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      • KCI등재

        한말 명례궁장토의 운영과 국가의 소유권 정리

        고나은(Ko, Na-Eun) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2015 한국민족문화 Vol.55 No.-

        This paper deals with the arrangement of Myeongrye-Royal Lands in Late Joseon and the Late Great Han Empire. The Royal Lands are royal"s important finance. This lands are divided into two types, a tax-free land and a non tax-exempt land. A tax-exempt lands are two types which are the first type of land and the second type of land. In case of the second type of land, civilians could hold title to the new land by investing money and labor. Among the second type of royal lands which did not have clear ownership, also there are two types. In second type of land with ownership there were rough rice 100 dus(斗) type and rough rice 200 dus (斗) type. The rough rice 100 dus type was almost equal to private lands. In case of Woopyeong Myeongrye-Royal Lands in Asan-gun is the rough rice 100 dus type. Through harvest record and Gwangmu Terrier(光武量案) we understand that Myeongrye-Royal Lands had feature and the aspects of the change. In 1892, royal levied 1/2 tallage on here. It changed from Gab-o Reform to Gwangmu inspection. Woopyeong Myeongrye-Royal Land had to face the crisis of nationalization when the government of the Great Han Empire aggressively carried forward the policy of expanding national land. But it came to be registered in the Gwangmu Terrier and its civilian holders, accepted as virtual owners, officially acquired the private ownership. The original level of taxaion also was maintained without any change. The middle-owner in Woopyeong Myeongrye-Royal Lands on Gwangmu Terrier is evidence. At the Woopyeong Myeongrye-Royal Land, the middle-owner was recognized virtual real owner. Especially, the Great Han Empire tried to protect traditional right and relationship. Therefore, cultivation rihgts were considered as customary real rights. Cultivators paid the rent to authorities and paid land taxes to the Ministry of Finance. They paid two taxes in one land unit. The case of Woopyeong Myeongrye-Royal Land was no exception. The rent that rough rice 100 dus were included in two taxes in Myeongrye-Royal Land. The Myeongrye-Royal Land was recognized as private land of middle-owner. Also, to protect cultivator"s right investigated real cultivators. However, due to the relation of the land to government organizations, it was difficult for the lands to be recognized as private lands during the process of the Japanese land investigation. More research is needed to know the Great Han Empire"s land-ownership.

      • KCI등재후보

        지주 네트워크와 개항장 목포의 로컬리티

        고나은(Ko, Na-Eun) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2015 로컬리티 인문학 Vol.0 No.14

        이 글에서는 1897년 대한제국의 첫 칙령개항장인 목포 내 지주의 존재형태와 지주 네트워크를 살펴보았다. 기존의 연구에서 주목했던 목포의 상업 및 상인층이 아닌 농업 및 지주층에 주목하여, 지주 네트워크가 개항장 목포의 로컬리티 형성에 중요한 역할을 하고 있었음을 밝히고자 하였다. 개항과 함께 양항(良港) 목포에는 일본 농업회사 및 조선인·일본인 대지주가 모여들었다. 대지주들은 미곡 생산력을 효율적으로 증가시키기 위해 목포농담회, 목포농회 등을 활용하였다. 또한 수취한 미곡 운반을 위해 목포 내 교통·운수시설을 마련하여 지주 자본가로 성장하고 있다. 이를 기반으로 목포 내 조선인·일본인 대지주들은 목포농담회·목포부협의회에서 활동하면서 사회적 네트워크를 형성하였다. 문재철·서인섭으로 대표되는 목포 내 지주들은 보다 많은 이익을 창출하기 위해 농사 개량 및 소작료 징수, 소작쟁의에 대한 대응 등에 지주 네트워크를 적극 활용하였다. 또한 산업단체 및 회사에도 이후 적극적으로 가담하였다. 이를 통해 조선인‧일본인 지주들은 농업자본의 축적을 넘어 자본의 전환을 꾀하는 단계에 이르게 되었다. 개항장 목포의 지주 자본가는 식민지 근대를 형성하는 주체들 중 하나였다. 이들은 농업단체나 정치·경제 기관에서 활동하면서, 거기에서 형성된 복잡하고 중층적인 네트워크를 토대로 사회‧경제‧문화 영역에까지 영향을 미쳤다. 이렇게 개항장 내 형성된 지주 네트워크는 식민지 조선의 특성상 식민성과 근대성 모두를 내포한 채 목포라는 공간의 지역성을 형성하고 있었다. This article aims to explore the forms of landowners and their networks at Mokpo, the first treaty port of Korean Empire in 1897. Specifically, it focuses on the agriculture and the landowner class in order to determine that the landowner networks played a crucial role in the formation of the locality of Mokpo the open port. Landowner capitalists who utilized the human networks to find a way to accumulate and converse capital were one of subjects constituting the colonial modernity. Korean and Japanese landowners in Mokpo actively participated in agricultural societies or political and economic institutes, thereby having a bearing on the society, economy, and culture. They formed a complex and multi layered relationship and exploited these networks to accept and spread modernity and coloniality. Mokpo Agricultural Society(木浦農談會) and Mokpo Department Council(木浦府協議會) are the most representative examples of social networks that function as human assets of landowners. Their activities in these two organizations show political and economic exchanges between Korean and Japanese great landowners in Mokpo well. Landowner networks formed the locality of Mokpo, involving both of modernity and coloniality. Agricultural capitalists in the open port tried to belong to these human networks in order to effectively accumulate and converse capital, thereby contributing to accelerate modernity and coloniality of the open port. In other words, the agricultural capitalists in Mokpo were in the vanguard of both the modernity and coloniality of colonial Joseon.

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