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      • KCI등재

        Zoom+Padlet을 활용한 쌍방향 온라인 수업 사례 연구 : 중국어 교과목을 중심으로

        기유미(Ki, Yu-Mi)(奇唯美) 대한중국학회 2020 중국학 Vol.73 No.-

        본고는 ZOOM의 소회의실 기능과 온라인 전지 기능을 가진 Padlet을 조합하여 실시간 수업 중 교수자와 학습자 그리고 학습자와 학습자간에 상호작용이 활발히 일어나는 쌍방향 수업 방안을 설계 적용한 연구이다. ZOOM의 소회의실 기능을 통해 소그룹을 형성하고 학습자간에 또래 튜터링의 방식으로 수업을 진행하였다. 그리고 소그룹 활동에서 수렴된 생각과 미해결된 부분을 Padlet 공간에서 전체 구성원들과 재차 공유하여 수업 내용에 대한 의문점을 모두 해결하도록 하였다. 이와 같이 설계된 수업을 진행한 후 마지막에 학습자들의 만족도를 살펴보았다. In the online environment that was adapted rather than the first time, I began to think about concrete teaching method in the online environment, asking how to operate it one step further or is there a better way. Accordingly, this paper is a study that designed and applied an interactive class plan in which interaction between instructor and learner, and between learners and learners during real-time online class by combining ZOOM and padlets. Through the small meeting room function of ZOOM, small groups were formed and lessons were conducted in the manner of peer tutoring among learners. In addition, converging thoughts and unresolved parts in the small group activities were shared with all members in the padlet space to resolve all questions about the class content. At the end of the class, a survey was conducted with learners. In the future, research on instructional models that can increase interaction in such an online environment will be more active, Case studies on the use and application of online education platforms are also continuously presented, and we look forward to sharing various experiences.

      • KCI등재

        중국어‘谚语’에 내포된 객관량(客觀量) 과 주관량(主觀量) 표현 연구

        기유미 중국인문학회 2019 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.72

        We use the expressions of "numbers" and "quantities" in the process of communicating in everyday life. When we look at the language of everyday life, Objective quantity is frequently used, but the expression of quantification in linguistics is more comprehensive and diverse. Therefore, Subjective quantity expressions are also categorized into Quantity categories of expressions. The linguistic characteristics of Chinese have many quantifiers, and also have overlapping expressions of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Through this, it can be seen that the Chinese people are using various expressions of number and quantity in language. For this reason, studying the expression of number and quantity is another way of understanding Chinese and Chinese people. The purpose of this paper is to analyze Chinese people how to use the number and quantity in the proverb. Our research based on two concepts of "objective quantity" and "subjective quantity".

      • KCI등재

        사자성어에 포함된 숫자 간의 상관관계 연구- 두 개의 숫자가 포함된 한중일 성어를 중심으로 -

        기유미 중국인문학회 2023 中國人文科學 Vol.- No.83

        한자문화권인 한·중·일 삼국은 예로부터 유·무형의 자산 교류를 통해 밀접한 관계를 형성해왔으며, 서로 간의 문화와 언어에는 서로 닮아있는 요소가 많다. 그 가운데 성어도 한자문화권 국가 간의 영향을 주고받은 흔적이 많은 언어 표현 중 하나이다. 우선 첫 번째로 한·중·일 삼국의 성어를 한 선상에 놓고, 삼국이 공통적으로 공유하는 성어 및 각 국가가 단독으로 고유하게 사용하는 성어를 분류하고 대조하였다. 성어의 수량이 방대함으로 본고는 숫자 성어를 범주로 하였다. 두 번째로 성어에 내포된 숫자와 숫자 간의 상관관계를 살펴보기 위해 ‘一’에서 ‘十’까지 숫자 가운데 두 개의 숫자가 동시에 포함된 경우로 범위를 한정하여 살펴본 결과 숫자 성어는 두 개의 동일한 숫자가 포함된 성어(‘NN동일 성어’)와 두 개의 상이한 숫자가 포함된 성어(‘NN상이성어’)의 두 가지 형식으로 표현되었다. 마지막으로 ‘NN동일 성어’와 ‘NN상이성어’ 각각의 형식에서 나타나는 숫자 간의 의미를 면밀히 분석하였다. 성어 내의 숫자는 객관적인 수치의 의미에서부터 추상적인(주관적인)의미 그리고 의미가 한층 더 허화(虚化)된 양상까지 나타났으며, 유사어인 성어간에도 한 개 혹은 두 개의 숫자 모두가 상이하게 대치되어 경우가 있어 숫자의 모호성을 나타내었다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘七’, ‘八’의 문화적 함의와 ‘七X八Y’와의 연계성 小考

        기유미 동북아시아문화학회 2023 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.76

        This paper tried to find a connection between the meaning expressed by ‘七X八Y' and the meaning of the numbers ‘七(Qi)’ and ‘八(Ba)’. In order to overcome the limitations of past studies and find a connection between the meanings conveyed by ‘七X八Y’, starting from the original meaning of oracle bone script ‘七(Qi)’ and ‘八(Ba)’, various cultural implications were examined. ‘七(Qi)’ and ‘八(Ba)’ have the meanings of ‘切(cut)’ and ‘分(divide)’ respectively in the oracle bone script. ‘cut’ and ‘divide’ are both separation-cut verbs that have the semantic quality of [+separation] in common. As an anthroposophical association, if the act of separation is repeated, it is transferred to the meaning of dispersal. Thus, the concept of ‘separation’ is linked to ‘dispersion’. In ‘七X八Y’, ‘X’ and ‘Y’ basically refer to things, conveying the meaning that things are scattered, but in more cases, size, height, length, shape, topography, body type, mind, spirit, language appear. Through the derivation process of ‘separation’ and ‘dispersion’, these abstract objects convey meanings such as ‘untidy’, ‘confused’, ‘jagged’, ‘uneven’, ‘uneven’, ‘messy’, etc. In addition, ‘七(Qi)’ and ‘八(Ba)’ also have the meaning of the direction. The expression conveyed by ‘七X八Y’ corresponds to the meaning of ‘here and there’(‘this and that’ etc) Other than that, some expression are related to Buddhism and the principle of circulation in the world, and if they cannot be interpreted with the cultural implications of numbers, they can be interpreted in terms of subjective meaning of ‘many’. Therefore, the beginning of the meaning conveyed by ‘七X八Y’ can start from the original meaning of ‘七(Qi)’ and ‘八(Ba)’, and derived from the original meaning 1) separation and dispersion from concrete objects to abstract objects 2) spatial separation and dispersion (direction) and 3) temporal separation and dispersion (world circulation principle).

      • KCI등재

        중국 정책·공약 표제에서 ‘수+个+X’ 형식의 활용 및 효과

        기유미 대한중국학회 2022 중국학 Vol.80 No.-

        본고는 중국의 정책·공약 표제에서 자주 활용되는 ‘수+个+X’ 형식의 내부 구성을 분석하고, ‘수+个+X’의 활용이 가져오는 효과에 대해 살펴보았다. ‘수+个+X’는 전형적인 수량사 조합을 탈피한 형식으로 ‘수’는 정책·공약 세부내용에 나열된 항목의 총 개수를 나타내며, ‘X’는 (동사, 부사, 수사)조합, 형용사, 대명사, 접속사, 기타(사자성어, 기호 등)의 형식으로 정책 항목에서 반복적으로 출현하거나 핵심 되는 단어이다. 그러나 개중에는 전혀 내용을 추측할 수 없는 단어나 기호도 출현하는데 이러한 모순적인 구성이 오히려 더 많은 궁금증과 호기심을 유발하는 효과를 가진다.

      • KCI등재

        국가 주도 표어(slogan)의 키워드 분석을 통해 본 중국의 시대별 변화 고찰 - 1949-2015년 중국 표어를 중심으로

        기유미 대한중국학회 2023 중국학 Vol.82 No.-

        Slogans are an important product of history that can read the trends of the times and changes in issues. This study attempted to look beyond the subject of analysis from a literal linguistic perspective and to connect the social situation with the background of the time when the slogan phrase existed. Unlike previous studies, this study attempted a comprehensive analysis of slogan data, through BCC. The survey category was limited to 1949-2015, and after dividing it into 10-year units, the period when the peak of the slogan appearance rate was separately classified by period. Keywords (words) were extracted from the slogans that appeared in each period, and their history was examined by relating them to the background and events of the times. The rate of appearance of slogans gradually increased from the late 1950s, and in particular, in the 1960s, slogans appeared at a higher rate than any other period. After that, the increase and decrease were repeated, but the 80s and 90s showed a relative stagnation period compared to the previous period. In addition, amplifiers appeared once or twice in the early 2000s, but they were smaller than before. As a result of examining the trend of keywords (words) in the slogan phrase, political slogans tended to become mainstream in the beginning and gradually change into slogans advocating social and economic development, and major policies, events, and people were mentioned repeatedly at each time. Another interesting point was the relationship with neighboring countries that were friendly or hostile by era through the slogan.

      • KCI등재

        중국 표어를 통해 본 중국인의 수(数)와 양(量)의 활용 양상

        기유미(Ki, Yu-Mi)(奇唯美) 대한중국학회 2021 중국학 Vol.75 No.-

        표어는 제한된 글자 수에 짧고 간결하게 전달해야 하는 형식상 제약이 있고, 전달되는 내용은 정부의 주요 정책 알림에서부터 일상에서의 정보 전달 및 개개인의 행동수칙 등의 요지를 담고 있는 만큼 매우 중요한 역할을 한다. 또 사람들의 인식변화에도 영향을 줌으로 명확하게 강조하여 명시해야 한다. 이러한 표어의 취지와 목적을 효율적으로 달성하기 위해서 중국 사람들은 표어 문구에서 다양한 수(数)와 양(量) 표현을 활용하였다. 표어에서 수(数)나 양(量)을 활용한 구체적인 표현 방법은 수량사구, 중첩, 대명사, 특수 구문 활용 그리고 정도부사 및 사자성어 활용이다. Due to Corona in 2020, slogan has played a more important role than before, and the method of propagating slogan has been diversified such as the Internet and SNS. Through the Chinese search engine, this study comprehensively collected supporting phrases and photographic image data, and from that analyzed the phrases, and found common language habits among Chinese people. That is, the Chinese often use expressions of numbers or quantities. Specific expressions of the slogan are quantitative phrases, reduplicative (nouns, adjectives, verbs, classifier), pronouns, special phrases, and adverbs of degree and idioms. The use of quantifiers was also the most prominent part of the general syntactic characteristics of Chinese, and also played a central role in the slogan. In quantitative constructions, numbers typically convey objective figures, but in more cases they convey virtual quantity. In the form of reduplicative, nouns were most frequently used, and verb reduplicative was used in various ways as VV, V一V, and ABAB, forming. Another characteristic was that the slogan was appealing to the public by using conjugated form of request. The slogan has a limited number of characters and format. The slogan has a limited number of characters and the format, and the content delivered plays a very important role as it contains the gist of the government s main policy notifications, daily information delivery, and individual rules of conduct. To efficiently achieve the purpose of these slogans, various number and quantity representations can be utilized in the slogan phrases.

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