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        외상성 지주막하출혈 이후 발생한 동안신경마비의 봉독 약침을 활용한 한방치료 증례보고 1례

        강지윤,양지혜,채인철,최인우,정은선,유호룡,김윤식,설인찬,유주영,Kang, Jie-yoon,Yang, Ji-hye,Chae, In-cheol,Choi, In-woo,Jung, Eun-sun,Yoo, Ho-ryong,Kim, Yoon-sik,Seol, In-chan,Ryu, Ju-young 대한한방내과학회 2021 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.42 No.2

        The aim of this study is to report the effectiveness of a traditional Korean medicine treatment for oculomotor nerve palsy induced by traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. A 54-year-old male patient with oculomotor nerve palsy induced by traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage after a traffic accident was treated with Korean medicine, including acupuncture, electroacupuncture, sweet bee venom pharmacoacupuction, moxibustion, and herbal medicine. The effect of treatment on symptoms - ptosis, and eye movement - was evaluated using a ratio of eye opening and eye movement between the paralyzed eye and the normal eye. After 41 days of treatment, the clinical symptoms had improved. The ptosis and eye movement started to show improvement from day 20; at the time of discharge, ptosis had improved by more than 50%, and eye movement showed some improvement as well. This study suggests that Korean medicine may be an effective treatment for oculomotor nerve palsy induced by traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage.

      • 인터넷 주소 등록기관을 활용한 피싱 URL 분석 연구

        강지윤(Ji Yoon Kang),조은정(Eun Jeong Cho),이시형(Sihyung Lee) 한국정보보호학회 2013 情報保護學會誌 Vol.23 No.6

        전자금융서비스 활용이 급격히 증가함에 따라 (예) 인터넷 자동이체, 조회) 이를 악용한 범죄 역시 증가하고 있다. 특히, 금융서비스 제공자를 사칭한 문자 메시지나 이메일을 전송하여 실제와 유사한 허위 URL에 접속하도록 유도하는 파밍 공격이 이러한 범죄의 대표적인 예이다. 이에 따라 다양한 대응방안들이 등장했지만 이들은 공통된 취약점이 존재한다. 기존 사이트들의 적극적인 참여가 필요하며, IP주소의 위조에 취약하다는 것이다. 이와 같은 문제점을 해결하기 위해 본 논문은 인터넷 주소 등록기관을 통한 URL 검증 기법을 제안한다. 제안된 기법에서는 주어진 URL의 등록기관 및 국가를 검증하여 악성 사이트로 유도하는 URL을 탐지한다. 제시된 방법의 정확도를 평가하기 위해 인터넷 금융과 관련된 총 44개 URL의 등록기관 및 국가를 검증해 보았으며, 90%이상의 정상 사이트 및 80% 이상의 비정상 사이트를 정확히 판별해 낼 수 있음을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재


        姜智允(Kang, Ji-Yoon) 대한일어일문학회 2018 일어일문학 Vol.80 No.-

        We analyzed "Sasameyuki" in consideration of the historical background of story time from 1936 to 1941. Unlike Tsuruko and Sachiko who were married by their fathers, Yukiko and Taeko are unmarried. The marriage of Yukiko and Taeko will be controlled down by hers’ brother-in-law Tatsuo after the death of his father, but there is a difference in treatment between Yukiko and Taeko by Tatsuo. Taeko`s story is progressing in a situation where Tatsuo who is the current owner of the Makioka family does not treat as a daughter of the Makioka family. Yukiko and Taeko have been caught as conflicting people until now, but this has been positioned as such by Sachiko and Sadunosuke in the story. By analyzing the composition of story of the text, it is understood that Yukiko and Taeko are in a complementary relationship. The existence of Taeko involved in Yukiko`s an offer of marriage will be against the Tatsuo who will not admit her as a member of the Makioka family. The existence of Itakura has the effect of recalling the position of Taeko as a member of the Makioka family. But after the flooding, by falling in love with Itakura, the position of Taeko as a daughter of the Makioka family is dangerous. Also, although it looks that it was in a romantic relationship with Okuhata, it is understood that Okuhata who is the son of the Okuhata family who is in a different position from the Makioka family has a conflict relationship with Taeko.

      • KCI등재


        姜智允(Kang, Ji-Yoon) 한국일본문화학회 2018 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.78

        This paper studies Junichiro Tanizaki’s novel “Sasameyuki (The Makioka Sisters)”. I aimed to reread texts that were described as works depicting the elegant everyday life of the Sisters of the “Makioka family” focusing on context. In consideration of that events before the time depicted in the story of texts were described as the important points, this paper focused on the changings of the Makioka family after the death of the sister’s father. Tatsuo, an adopted son-in-law who became the new family head, transfers to another person their office in Senba “which makes a boast of the past from the Tokugawa period.” A main house in Uehonmachi was destroyed by Tatsuo transferred to Tokyo. The Makioka Family in context of texts became a different household from the Makioka family when the sister’s father was alive. “Sasameyuki” is progressing with the event of Yukiko(the third daughter)’s marriage proposal as the axis, but Tatsuo who should deal with the Yukiko’s marriage proposal as the family head of the Makioka Family, becomes the author who destroys the Makioka Family. Teinosuke who becomes a guardian instead of Tatsuo is still in a position to deny the Makioka family, so the story of the marriage proposal of Yukiko has to be read as being different from the past. By considering the "Makioka family" as a changeable subject rather than as a confirmed existence, a new reading different from the previous analysis becomes possible.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『細雪』の中の戦争 -蒔岡家を囲む外国人との交流を通じて

        姜智允(Kang, Ji-Yoon) 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 2018 일본연구 Vol.31 No.-

        Junichiro Tanizaki’s novel “Sasameyuki” is a serial work which he started in 1943, but its publication was interrupted by the military, as they deemed it not suitable for wartime. However, Tanizaki continued writing it even when the prospect of its publication was not assured, and it was completed in 1948 and was then published. The story depicts the everyday lives of four sisters who own a store in Senba, which was “time-honored from the Tokugawa period”. The marriage proposal Yukiko (the third daughter) receives and the love affair of Taeko (the fourth daughter) are the central axes of “Sasameyuki”. “Sasameyuki” is thought as a work of “Anti-era” as a work depicting the extravagant everyday life of the Makioka sister, and It has been thought that “not fitting in the wartime” in the military is due to this “extravagant everyday”. However, in this paper, we consider this concept of “Anti-era” as “denial to the times”. Various characters in the story mainly emerge in relation to Yukiko’s marriage and Taeko’s love affair. However, the Stolz family who are neighbors of the Sachiko and Kirilenko families who in turn are acquaintances of Taeko, appear frequently in the novel, despite the fact that they have no involvement in the Makioka family’s activities. The Stolzes are a German family who run a shop in Kobe, and they and the Makioka family become close to each other because the former have a son and daughter who are about Sachiko’s daughter Etsuko’s age. The Kirilenkos are an exiled Russian family and their daughter Katarina helps provide the motive for Taeko to learn how to make a doll. Although the Stolz and the Kirilenko families, both foreign, seem to be similar, it has been pointed out that there is a difference in the attitude that the Makioka family displays toward them. The Makiokas proactively engage with the Stolz family to the extent of inviting them to their house, but they don t extend this welcome to the Kirilenko family. The favorable attitude towards the Stolz family that the Makioka family displays is believed to reflect the strong Japan-Germany relations of that time. In addition, Teinosuke’s attentive attitude toward the Kirilenko family echoes the state of Japan-Soviet relations of the period after the Russian revolution. The era of war, which had not appeared until then, is appeared when the Stolz family leaves Japan and returns to Germany. It is believed that Tanizaki’s perception of the war is reflected in the letters exchanged between the Stolz and the Makioka families. Although the circumstances of the Stolz family’s departure is depicted in detail, on the other hand, Catalina’s departure is not described, only referred to in conversation among the Makioka family. The fate of Catalina is also only transmitted indirectly through messages from others, and the Makioka family engages in a miscalculation at her expense. The Makioka family’s miscalculation at Catalina is regarded as a miscalculation in the war for the reader after the war. In these ways the depiction of the Stolz and Kirilenko families functions as a narrative device which encourages the reader to remember the war.

      • KCI등재


        姜智允(Kang, Ji-yoon) 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 2018 일본연구 Vol.30 No.-

        谷崎潤一郎の長編小説 「細雪」 は1943年に連載が始まったが、戦時中という時局にそぐわ ないとして軍部によって中断された作品である。しかし、掲載の見込みが立たない状態の中、谷崎は疎開しながらも執筆を続け、1948年に完成し、刊行に至っている。物語は「旧幕時代からの由緒を誇る」船場の店舗を所有していた旧家の四姉妹の日常を描いた作品である。そ の中でも三女雪子の縁談の物語は、 細雪 の軸となる出来事である。 物語の中で雪子は五回の縁談を経験している。沢崎との縁談は初めてお見合いのために 蒔岡家が空間の移動を行っており、また初めて雪子が相手から断られるという経験をした出 来事である。空間の移動によって近代というコンテクストが克明になり、雪子が相手から「落 第」の評価を受ける背景には、このコンテクストが起因している。 物語時間の以前に行われた三枝との縁談は、物語の中で行われた出来事ではないが、この 縁談がテクストの中で二回にわたって登場していることは、看過してはならない。父親の死後、辰雄によって持ち込まれた三枝との縁談は、結局雪子によって破談になったのだが、こ の記憶が、名古屋の素封家沢崎とのお見合いの後、再度想起させられていることに注目した い。それまでは自らの立場を語ることがなかった雪子が、ここで初めて自らの立場を述べて おり、利用される立場としての自身を認識していることが明らかになっている。 「細雪」 は、 縁談の出来事から、蒔岡家という「旧幕時代からの由緒を誇る」旧家が時代の流れによって 転落する模様を描いており、その中で雪子は利用される存在としての自身の立場を認識している。 Junichiro Tanizaki’s novel “Sasameyuki” was a serial work started in 1943, but it was interrupted by the military as not being suitable for the time of the war. However, Tanizaki continued writing while evacuating it in the state where the prospect of publication is not established, it was completed in 1948 and has been published. The story is a work that depicts the everyday of the four sisters of the former house who owned a store in Senba “time-honored from the Tokugawa period”. The story of marriage proposal of Yukiko (third daughter) is the event that becomes the axis of “Sasameyuki”. In the story, Yukiko has experienced five matchmakings. A matchmaking with Sawazaki is the event that the Makioka family is moving the space in order to the first matchmaking, and the experience that Yukiko refused from the part-ner is at first time. This context is attributable to the background that the context of modernity became clear by the movement of the space and Yukiko receives the evaluation of “failing” from the opponent. A matchmaking with Saegusa was held before the time that the story depicts, but it should not be overlooked that this matchmaking appears twice in the text. After the death of hers’ father, the matchmaking with Saegusa brought in by Tatsuo ended up being dismissed by Yukiko, but I want to pay attention that the memory was recalled again after matchmaking with Sawazaki, a wealthy family, in Nagoya. Yukiko who had never talked about her position until then talked about her own position at first time, and it is clear that she recognizes herself as her position to be used. “Sasameyuki” depicts a pattern that Makioka family “time-honored from the Tokugawa period” falls due to the flow of the era, Yukiko specially recognizes herself as her position to be used is his own recog-nize the position, from the event of the marriage proposal.

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