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      • 범죄로부터 안전한 골목길 평가에 관한 연구

        강부성(Boo Seong Kang),이유미(Yu Mii Lee),박현호(Hyun Ho Park),성기호(Ki Ho Sung),임동현(Dong Hyun Lim) 한국셉테드학회 2012 한국셉테드학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        본 연구는 보행로 범죄예방환경평가를 목적으로 진행되었는데, 범죄예방 환경설계의 관점에서 현장조사를 위한 체크리스트를 작성하여 보행로를 평가하였다. 연구결과 범죄예방환경설계(CPTED)를 적용한 보행로의 설치기준 및 관리규정 마련이 필요하다. 세부사항으로는 보행로의 폭의 확보와 보차분리가 필요하며 이를 위해 공용주차장시설의 확대와 협소한 보행로 내 주차금지구역 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 보행로 내 시설물의 설치기준 마련이 필요하고 사적공간과 공적공간의 영역성 확보를 위한 시설물 또는 색채 등을 활용하여야 할 것이다. 보행로 내 옥외보안등의 빛이 닿는 영역 및 어두운 공간에 대한 개선이 필요하고 주거지역과 상점과 혼재된 지역의 옥외보안등 점등시간의 효율적 관리지침 마련이 필요하다. 그리고 주거지역 거주민의 범죄예방환경을 위한 교육이 필요한 것으로 분석되었다. This study on the laneways of crime prevention have been conducted for the purpose of environmental assessment, crime prevention, environmental checklist for field research in terms of design and make laneways were evaluated. Followings are the results. First, Crime prevention-the lodge designing and installation of laneways to apply the standards is needed. Second, The installation of the facility in laneways laid the basis for this is needed. Third, Details are secured and the width of the beam of the laneways, you need a separate car public parking facility for enlargement and limited parking zone within the necessary laneways. And residential areas for crime prevention education to resident needs.

      • KCI등재

        주택유형별 1인가구의 범죄 안전성에 대한 조사 연구

        황성은,강부성,박지연,Hwang, Sung-Eun,Kang, Boo-Seong,Park, Ji-Yeon 한국주거학회 2013 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.24 No.4

        There is a growing residential type to be one-person householes, but alternative and consideration for them is short. Especially, one-person households's crime prevention is not considered. So, In this study, one-person households resident's inside and surroundings of residential's fear of crime and a part of weakness for crime were investigated by types of houses and sex. For the result, One-room resident's fear of crime is the highest at inside, surroundings, fear of crime compare to other type of residents and more than 2 households and the apartment's resident has less fear of crime at inside and surroundings than other types residents. Also, female has more fear of crime than male at inside, but outside's is resemblance between them.

      • KCI등재후보

        다세대 다가구주택 밀집지역의 외부공간과 쓰레기 불법적치로 인한 범죄불안감 조사 연구

        황성은(Sung Eun Hwang),강부성(Boo Seong Kang),윤성빈(Sung Bin Yoon) 한국셉테드학회 2017 한국셉테드학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        다세대·다가구주택 밀집지역의 쓰레기 불법적치 등이 심각하며, 주택 사잇길이나 시야확보가 불가능한 숨은공간과 필로티 공간 등이 존재하여 거주자 및 보행자의 불안감을 높이는 요소로 작용하고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 다세대·다가구주택 밀집지역의 숨은공간 및 사이공간, 필로티 공간을 포함하는 외부공간과 쓰레기 불법적치에 대한 실태 조사와 더불어 거주자 및 보행자를 대상으로 한 범죄불안감 정도를 설문을 통해 조사 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 대상지는 서울시 노원구 공릉1동의 다세대·다가구주택 밀집지역으로 한정하였으며, 숨은공간과 사이공간, 필로티 공간을 포함한 외부공간과 더불어, 거주지 주변의 쓰레기 불법적치를 연구의 조사 범위로 하였다. 대상지의 실태파악을 위한 조사를 실시하였으며, 실태조사 결과를 토대로 대상지의 거주자 및 보행자를 대상으로 범죄불안감과 범죄불안 요소에 대한 설문조사를 통해 총 93부의 유효 응답 설문지를 회신하여 분석하였다. 실태조사 결과, 다세대·다가구주택의 숨은공간 및 사이 공간이 다수 존재하며, 필로티 공간을 포함한 숨은공간 모두 조명이 미흡하였다. 쓰레기는 주택 주변 골목길까지 다수 적치되어 있었다. 이를 토대로 대상지의 외부공간 및 쓰레기 불법적치로 인한 실제 범죄불안감과 범죄 불안 요소 확인을 위해 설문조사를 진행한 결과, 전반적인 범죄 불안 인식 및 범죄불안감에서 여성, 원룸 거주자, 대학생이 모두 높은 범죄 불안감을 보인 것으로 확인되었으며, 외부공간, 쓰레기 불법적치와 더불어 숨은공간 조명시설의 부족으로 인한 범죄불안감이 모두 높은 상관관계를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해 다세대·다가구주택 밀집지역의 숨은공간 및 사이공간, 필로티 공간을 중심으로 한 외부공간의 적절한 활용과 조명 등을 통한 가시성 확보가 필요하며, 쓰레기 불법적치 방지를 위한 쓰레기 적치공간 마련 등이 필요하다는 것을 도출하였다. 또한 각 공간별 범죄불안 저감을 통해 전체적인 범죄불안감을 감소시킬 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. The regions with houses for multiple households are characterized by poor visibility of outer space, which consists of hidden spaces, in-between spaces and piloti spaces, and by illegal waste disposal. And these are the factors that increase the anxiety of both residents of these areas and pedestrians. Accordingly, in this research, an attempt was made to investigate the actual situations of these regions with an emphasis on their physical conditions and the fear of crime felt by both the residents and the pedestrians through a questionnaire survey. The target area for research was limited to the region with houses for multiple households, and the research was focused on the problems of outer space, which consists of hidden spaces, in-between spaces and piloti spaces, including the illegal waste disposal. An investigation was carried out with the goal of grasping the actual conditions of this area using a questionnaire survey on the fear of crime felt by both the residents and the pedestrians as well as factors of crime anxiety. As a result of the analysis, it turned out that there exist many hidden and in-between spaces in the region with houses for multiple households, and the hidden spaces including Piloti space had inadequate lighting. And illegal waste disposal was found in almost all back lanes and alleys. And as a result of the analysis with regard to fear of crime in general and the resulting anxiety of crime, it was revealed that women, one-room residents, and college students were especially affected by the possibility of the crime. Conditions of outer space, illegal waste disposal, and inadequate lighting in hidden spaces all turned out to be closely correlated with high anxiety of crime. Through this research, the need to secure visibility with the proper use of outer space centering on hidden space, in-between space and Piloti space in the region with houses for multiple households and the lighting, and the need to come up with a proper garbage compartment space in order to prevent illegal waste disposal were derived. Also, through alleviating anxiety of crime by space as described above, it seems that the overall anxiety of crime can also be reduced.

      • 국내 친환경 건축물 관련 인증제도 비교 분석 연구 - 녹색건축인증을 중심으로 -

        윤성빈(Yoon, Sung-Bin),황성은(Hwang, Sung-Eun),최병윤(Choi, Byeong-Yun),강부성(Kang, Boo-Seong) 대한건축학회 2021 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.41 No.1

        Previously, Domestic certification system associated with green building had been increased by importance of environmental friendly building. Because of increasing and scattered systems, there are formed with duplicated and similar evaluation criteria associated with green building and also people confused with each different certification system. For improving efficiency of certification system, this study was to raise awareness of necessity of reestablishing evaluation criteria through comparing and analyzing domestic certification systems associated with green building compared with G-SEED.

      • 국내외 친환경건축물 관련 인증제도의 평가항목 간 비교를 통한 평가 분류체계 재구성 연구

        윤성빈(Yoon, Sung-Bin),황성은(Hwang, Sung-Eun),최병윤(Choi, Byeong-Yun),강부성(Kang, Boo-Seong) 대한건축학회 2022 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.42 No.1

        Compared to the developing construction industry, the performance of green buildings in Korea lacks information on whether they have secured their performance, and it is impossible to confirm what specialized fields are needed to secure the performance of green buildings. In this study, specialized fields were derived by comparing and analyzing the evaluation items of domestic and foreign green building-related certification systems, and based on this, the classification system based on green building performance was reorganized. This is meaningful in constructing a classification system based on which performance related to green buildings can be evaluated and confirmed in the future.

      • 다세대·다가구주택 밀집지역에서 숨은 공간의 범죄불안감에 관한 조사 연구

        윤성빈(Yoon, Sung-Bin),김도형(Kim, Do-Hyung),강부성(Kang, Boo-Seong) 대한건축학회 2017 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.37 No.1

        범죄는 사회 전반적으로 발생한다. 최근에, 다양한 범죄의 증가로 인해 범죄 불안감이 고조되고 있다. 또한 성범죄, 강도 등 다양한 범죄로 인해 다세대·다가구주택 내 범죄 불안감이 높아지고 있다. 범죄는 건물과 건물사이, 어둡고 좁은 골목길과 같은 시야가 차단된 외부공간에서 발생한다. 이러한 공간들은 범죄에 노출되기 쉽다. 따라서 이 연구는 다세대·다가구주택 내 범죄 불안감에 대한 선행연구를 진행하고, 대상지의 실태조사를 따라 건물과 건물 사이 공간에 대한 현황을 파악한 후 대상지 거주자 및 보행자들을 중심으로 설문조사를 실시하여 범죄 불안감 인식 조사를 진행하였다. 이 연구는 건물과 건물 사이 공간과 다세대·다가구주택 밀집지역의 외부 공간에 대한 개선 필요사항 도출을 목적으로 한다.

      • KCI우수등재

        캠퍼스 이용자의 동선에 영향을 미치는 길찾기 요소 분석 연구

        윤성빈(Yoon, Sung-Bin),황성은(Hwang, Sung-Eun),강부성(Kang, Boo-Seong) 대한건축학회 2021 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.37 No.10

        This study aims to analyze wayfinding systems in campus by investigating movements of campus users and the present status of user movements, and suggest ways of improving wayfinding in campus. For this study, an questionnaire was conducted targeting campus users from A University and B University to investigate primary movements of users, wayfinding methods and reasons why users have difficulty in figuring out locations in campus. Also, One-way ANOVA of respondents’ general characteristics and cross analysis depending on departure points extracted from movements of users and the total number of nodes that they passed through were conducted. For objective analysis of study results, an actual condition study was performed based on the survey results and wayfinding system rating criteria extracted from the previous studies. The study results obtained are as follows. First, respondents, who departed from the sub-entry in campus had a lower level of understanding of locations and a lower level of describability than those that departed from other points. When there was a bigger total number of nodes that campus users passed through, the understanding of locations and describability of ways were higher, and most users used internet maps to figure out locations. Direction signs that are less readable and building facades and numbers that are less visible made it hard to figure out locations. Second, according to analysis of campus at the two universities, users’ understanding of locations and describability of ways varied depending on the number of direction signs installed in campus and direction designs. Third, users’ understanding of locations and describability of ways varied depending on building facade and number visibility, and the number of buildings per campus area also influenced their understanding and describability. Fourth, both universities were not equipped with direction signs in the sub-entries of campus, and arrival points affected users’ understanding of locations and describability of ways.

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