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      • 스포츠의 정치화에 관한 연구

        강재형 신라대학교 자연과학연구소 1997 自然科學論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        The purpose of the study to find the ideal items in the connection with politics and sports by defining the relation with them. The results can be summaried as following presentation: 1. It is admitted that the connection with politics and sports was achieved by a one-sided aim and intention to govern. 2. In order to encourage of the governor's strong power induce the nation's political apathy and kept all the sport organization under national control in order to maintain the national harmony and the politic systems of its own country. 3. The victory in the olympic games and international games tend towards xcessive nationalism in order to make its superiority of the nation and people. 4. Olympic-boycott in Moscow and Los Angeles Olympics used political of olympics. 5. In the olympics games, Challenge thru race and national strifes will darken the future of the olympics. 6. In the to inherit the original spirit of the olympics and sports, should be must to solve the problems like races dispute, nationalism, Ideology, encourage of governor's power.

      • 長壽村의 健康管理에 關한 硏究 : 慶南 南海郡 및 巨濟郡을 中心으로 Especially in Namhaekun and Geojekun, Kyongnam

        姜在馨 新羅大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        This study aims to research on the actual state of health care of the aged people who are from Namhaekun and Geojekun, Kyongnam, which are the districts famous for longevity. The aged people we selected randomly for this study consist of 359 men and 851 women who are all over 65 years old. The period of research was from October through November, 1982. The main results of thisstudy are summarized as follows: 1. As for their past occupations, most of them were farmers (men: 87.8%; women: 92.7%). The rest of them used to be engaged in fishing, public work, commerce, industry, etc. 2. Currently many of them are still engaged in farming (men: 61.5%; women: 42.9%), and some are helping the domestic chores (men: 15.9%; women: 32.3%). The rest of them (men: 18.2%; women: 21.0%) answered that they are doing nothing particular. 3. As for their staple foods, themajority of them (72.6%) eat mixed food of rice and barley, and the rest eat rice(16.1%) or minor-grain mixed rice(11.3%). As subsidiary foods, themost common is vegetables (72.8%). The other subsidiary foods they usually take are fish(22.3%), sea weeds92.6%), and meat(1.3%). 4. Many of them take special health foods to maintain their health(men: 58.0%, women: 40.5%). The health foods they usually take are, in case of men, tonic liquor (13.7%) and ginseng or antlers (10.9%). In case of women honey (11.6%) and tonic liquor (9.4%) are the most common. Most of them take health food not frequently (52.1%). Those who take frequently are only 19.8%. There are some(14.5%) taking health food seasonally. The rest of them(13.6%) have been taking health food for a long time. 5. Most of the men(86.6%) and many of the women (56.5%) enjoy smoking, mostly half a pack a day. Many of the men (62.8%) and some of the women (25.9%) enjoy drinking. 6. Not many of them take regular exercises (men: 31.7%, women: 18.2%). 7. Almost half of them (40.9%) take medical examinations, but not regualrly. The percentage of those who take regualr examinations is considerably low(6.1%). The remedies they usually take are Chinese treatment (43.6%), folk treatment (26.4%), and western treatment(22.1%). 8. the percentage of those who do not have subjective symptons yet is low (men: 32.4%, women: 25.6%). The most common geriatric disease that they suffer is neuralgia (men: 42.5%, women: 50.6%). 9. The ages of their parents and grandparents at the time of death are generally high 9Father: 74±14.6, Mother: 75.8±14.6, Grandfather: 73.3±12.7, grandmother: 73.2±6.5). 10. Many of them(68.4%) answered that they have no worries in life. The common worries that they have, in case of those who answered `yes', are family trouble (15.6%), being without work (7.0%), and indifference of family (6.4%). 11. Their subjective judgements of the secrets of health are various: care of nutrition (27.1%), mental health (17.8%), well-regulated life (10.8%), and moderate exercises (10.3%). 12. Most of them want to be served with various medical benefits and rest places. There are some anticipating medical education for aged people.

      • 한·일 체육전공 대학생의 스포츠 가치에 관한 비교 연구

        강재형 신라대학교 자연과학연구소 2003 自然科學論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        Through the comparison and analysis of students majoring in physical education in Korea and Japan in terms of lifestyle, a part-time job, and the consciousness of sport value the following conclusion can be reached. 1. In terms of a part-time job, Korean students tend to do it irregularly, while Japanese students do it regularly. The motives of doing a part-time job was to get social experience, job understanding, for extracurricular activities, and for pastime; Japanese students listed the motives of extracurricular activities, pastime, and earning living expenses. Both Korean and Japanese students preferred simple part-time jobs such as sales and services. The conditions Korean students consider most in getting a part-time job were the nature of the job or the intensity of the job, and time, while Japanese students considered their hobbies or aptitude, and pay. Korean students income was an average 300,000 Won per month; Japanese earned an average 1,500,000 Won per month. The main expenditure was food and purchase of favorite things in Korean students, while Japanese students spent their income mainly for food and transportation. 2. When the consciousness of sports value was evaluated, both Korean students and Japanese students highly rated the item of "abstinence within the world." In Korean students, the consciousness of "leisure" pattern was higher than in Japanese students.(p<0.05) 3. In case of Korean students, the consciousness of values to sustain competitive sports was shown definitely. The consciousness of "competition" and "abstinence within the world" was high, but the consciousness of "recreation" and "leisure" was low, reflecting that they were highly competitive sports-oriented. The consciousness of "abstinence within the world" was higher in Korean students than in Japanese students.

      • R&D 외부효과가 존재할 때 연구개발경쟁에 미치는 정부의 기술정책 효과

        강재형 국민대학교 경제연구소 2001 국민경제연구 Vol.23 No.-

        본 논문은 외부성이 존재할 때 경합의 양상에 대하여 모형을 정형화하였고, 비교 정태분석을 통하여 기업의 수, 혼잡효과, 경합 성공확률에서 Tuilock의 R의 변화가 연구개발 총액에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 이러한 가운데 벤처산업,혹은 지식기반산업에서 사회적으로 바람직한 수준으로의 연구개발비용 지출의 증가를 유도할 수 있는 정책적 시사점을 제시하였다. This paper examined contests associated with externalities, and devived the comparative static effects of the changes in the number of participants, conguestion effect r, and the expondent R of contest-success function on the total amount of R&D expenditures. In the mean time, we suggests policy implocations to increase the R&D expenditure of Knowledge-based industry up to the socially desirable level.

      • 공해시설 기피를 위한 지역간 경쟁

        강재형 국민대학교 경제연구소 1996 국민경제연구 Vol.19 No.-

        혐오시설 매립장 등의 입지를 반대하는 지역 주민들의 움직임은, 폐기물 오염에 관한 관심의 고조와 함께, 정부의 위생매립장 등의 공해 시설의 위치선정에 영향을 미치고 있다. 공해시설 인근의 주민은 각종 오염피해를 직간접적으로 받게 되므로 공해시설 기피를 위하여 가능한 노력을 기울일 것이다. 그러나 개인이 독자적으로 자신의 이익을 위하여 행동하는 데는 현대 사회적 특성상 매우 어려우므로 대개의 경우는 자신들의 이익을 대변할 수 있는 집단을 통하여 자신의 이해 관계를 해결하고 있다. 핵폐기물 처리시설, 혐오시설, 위생매립장 건립은 어느 개인이나 특정집단에 영향을 미친다기보다는 지역 내의 모든 구성원에 영향을 미친다. 이러한 점에서 공해재는 빈의 공공재의 성격을 갖는다 하겠다. 이러한 공해재에 대한 가치 평가에 관한 연구로는 박재홍(1994), 김광임(1996)이 있으며, 공공재의 편익측정에 관한 연구는 김도형, 김정한(1994)과 이기호, 곽승준(1996)등의 공공재 개선의 편익측정에 관한 연구 및 공공재에 대한 편익장치를 화폐가치로 환산한 연구가 있다. 그러나 이러한 공해재에 대한 가치평가는 일반적으로 가능하지만 지역간의 공해시설 기피 경쟁에서, 지역 주민이 본인의 비용부담의 사액만큼 기꺼이 지불할 수 있는가는 별개의 문제이다.

      • 정부보조금이 연구개발경쟁에 미치는 영향

        강재형 국민대학교 경제연구소 1999 국민경제연구 Vol.22 No.-

        본 논문에서는 정부의 연구개발 보조금이 R&D경쟁에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 그리고 기술의 외부경제효과가 존재할 때, 정부의 연구개발 보조금은 경쟁에 없는 기업들의 총 연구개발연금의 증가를 가져오는 것을 확인하였다. 연구개발비용의 외부경제효과가 충분히 큰 경우, 기업들의 연구개발 출연금액이 커지면 사회후생도 증가하는 것을 실질 렌트소질율을 가지고 분석하였다. In this paper, we examines effect of R&D subsides on the R&D contest. We have formed that the aggregate outlays increase with the rate of government subsides of the cintest is associated with positive externalities. Also we derive welfare implications from the observation of the number of firms and real dissipation rate.

      • 집단간 시장진입 경쟁의 사회적 비용 : 우리나라 통신산업의 일반 사업자 선정과정을 중심으로

        강재형 국민대학교 경제연구소 2001 국민경제연구 Vol.24 No.-

        진입 규제 정책은, 기존의 기업들과 잠재적 진입 가능기업과의 렌트 추구 행위에 의해서 영향 받을 수 있다. 기존의 기업은 진입을 방지하려 할 것이고, 잠재적 진입가능 기업은 이윤의 기회를 노리고 진입이 허용되기를 바란다. 본 논문은 진입장벽을 둘러싼 두 단계의 집단적 경합을 기존의 기업군과 진입가능 기업군간에서 다루었다. 경쟁의 결과, 도입될 사회적 비용의 크기가 생산의 증가로 인한 소비자 잉여(사회적 후생)의 크기를 상쇄할 수 있음을 보여 주었다. Regulation regime is likely to be influenced by rent-seeking activities of the incumbents and the potential entrants. Quite naturally, the incumbents are against issuing one more license while the potential entrants try to induce the government issue one more license. This paper models the deregulation procedure as a two-stage collective contest between the incumbents and the potential entrants. This paper show that the resources expended in the entry contest can exceed the expected increase in social welfare in the case of a linear demand.

      • 視聽覺障碍 및 肢體障碍者에 對한 體育效果의 硏究 : Centering on Busan Area

        姜在馨 新羅大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        This thesis details the most important field of study of the effect for physical deffects of limbs and audio-visual case centering on Busan region. All of this study are based on practising for individual directly. This thesis has been divided into ten chapters as follows. Chap. 1. Preface Chap. 2. Purpose and Method To aid the development and growth through physical activity within a sphere of general education. Chap. 3. History of Education for the physical defects Chap. 4. Notes of kind of the physical defects Chap. 5. Causes of the physical defects Chap. 6. Provision of their employment and the conditions of education for them Chap. 7. The effect of Physical activity. 1. Connection between the physical culture and general education. 2. Recognition of the value of the health. Chap. 8. Guidance for the physical defects on the view of physical culture. 1. Remarks to guide the physical defects 2. Guide the limbs defects 3. Guide the visual defects 4. Guide the audio defects Chap. 9. Pysique of the deaf and blind 1. Selection of the items to be researched 2. Object for researching 3. Methods how to research 4. Records of the research (a) Male Height Male : Comparison between the blind and the deaf to common one by the step of age. Female : do (b) Male : Same as the above in the case of height. Female : do (c) The girth of the chest Male : Same as the above in the case of weight Female : do (a) Sitting height Male : Same as the above in the case of the girth of the chest Female : do Chap. 10. Conclusion It is necessary that the characteristic education for the physical defects. Before trying to treat them under the characterized education, their own characterized various private affairs should be solved. They are in great handicaps for themselves to be developed and or grown like others. And through this study I researched the conclusion as followings ; 1) Characterized education should be considered firstly in the field of education. 2) Must provide the way possible to keep them in safety from any trouble expected to be happen. 3) Must give enough courage and brightness to over come their inferiority or shame to others by themselves. 4) Encourage then lest they should fail to stand themselves of themselves. 5) Aid them widely for their growth and development in the view of physical culture.

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