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      • 여성인권으로 본 여성노동권과 여성노동정책

        강남식(Nam Sik Kang) 숙명여자대학교 아시아여성연구원 2002 아시아여성연구 Vol.41 No.-

        여성인권의 문제가 세계인권 이슈의 중심적 과제로 설정되는 계기가 된 것은 1995년 북경에서 열린 제4차 세계여성대회에서이다. 제4차 세계여성대회에서 ‘여성의 권리는 인권이다(Women’s rights are human rights)’라고 선언함과 동시에, 모든 여성과 소녀의 평등한 지위와 인권은 유엔 활동 전반에 주류로 통합시킬 것을 요구하면서였다. 이는 세계인권운동사의 큰 발전으로서 종종 ‘인권운동의 여성화’라고 표현하기도 한다. 여성의 인권 문제가 세계 인권문제의 중심적 과제가 되기까지에는 수많은 여성들의 희생과 오랫동안 여성의 권리를 위해 투쟁해 온 여성운동의 성과에 힘입어서이다. 왜냐하면 인권은 영원하고 보편적인 가치나 문제거리라기 보다는 인류역사 발전과 함께 그 개념과 범주가 확장, 발전되어온 역사적 산물이기 때문이다. 즉 인권은 당위로써 누구에게나 주어지는 것이 아니라 이해 당사자의 투쟁으로 새롭게 규정되고 확립되어 가는 과정적인 의미라는 것이다. 이에 인권은 사실이기보다는 믿음이기 때문에, 투쟁하지 않으면 누랄 수도 없다고 주장되기도 한다. 실제 인권(human rights)이라는 용어는 18세기 말 프랑스 혁명 이후 발전해온 근대적 개념이다. 물론 인권이라는 용어가 등장하기 전부터 인권은 존재했고, 인권운동의 범주에 포함시킬 수 있는 사회운동도 존재해왔다고 볼 수 있지만, ‘인권’이란 용어 사용과 ‘인권운동’은 인류 역사적인 관점에서 볼 때 비교적 최근의 현상인 것이다. 근대적 의미의 여성인권운동은 프랑스 여성운동가인 올랭프 드 구즈(Olympe de Gouges)가 1891년 ‘여성권리선언(Declaration of the Rights of Women)’을 발표함으로써 시작되었다. 구즈 이후 많은 여성운동가들의 헌신적인 노력이 있었음에도 현재에도 서구 국가들을 포함하여 대부분의 국가에서 여성들은 완전한 법적 독립성과 평등을 획득하고 있지 못하다. 특히 20세기동안 기본권과 관련되어 있던 시민적ㆍ정치적 권리는 어느 정도 발전되었다고 볼 수 있으나, 노동의 여성화가 진행되고 있는 현 시점에서 경제적ㆍ사회적 권리의 문제는 여전히 매우 불만족스러운 상황이다. 따라서 이 글에서는 먼저 여성주의적 인권 관점에서 여성노동권을 정리해 보고자 했다. 아울러 여성노동권을 보장하기 위해 여성운동에 의해 발전시켜온 여성노동정책의 흐름을 살펴봄으로써, 앞으로 발전해갈 여성노동권의 개념과 이를 위해 요구되는 여성노동정책 방향을 진단하고자 했다. 왜냐하면 21세기로 들어와 노동의 여성화가 진행되고 있는 상황에서 여성인권 역시 여성노동 문제에 대한 여성들의 인식과 문제해결을 위한 노력 속에서 확대되어 갈 수밖에 없기 때문이다. 실제 여성인권의 역사를 되짚어 보면 여성인권의 발전은 여성노동인권의 발전 속에서 이루어졌음을 알 수 있다. 이에 여성들은 먼저 자신의 삶을 위해, 그리고 궁극적으로는 여성인권운동의 목표인 남녀평등사회를 구현하기 위해 자신의 권리는 물론이고 자신보다 약자의 인권에 민감해져야 할 것이다. Human rights of women were raised as a critical issue during the 4th World Women's Conference in Beiging, 1995. "Women's rights are human rights," declaired the participants of the conference. And they requested, the equal status and rights of all women and girls should be integrated into the mainstream of overall activities of United Nations. It means a great development in history of human rights movement, often called as feminization of human rights movement. Great sacrifices of many women and hard efforts of women's movement made the women's rights to be the central task of the human rights issue. Human rights has not been the permanent and universal value or issue. The concept and category of human rights are products of historical development, and has been extended with the development of human history. It means, human rights have not been given as natural, but stipulated and affirmed in the process of hard struggle of concerned people. Some people assert that human rights are not a matter of fact but of belief, therefore it cannot be enjoyed without struggle for that. Movement for women's rights in modern sense began with the Declaration of the Rights of Women in 1891, by Olympe de Gouges, a French feminist. In spite of continuous efforts by so many feminists since Gouges, women of many countries still do not have complete legal independence and equal rights. In 20th century, civil and political rights of women has been considerably developed. Now feminization of labour power is going on, but economic and social rights of women are still largely unsatisfactory. Therefore I suggested in this paper the concept of women's labour rights in the feminist perspective of human rights. And I reviewed the streams of women's labour policy to protect women's labour rights, developed by women's movements. Then I tried to suggest some directions of women's labour policy to promote women's labour rights. The concept of women's rights should be based on women's public and private experiences. It means that women's rights should be recognized as human rights. The concept of women's rights should include not only civil and political dimensions but also economic and socio-cultural dimensions. Since women's rights has been developed through the development of women's labour rights, women's labour policy should extend women's labour rights through the reconceptualization of labour in the feminist perspective. In this process, we could get near the gender equal society, that is the ultimate goal of women's rights movement.

      • KCI우수등재

        영국의 고한 (苦汗) 노동과 여성노조운동 , 1870 - 1914

        강남식(Nam Sik Kang) 한국서양사학회 2001 西洋史論 Vol.68 No.1

        This study is to explore the development of the British women`s trade union movement in terms of gender and class politics, together with women`s labour policy, focusing on the period of 1870-1914. This period was characterized by the development of women`s labour policy against sweated labour. And the women`s trade union movement was distinctively developed at each stage with different level of significance of gender and class politics. From 1860s to 1880s, the activists involved were preoccupied with gender politics and participated in hostile separatistic movement to attain the `equality of opportunity` in labour market. Meanwhile, in the 1890s, they developed the gender unified trade union movement weighing more on class politics than on gender politics to achieve class right as a woman under the influence of socialism and new unionism. By the beginning of the 20th century, the women`s trade union movement pursued more balanced policy in terms of gender and class politics. The women`s labour policy concentrated on the issue of female sweated labour succeeded in legislating the minimum wage law to solve the female low wage problem. In conclusion the minimum wage law was the fruit of the women`s trade union movement. As a matter of fact, if the women`s trade union movement had adopted the gender equality oriented strategy, the minimum wage law could not have been legislated due to strong opposition of the liberal party as well as that of the conservative party. Yet this strategy brought about a disadvantaged circumstance for women workers. This happened when the TUC and male unionist adopted a resolution that women worker who had worked at factory and other manufacture industry should yield their position to male worker and come back their home or be employed in feminine work such as domestic servant to resolve the serious unemployment problem after the first world war. Consequently, it deserves to be pointed out that the women`s trade union movement limited in that gender politics was based on the traditional and antifeminist perspectives at that period. (Sungkyunkwan University)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Application of Vocal Properties and Vocal Independent Features to Classifying Sasang Constitution

        김근호,강남식,구본초,김종열,Kim, Keun-Ho,Kang, Nam-Sik,Ku, Bon-Cho,Kim, Jong-Yeol The Society Of Sasang Constitutional Medicine 2011 사상체질의학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        1. Objectives Vocal characteristics are commonly considered as an important factor in determining the Sasang constitution and the health condition. We have tried to find out the classification procedure to distinguish the constitution objectively and quantitatively by analyzing the characteristics of subject's voice without noise and error. 2. Methods In this study, we extract the vocal features from voice selected with prior information, remove outliers, minimize the correlated features, correct the features with normalization according to gender and age, and make the discriminant functions that are adaptive to gender and age from the features for improving diagnostic accuracy. 3. Results and Conclusions Finally, the discriminant functions produced about 45% accuracy to classify the constitution for every age interval and every gender, and the diagnostic accuracy was meaningful as the result from only the voice.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 음성의 안정적 변수 추출 및 변수의 의미 연구

        김근호(Keun-ho Kim),김상길(Sang-gil Kim),강남식(Nam-sik Kang),김종열(Jong-yeol Kim) 한국한의학연구원 2011 한국한의학연구원논문집 Vol.17 No.3

        Objectives : In this paper, we proposed a method for selecting reliable variables from various vocal features such as frequency derivative features, frequency band ratios, intensities of 5 vowels and an intensity of a sentence, since some features are sensitive to the variation of a subject's utterance. Methods : To obtain the reliable voice variables, the coefficient of variation (CV) was used as the index to evaluate the level of reliability. Since the distributions of a few features are not Gaussian, but are instead skewed to the right or left, we transformed the features by taking the log or square root. Moreover, the definition of the variables that are suitable to represent the vocal property was explained and analyzed. Results : At first, we recorded the vowels and the sentence five times both in the morning and afternoon of the same day, totally ten recordings from each of six subjects (three males and three females). We then analyzed the CVs of each subject's voice to obtain the stable features with a sufficient repeatability. The features having less than 20% CVs for all six subjects were selected. As a result, 92 stable variables from the 222 features were extracted, which included all the transformed variables. Conclusions : Voice can be widely used to classify the four constitution types and to recognize one's health condition from extracting meaningful features as physical quantity in traditional Korean medicine or Western medicine. Therefore, stable voice variables can be useful in the u-Healthcare system of personalized medicine and for improving diagnostic accuracy.

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