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      • KCI등재

        韓國開化期の日本語學習書 『日語工夫』(1891)に關する考察

        黃雲 한국일본어문학회 2015 日本語文學 Vol.67 No.-

        본 논문에서는 한국 개화기의 일본어 학습서인 『일어공부』(1891)를 들어 한국의 근대 일본어 교육의 시작이라는 관점에서 고찰하였다.『일어공부』는 1891년5월21일, 나카노 교타로에 의해 한국 부산에서 간행된 일본어 학습서이며 개화기에 있어서 가장 빠른 시기에 출판된 것으로 보이는 점에서 한국의 근대 일본어 교육의 효시라고 할 수 있다. 본학습서는 총21페이지의 매우 짧은 책이지만 「문자·단어·회화」의 당시 타학습서의 구성과 같은 형식을 취하고 있어 일본어 학습서로의 형태를 갖추고 있었다고 할 수 있다. 또한 본학습서에는 서문이 없어 발행 목적에 대한 기록이 없지만, 그 발행 배경과 본문의 내용으로 보아 개항지였던 부산에서 이루어진 일본인과 한국인의 상업 활동에 있어서 편의를 도모할 목적으로 출판되었다고 추측된다. This article investigates the Japanese language primer Nichigo kufu (1891) from the standpoint of the beginning of modern Japanese language education in Korea’s enlightenment period. Nichigo kufu was published on May 21, 1891 by Nakano Kyotaro in Pusan, and as the first such book written in the enlightenment period, represents the beginnings of Japanese language education in Korea.This book is quite short at only twenty-one pages, but its format, with sections on “Script, Vocabulary, and Conversation” mirrors other study guides from the period. From the historical background and contents of the text, I surmise that the author published this work for the practical purpose of making commercial activity between Japanese and Koreans more convenient.

      • KCI등재

        개화기 경성학당의 교육과 운영 ―일본 외무성 외교 사료관 소장 자료의 분석을 중심으로―

        황운(?雲) 한국일본문화학회 2021 日本文化學報 Vol.- No.91

        This study presents an overview of the “Miscellaneous matters regarding school operation in Korea (Joseon): Case of subsidy payment” of the Gyeongseong Hakdang, the details of which are stored in the diplomatic archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Moreover, this study aims to examine the operational and educational aspects of Gyeongseong Hakdang—a Japanese language institution in modern Korea. Modern universities, including Gyeongseong Hakdang, founded by the Japanese during the enlightenment period focused on the background of the transition to the colonial era, and thus their evaluation has inevitably been negative. However, considering the efforts of the Korean government, which has supported numerous students and modern universities, the establishment of Japanese language educational institutions during the enlightenment period is considered the result of Japanese imperialism and the desire for modern education in Korea. While examining modern education during the enlightenment period, not only must the goals that the Japanese people sought to achieve through Korean education, but also the goals that the Korean people wanted to achieve through modern education must be examined.

      • KCI등재

        개화기 군산심상고등소학교의 한국인 교육에 관한 연구

        황운 일본어문학회 2020 일본어문학 Vol.91 No.-

        Gunsan Jinjo Higher Elementary School, a pioneer of education for children in Gunsan, was the only educational institution in the Gunsan settlement. It started in September 1899 to offer education opportunities for foreigners in Japan, and experimentally accepted the Korean in 1900. In 1901, the association for the residents, which administered the school then, emphasized the need for educating the Korean and the effects of the experimental education and asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a subsidy. The school started to receive a subsidy of 30-yen per month from April 1901 on for three years, during which the Korean students outnumbered the Japanese students. Still, if we consider its educational content and principles, it would be reasonable to assume that the school was established and run for Japanese students. The number of Korean students dropped rapidly from 1904 on when the subsidiary period ended, and the school existed for the Japanese until 1945. It is at present not clear why the number of Korean students suddenly decreased in 1904, but it must have been related to the termination of the subsidy period and the shortage of expenses.

      • KCI등재

        元山源興学校の設立と変容について ―日本外務省外交史料館所蔵「日本語教授ノ為メ創立セラレタル 元山源興学校ニ補助金下附ノ件」の分析を中心に―

        황운 한국일본문화학회 2020 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.87

        In this study, we focused on Wonsan Wonheung School, a Korean modern educational institution considered one of the Japanese-established private schools in modern Korea, based on the examination of diplomatic historical materials, which area direct record of Wonheung School. Founded by Hanji Kondo in September 1899, Wonsan Wonheung School was born out of a public elementary school whose predecessor was Wonsan School, a private school founded by Korean. At the beginning of itsestablishment, the school was sustained with the assistance of Japanese and Korean local notables in addition to the tuition fee. In February 1902, a donation of 800 yen was solicited among Japanese people, and in October of the same year, a request was made to Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to subsidize the school with 30 yen every month for three years. A monthly subsidy of 30 yen would be provided from January 1903, but on April 25, 1904, an incident occurred in which Hanji Kondo was taken prisoner of the Russian army. So Wonheung School was overseen by the consul and the garrison leader, and Wonheung School, established with the aim of modern education for Koreans, transformed into a school that cultivates people who can work in Japan. 本研究では、韓国近代教育機関である元山源興学校を取り上げ、元山源興学校の直接的な記録である外交史 料「日本語教授ノ為メ創立セラレタル元山源興学校ニ補助金下附ノ件」の検討を通じ、元山源興学校の実状を明 らかにし、近代韓国における私立学校の設立と変容の一端について考察した。 1899年9月、近藤範治により設立された源興学校は、韓国有志により創立された私立学校元山学舎を前身とする公 立小学校から誕生した。 厳しい財政状況の中で運営されていた源興学校は、1902年10月、在元山領事館事務代理を通じ、「在元山源 興学校補助金禀請ノ件」を日本外務省に提出する。この要請は受け入れられ、1903年1月から毎月30円の補助金 が支給されるようになったが、1904年4月25日、近藤範治がロシア軍の捕虜となり押送される事件が起き、源興学校は 領事および守備隊長の監督下に置かれるようになる。 韓人子弟の近代教育を目標としてして創立された源興学校であったが、日露戦争の際という歴史的な背景により、 日本のために仕事ができる人を養成する学校に変わっていった。1905年2月、元山日語学校と改名した源興学校が、 その後、どのように変貌していったかについては、今のところ明らかにしえないが、残されている記録から見て、統監府 設置後においても日本語教育機関として存続していたと考えられる。

      • KCI등재

        개화기 일본식 한자어를 통한 신문물 유입에 관한 연구 ―일본인 편찬 일본어 학습서의 분석을 중심으로―

        황운 한국일본문화학회 2023 日本文化學報 Vol.- No.98

        In this study, from the viewpoint of the inflow of Japanese-style Chinese characters and new knowledge by Japanese during the Enlightenment Period, Japanese language textbooks compiled by Japanese and used in Korea were investigated, and the actual status quo pertaining to their inflow into Korea was examined. In addition, the kind of new knowledge the authors of Japanese language textbooks wanted to convey to Korea during the Enlightenment, was confirmed. In contrast to the main focus of other studies on Japanese language textbooks in the Enlightenment Period, the outcome of this study clarifies the meaning of Japanese language textbooks from the historical perspective and characteristics of Japanese language education in the Enlightenment Period. In addition, the results of this study will be used as basic data for follow-up research in the field of Japanese lexical history research. 本研究では、開化期日本人による日本漢字語と新知識の流入という観点から、日本人編纂の日本語学習書を調査対象とし、開化期韓国で使用された日本人編纂の日本語学習書の日本漢字語の実態と韓国への流入について考察した。また、開化期日本語学習書の著者たちが韓国に伝えようとした新文物や新知識はどのようなものであったかを確認した。 開化期日本語学習書に関する研究は、開化期後期の教科書研究が主をなしている中で、本研究の成果は、日本語教育士で開花期日本語学習書が持つ意義と開化期日本語教育の特徴について解明することができるだろう。また、日本語の語彙研究分野で本研究の成果を基礎データとして活用し、今後、研究を進める。

      • KCI등재

        관립 인천 일어학교의 교육과 운영

        황운 한국일본어문학회 2019 日本語文學 Vol.80 No.-

        本硏究では、日本外務省の外交史料館で所藏している「韓國(朝鮮)ニ於ケル學校關係雜件(補助金支出之件)」について槪觀し、第一ノ乙卷の分析を中心に近代韓國の日本語敎育機關であった官立仁川日語學校の運營と敎育內容を中心に考察した。1895年6月に「官立外國語學校」の支校として設立された官立仁川日語學校は、本校に比べ劣惡な財政的支援下であった。このような狀況で敎師岩崎厚太郎と日本領事の繼續的な努力から得た日本外務省からの補助金は、官立仁川日語學校の運營に大きな役割を果たしたと考えられる。韓國の官立外國語學校の一つであった官立仁川日語學校の設立と運營において、日本の繼續的な資金支援と日本人の役割が大きかった事實は、近代韓國の敎育において、日本の影響が少なくなかったことを示唆している。本硏究では、旣存の硏究で扱われなかった「韓國(朝鮮)ニ於ケル學校關係雜件(補助金支出之件)」を發掘し、近代韓國で運營されて官立外國語學校の一校である官立仁川日語學校の運營と敎育內容を究明した。本硏究で使用された一次資料とその考察內容が今後の硏究において廣く活用されることを期待する。 This study aims to provide an overview of the "miscellaneous school-related affairs in Korea ; subsidy expenditures" of the official Incheon Japanese Language School, the details of which are housed in the diplomatic archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. It also aims to investigate the operational and educational contents of the school, which was a Japanese language institution in modern Korea.In June 1895, the official Incheon Japanese Language School, which was established as a subsidiary of the “Official Foreign Language Schools,” began operation with poor financial support compared to the principal school, and with the subsidy received through the persistent efforts of a teacher, Iwasaki Kotaro [岩崎厚太郎] and the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which appears to have played a significant role in its establishment. The continuous funding from Japan and the prominent role of the Japanese in the establishment and operation of the official Incheon Japanese School in Korea suggests that Japan's influence on modern Korean education was not negligible.

      • KCI등재

        개화기 한남학당의 교육과 운영 - 일본 외무성 외교 사료관 소장 자료의 분석을 중심으로 -

        황운 일본어문학회 2023 일본어문학 Vol.103 No.-

        In this study, we considered Hannam Academy, a modern educational institution during the Korean Enlightenment period, focusing on an analysis of “Miscellaneous matters regarding school operation in Korea (Joseon): Case of subsidy payment” by the Director of the Diplomatic Feeding Center of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Principal Tomohiro Yakushiji complained about a lack of funds while operating Hannan Gakudo, but the number of students gradually increased after the school opened, and even after the school stabilized, the number of students and teachers remained at a certain level. Judging from the fact that this was maintained, it can be assumed that the school was running smoothly. The main purpose of the educational content at Hannan Gakudo is to teach everyday subjects through Japanese, and at the time of its opening, the focus was on Japanese-related subjects, but gradually the emphasis on general studies increased. I hope that by investigating the actual operating and educational conditions of Hannam Academy, we will be able to gain a clearer understanding of the characteristics and trends of modern educational institutions during the Korean Enlightenment period.

      • KCI등재

        開化期釜山開成学校に関する研究 - 『韓国(朝鮮)ニ於ケル学校関係(補助金支出之件)』の 分析を中心に -

        황운 일본어문학회 2019 일본어문학 Vol.87 No.-

        In this study, we survey “About schools in Korea (Chosun) (The matter of expenditure of subsidies),” stored in Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, taking a particular look at “(2) Subsidies provided for Pwusan Kayseng School” to analyze Pwusan Kayseng School, the first modern school in Pwusan. “(2) Subsidies provided for Pwusan Kayseng School,” the first article in “About general matters of schools,” includes records from the 10th of March 1897 to the 31st of July 1906, and it is a useful and detailed resource for administrative and educational matters in Pwusan Kayseng School. Pwusan Kayseng School was established by the Koreans who aimed at the self- civilization of the tribe, and it ran branch schools, serving as a core educational institution of “Japanese language school” in Gyeongsangnam province. Its distinctive features are its Japanese-mediated modern education and practical education. Pwusan Kayseng School plays an important role in the history of modern education in Korea, but the role of Japan in the administration of the school became greater for financial reasons; it was thus later regarded as a gambit for colonial education. 本研究では、日本外務省の外交史料館で所蔵している『韓国(朝鮮)ニ於ケル学校関係(補助金支出之件)』を概観し、第一ノ甲巻に載せられている 「(2)釜山開成学校ヽ補助金下附ノ件」の収録資料の整理と検討を行い、釜山最初の近代学校である釜山開成学校について考察した。『学校関係雑件』第一ノ甲巻の「(2)釜山開成学校ヽ補助金下附ノ件」には、1897年3月10日から1906年7月31日までの記録が収録されており、釜山開成学校の運営及び教育について詳細な内容が確認できた。 釜山開成学校は、「民族の自主的開化」を目指した韓国人の努力により設立され、支校․補助校(分校)を運営するなど慶尙道一帯において「日語學校」の中核的な存在になっていた。教育においては、日本語による近代教育と実業教育に力を入れていたことが特徴とされている。 釜山開成学校は、韓国近代教育史上、重要な存在であるといえるが、その運営においては、財政上の都合により、日本側の役割が大きくなり、後には植民地教育の布石という評価を避けられなかった。

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