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      • KCI등재

        상업지역 건물 용도의 수직적 확률분포 추이 특성에 관한 연구- 명동상업지역을 중심으로 -

        민병하,구자훈 대한국토·도시계획학회 2005 國土計劃 Vol.40 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to analyse the vertical distribution patterns and probability characteristics of the floor-use in the central commercial district. Using substitutability analysis, transition probability matrix is derived from Markov Chain method, and these matrices can develop three quantities; the downward(left) substitutability, the upward(right) substitutability, and mutual substitutability. A higher substitutability indicates that there is a strong substitutability tendency between the two floor-uses and another floor-use. Using the substitutability matrices, dendrograms are created by cluster analysis. Consequently, it is obvious that commercial uses are distributed on lower floors and office uses are distributed on upper floors of a building. Especially, this distribution characteristic is quite different from above six story buildings and below five story buildings in Myung-dong commercial district.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 商法上의 民法規定의 變態

        閔丙夏 청주대학교 법학회 1956 法學論考 Vol.1 No.-

        다음 유질계약에 대해서 약술하고자 한다. 즉 민법에 있어서는 유질계약금지의 규정이었다. 다시 말하면 질권설정자가 설정행위 또는 채무변제기전의 계약으로서 질권자에게 질권목적물의 소유권을 취득시키나 또는 법률에서 규정한 방법에 의하지 않고 질권목적물을 처분할것을 약속할수 없다고 하였다 (민법삼백십구조) 그 입법취지는 경제적약자를 보호하는 점에있다. 그러나 이러한 금지는 용역하게 잠탈할 수가 있고 따라서 그 실효가 없을 뿐 아니라 자금조달의 원활 상기의 민활한 보착을 생명으로 하는 상거래에 있어서는 오히려 과도의 우섭이 된다. 그런고로 상법은 상행위로 인해서 발생한 채권을 담보하기 위해서 설정한 질권에 대해서 민법의 규정을 적용하지 않는다고 하였다.

      • 韓國史

        閔丙河 成均館大學校 史學會 1978 成大史林 Vol.3 No.-

        위에서 보아온 것과 같이 한국사는 여러 전공 학자에 의하여 집필되었기 때문에 질적으로 수준이 높은 훌륭한 개설서가 되는 것이다. 그러나 그 가운데는 결점이 없는 것은 아니다. 여러 집필자에 의하여 이루어졌기 때문에 문장이나 서술 방식에 있어서 통일성이 결여되어 있다든가 하는 점이 있으나 생각에 따라 하는 수 없는 노릇이라고도 하겠다.

      • 民法의 私法上地位와 分化傾向

        閔丙夏 淸州大學校 1957 法學論考 Vol.2 No.-

        민법은 일반적 사법관계를 규율하는 실체법이다. 즉 우리의 생산 교환을 위한 활동-경제적생활관계와 종족의 생식포육을 위한 활동-보족적생활관계-를 규율하는 실체적 원칙법이다. 따라서 민법은 특수한 사법관계를 제외하고는(예를들면 입목법어업법 광업법) 사법관계의 전분야에 긍하여 적용될것이다. 과시 각국에 현대민법전이 편찬초행되었든 당초에 있어서는 단일적민법으로 상사관계에 관하여 상임간의 법으로서 특별한 연혁을 갖은 상법이 특별법으로 적용되는 외에는 민법전의 규정이 사법관계의 전분야에 긍하여 적용되었다.

      • 高麗「學式」考

        閔丙河 成均館大學校 1966 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        School statutes of Koryo had not been perfected until the age of King In-Chong, when they added the school systems of Tang and Song to our originals to make a perfect one. To study the educational system of Koryo period, it is very important to comprehend the school regulations of the period. In this respect, this essay was made, what the writer intended to study was the school regulations of Koryo period. For the better understanding, the author classified them into faculty formation, staff formation, curriculum, qualification for admission, seating capacity and the term of school year, and investigated each one. Bus "History of Koryo", the most authoritative book of Koryo history, is too short of perfect understanding of that school regulations; the author comparatively studied the educational systems of Tang and Song which gave a great influence upon the Koryo systems. In this paper the author did not feel like introducing them all but analyzed them generally, investigating from all sides.

      • 高麗時代의 地方制度와 土豪勢力

        閔丙河 成均館大學校 1963 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        In Ko-ryo era(Ko-ryo Dynasty) Local system was reformed Several times. Notable of all these systems were ones related to DO(Local administration unit 道), Sokkun(屬郡), Sokyuun(屬縣), and influencial clan. Although DO had been interpreted on the point of view of E-jo era (Lee Dynasty) Dynasty) and modern times, as a local administration unit, it is not believeable. In my opinion it is nothing but local classification necessitated for supervision of local administration. Systems of Sokkun and Sokhyun was one of the remarkable chracteristics in the history of local system of Ko-ryo ear and their socialogical origine could be found in various aspects, but mainly in the influense of powerful clan. As these powerful clans were not easy to control due to their social power. Central Government could not but admit local right of self-Government. However, central power restricted gradually the power of clan abolished the system of Sokkun and Sokhyn, and strengthend centralism. These powerful clan appeared with great power in late era of Silla(新羅). exerted their powers in early Ko-ryo, actually controlling local administration. These powers of clan were weakend to a great extent because of restriction policy of central power and differentiation of their social standings-Some were Promoted to central officials by flattering, others remaining same status-consequently resulting in a substantial change in local administration system. Summurizing the above historical facts, in early Ko-ryo there was decentralization of power, while late Ko-ryo assumed more of centralism. It can be said that decentralization of power existed in the medieval of Europe could also be found in early Ko-ryo, that is, feudalistic society could be found in early Ko-ryo. However, this feudalistic society can not be considered typical one that cotains wide range of implications such as manor, decentralization of power or lord and retainer. Although it is hard to define as feudalistic society because decentralization of power was not formed through manor, it can not be affirmed that such elements were absolutely lacking in Ko-ryo society.

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