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      • KCI등재

        대눌(大訥) 노상익(盧相益)의 애국운동

        강대민(Kang, Dae-Min) 경성대학교 인문과학연구소 2012 인문학논총 Vol.28 No.-

        현재의 우리들에게 유림(儒林), 즉 선비들이란 급변하는 시대의 흐름에 편입되지 못하고 이미 퇴색되어버린 보수적 가치관을 지닌 구시대적인 집단으로 인식되고 있는 것이 사실이다. 그러나 이러한 인식의 이면에는 일제강점기와 새로운 국가의 건설과정에서 살아남기 위하여 체제에 알맞게 변형된 집단들이 스스로의 필요에 의해 보수로 자처하자 유림집단은 사회이념을 재편성하는 스펙트럼 속에서 제대로 자리잡지 못하고 결국 튕겨져 나가버린 당대 지식인들의 슬픈 자학의 감정이 내포되어 있다. 어쩌면 그들은 올바르게 빛을 투영해내지 못하는 일그러진 스펙트럼의 틀을 스스로 벗어남으로써 세간의 혼탁함을 피하고 스스로 유가(儒家)의 순수성을 지키려 했던 것인지도 모른다. 이에 본고에서는 강우지방(江右地方)의 대표적인 유림으로 한말~일제강점기의 시기에 그 정체성을 잃지 않고 망국의 신하로서, 당대의 지식인으로서 올곧게 행동하였던 대눌(大訥) 노상익(盧相益)의 생애와 그의 항일정신에 대하여 살펴봄으로써 앞서 언급한 유림(儒林)의 시대인식에 대한 잘못된 통념들을 바로잡아보고자 한다. 이를 위하여 우선 대눌의 학문적 근원인 강우지방(江右地方) 유림(儒林)의 면면을 살펴보고 망국의 지식계층으로서 왕조의 멸망과 일본의 강제병합에 대항했던 유림(儒林)집단의 행동들을 분석해 볼 것이다. 이러한 과정을 통하여 강우지역 성재(性齊) 허전(許傳)의 학맥을 계승하였던 대눌(大訥)의 사상적 근원을 분석하고 이것이 그의 전 생애를 통하여 어떻게 투영되고 나타났는지를 알아보고자 한다. It is true that the Confucian scholars, i.e. classical scholars are regarded as old group with conservative value who failed to incorporate themselves into the rapid changing flow of the time. It is partly because of the Confucian scholar group made their own choice as they failed to settle in a social and ideological spectrum when some transformed argued their conservatism according to the need of the time to survive during the Japanese occupation period and during the construction of a new country. Rather, it may be safe to say that they intended to keep their purity by escaping from the corrupt frame in the process of reconstructing of wrong ideologies from its beginning. Accordingly, this study would like to examine the life and anti-Japanese movement of Daenul Noh Sang Ik who was the representative scholar in Kang-wu-ji-bang(江右地方), endeavored to keep identity as a subordinate of the fallen country during the late Joseon and the Japanese occupation and also as an intellect of the time in order to correct wrong concepts toward the aforesaid Confucian scholars. For this, it firstly examined the figures of Confucian scholars in Kang-Wu-ji-bang, the academic source of Daenul, and also investigated the behavior of Confucian group who resisted the destruction of a dynasty and the coercive merger by Japan. As such, it analyzed ideological origin of Daenul who succeeded Seongje((性齊)) Heo Jeon((許傳)) in Kang-wu-ji-bang, and examined how it was reflected in his whole life.

      • KCI등재

        0.5T<sub>m</sub> 이하에서의 AZ31 마그네슘합금의 크리이프 변형과 단시간 파단수명예측

        강대민,안정오,전성호,구양,심성보,Kang, D.M.,An, J.O.,Jeon, S.H.,Koo, Y.,Sim, S.B. 한국소성가공학회 2008 소성가공 : 한국소성가공학회지 Vol.17 No.8

        The initial strain, the applied stress exponent, the activation energy, and rupture time in AZ31 magnesium alloy have been measured in order to predict the deformation mechanism and rupture life of creep over the temperature range of 423-443K. Creep tests were carried out under constant applied stress and temperature, and the lever type tester and automatic temperature controller was used for it, respectively. The experimental results showed that the applied stress exponent was about 9.74, and the activation energy for creep, 113.6KJ/mol was less than that of the self diffusion of Mg alloy including aluminum. From the results, the mechanism for creep deformation seems to be controlled by cross slip at the temperature range of 423-443K. Also the higher the applied stress and temperature, the higher the initial strain. And the rupture time for creep decreased as quadratic function with increasing the initial strain in double logarithmic axis.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        도시봉급자(都市俸給者)의 끽연(喫煙) 및 음주(飮酒)에 관(關)한 태도조사(態度調査)

        강대민,Kang, Dae-Min 대한예방의학회 1974 예방의학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Attitude on smoking and drinking among group of salary earners comprised of 400 primary, middle, and high school teachers, bankers and public servants who serviced in Kwang ju city area, was studied during the period of a month from may to June 1969. The results obtained were summarized as follows ; 1. 144 persons (36.0%) out of 400 salary eaners were smoking cigarettes, and, in sex, 0.7%(1 out of 137) was shown in female and 54.3%(143 out of 263) was in male. 2. More than half of the smokers(59.0%) smoked 11-20 pieces of cigarettes a day, and 36.8% did less than 10 pieces, 1.4% did 21-30 pieces a day. 3. 175 persons (43.7%) out of 400 total interviewers liked to drink. and in sex 63.8% for male and 2.7% for female. 4. On the quantity of drinking Makkuli (special Korean alcoholic beverage, containing 2-4% alcohol) 114 persons (65.1%) showed less than 5 Hop and 37 persons(21.1%) showed 6-10 Hop, and 10.3% showed 11-20 Hop, and 2.9% liked to drink more than 20 Hop. 1973년(年) 5월(月) 15일(日)부터 동년(同年) 6월(月) 16일(日)까지 약(約) 1개월간(個月間)에 걸쳐 광주시내(光州市內)에 근무(勤務)하고 있는 초(初) 중(中) 고교사(高敎師)와 은행원(銀行員) 및 행정공무원(行政公務員) 등(等) 봉급대상자(俸給對象者) 400명(名)을 조사대상(調査對象)으로 끽연(喫煙) 및 음주(飮酒)에 관(關)한 태도(態度)를 조사(調査)한 결과(結果) 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 끽연자(喫煙者)가 144명(名)(36.%), 비끽연자(非喫煙者)는 256명(名)(64.0%)이며 성별(性別) 끽연율(喫煙率)은 여자(女子)가 1명(名)(0.7%)이고 남자(男子)는143명(名)(54.3%)이었다. 2. 끽연자(喫煙者)의 1일(日) 끽연량(喫煙量)은 권연(卷煙) $11{\sim}20$개비를 피우는 자(者)가 59.0%로 과반수(過半數)이었고 10개비 이하(以下)가 36.8%, $21{\sim}30$개비를 피우는 자(者)가 1.4%로 나타났다. 3. 음주자(飮酒者)가 175명(名)(43.7%), 비음주자(非飮酒者)가 225명(名)(56.3%)이었으며 성별(性別)로는 남성(男性)이 63.8%, 여성(女性)이 2.7%였다. 4. 일회(一回) 음주량(飮酒量)은 5합(合) 이하(以下)가 114명(名)(65.1%)으로 과반수(過半數)이었고 $6{\sim}10$합(合) 정도(程度)가 37명(名)(21.1%), $11{\sim}20$합(合) 정도(程度)가 10.3%, 20합이상(合以上) 2.9%이다.

      • KCI등재

        유한요소법에 의한 마그네슘 합금판의 성형성 해석

        강대민,박경동,황종관,Kang, Dae-Min,Park, Kyeong-Dong,Hwang, Jong-Kwan 한국기계가공학회 2004 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        Finite element method is very effective method to simulate the forming processes with good prediction of the deformation behaviour. In this paper, It was focussed on the drawability factors on the square cup deep drawing by PAM-STAMP with using magnesium alloy to reduce car weight as well as to draw much attention from the viewpoint of environmental preservation high rigidity, In order to predict the effect of drawability factors, the relationships between punch load and punch stroke, the relationships between thickness strain and distance, and are used. According to this study, the results of simulation will give engineers good information to access the drawability of square cup deep drawing at warm temperature.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        도시직업인(都市職業人)의 취미(趣味), 오락(娛樂) 및 휴일활용(休日活用)에 관(關)한 태도조사(態度調査)

        강대민,Kang, Dae-Min 대한예방의학회 1974 예방의학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Attitude on hobby, recreation and practical use of holiday among group of employees comprised of 400 primary, middle, high school teachers, bankers and public servants who serviced in Kwang ju city area, was studied during the period of two months from April to May 1974. The results obtained were concluded as follows; 1 Age distribution: $29{\sim}33$ age group came first with 26% while last with 0.3%. Average was 31.5. 2. Sex distribution: Male 94.0%, female 35.3% and noteworthy was the fact that in primary school female occupied 74.0%. 3. Hobby and recreation or entertainments: Cinema 24.0%; badook 24.5%; athletics 18.5%; Chinese chess 13.5%. Among primary school teachers cinema came first 37.0%, while among the administrative officials badook came first with 34.0%. 4. How they spent the previous Saturday afternoon; 25.0% of subjects helped household affairs, this rate reached 35.0% among primary school teachers. Sunday: 19.0% helped household affairs and again primary school teachers ranked top. During the vacation of last year, 52.1% of total subjects traveled and 61.0% of bank employees traveled.

      • KCI등재

        AZ31 마그네슘합금판의 온간 디프드로잉 성형성해석

        강대민,황종관,Kang, Dae-Min,Hwang, Jong-Kwan 한국기계가공학회 2004 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The material used is a commercial magnesium based alloy AZ31(Mg-3Al-1Zn)sheet with a thickness of 1.0mm. Uniaxial tension tests at warm temperature were carried out to investigate the material characteristics of K, m, and n. A warm drawing process with a local heating and cooling technique was developed to improve formability in this study with results of uniaxial tension tests because it is very difficult for Mg alloy to deform at room temperature by the conventional method. The die and blank holder were heated up, while the punch was water-cooled during deformation. FE simulations considering heat transfer were executed with Mg alloy to investigate the Improvement of deep drawability. For the assessment of improvement those were compare with the results of no considering heat transfer and room temperature.

      • KCI등재

        성인용 자전거의 승용차량 충돌특성

        강대민(Dae-Min Kang),안승모(Seung-Mo Ahn) 한국기계가공학회 2012 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.11 No.2

        In the present the usage of bicycle has increased steeply due to well-being and convenient way of movement. In car to bicycle accident, the throw distance of bicycle is very important factor for estimating collision situation. In this study, simulations and collision tests in actual car to bicycle were executed for obtaining throw distance of bicycle. The simulations were executed by PC-CRASHTM s/w with vehicle of sedan type. Sand bags were used for the behavior of bicyclist instead of dummy and factors considered were vehicle velocity, the crashed angles and part of bicycle to vehicle, and bicycle was adult type. From the results, the throw distances of tire collision of 00 was longer than that of 450 tire crash, and the throw distances of 900 frame crash were longer than those of 450 frame crash. With based on actual crash tests and simulations, restitution coefficient of between vehicle and bicycle was estimated as 0.1. Finally the increaser vehicle velocity the longer the throw distances of bicycle and the simulation results were relatively good agreement to the results of experiment.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        차 대 보행자 충돌시 사고해석 모델개발

        강대민(DaeMin Kang),안승모(SeungMo Ahn),안정오(JungO An) 한국자동차공학회 2010 한국 자동차공학회논문집 Vol.18 No.3

        The fatality of pedestrian accounts for about 21.2% of all fatality at 2007 year in Korea. In car to pedestrian accident it is very important to inspect the throw distance of pedestrian after collision for exact reconstructing of the accident . The variables that influence on the throw distance of pedestrian can be classified into the factors of vehicle and pedestrian, and road condition. It was simulated by PC-CRASH, a kinetic analysis program for a traffic accident in sedan type vehicle and SPSS program was used for regression analysis. From the results, the throw distance of pedestrian increased with the increasing of vehicle velocity, and decreased with the increasing of impact offset. Also it decreased with the increasing of velocity of pedestrian at accident, and throw distance at the road condition of wet was longer than that at dry condition. Finally, the regression model of sedan type vehicle on the throw distance of pedestrian was as follows; dist<SUB>i</SUB>=2.39-0.11offset<SUB>i</SUB>+0.59speed<SUB>i</SUB>-5.45height<SUB>i</SUB>-0.25walk<SUB>i</SUB>+2.78wet<SUB>i</SUB>+e<SUB>i</SUB>

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        Mg-Zn-Mn-(Ca)합금의 크리이프 변형거동에 관한 연구

        강대민(Dae-Min Kang),구양(Yang Koo),심성보(Sungbo Sim) 한국자동차공학회 2006 한국 자동차공학회논문집 Vol.14 No.5

        In this paper, creep tests of Mg-Zn-Mn and Mg-Zn-Mn-Ca alloys, which were casted by mold with Mg-3%Zn-1%Mn and Mg-3%Zn-1%Mn -0.2%Ca, were done under the temperature range of 473 - 573K and the stress range of 23.42-78.00Mpa. The activation energies and the stress exponents were measured to investigate the creep plastic deformation of those alloys, and the rupture lifes of Mg-Zn-Mn alloy were also measured to investigate the fracture behavior. From the results, the activation energy of Mg-Zn-Mn and Mg-Zn-Mn-Ca alloys under the temperature range of 473 - 493K were measured as 149.87, 145.98KJ/mol, respectively, and the stress exponent were measured as 5.13, 6.06 respectively. Also the activation energies Mg-Zn-Mn and Mg-Zn-Mn-Ca alloys under the temperature range of 553 - 573K were obtained as 134.41, 129.22KJ/mol, respectively, and tress exponent were obtained as 3.48, 4.63, respectively. Finally stress dependence of rupture life and the activation energy of rupture life of Mg-Zn-Mn under the temperature range of 473 - 493K was measured as 8.05, 170.0(KJ/mol), respecively, which were a little higher than the results of steady state creep.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        가열냉각방법에 의한 마그네슘합금의 판재성형성 개선

        강대민(Dae-Min Kang),K. Manabe 한국자동차공학회 2005 한국 자동차공학회논문집 Vol.13 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to confirm the improvement of formability of AZ31magnesium alloy sheet by using local heating and cooling technique. For this, the experiments of warm deep drawing were done under the temperatures of 100°C~400°C , and the punch velocity of 10, 100mm/min. Also FE analysis under the temperatures of blankholder and die of 150°C, 225°C and 300°C for tools(holder and die) was executed with considering heat teansfer. From the results, the formability of AZ31magnesium alloy, espicially the temperatures of 225°C~250°C for tools(holder and die)improved remarkably. And the experiments and simulations showed that necking under room temperature for tools occured under the part of punch shoulder while at 300°C for tools, at the part of die shoulder.

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