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      • KCI등재

        재가암환자의 신체 증상들과 정신적, 사회적, 영적, 그리고 경제적 돌봄 요구도

        강명희,문영실,이영준,강윤식,김훈구,이경원,이원섭,강정훈,Kang, Myung Hee,Moon, Young Sil,Lee, Young Joon,Kang, Yoon Sik,Kim, Hoon Gu,Lee, Gyeong Won,Lee, Won Sup,Kang, Jung Hun 한국호스피스완화의료학회 2014 한국호스피스.완화의료학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        목적: 국내에서 재가암환자를 대상으로 시행된 연구는 많지 않다. 이 연구의 목적은 재가암환자들의 증상정도와 돌봄 요구도를 확인하기 위함이다. 방법: 진주시 재가암 서비스에 등록된 환자를 대상으로 자료를 수집하였다. 측정은 보건소에 소속된 간호사들이 시행하였다. 증상의 평가를 위해 Edmontone Symptome Assessment System (ESAS)와 Numeric Rating Scale (NRS)가 사용되었으며 정신적, 사회적 영적 요구도의 평가를 위해 4점 Likert scale이 사용되었다. 결과: 2013년 10월에 단면조사 방식으로 자료를 수집하였다. 총 209명이 등록되었으며 평균 나이는 65세였다(범위 17~89세). 대다수의 환자들이 초기에 진단 받았으며(n=188), 19명만이 진행된 병기였다. 절반 이상의 환자들이 혼자 거주하고 있었으며(n=115, 55%), 다른 보호자가 없이 스스로 돌보고 있었다(n=128, 61.2%). 식욕부진과 피로가 가장 흔한 증상이었다(NRS 중앙값 각각 5, 4). 환자들은 경제적 문제에 대한 지원이 가장 필요한 반면 영적인 돌봄이 가장 적게 필요하다고 대답하였다(n=138 [67.3%] vs. n=128 [62.1%]). 결론: 이 자료는 진주시 재가암환자들이 신체적 증상과 경제적 문제로 고통 받고 있다는 결과를 보여주었다. 서비스의 질을 향상시키기 위하여 맞춤형 접근이 필요할 것으로 사료된다. Purpose: This study was performed to identify the symptoms and care needs of home-based cancer patients in Korea and to add to the scarce literature on this topic. Methods: Data were collected from patients who subscribed to home-based cancer care services in Jinju. Assessments were performed by nurses at the local public health center. The Edmonton Symptom Assessment System with a numeric rating scale (NRS) was used to identify symptoms, and a four-point Likert scale was used to assess psychological, social, and spiritual needs. Results: Cross-sectional data were collected in October 2013. A total of 209 patients participated and their median age was 65 years (range, 17~89 years). Most patients were diagnosed in the early stage of cancer (n=188); only 19 patients were diagnosed in the advanced stage. More than half the patients lived alone (n=115, 55.0%) and took care of themselves (n=128, 61.2%). Anorexia and fatigue were the most common symptoms (median NRS, 5 and 4, respectively). Patients needed economic support the most, whereas spiritual care was least needed (n=138 [67.3%] vs. n=128 [62.1%], respectively). Conclusion: Patients who signed up for home-based cancer care services in Jinju are struggling with a financial issue and physical symptoms. A customized approach is needed to improve the quality of the home-based care services.

      • KCI등재

        피지컬 컴퓨팅 교육에서 과학적 탐구 태도에 대한 과학경험, 교육지원, 학습몰입의 예측력 규명

        강명희,장지은,윤성혜,Kang, Myunghee,Jang, JeeEun,Yoon, Seonghye 한국정보교육학회 2017 정보교육학회논문지 Vol.21 No.1

        최근 관심을 받고 있는 피지컬 컴퓨팅 교육은 하드웨어와 소프트웨어 요소를 통합하여 의미 있고 창의적인 산출물을 개발함으로써, 과학적 탐구 태도를 함양시키는 데 효과적인 교육의 형태이다. 이에 본 연구는 피지컬 컴퓨팅 교육에서 주요 학습성과 변인으로 거론되는 과학적 탐구 태도를 교육성과 변인으로 상정하고, 이를 예측하는 요인을 규명하고자 과학경험, 교육지원, 학습몰입을 예측변인으로 상정하여 이들 변인의 예측력을 확인하였다. 이를 위해 초등학교 4학년에서 6학년인 영재교육프로그램 참가자 64명을 대상으로 피지컬 컴퓨팅 교육을 실시하여 자료를 수집하였다. 수집된 자료는 기술통계, 상관분석, 다중회귀분석 및 매개분석을 통해 분석되었다. 연구 결과, 과학경험과 학습몰입은 교육성과인 과학적 탐구 태도를 유의하게 예측하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 학습몰입은 과학경험과 과학적 탐구 태도, 교육지원과 과학적 탐구 태도 사이를 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 이를 기반으로 피지컬 컴퓨팅 교육에서 과학적 탐구 태도 향상을 위해 과학경험 기회의 제공, 긍정적 교육지원의 필요, 학습몰입 촉진을 위한 전략이 필요함을 제안하였다. The physical computing education, as the emerging field, is a form of education that helps learners to develop the attitude of scientific inquiry by developing meaningful and creative output through the integration of hardware and software elements. Based on the literature, the authors of the study used science experience, school support and learning flow as the variables that predict the outcome variable which is the attitude of scientific inquiry. The authors collected data from 64 fourth and sixth graders who studied physical computing at an institution for the gifted and talented in Korea and then analyzed them using descriptive statistics, correlation, multiple regression and simple mediation analysis methods. As a result, science experience and learning flow significantly predicted the attitude of scientific inquiry. In addition, learning flow mediated the relationship between science experience and the attitude of scientific inquiry, and the relationship between school support and the attitude of scientific inquiry. Based on these results, the authors propose that to promote the attitude of scientific inquiry in physical computing education, strategies must be implemented for improving science experience, school support and learning flow in instructional design.

      • 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 환경을 위한 익명성을 보장하는 사용자 인증 및 접근제어 모델

        강명희,유황빈,Kang Myung-Hee,Ryou Hwang-Bin 대한전자공학회 2005 電子工學會論文誌-CI (Computer and Information) Vol.42 No.4

        모바일 디바이스, PDA 센서들의 확산은 실생활 공간이 지능적이고 향상된 서비스를 제공하는 스마트 공간으로 전환되는 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 환경이 구축될 수 있도록 하였다. 그러나 보안문제 특히 적절한 인증 및 접근 제어 기술의 부재로 말미암아, 실생활에서의 이러한 컴퓨팅 패러다임의 변화에 있어, 방해 요소가 되고 있으며, 또한 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 환경에서는 보안 대책을 마련하고, 사용자의 프라이버시 보장 또한 매우 중요하다 본 논문에서는 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 환경을 위한 사용자 프라이버시를 위한 익명성이 보장되는 효율적인 사용자 인증 및 접근 제어 모델을 제안한다. 본 논문의 제안 모델은 공개키 암호 기술이 아닌 MAC 기반의 익명 인증서와 보안 연계 토큰을 이용하여, 사용자 인증 및 접근 제어를 수행함으로써, 컴퓨팅 연산 능력이 컴퓨팅 연산 능력이 비교적 떨어지는 디바이스들에 적합한 모델이다. 또한 암호 연산 처리 측면에서, Kerberos 시스템과 비교하였을 때, 전반적으로 우수함을 알 수 있었다. The spread of mobile devices, PDAs and sensors has enabled the construction of ubiquitous computing environments, transforming regular physical spaces into 'Smart space' augmented with intelligence and enhanced with services. However, the deployment of this computing paradigm in real-life is disturbed by poor security, particularly, the lack of proper authentication and authorization techniques. Also, it is very important not only to find security measures but also to preserve user privacy in ubiquitous computing environments. In this Paper, we propose efficient user authentication and authorization model with anonymity for the privacy-preserving for ubiquitous computing environments. Our model is suitable for distributed environments with the computational constrained devices by using MAC-based anonymous certificate and security association token instead of using Public key encryption technique. And our Proposed Protocol is better than Kerberos system in sense of cryptographic computation processing.

      • KCI등재후보

        의과대학 문제중심학습에서 튜터의 전문분야와 교수경험이 학습결과에 미치는 영향

        강명희,이수지,김민정,김민지,Kang, MyungHee,Lee, SuJie,Kim, MinJeong,Kim, MinJi 연세대학교 의과대학 2011 의학교육논단 Vol.13 No.2

        This study aimed to investigate the effects of tutors' domain and teaching expertise on learning outcomes in a problem based learning (PBL) environment. Four tutors and 25 first-year medical students participated in this study. Tutors' domain expertise was classified by clinical or non-clinical which is basic medicine and teaching expertise by previous tutoring experiences or not. The results showed a statistically significant difference in achievement depending on the tutors' domain expertise. Students grouped with an experienced clinical tutor attained higher achievement scores than those with an experienced non-clinical tutor, while those with an inexperienced non-clinical tutor attained higher scores than those with both inexperienced clinical tutors and experienced non-clinical tutors. Students with clinical medicine tutors also showed higher satisfaction scores than those with non-clinical medicine tutors. In particular, students grouped with an experienced clinical tutor gained higher satisfaction scores than those with inexperienced non-clinical tutors, and among the inexperienced tutors, students tutored by a clinical tutor showed higher scores than those with a non-clinical tutor. Different intervention styles were also found depending on tutors' domain and teaching expertise. Experienced tutors gradually reduced the tutoring intervention, whereas the novice provided more as the semester proceeded. Moreover, experts with a clinical medicine degree preferred direct teaching, whereas, non-clinical tutors preferred facilitating. Also, experienced tutors in the clinical medicine facilitated critical awareness than the other tutors. These results show the importance of developing a program for novice tutors to improve PBL in medical education.

      • KCI등재

        형용사 조어형태소-IOS

        강명희,Kang Myoung Heui 한국독어학회 2004 독어학 Vol.9 No.-

        Im $gegew\"{a}rtigen$ Deutschen gibt es zwei verschiedene Auffassungen $\"{u}ber$ das adjektivische Wortbildungsmorphem -Ios. $W\"{a}hrend$ -Ios einerseits als Halbsuffix betrachtet wird, will man es andererseits als Suffix betrachten. Die $Gr\"{u}nde$, die -Ios als Halbsuffix gelten lassen, sind die folgenden : 1. Es besteht eine semantische Verwandtschaft zwischen -Ios und dem freien Morphem Ios. 2. Anders als Suffix hat es ein $zus\"{a}tzliches$ semantisches Merkmal. 3. Die Bildungen mit -Ios haben die Fugenelemente. 4. Es konkurriert mit adjektivischen Halbsuffixen. Die $Gr\"{u}nde$, die -Ios als Suffix gelten lassen, sind die folgenden: 1. Im Unterschied zu -frei und -leer dient es zur wertungsneutralen Feststellung des Sachverhalts 'Nichtvorhandensein'. 2. Es besitzt eine einheitliche semantische Funktion. (BS+ -Ios = ohne BS) 3. Es $geh\"{o}rt$ zur Lautstruktur 'KVK'. Diese entspricht der Lautstruktur der adjektiven Suffixe -bar, -lich. -sam usw. Diese verschiedenen Merkmale von -Ios lassen das Morphem noch nicht als Suffix gelten.

      • KCI우수등재

        中國史에서의 중앙과 지방

        姜明喜(Kang Myung-Hee) 역사학회 2006 역사학보 Vol.0 No.192

        Throughout the Chinese dynasties from Qin (秦) to Qing (淸), a centralized imperial system was maintained. The territories of the Son of Heaven encompassed all the people under the heaven. Emperors wanted to rule people as directly as possible, and the systems of local administration, bureaucracy and legalism were organized to satisfy the emperor's desire of direct rule to the maximum. There were long periods of disunion as well as those of conquest by foreign nomadic people that brought about yielding some part of Chinese territory. There were long periods of sectional authorities of rebellious leaders or powerful local clans as well. Nevertheless, the idea of great unification was never denied; nor the feudal system of the Zhou dynasty was expected to revive replacing the centralized administrative system of jun-xian (郡縣制). The nationwide highway and communication system, standardization of measure and currency, unification of social thought together with the ideas of the emperor's legitimacy based on mandate, various kinds of rituals symbolizing the emperor's sacredness were systems and devices that sustained centralized imperial government. More than anything, however, the most vital structure for centralization during many dynasties was a state ruling system of registered household (編戶齊民支配體制), which functioned as an institution for controling people and land, tax . collecting under the supervision of civil officials appointed by central government. The equal land system (均田制) of Northern Wei (北魏) through Tang (唐) was also intended to realize the idea of direct relationship between the emperor and small-peasants and the idea that no other independent authority in between them could exist. If traditional Chinese society had been composed of small peasants who are all equal as well as civil officials who carried out the emperor's rule, the problem of "local decentralization" would never have arisen. Small peasants who were supposed to be under the direct state rule were simultaneously members of a family, clan and local (village) community; they were also unavoidably under various kinds of local powers such as landlords, great merchants and chivalrous person's influence. Different levels of local administration were not just accumulated units of population and domain, but an organic community regulated by local elders and men of influence. The presence of local powers caused the limitation of legal rule, which brought about conflicting reality between centralizing and decentralizing forces. Another factor that brought about decentralization was the size of vast Chinese territory. In order to penetrate into village levels all over the country, an astronomical amount of administrative cost had to be paid. Therefore the custom of yielding rulership to local communities to some extent was unavoidable in reality. Imperial central governments tried to limit the extent of yielding in order not to damage imperial rule. Local societies, on the other hand, tried to get as much yielding as possible in order to enlarge their interests. The mechanism of centralization restricted the size of local administration and the power of magistrates not to provide a chance to hold one's own domain, exercising the right of enforcing personnel administration, concentrating rights of military manipulation and financial affairs. Though the tight control of centralized government over local government and society aroused dissatisfaction and resistance from locality, alien magistrates from outside prefectures appointed by the central government could not penetrate to the bottom level to carry out the missions entrusted by the emperor, such as tax collecting, maintaining public order, trying lawsuits and edification. In reality, practical handling of almost all public affairs were carried out by clerks (local level lower officials, 屬吏, 胥吏) or government runners (衙役) recruited from active locality. General local connection of private int

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        독일 이주민 청소년 언어의 특징

        강명희 ( Kang Myoung Heui ) 한국독일어문학회 2022 독일어문학 Vol.96 No.-

        오늘날 독일 이주민 청소년 언어는 미디어에 의한 대중적인 관심과 유행에 따라 이주민뿐만 아니라 독일어 모국어 화자들 사이에서도 쓰임이 나타나고 있다. 또한 이제까지 길거리의 ‘서툰 독일어’로 평가 절하되던 이주민 언어는 사용영역의 확대와 규칙성으로 인해 일단의 언어학자들로부터 독일어의 ‘새로운 변이형’으로 간주되기도 한다. 이에 대한 학자들의 논쟁이 이어지면서 독일 이주민 언어는 사회언어학적 측면에서 활발하게 연구되고 있다. 독일 이주민 언어는 여러 가지 명칭으로 불리고 단계별 범주 구분도 통일적이진 않지만, 일반적으로 노동자 독일어, 터키 독일어, 카낙어, 키츠독일어의 네 단계로 분류된다. 키츠독일어는 가장 최근에 등장한 독일 이주민 언어에 대한 명칭으로, 피진어, 인종어, 접촉어, 방언 등의 지위 규정에 따라 학자들마다 상이한 입장을 나타낸다. 그러나 화자 집단의 연령대와 사용 상황 등을 고려할 때 키츠독일어를 청소년 언어로 분류하는 것은 학자들마다 공통된 의견으로 나타난다. 본 논문에서는 독일 이주민 청소년 언어에 대한 변화 과정과 키츠독일어의 청소년 언어로서의 자질과 지위에 대해 고찰해보았다. In letzter Zeit wird die Sprache von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland nicht nur von Migranten selbst, sondern auch von deutschen Jugendlichen ohne Migrationshintergrund entsprechend dem öffentlichen Interesse und dem Trend der Medien verwendet. Zudem wird die als ‘gebrochenes Deutsch auf der Straße’ abgewertete Migrantensprache aufgrund ihrer Verbreitung und Regelmäßigkeit von einigen Sprachwissenschaftlern mitunter als ‘neue Variante des Deutschen’ angesehen. Während die Debatte um den Status des Kitzdeutsch im akademischen Bereich weitergeht, wird die Sprache der Einwanderer in Deutschland unter soziolinguistischen Aspekten aktiv untersucht. Deutsche Migrantensprachen lassen sich in vier Stufen einteilen: Gastarbeiterdeutsch, Türkendeutsch, Kanak Sprak und Kiezdeutsch. Kitzdeutsch als die neueste Bezeichnung für eine Migrantensprache wird in Bezug auf ihren Status (Pidgin, Ethnolekt, Kontaktsprache und Dialekt) unter Sprachwissenschaftlern unterschiedlich definiert. Betrachtet man jedoch das Alter und die Verwendungssituation der Sprechergruppe von Kiezdeutsch, sind sich die Forscher hingegen einig, dass Kiezdeutsch als Jugendsprache eingestuft werden sollte. In dieser Arbeit wurden der Sprachwandelprozess von Migratensprache in Deutschland und die Sprachmerkmale des Kiezdeutsch als Jugendsprache untersucht.

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