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      • KCI등재

        침입외래생물의 사전예방 제도 및 개선방향

        길지현 ( Ji Hyon Kil ),김창기 ( Chang Gi Kim ) 한국하천호수학회(구 한국육수학회) 2014 생태와 환경 Vol.47 No.4

        To cope with the potential risks associated with invasive alien species, the Korean Government implemented the Biodiversity Act in 2014. Among the alien species not yet introduced into that country, 24 have been designated as alert species. These include mammals, birds, fish, mollusks, insects, and plants that may invade and cause serious harm to the ecosystem. Approval from the Ministry of Environment is required to import or carry any of them. Although these measures are more advanced than those from the previous legal framework, several terms still need to be improved. First, the category of alert species should cover not only those not yet introduced but also those that are being raised or cultivated at aquariums, botanical gardens, and zoos. Second, for applicants who intend to import or carry alert species, the government must provide them with detailed standards for the ecological risk assessment of alert species as well as guidelines for their safe use in Korea to prevent their unregulated release from confinement facilities into natural environments. Third, tools and protocols should be developed for early detection and rapid responses to those escapes.

      • KCI등재후보

        울릉도의 귀화식물 분포

        길지현(Ji Hyon Kil),박수현(Soo Hyun Park),고강석(Kang Suk Koh) 한국자원식물학회 2006 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Non-native flora of the Ulleung island, located in the eastern part of South Korea, was surveyed as 54 taxa with 16 families, 35 genera, 53 species and 1 variety. Considering the geographical distribution aspects of the island, the flora of the island showed more closely related with Korean Peninsular than Japan. Poaceace (28%) and Asteraceae (24%) represents more than 50% of the non-native flora in Ulleung island, meaning that they have an advantage of seed dispersal and adaptation to new environments. Ulleung island is comparatively small island of vulnerable to the attack of invasive alien plants but presently, it has the least number of non-native plants than other areas in South Korea. Therefore, we need to take much interest in prevention and mitigation of non-native plant in the future.

      • KCI등재

        국내 미국흰불나방의 최근 발생 및 피해 보고

        김동언,길지현,Kim, Dong-Eon,Kil, Ji-Hyon 한국응용곤충학회 2012 한국응용곤충학회지 Vol.51 No.3

        Occurrence Hyphantria cunea was confirmed in 35 cities and counties nationwide in 2011, each of which reported some form of crop and/or ecological damage caused by the moth. Only a larva of the black-headed form were reported to have occurred in the nation. H. cunea was found in street trees 66.7%, followed by landscape trees 19.4% and forests 13.9%. This suggests that artificial environment 86.1% suffered from H. cunea more severely than natural forests. The study identified 44 families and 102 species of host plants, and found an additional 29 species, to those which had been identified in previous studies. At present, the identified host plants of H. cunea are composed of 62 families and 219 species in total since their first appearance was reported approximately 50 years ago. Host plants include 5 species of food crops (2.3%), 6 species of vegetables (2.7%), 4 species of medicinal crops (1.8%), 1 species of industrial crops (0.5%), 13 species of fruit trees (5.9%), 6 species of other trees crops (2.7%) as well as a further 5 species of farmed crops (2.3%). Seven species of host plants (18.4%) originate from North America where Hyphantria cunea has been introduced from, while 11 species (29.0%) are from China and Japan, Europe and India were the native sources of (10.5%) of the origin with 4 species, respectively. Seventeen species of trees, including Platanus occidentalis L., Ulmus davidiana (var.) japonica (Rehder) (Nakai) and Cornus officinalis (Siebold & Zucc) were heavily noted to be heavily infected with larval populations. 미국흰불나방은 2011년 국내 35개 시군에서 발생과 피해가 확인되었고, 국내에서는 검은색 머리(black-headed form)를 가진 유충의 출현만 확인되었다. 미국흰불나방이 출현하는 곳의 서식지 분포비율은 가로수 66.7%, 조경수 19.4%, 산림 13.9%로 나타났다. 즉 가로수, 조경수가 86.1%로 인위적인 환경에서 피해가 심각하였다. 본 연구에서 확인된 기주식물은 총 44과 102종으로 조사되었고, 선행연구와 비교하여 29종이 추가되었다. 국내에서 최초 발견된 후 약 50년이 지난 현재 선행연구를 포함한 기주식물은 총 62과 219종으로 조사되었다. 그 중에서 식량작물 5종(2.3%), 채소류 6종(2.7%), 약용작물 4종(1.8%), 특용작물 1종(0.5%), 과수 13종(5.9%), 기타수원지 6종(2.7%), 기타작물 5종(2.3%)이 포함되어 있다. 기주식물의 원산지는 미국흰불나방의 원산지와 같은 북미 원산 식물 7종(18.4%), 중국 원산 식물 11종(29.0%), 일본 원산 식물 4종(10.5%), 유럽 원산 식물 4종(10.5%), 인도 원산 식물 4종(10.5%) 등으로 조사되었다. 유충에 의해 집중적으로 피해를 입은 수종은 양버즘나무(Platanus occidentalis L.), 느릅나무(Ulmus davidiana var. japonica (Rehder) Nakai), 산수유(Cornus officinalis Siebold & Zucc.) 등 총 17종으로 관찰되었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        초등 과학 영재의 과학 탐구 능력 평가 사례 연구: 관찰 및 추리, 실험 설계, 결론 도출 능력을 중심으로

        송신철 ( Shin Cheol Song ),길지현 ( Ji Hyon Kil ),심규철 ( Kew Cheol Shim ) 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 2015 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.39 No.3

        본 연구에서는 초등 과학 영재들을 위한 과학 탐구 능력 평가 문항을 개발하고 이를 초등 과학 영재들에게 적용하여 그 활용성에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 과학 탐구 능력 평가 문항은 실험 기반의 형태로 ‘식물의 구조와 기능’ 단원의 식물 관다발구조에 대한 것으로 관찰 및 추리, 실험 설계, 결론 도출 영역으로 구성되어 있다. 그리고 평가 문항의 채점 기준은 관찰 및 추리 영역의 경우 쌍떡잎식물과 외떡잎식물의 관다발 배열과 구조, 물관의 위치, 잉크에 식물을 담가 두는 이유 등의 요소를 가지고 상세화하였다. 실험 설계 영역의 경우 식물해부 방법, 실험 과정 구성 등을 요소로, 결론 도출영역의 경우는 실험 결과에 대한 예상, 예상과 결과에 대한 비교와 검증 등으로 상세화하였다. 이렇게 개발된 과학 탐구 능력 평가 문항을 대학부설 과학영재교육원에서 교육받고 있는 22명의 초등 과학영재들에게 적용하였다. 그 결과 과학영재들에게 활용 가능성이 매우 높은 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to develop the experiment-based problem for evaluating scientific ability of elementary scientifically gifted students, and to examine its potential of application for them. The problem for evaluating scientific ability was related to the plant vascular structure of ``the structure and function of plants’ unit of elementary school science, and consisted of three components such as observing and inferring, designing an experiment, and concluding. In order to apply for scientifically gifted students, scoring criteria were detailed. For the observing and inferring domain, the arrangement and structure of vascular bundles of the dicotyledon and the monocotyledon, xylem position, reason of putting plants in ink were included. Those of designing an experiment domain were method of dissecting stems of plants, and design experimental procedures, those of concluding were the prediction of experimental results, and comparison and verification with prediction and results. Finally, the scientific ability evaluation problem was applied for 22 scientifically gifted students, who had been taught in the Science Education Institute for the Gifted adjacent University, and we had found the potential of utilization for scientifically gifted students.

      • KCI등재

        국내 중대형 인공호에서 외래종인 배스(Micropterus salmoides)의 분포 특성 및 서식지의 이화학적 수질

        김현맥 ( Hyun Mac Kim ),길지현 ( Ji Hyon Kil ),이의행 ( Eui Haeng Lee ),안광국 ( Kwang Guk An ) 한국하천호수학회(구 한국육수학회) 2013 생태와 환경 Vol.46 No.4

        The objective of this study was to understand the distribution characteristics of largemouth bass as an exotic species in relation to water chemistry. The survey was conducted in 10 reservoirs in Korea that showed different properties in size, location and eutrophic state. Total number of fish species observed in the artificial reservoirs was 52 (13 family) and the relative abundance of the bass was 13% of the total, which is the third dominant species in the whole sample. The relative abundance of bass was the highest in the Pyungtak reservoir (60%), whereas the Daechung reservoir showed the lowest abundance (only 3%). Although no significance difference statistically were founded in the relationship between bass abundance and water quality parameters. The reservoir trophic state showed some relationships. As result, the higher abundance was observed in hypertrophic reservoirs that located in the esturine regions compared to other large and medium reservoirs classified as meso- or eutrphic state. In conclusion, bass distribution in the reservoir ecosystem cannot be directly explained by water chemistry only but other environmental factors should be considered.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        뉴트리아 (Myocastor coypus)의 국내 분포 및 서식 현황에 관한 연구

        이도훈 ( Do Hun Lee ),길지현 ( Ji Hyon Kil ),김동언 ( Dong Eon Kim ) 한국환경생태학회 2013 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        본 연구에서는 3년간(2010~2012년) 뉴트리아의 전국적인 확산과 분포 흐름을 확인하고 서식 현황을 조사하였다. 2010년 9개 시?군에 분포하는 것으로 파악된 뉴트리아는 2012년 조사 결과, 13개 시?군에서 서식하는 것으로 나타났으며, 뉴트리아의 서식 흔적 조사에서 확인된 629개의 지점 중 95.9%의 흔적지점이 부산?경남지역을 중심으로 확인되었다. 부산?경남지역의 5개 행정구역 내 위치한 6개 조사구역을 서식지 유형별로 구분하여 개체 밀도를 조사한결과, 2010년 3.89(±2.56)개체/100m, 2011년 2.90(±2.69)개체/100m, 2012년 1.39(±0.66)개체/100m의 개체 밀도를 확인하였다. 조사기간 동안의 서식지 유형별 평균 개체밀도는, 소택형 습지 조사지역 3.48(±2.15)개체/100m, 하천조사지역 1.01(±0.25)개체/100m, 하천형 습지 조사지역 3.69(±2.83)개체/100m로 나타났다. 2010년부터 2012년까지 3년간 조사구역의 연간 평균 개체 밀도는 매년 감소하는 경향을 보였으며, 하천이 습지에 비해 뉴트리아 평균 개체 밀도가 낮게 나타났다. 현재 뉴트리아는 국내의 습지, 하천, 강 등 다양한 환경에 적응하여 서식하고 있으며 특히, 습지와 같이 서식에 유리한 환경이 조성된 지역에서는 급속한 밀도의 증가를 보일 수 있다. 과밀 지역에 서식하는 뉴트리아는 타 지역으로의 확산 가능성을 지니고 있으므로 생태적인 특성을 적용한 효율적인 관리방안의 수립이 필요하다. This study has researched the national expansion, dispersion of nutria and investigated its inhabitation status for the past 3 years. The report has shown that the number of nutria habitat, reported to be distributed in 9 cities or districts in 2010, has been increased to 13 in 2012. In the research of 629 nutria habitats, 95.9% of habitat traces were found in Busan-Kyungnam area. From the research of relative density by location type for the 6 survey areas in these 5 areas above, it was shown 3.98(±2.56)ind./100m in 2010, 2.90(±2.69)ind./100m in 2011 and 1.39(±0.66)ind./100m in 2012. From the research of relative density by habitat types, it was shown 3.48(±2.15)ind./100m in palustrine wetland area, 1.01±(0.25)ind./100m in river area and 3.69±(2.83) ind./100m in riverine wetland area. It was shown that the annual average density in the areas has slightly been decreased for the past 3 years between 2010 and 2012. It also reported that the habitat density in the river area is a bit lower than that in the wetland area. Currently it can be determined that the nutria has fully adapted themselves to the various local environments of wetland, river, stream, and so on in Korea and the Relative density could be remarkably increased especially in the favorable condition like a wetland. As the ones living in the area with over-density could be spread out to other areas, the efficient management plan to control should be prepared considering ecological conditions.

      • KCI등재

        생물자원에 대한 초등학생의 인식 조사 연구

        최혜숙(Hyeh-Sook Choi),여성희(Sung-Hee Yeau),길지현(Ji-Hyon Kil) 한국환경교육학회 2009 環境 敎育 Vol.22 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate cognitions of elementary school students of the biological resources. Subjects were 252 elementary school students in Seoul and Busan. An instrument that measures cognitions consists of 3 components: kinds of biological and non-biological resources, values of biological resources and interest of using biological resources. The three components were composed of 46 items. They had less cognition of living things than non-biological resources as resources. But, most of them conceived ecological environment to be resources. Almost 80% elementary school students thought that biological resources had values contributing to the existence and health of human beings, but less economic values except ecological values. They had cognition of biological resources which we should manage and research in. It is time to need the educational approach to integrate nature, economy and environment in environmental education. As concrete cases of biological resources are proposed, it activate elementary school students to get cognition of biological resources. In conclusion, values of biological resources will be materials for environmental education.

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