collected during 200 days depending on the givenconditions. S. enterica survived for 130 days in pig manure compost and over 200 days in chicken manurecompost, respectively. L. monocytogenes persisted for 120 days in pig manure compost and over 200 days inchicken manure compost, respectively. It is noted that the number of S. enterica and L. monocytogenesgradually decreased over time. The results indicate that S. enterica survived longer than L. monocytogenes inmanure compost at 25℃. S. enterica and L. monocytogenes survived longer in chicken manure compost thanin pig manure compost. Increased knowledge of pathogen behavior in agricultural environments is a valuablepart of future work on improving risk evaluations and, in a longer perspective, in providing data for guidelinesregarding safe handling of pathogen-contaminated manure compost and soil.