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        한국 연안의 Paracalanus parvus 와 P . indicus 의 재기재

        강영실 한국수산학회 1996 한국수산과학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        한국 연안에서 Paracalanus parvus로 분류되어졌던 종에 대한 분류학적인 재검토를 하였다. 그 결과 한국연안에서 Paracalanus parvus로 분류되어져 왔던 종은 Paracalanus parvus와 Paracalanus indicus, 2종인 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이 두 종의 형태학적 특징 중 가장 뚜렷한 차이는 제2∼4유영지였다. Paracalanus parvus는 제2∼4유영지 외지 세번째 마디절 외연 말단부에 거치가 없으며, 제1기절에는 극점이 있다. P. indicus는 제2, 3유영지의 외지 세번째 마디절 외연 말단부에는 거치가 있으나, 제4유영지에는 없다. 또한, 제1기절에 극침이 있다. Paracalanus parvus and P. indicus collected in Korean coastal waters were redescribed to clarify taxonomical confusion. They showed the significant morphological difference in the 2nd∼4th swimming legs. In P. parvus the outer distal edge of 3rd segment of exopod of 2nd∼4th swimming legs is not serrated. The 1st basipodite has no spinules on the surface. In P. indicus the outer distal edge of 3rd segment of exopod of 2nd and 3rd swimming legs is serrated, while that of the 4th swimming leg is not. This species has the 1st basipodite with a lot of spinules on the surface.

      • 간호 및 간호사 이미지 향상을 위한 전략

        강영실 慶尙大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.37 No.-

        The nurse, licensed through a national qualification after specialized education and training, plays diverse roles in clinical area and community area. But people still have a trend to regard nurses as an angel of mercy or doctor's assistant rather than a professional or a specialist. In order to improve nurse's image as a nursing professional, all the basic education of nursing should be through bachelor's courses. Furthermore, more specialized courses such as master and Ph. D. are recommended to be reinforced. In addition, nurse's activity needs to be extended to health promotion programs in the community. Of course, efforts should be made through mass media so that public perception on nursing and nurses is rectified correctly.

      • 한국의 다문화가정의 현황 및 문제점과 그에 대한 교회의 과제 및 역할에 대한 소고

        강영실 한국교회사회사업학회 2010 교회와 사회복지 Vol.14 No.-

        국가 간 인구의 이동이 보편화되는 세계화, 개방화로 인해 최근 우리나라도 외국인의 국내정착이 지속적으로 증가하면서 다문화사회에 대한 담론이 일어나고 있다. 이는 특히 국제결혼이 증가함에 따른 것으로 우리사회는 다문화가정이 담론의 중심에 서있다. 다문화가정은 최근 이혼율의 급증, 언어·문화적 차이, 경제적 곤란, 가정폭력, 사회적 편견, 자녀 교육 등의 문제가 심각한 것으로 나타나고 있지만, 현재의 법과 제도는 이들 가정의 안정을 위한 제도적 기반을 마련하는데 여전히 부족한 상황이다. 이에 본고는 다문화가정의 안정을 위한 노력을 교회의 과제로 삼고 문제해결의 중심에 교회의 역할을 강조하 고자 하였다. 이제 더 이상 한국의 다문화가정의 형성 및 증가는 사회적, 지역적 문제로만 취급될 상황이 아니다. 한국교회도 다문화가정에 대한 배타성과 차별성의 관점으로부터 벗어나 새로운 인식의 전환이 필요할 때이다. 그리고 선교적, 인도적, 사회통합적 차원의 접근을 해야 할 것이며, 동시에 지역사회와의 협력을 통해 문제해결에 대한 방안을 모색해야 할 것이다. Due to globalization and openness in which movement of population among countries is universalized, recently in our country Korea, as settlement of foreigners in the country is gradually increasing, a lot of discussion on multicultural society are occurring. This is especially following the increase of international marriages, and the multicultural families in our society stands on the center of multicultural discourse. However, though in multicultural families recently the problems of sharp increase in divorce rate, difference of language and culture, economic difficulties, family violence, social prejudice and education of children appeared to be serious, currently the foundation of the law and system for stabilization of these families is still in the situation of insufficiency. Therefore, this study intended to make the effort to stabilize multicultural families the task of the church and to emphasize the role of church in the center of problem solution. Now, the formation and increase of multicultural families in Korea is no more in a situation where it is treated as social and local problems. Churches in Korea also are in the time for needing new conversion of recognition getting out of the viewpoint of exclusiveness and discrimination against multicultural families. And the church should approach in the missionary, humanitarian and social integration dimension and at the same time should search for the method of problem solution through cooperation with local community.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        정신장애 범죄인의 치료감호규정과 교정복지적 접근방안에 대한 소고

        강영실 한국교정복지학회 2012 교정복지연구 Vol.- No.25

        매년 대검찰청에서 발표하는 범죄분석자료에 따르면 정신장애인의 범죄자수는 예전과 비교했을 때 지속적으로 증가하고 있으며, 범죄유형도 매우 다양하다. 정신적 능력의 결함(정신장애)으로 인한 범죄는 예측할 수 없는 사회적 위험 등이 있다고 보고, 그들에 대해서는 ‘치료감호’라는 별도의 형사처벌규정을 마련하고 있다. 치료감호는 심신장애로 인하여 사물을 변별할 능력이 없거나 의사를 결정할 능력이 없는 자, 향정신성 약물을 남용 또는 중독된 자 등을 대상으로 하고 있다. 따라서 감호기간(형의 집행기간)동안에는 의학적 치료를 원칙으로 하고 있다. 그러나 치료감호처벌을 받고 사회로 복귀한 이후에 형벌의 효과가 나타나고 있는가 하는 부분은 명확하지 않다. 현재 우리나라의 정신장애 범죄인을 수용하는 기관은 국립법무병원이 있으며, 정신과적 특수치료, 의료재활치료, 그리고 재범방지와 효과적인 사회복귀를 위해 직업능력개발훈련 등의 프로그램을 실시하고 있다. 그러나 이는 의학적 치료와 직업훈련 등으로 정신보건상의 사회복지적 접근방안은 절대적으로 부족하다. 이에 본고는 정신장애 범죄인을 대상으로 한 치료감호제도의 문제점을 살펴보고, 사회복지적 접근방안에 대해 고찰해 보았다. 특히 의료적 접근 외에도 사회복귀를 목적으로 하는 사회복지적 관점에서 치료감호가 이루어져야 하며, 그와 관련하여 사회복지사의 역할을 강조하였다. 또한 출소이후 사후관리차원에서 지역사회 내 정신보건센터 등과의 연계 또는 협력관계를 통한 지원방안의 모색을 제안한다. Number of criminals with mental disorder increased than before and the criminals committed very much various kinds of crime according to white paper of crime of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office. The ones with mental disorder were thought to have unexpected social danger, so that criminal punishment of cure custody was used. The cure custody was applied to the ones who could not judge because of physical and mental disorder, the ones who could not do decision-making, and the ones who abused or anti-psychotic drug. Medical treatment was principally used during preventive care and custody. Effect of the punishment was not certain after the criminals were given preventive cure and custody and returned to the society. The Institute of Forensic Psychiatry Ministry of Justice accommodated criminals with mental disorder by using various kinds of therapy programs, for instance, special psychiatric treatment, rehabilitation, and vocational training that could prevent criminals from committing crimes again and help return to the society. However, not medical treatment but also vocational training could not reach social welfare of mental health. This study examined cure custody of criminals with mental disorder as well as social approaches. The cure custody was needed from point of view of medical treatment and social welfare of return to the society for which social workers could play important role. The study suggested connection and cooperation with mental health center in community to take care of the criminals after being released from imprisonment.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        재가 치매노인의 문제행동에 관한 연구

        강영실,Kang, Young-Sil 한국지역사회간호학회 2000 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        This study has a purpose to provide information to help develop nursing intervention for demented elderly staying at home. For this purpose I analysed the relationship of patients' disturbing behaviors with their demographic and social characteristics, premorbid personality, and present environmental characteristics through questionnaire survey on their family members. The survey was performed through direct interview, telephone contact. and mail in the regions of Pusan and Gyeongnam. Among family members contacted. 112 ones made an appropriate response to the survey. The statistical package SAS was utilized for descriptive statistics, correlation coefficients, stepwise multiple regression, and cluster analysis. The results of the study were as follows: 1) Demographic and social characteristics of the patients surveyed are female 81.3%, average age 81.4 years, lack of schooling 83.0%, spouse dead 73.2%, having no other disease 58.9%, average duration of dementia 3.8 years, no medical treatment for dementia 84.8%, good married life 40.2%, and primary care given by daughter-in-law 49.1%. 2) Aggressive Psychomotor Behavior(APB) was observed in a way statistically meaningful in case that primary care was given by daughter-in-law, while Nonaggressive Psychomotor Behavior(NPB) was in case of good married life and primary care given by other than daughter-in-law and spouse. Verbally aggressive behavior (VAB) was observed in groups of female, spouse dead, bad married life, and daughter-in-law's primary care. As for Passive Behavior(PB), it was observed in case that patients had educational background of not less high than middle school and that they were having medical treatment. Functionally Impaired Behavior(FIB) was observed in age group of 60-69 and more than 90, in patients' group having no other disease, and in case that the duration of dementia was not less than 5 years. 3) Premobid Neuroticism(N) showed positive correlation with APB and VAB, while Openness (O) did negative correlation with PB. Agreeableness (A) was proved to have positive correlation with PA and FIB, but to have negative correlation with APB and VAB. In addition, Conscientiousness(C) showed negative correlation with APB and VAB. 4) The worse the psychosocial environment was, the more NPB and VAB were observed. 5) APB was explained 24% by C and primary care-giver, while NPB was explained 28% by psychosocial environment, having other disease or not, and married life. VAB was explained 40% by A. sex, and married life. On the other hand PB was explained 33% by O, A. N, and having medical treatment or not. But any significant factor was not found to explain FIB. 6) A cluster analysis was performed on disturbing behaviors of demented elderly staying at home. It enabled to regroup the demented elderly in 5 patterns: high scored in NPB, high scored in FIB. high scored in NPB and VAB, moderately scored in most disturbing behaviors, and low scored in all areas. In conclusion, disturbing behaviors of demented elderly not only reflect their premorbid personality in the past, but also are affected by their present psychosocial environment. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage and respond them with understanding their disturbing behaviors in relation to their past premorbid personality. In addition, it is important to provide them better psychosocial environment in order to reduce their disturbing behaviors.

      • KCI등재

        북한이탈주민의 주관적 건강인식과 건강증진생활양식

        강영실,하영미,은영 한국지역사회간호학회 2012 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationships between health status including objective health status and subjective health perception and Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II in North Korean immigrants. Methods: During August 2011 to November 2011, a convenience sample of 96 subjects aged 19 to 65 years were recruited from two centers and one public health center in Gyeongnam. The subjects were interviewed face to face by trained people with a survey questionnaire. Results: Approximately 40% of North Korean immigrants rated their health status as 'poor', and the prevalence of health problems in them was 81.3%. The average level of health-promoting lifestyle profile II was 1.78±0.35. Females with normal weight or overweight, and have stayed for over 1 year in South Korea were related to the lower score of health-promoting lifestyle profile II. Conclusion: Considering North Korean immigrants' health background and health behaviors, customized health care program focusing on musculoskeletal disorder and psychological problems are required, and at the same time health behavior change program to achieve lifetime wellness should be developed.Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationships between health status including objective health status and subjective health perception and Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile II in North Korean immigrants. Methods: During August 2011 to November 2011, a convenience sample of 96 subjects aged 19 to 65 years were recruited from two centers and one public health center in Gyeongnam. The subjects were interviewed face to face by trained people with a survey questionnaire. Results: Approximately 40% of North Korean immigrants rated their health status as 'poor', and the prevalence of health problems in them was 81.3%. The average level of health-promoting lifestyle profile II was 1.78±0.35. Females with normal weight or overweight, and have stayed for over 1 year in South Korea were related to the lower score of health-promoting lifestyle profile II. Conclusion: Considering North Korean immigrants' health background and health behaviors, customized health care program focusing on musculoskeletal disorder and psychological problems are required, and at the same time health behavior change program to achieve lifetime wellness should be developed.

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