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        멸종위기종 반달가슴공의 현장 내 복원을 위한 행동권 평가

        강혜순,백경진 한국생태학회 2005 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.28 No.6

        A project has recently begun to reintroduce endangered Asiatic black bears to the Jirisan NationalPark. However, information on home range that is necessary to maintain the Minimum Viable Population (MVP) we identified the movement pattern of bears and estimated their home ranges with two different methods. Finally, the possibility of conserving the MVP of bears was evaluated by comparing the location and size of the home range with habitats which have been found to be suitable for bears. The frequency of bears' appearance reduced drastically as road densities of both paved roads and legal trails increased. The midpoint of home ranges of the two bears was 376.85 km2 and 50.76 km2 based on 100% MCP (Minimum Convex Polygon) and 95% AK (Adaptive Kernel Home Range Method), respectively, with an overlapped area of 126.0 km2and 3.99 km2each. The core areas of their home ranges are located not in the no-entry zone, where trails were closed to the public. A discrepancy between core areas of home ranges and potentially suitable habitats suggests the effects of vehicles and tracking people through roads within the park. Thus, for the success of in situ conservation of endangered bears, well-planned management of habitats is needed to protect bears and to ensure the home ranges to support the MVP. 지리산국립공원에 멸종위기종인 반달가슴곰을 현장 내 복원 하는 시도가 이루어지고 있으나 반달가슴곰의 최소 존속 개체군(MVP)의 유지에 필수적인 행동권과 최소 역동 면적(MDA)에 대한 자료는 거의 없는 상태이다. 본 연구에서는 2001년 지리 산에 시험방사 된 바 있는 두 반달가슴곰의 위치 자료를 이용 하여 곰의 이동 양상을 추적하고 두 가지 다른 방법으로 행동 권을 산출하였다. 또한 곰에게 적합하다고 판정된 서식지와 실제 행동권의 크기와 위치를 비교하여 곰의 MVP 보전 가능성을 평가하였다. 곰의 출현빈도는 포장도로와 법정 탐방로의 밀도 가 높아짐에 따라 급격히 감소하였다. 두 반달가슴곰의 행동권 은 100% MCP 중간값이 376.85 km2, 95% AK 중간값이 50.76km2이었고, 행동권 중첩면적은 각각 126.0 km2와 3.99 km2이었다. 핵심 활동 지역은 출입 통제 지역임에도 불구하고, 탐방로가 개방된 지역이 아니라 대부분 탐방로가 폐쇄된 곳에 밀집되어 있었다. 핵심 활동 지역과 적합 서식지의 불일치는 공원 내 도로를 통한 차량과 탐방객 유입의 결과인 것으로 판단된다.결론적으로, 절멸위기종인 반달가슴곰의 현장 내 성공적 복원에는, 곰을 보호하고 곰의 행동권을 확보하여 MVP를 유지하기 위한 계획적 서식지 관리가 반드시 필요하다.

      • GC-MS/MS를 이용한 농산물 중 Dichlofluanid 분석법 연구

        강혜순,김혜경,김정환 한국농약과학회 2021 한국농약과학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2021 No.11

        국립농산물품질관리원은 국내 및 수출농산물에 대한 안전관리를 위해 잔류농약 분석시 다성분 동시분석법을 이용하고 있으나, 일부 농약의 경우 정량을 위해 단성분 분석법을 사용하고 있다. 수출농산물 안전관리를 위해 분석하는 dichlofluanid도 그 중 한 성분으로서 단성분 분석법 특성상 추출 및 정제과정에 많은 시간과 인력이 요구되어 신속하고 정확한 농산물 안전관리를 위해 분석법 연구가 필요한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 dichlofluanid에 대한 분석법 연구를 수행하였다. 회수율 시험을 위해 감귤, 고추, 현미에 dichlofluanid를 0.01, 0.05 및 0.1mg/kg 수준으로 각각 주가하여 QuEChERS법으로 추출한 후 GC-MS/MS로 분석하였다. 각 농산물에 대한 회수율 분석 결과, 감귤의 경우 각각 73.3, 87.2, 84.8%, 고추의 경우 각각 110.7, 96.9, 94.1% 회수율을 보였으나, 현미는 고추 및 감귤과 다르게 0%의 회수율을 나타냈다. Dichlofluanid는 물리적 특성상 염기성 매질에서 단시간 내에 분해되는데, 현미의 경우 습윤화를 위해 정제수를 가했을 때 용액의 pH 가 7정도로서, 주가 된 dichlofluanid가 분해되어 회수되지 않은 것으로 판단된다. 이에 따라 추출과정 중 용액의 pH를 4이하로 유지하고자 현미에 1% formic acid 함유 정제수를 가하여 습윤화 한 후 1% formic acid 함유 acetonitrile로 추출하였다. 추출 시 수분제거 및 분배를 위해 MgSO₄(4g), NaCl(1g) 혼합물을 사용하였다. 전처리 후 GC-MS/MS로 분석한 결과, 회수율은 3가지 수준에서 각각 101.0, 100.9, 93.0%를 나타냈으며, 정량한계는 0.008mg/kg이었다. 본 연구결과, 감귤과 고추 중 dichlofluanid는 QuEChERS 전처리법과 GC-MS/MS로 분석이 가능하였다. 현미 중 dichlofluanid는 추출과정 중 용액의 pH 조절을 통한 변형된 QuEChERS 전처리법과 GC-MS/MS로 분석이 가능하였다. Dichlofluanid의 안정성은 매질의 pH에 따라 영향을 받으므로 현미와 같이 전처리과정 중 pH가 높은 농산물은 분석방법 개선이 필요하다고 사료된다.

      • KCI등재

        Determination of 66 pesticide residues in livestock products using QuEChERS and GC–MS/MS

        강혜순,김미경,김은정,최원조 한국식품과학회 2020 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.29 No.11

        Determinations of 66 pesticide residues in differentmatrices including beef, pork, chicken, eggs, andmilk were conducted using GC–MS/MS combined with thequick easy cheap effective rugged safe (QuEChERS)method for sample extraction. A high linearity wasachieved in the concentration range from 2.5 to 1000 lg/L(R2 C 0.99), and the limit of quantification for multi-classpesticides ranged from 0.74 to 23.1 lg/kg. The recoveryranged from 70.0 to 120%, while the reproducibility of themeasurements was between 0.23 and 19.9%. Monitoringwas conducted for livestock products purchased from localmarkets. Chlorpyrifos and fenitrothion in beef and chlorpyrifosin pork were detected below the maximum residuelimits for the respective samples. No detectable residueswere found in the other samples. Due to its high efficiency,reproducibility, and simple analytical operation, the proposedmethod can be applied to the regular monitoring ofmulti-residue pesticides in livestock products.

      • KCI등재

        Sex ratios and spatial structure of the dioecious tree Torreya nucifera in Jeju Island, Korea

        강혜순,신수경 한국생태학회 2012 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.35 No.2

        The sex ratio and spatial structure of different sexes are major components that affect the reproductive success and population persistence of dioecious plants. The differential reproductive costs between male and female plants are often believed to cause a biased sex ratio and spatial segregation of the sexes through slower growth and/or lower female survivorship. In this study, we examined the sex ratio and spatial structure of one population of Torreya nucifera trees in Jeju Island, Korea. We also tested the effects of the current tending actions in relation to tree vitality. At the population level, the sex ratio of the 2,861 trees was significantly biased toward males; however, it also showed considerable variation among different diameter at breast height classes and across habitats according to terrain level (from upper to lower). In 1999, before tree management (tending) began, among the ecological traits examined, only climber coverage correlated with tree vitality. Intensive tending such as climber removal since 1999 clearly enhanced the vitality of the majority of trees, but its effects were more conspicuous in medium-sized trees than in small ones, in upper terrain trees than those in other terrains, and in females than in males. Both male tree domination in small and large trees and tending effects on females are likely to reflect the effects of female reproductive costs regarding growth and/or survivorship. Spatial segregation between males and females was not observed in T. nucifera. Habitat heterogeneity created by the forest’s rocky ground and its implications regarding sex ratios and spatial structure require further studies. The sex ratio and spatial structure of different sexes are major components that affect the reproductive success and population persistence of dioecious plants. The differential reproductive costs between male and female plants are often believed to cause a biased sex ratio and spatial segregation of the sexes through slower growth and/or lower female survivorship. In this study, we examined the sex ratio and spatial structure of one population of Torreya nucifera trees in Jeju Island, Korea. We also tested the effects of the current tending actions in relation to tree vitality. At the population level, the sex ratio of the 2,861 trees was significantly biased toward males; however, it also showed considerable variation among different diameter at breast height classes and across habitats according to terrain level (from upper to lower). In 1999, before tree management (tending) began, among the ecological traits examined, only climber coverage correlated with tree vitality. Intensive tending such as climber removal since 1999 clearly enhanced the vitality of the majority of trees, but its effects were more conspicuous in medium-sized trees than in small ones, in upper terrain trees than those in other terrains, and in females than in males. Both male tree domination in small and large trees and tending effects on females are likely to reflect the effects of female reproductive costs regarding growth and/or survivorship. Spatial segregation between males and females was not observed in T. nucifera. Habitat heterogeneity created by the forest’s rocky ground and its implications regarding sex ratios and spatial structure require further studies.

      • Consequence of Floral Herbivory in Vicia cracca (Leguminosae)

        강혜순,Gang, Hye-Sun The Korean Society for Integrative Biology 1998 Korean journal of biological sciences Vol.2 No.1

        The effects of inflorescence herbivory and flowering time on plant architecture and reproductive yields were examined with a perennial herbacious species, Vicia cracca, occurring in Natick, Massachusetts, USA. Natural herbivory on inflorescences was observed among the total of 157 plants during a growing season. Vegetative and reproductive characters were measured in the field as well as in the lab depending on the characters. Approximately 64% of the plants were subjected to herbivory on inflorescences. Plants were classified into three groups; unbrowsed plants, partially browsed, and totally browsed plants, according to the level of herbivory on inflorescences of each plant. Plants were also categorized by their flowering time such as early vs late flowering plants. Herbivores tended to favor inflorescences on rather small plants, resulting in a pattern of totally contact or partially intact inflorescences on taller plants. The mean number of stems, which was assumed to be a direct result of severe herbivory in this population, differed among herbivory groups. There also was a tendency that plants flowering late in the season had more nodes with more leaves, suggesting that herbivory on stem tips early in the season before flowering might have induced growth of side branches or branchlets along the main stems. Comparison between unbrowsed and partially browsed plants showed that the latter compensated for browsing in terms of numbers of inflorescences, fruits, seeds and seed size (weight), though they did not compensate in flower number. The probability of fruit production (presence vs absence of fruits) and seed weight declined toward the end of the season. These results suggest that resources are deficient at the end of the season. Almost complete reproductive failure in totally browsed plants is attributed to the destruction of inflorescence display and the disadvantage of small vegetative size of those plants. After all, in this population, a moderate level of herbivory on inflorescences did not reduce the maternal fitness of the plants. However, severe herbivory on inflorescences resulted in antagonistic interactions between plants and herbivores.

      • KCI등재

        Ecological Correlates of the Seasons in the Korean Angiosperms

        강혜순,장선영 한국생태학회 2006 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.29 No.4

        Ecological correlates of lowering times often are examined to infer evolutionary mechanisms forpollination modes with flowering times among 3,037 Korean angiosperms experiencing strong climaticseasonalities. We first examined taxonomic membership effects on flowering times across diverse taxonomiclevels. Phylogeny constrained flowering times at all levels down to the genus level. We then analyzed the fectsof ecological characteristics using subset data consisting of species randomly selected from each genus tocontrol phylogenetic effects. The commonly observed patterns of early flowering of woody species in temperateregions existed. Spring flowering shrubs and trees, however, both being wody, were involved with biotic andgrowing season than perennials although both herbs tended to be associated with abiotic vectors when floweringin autumn. These results support our hypothesis that species able to decouple vegetative and reproductivegrowth flower in springs dry season, but species with different habits, even when they flower within the sameseason, are subjected to different selective pressures for efficient pollination.

      • KCI등재

        Are the conservation areas sufficient to conserve endangered plant species in Korea?

        강혜순,신수경,왕혜진 한국생태학회 2010 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.33 No.4

        Understanding the factors relevant to endangerment and the patterns of habitat locations in relation to protected areas is critically important for the conservation of rare species. Although 64 plant species have recently been listed as endangered species in Korea, this information has, until now, not been available, making appropriate management and conservation strategies impossible to devise. Thus, we collected information on potentially threatening factors, as well as information on the locations in which these species were observed. The potentially threatening factors were classified into seven categories. National parks, provincial parks, ecosystem conservation areas, and wetland conservation areas were defined as protected conservation areas. Korean digital elevation model data, along with the maps of all protected areas were combined with the maps of endangered plant species, and analyzed via Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Excluding the category of “small population”, endangered plant species in Korea were associated more frequently with extrinsic factors than intrinsic factors. Considering land surface only, all conservation areas in Korea totaled 4.9% of the land, far lower than International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)’s 10% coverage target. At the species level, 69% of the endangered plant species were detected in conservation areas, mostly in national parks. However, this result demonstrates that 31% of endangered species inhabit areas outside the conservation zones. Furthermore, at the habitat level, a large proportion of endangered species were found to reside in unprotected areas, revealing “gaps” in protected land. In the face of rapid environmental changes such as population increases, urbanization,and climate changes, converting these gap areas to endangered species’ habitats, or at least including them in habitat networks, will help to perpetuate the existence of endangered species.

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