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      • 한국 전통문화문법을 어떻게 이해할 것인가?

        강신표(Kang Shin Pyo) 한국문화사회학회 2007 문화와 사회 Vol.3 No.-

        이 글은 우실하의 「강신표 교수의 ‘대대문화문법’에 대한 비판적 검토」(『문화와 사회』 통권2권, pp. 7~28)를 재반론하는 것이다. 2005년도 한국사회학회 전기대회, 동양사회사상 분과에서 발표한 강신표의 「‘대대문화문법’에 관한 이해와 곡해」에 대해 우실하가 반론으로 논의했던 내용을 글로 정리한 것이 위의 우실하의 글이다. 이 글은 당시에 강신표가 답변했던 내용을 다시 부연 설명한 내용으로 이루어져 있다. 첫째로 우실하가 조선조의 서명응이 사용한 대대 개념을 강신표가 사용하는 개념과 동일시하는 데 문제가 있음을 다시 지적하였다. 둘째로 우실하가 대대 개념을 “2수(數)”로 파악하고, 나아가 “3수(數)”로 한국 문화를 이해해야 한다고 주장하는 점을 비판하였다. 끝으로 강신표의 “대대문화문법”은 급수성, 집단성, 연극/의례성이라는 문화문법의 규칙성(rules)을 다루면서 확대 심화시고 있는데, 이에 대한 이해는 우실하에게서 찾아볼 수 없다. 그는 다만 2수, 3수, 5수라는 수량 개념에서 한중일의 전통문화의 ‘구성 요소’와 ‘구성 원리’가 차이가 난다고 하였다. 이 글은 이에 대한 재반론이다. This paper is my response to Woo's paper, “A Critical Review of Kang’s ‘Dae-dae Cultural Grammar’”. I had criticized Woo’s “Understanding and Misunderstanding of ‘Dae-dae Cultural Grammar’” at the Annual Spring Meeting of Korean Sociological Association, 2005. His paper is what was discussed at the meeting and also my paper is what I responded to his comments at that time. Main points of my criticism are three fold as follows; First, he had confused the concept, “Dae-dae”, used by me and Seo Myung-eung,(徐命膺), a scholar of late Chosen Dynasty. Seo’s usage of the concept is his unique interpretation which has nothing to do with my usage. I tried to show how differently the concept is utilized in its understanding by me and Seo. To my understanding, Seo’s interpretation of the concept is possible in terms of my “Dae-dae” cultural grammar. If he intended to criticize my “Dae-dae”, he should do it in terms of my usage. Secondly, he concentrated on “numerical” aspects such as “number 3” is “sacred number” by traditional Koreans. And he continued to emphasize “domination of number 3” over the numbers 2 and 5 in which 2 represent “Dae-dae of yin and yang” and 5 represent “five elements”(五行). Myth of “number 3” was already well discussed by Alan Dundes as an universal number. Thus we cannot accept “number 3” as “sacred number” uniquely used by traditional Koreans. Finally, he did totally disregard what I intended to understand “traditional cultural grammar of Korea” by “Dae-dae” which imply hierarchical, groupness and drama/ritual aspects. Here, I must put an additional note that my approach is only one of many possible approaches to understanding of Korean cultural traditions.

      • KCI등재
      • 『神明舍圖·銘』의 새로운 理解

        姜信杓 慶尙大學校 南冥學硏究所 2002 남명학연구 Vol.14 No.-

        Development of the Neo-Confucianism during the Chosen dynasty begun to get attention among international scholars since about three decade ago. Cho Sik (Nammyung, 1501-72) was one of the two most distinguished Neo-Confucian scholars at the sixteenth century with Yi Hwang (T'oegye, 1501-70). However, Cho Sik' scholarly achievements in the Neo-Confucianism had been neglected due to political reason during late Chosen dynasty. It was continued up to late 20th century. Recently his contributions to development of Korean Neo-Confucian studies were rediscovered by new generation. His academic works written in classical Chinese had been newly translated into modern Korean and several research institutes for Nammyung studies had initiated international academic conferences on his works and their contributions to Korean intellectual community. 『Diagram and Inscription of Shin-myung-sa』 is one of his most important works for understanding of his scholarly word-views. I have examined this work in terms of Dae-dae cultural grammar, my model of analysis on traditional Korean culture. The diagram and Inscription could be seen as the most representative summary of his life long search to understanding Sung and Ming Neo-Confucian traditions and their realization in the Chosun (Yi) dynasty. Two fundamental concepts he focused in the search are kyung and ui. In the diagram and inscription they are neatly explained how to practice in state rule and scholar's daily living. This paper shows that Dae-dae cultural grammar underlie 『Diagram and Inscription of Shin-myung-sa』consistently.

      • KCI등재

        “우리 아들은 ‘납북자’가 아니다” : 문화인류학도의 6·25의 체험적 증언

        강신표 한국구술사학회 2010 구술사연구 Vol.1 No.-

        이 글은 문화인류학계 원로인 필자가 직접 체험한 한국전쟁을 회고형식을 빌어서 작성 한 것이다. 즉 구술사가들이 수집하는 타자의 내러티브가 아니라 필자의 “즉자(卽自)적 고 백(告白)을 증언”한 글이다. 이 같은 “자기-민족지(Auto-Ethnography)” 기술방법은 기존 민족지 기술의 대안으로 부각되고 있다. 필자는 아직도 잊혀지지 않는 6ㆍ25 당시의 몇 장 면에 초점을 맞추면서 전쟁의 의미를 되새겼다. 전쟁 중 김일성대학의 초청을 받아 북으로 간 고종사촌형에 대한 고모님의 ‘일편단심 충절’과 자부심은 필자에게 깊은 인상을 심어주 었다. 전쟁 후 반공체제 아래 살벌한 시기에도 고모님은 ‘내 아들은 제 발로 걸어갔지, 납북 되지 않았다’고 가족들과 이웃에게 불호령을 내렸다. 우리 선조들이 소중한 가치로 여겼던 “님을 향한 일편단심의 지조”가 살아있음을 고모님을 통해서 알았다. 자기가 설정한 “신념에 대한 투철한 자각”을 소중하게 간직하고 이를 후손들에게 가르치려던 선인들의 편린을 읽게 하는 것이다. 그렇게 함으로써 우리의 무의식에 새로운 행동 규칙과 신념이 문화문법으로 각인되는 것이다. 6·25와 같은 역사적 사건은 우리 삶의 일상 속에 숨어 있는 진실을 표 출시키는 계기로서 그 뜻이 있는 듯하다. 분단된 조국에서 6·25는 무의식의 담론으로 망 령처럼 떠돌아다닌다. 문화인류학자는 이를 마주해야 한다. 그래서 오늘 우리 사회의 성원 들의 삶을 진단할 수 있어야 할 것이다. This article is written based on my recollection of a personal experience during the Korean War. I, as a senior cultural anthropologist, have used a method of auto-ethnography, rather than a conventional ethnography largely drawing upon the other’s narratives. The auto-ethnography is now emerging as an alternative method in anthropological description of experience. In this article, focusing on unforgettable memories of the effects of the war inscribed in my mind, I reconsider the impact and meaning of the war on our culture. During the war, a tragic incident occurred to my father’s sister’s family. Her son, my cousin, was invited to teach at Kim Il Song University during the war. He left Seoul for the North. Since then, the family has been separated. Following the war, there was a strong anti-communist atmosphere in the South but that did not weaken my aunt’s pride and loyalty toward her son. When her daughter-in-law reported to the government that her husband had been abducted by the North, my aunt fiercely scolded her daughter-in-law. She repeatedly stated to family and neighbors, “My son went to the North on his own initiative, and was not abducted.” My aunt highly valued the virtues of fidelity and loyalty toward the one she loved and respected; those virtues had been significantly praised as honorable values during the period of Chosun. Fidelity and loyalty were more important to my aunt than the negative effects of people knowing that her son had chosen to leave the South for the North. Her persistence and insistence on the truth had a strong impact on her descendants, leaving us with imprinted cultural grammar by her principles of behavior and faith. The historical incidents like the Korean War may be moments disclosing the hidden truths about our way of life. Nowadays, various discourses about the Korean War are floating around like a ghost. It is time for cultural anthropologists to face it and probe inside of people’s life.

      • KCI등재
      • 한국전통문화와 국제문화교류

        강신표 신라대학교 인문과학연구소 2003 신라인문학강좌 Vol.- No.2

        1. 우리들은 문화 속에 산다. 사람들은 문화를 떠나서는 살수 없다. 문화는 물고기에 있어서 물처럼, 사람에게는 공기처럼, 그 속에서 나왔을 때 비로소 알게된다. 한국인이 일본에 갔을 때 한국 문화, 즉 우리나라 사람들의 생활양식을 알 수 있게 된다. 고향을 떠났을 때 비로소 고향의 소중함을 알게 된다.

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