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      • KCI등재

        우반구 뇌 손상 후 나타난 연축성 발성장애 1예

        권미선,심현섭,정선주,이재홍 대한치매학회 2003 Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders Vol.2 No.1

        Spasmodic dysphonia (SD) is a kind of focal dystonia of larynx and it is calssified into three subtypes:adductor type, abductor type, and mixed type. The etiology of SD is not clearly known yet. Cortical dysfunction is regarded as one of the causes of SD based on the clinical data in which patients who showed SD due to the lesion of the central nervous system. The lesions documented so far involve the basal ganglia, supplementary motor area, and thalamus in the dominant hemisphere. We report an unusual case with SD after an ischemic lesion of the precentral gyrus in the right hemisphere, which is rarely mentioned in relation to SD. The characteristics of the symptoms and cortical functions in phonation are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        『돈키호테』 1부 프롤로그의 전통성과 현대성

        권미선 한국스페인어문학회 2004 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.33

        Sobre el pro´logo en literatura existe muy poca bibliografi´a y so´lo Porqueras y unos pocos cri´ticos han intentado estudiar sobre este tema. Segu´n Porqueras, el pro´logo tambie´n se formo´ como un ge´nero literario y adquirio´ verdadero valor literario a partir del s. ⅩⅥ. Y con Don Quihote de la Mancha, su pro´logo tambie´n consiguio´ un nuevo y moderno concepto literario, respetando la tradicio´n al ma´ximo, o prescindiendo de to´picos preliminares, para escribir algo completamente original. Asi´ Cervantes, por boca de su amigo muestra el proceso creativo del pro´logo, describie´ndose a si´ mismo "suspenso, con el papel delante, la pluma en oreja, el codo en el bufete y la mano en la mejilla pensando lo que diri´a...", con experimentos picto´ricos ana´logos como "el pintor se pinta pintando". Y este experimento se puede relacionar con el concepto de la metafuccio´n del Postmodernismo, por hablar del proceso creativo de la obra en si´ misma. Y de ahi´ se puede hablar de la modernidad de Don Quijote de la Mancha. Pero antes hablaremos de la tradicio´n de los pro´logos literarios que han influido en Don Quijote. Para eso, hemos elegido las obras como La Celestina, La Lozana andaluza, Lazarillo de Tormes, Guzma´n de Alfarache y La Pi´cara Justina. Y luego para bablar de la influencia cervantina, hemos elegido las obras como Niebla y Tres novelas ejemplares y un pro´logo. En estos pro´logos literarios, adema´s de la modernidad y literariedad, tambie´n podemos notar la funcio´n del lector, con quien dialoga el autor en el pro´logo Este artificio discursivo le sirve al autor para decir las cosas y no decirlas, insinuar algo para que le entienda quien sea capaz de entenderlo. Y con eso el papel del lector adquiere cada vez ma´s importancia y modernidad en la comprensio´n de la obra.

      • KCI등재

        『폴란드 기병 El jinete polaco』 -집단적 역사와 개인적 역사의 만남-

        권미선 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2009 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.33

        현재 스페인에서 가장 왕성한 작품 활동을 하고 있는 안토니오 무뇨 스 몰리나의 대표작인 『폴란드 기병』은 주인공 마누엘과 나디아의 개인사 위로, ‘1898년 스페인의 대재앙’부터 거슬러 올라가 스페인 내전 발발과 그 이후 프랑코 독재 기간, 프랑코 사후 민주화 이행기와 같은 집단적인 역사를 덧입힘으로써 스페인 현대사 전체를 조명하고 있다. 그리고 현재의 실존적 존재를 결정짓는 과거의 기억을 통해 유년시절 여러 목소리들의 집단적 기억을 얘기하는 1부 <목소리들의 왕국>과 마누엘과 나디아의 기억을 통한 개인적 기억인 2부 <폭우 속의 기병>, 역사와 개인사가 만나 정체성을 회복하는 3부 <폴란드 기병>으로 구 성된다. 이러한 기억은 과거에 대한 단순한 회상이 아니라, 현실의 존 재 조건과 미래 지향성을 담보하는 기억으로 현실 인식을 전제로 하며, 현실은 언제나 과거와의 연속성 위에 존재하고, 현실의 참모습은 언제 나 과거 속에 묻혀있게 된다. 그렇기 때문에 현재의 진정한 존재에 대 한 자각은 과거에 대한 기억에 기댈 때 가능하다. 그런데 글쓰기를 통 해 형성되는 기억이란 사실과 거짓의 혼합물이며, 현재의 입장에서 과 거와 화해하는 방법일 수밖에 없다. 끊어져 있고, 비어있고, 파편화 되 어 흩어져 있던 기억을 통해 주인공 마누엘은, 그리고 작가 안토니오 무뇨스 몰리나는 자신의 과거를 파멸시킨 역사적 참상을, 스페인 내전 을 나름 이해하고 형상화했다. 그리고 그러한 파괴적인 역사적 진실을 극복하는 방법은 정체성 회복을 통한 치유와 기억을 탐색하는 서사적 진실의 재구성임을 깨닫게 한다. Antonio Muñoz Molina describes the modern history of Spain with El jinete polaco. He represents the Spanish situation when Franco died and Spain began its transition from the last fascist state in western Europe to the modern democracy it is today. El jinete polaco is his masterwork and uses a partially autobiographical storyline around a history of the town of Magina. The protagonist is a simultaneous translator, travelling the world from conference to conference, and the story is told in flashbacks, both to the main character's youth and to the history of the town and its people. In this way, the author problematizes the project of respresenting the past in the memory. When past events are selected and written, the narrative is arranged in a chronological order with causality, continuity, and teleology. Muñoz Molina's work moves in the territories of memory trying to reconstruct the recent history of Spai.

      • KCI등재

        청주 원도심 내 현존하는 옛마을의 입지특성과 가로체계의 변화

        권미선,김태영,Kwon, Mi-Sun,Kim, Tai-Young 한국주거학회 2010 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.21 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to clarify locational characteristics and the road systems of existing 22 old settlements in Cheongju downtown of Korea. These old settlements are classified largely into two types by geographical feature; Hill type located in ridge and Valley type in the valley from the ridge. The Hill type is further categorized into San-rock located on ridge and Gogae located on hillside, and the Valley type into closed large and small valley, that is, Daegok and Sogok by the shape and size of the valley. The road systems are classified into outer road, approaching road, inner road, and side road. In San-rock type villages, Inner road is changed side roads by new arterial road, and new ones become inner road. The outer road are almost cut off, but side roads maintain. In the case of the Gogae type, main road becomes inner road, maintain old hierarchical road, and in other cases, villages are formed around side roads derived from main road, and outer road and inner road are cut off. Among the Valley type, Daegok type maintains old hierarchical road, while for Sogok type, outer roads are cut off, and new roads are outer road.

      • KCI등재

        청주 원도심 내 현존하는 옛마을의 공간구성 변화 - 탑동 '양달말'을 대상으로 -

        권미선,김태영,Kwon, Mi-Sun,Kim, Tai-Young 한국주거학회 2011 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.22 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the transitional process of spatial configuration of 'Topdong Yangdalmal'; One of the existing 22 old settlements in cheongju city. The results are as follows. 1) Side roads are derived from Inner road until 1970, so large-scale lots are subdivided small-scale lots. The houses are mostly in 1970s and 1980s. The existing old houses are 11, their orientation are East South, and the entrance gives on side road. The orientation, court yard, and entrance of the houses nearby side roads keep ongoing, in spite of alteration and extension. Especially, Entrance is changed by the new arterial roads and subdivided lots, but, the houses nearby side roads are continued as in the past. 2) The newly built houses in 1970's are 20, and it's arrangements are equal to existing old one. The orientation of houses after 1980's is the same in 1970's. But, the entrance is changed by subdivided lots, and the size of the court yard are reduced or disappeared. In other hand, the houses as the same size of the existing houses, and Storyincrease continue court yard as in the past. Therefore, the houses which are nearby inner road, and increase story, are continued, in spite of the newly built one.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        뇌졸중 환자의 말장애와 삼킴장애 치료

        권미선,Kwon, Miseon 대한후두음성언어의학회 2016 대한후두음성언어의학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        Dysphagia incidence can be up to 90% of patients after CVA disease and most of the patients demonstrate speech problems as well as dysphagia. The term of swallowing includes the entire process of deglutition from the placement of food in the mouth until the food enters to the esophagus through the oral and pharyngeal cavities. Swallowing functions share common anatomic structures and characteristics of physiology with speech in many aspects. Therefore, speech-language pathologists can help people with swallowing disorders. Herein the approaches and rationales for improving speech and swallowing functions in patients with stroke need to be discussed depending on the lesion sites of the brain.

      • 원발성 갑상선 림프종의 세침흡인 세포학적 소견 - 1예 보고 -

        권미선,이승숙,고재수,정진행,이교영,Kwon, Mi-Seon,Lee, Seung-Sook,Koh, Jae-Soo,Chung, Jin-Haeng,Lee, Kyo-Young 대한세포병리학회 2001 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Primary malignant lymphoma of the thyroid gland is uncommon malignancies. Its fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) findings are rarely described in the literature. This article highlights the FNAC diagnosis of primary malignant lymphoma of the thyroid gland. A 70-year-old female presented with a rapidly enlarging thyroid mass of five months' duration. FNAC smears showed low cellularity consisting of predominantly atypical enlarged lymphoid cells admixed with a few small lymphocytes, plasma cells, and oncocytic cells. Some disrupted lymphoid cells were also present. The tumor cells infiltrated into the thyroid follicular epithelium forming lymphoepithelial lesion, The cytologic appearance showed a diffuse mixture of cell types with only a few small, mature lymphocytes and many enlaraed lymphoid cells. The enlarged lymphoid cells were atypical and pleomorphic with nuclear clefting and irregularities. Grossly, the left lobe of the thyroid was nearly replaced by a diffuse firm to soft solid mass with smooth tan fish-flesh homogeneous cut surface. Histological diagnosis was diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with areas of marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of MALT type.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『작은아씨들이여, 영원히 안녕』

        권미선 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2008 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.31

        19세기 루이자 메이 올콧의 『작은 아씨들』을 리메이크한 칠레 여성 작가를 대표하는 마르셀라 세라노의 『작은아씨들이여, 영원히 안녕』은 상호텍스트성을 통해 21세기의 변화된 여성관을 언급하며 기존 칠레 증언문학의 리얼리즘에서 벗어나 치유로써의 글쓰기를 시도했다. 그녀의 소설은 개인의 상처를 통한 인간 존재의 증명과 진정성의 탐구에 대한 모색이며, 이러한 모색은 치유라는 화두로 구체화되어 전쟁과 이데올로기, 도시 문명과 산업사회에 대한 비판의 배경으로 작용했다. 소설이라는 양식을 빌어 칠레 군부 쿠데타라는 집단적 비극 속에서 개인의 삶을 유린하고 파괴하는 참혹한 현실에 대한 복수와 개인의 상처를 치유하고자 한 작가의 의도가 창작 동기를 이루면서 칠레 사회의 근대화에 따른 병폐를 해부하는 마르셀라 세라노 특유의 서사전략이 되었다. By making use of intertextuality with Alcott's Little Women, Serrano's Hasta siempre, mujercitas introduces a changing feminist perspective, revealing diverse feminist views of the modern female identity. Serrano also manipulates autobiographical material to revive memories of the past while at the same time reconstructing the past in order to expose and analyze the irrationality and degradation of the world in which we live. In her fiction, Serrano turns to writing to interrogate the corrupt political system with its attendant violence and social upheaval and loss of credibility that are ingrained in the minds of Chileans. In Hasta siempre, mujercitas, writing becomes a healing process as private pain is extended to public suffering. In exposing the turbulence that accompanies attempts at democratizing a society, the novel also seeks a resolution to overcome past injustices. Serrano's fiction witnesses the reality of human life while implicating everyone in the absurdity of its manifestations. It is her scrutiny of such human conditions that is the essence of her work.

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