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강성위 세계평화교수협의회 1979 아카데미論叢 Vol.7 No.1
특히 「사람을 사랑하는 태도」로서의 윤리의 바탕 없이는 평화를 생각할 수 마저도 없을 것이다. 또 미래를 「진단」(Prognose)하고 「계획」(Planung)한다는 미래학(미래의 철학)의 과제도 사실은 「인류의 평화」 이외의 아무것도 아니다. 이런 관점에서 보자면 미래학은 모든 학문들을 포괄한 평화학(Friedensforschung)이라고도 할 수 있을 것이다. 위에서 이미 암시했듯이, 우리는 우선 평화에 관한 생각부터 간추려 보기로 하겠는데, 이때 C.F. von Weizsa¨cker의 평화에 관한 생각에 바탕을 두고, 우리의 생각을 펼쳐나가고 심화해 보려고 한다. This paper considers the problem reconstructing the shortest path, act is, the problem to reconstruct the weighted shortest path in reponses to topology change of the network. This paper proposes a distributed algorithm that reconstructs the weighted shortest path after several processors and links are added and deleted. Its message complexity and ideal-time complexity are O(u^(2) + a + n′), where n′ is the number of processors in the network after the topology change, a is the number of added links, and u is the total number of processors in the biconnected component (of the network before the topology change) including the deleted links or added links.
송(宋) 이후(以後) 시선집(詩選集)의 성행(盛行) 배경(背景)과 그 특징(特徵)에 관한 일고찰(一考察) - 송시(宋詩)에 대한 인식의 궤적(軌跡) 탐색을 겸하여 -
강성위 한국중국어문학회 2000 中國文學 Vol.34 No.-
This thesis is designed to view the background that a selected poetry prevailed since Song(宋) Dynasty and the characteristics of the poetry. First, I discussed the traditional views toward the selected poetry. As a rule, critics` views, which are usually expressed in a brief comment, are accord with that of Huyinglin(胡應麟) who suggested best selection(精) and completion(備). For the background of the selected poetry, I discussed the establishment of the tradition for selected poems, the prevalence of Shihua(詩話), the advent of editors and book collectors, the state examination, and king`s encouragement of poetry. For the main characteristics of the selected poetry, I discussed that selectors have no special view to it, that it tends to concentrate in a certain Dynasty, and that the selection`s purpose is diverse. The reason selectors don`t express their views to the selection is that the main purpose of reading poems is not to appreciate or to criticize them, but to study them to create. And the fact that the selection is concentrated in a certain Dynasty is that readers had the preference for the certain Dynasty. Because their way of thinking was basically based on the Dynasty. Sometimes, this preference can be understood as a prejudice or as a sectarianism. Before Qing(淸) Dynasty, this tendency is for Tang(唐)`s poetry and since Qing Dynasty, it is mainly for Song`s poetry. In accordance with the atmosphere of the times, the selected poetry also led the socialization of poetry, As a result of it, the purpose of the selected poetry became diverse. In addition to the classical learning, the selected poetry was used to promote mutual friendship or to display a sense of superiority of a class.