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      • KCI등재

        고전소설 자객화소의 창작경로 - <구운몽>ㆍ<창선감의록>의 중국 협의 자객담 수용을 중심으로

        김도환 한국고소설학회 2016 古小說 硏究 Vol.42 No.-

        Regardless of all ages and countries, stories of assassins have been a popular subject matter in epic poems and stories. The fact that assassin stories are regularized in Korean classical novels written in the late seventeenth century such as Kuunmong, Changseongamuirok Sohyunsungrok, and etc. held my interest. The dissertation is aimed at studying the reasons and meanings centered on Changseongamuirok and Kuunmong which were created by accepting a story of Chineseassassin. Firstly, by presenting the tradition of assassin stories in general, the premise of the dissertation was arranged. Next, an aspect of acceptance of Chinese assassin story of Kuunmong and Changseongamuirok was studied. Kuunmong was freely and drastically transformed so it would suit a man and woman’s determined relationship in narrative-oriented work, but also took Hongseonjeon, Seobeunnangjeon, and Sujujagaek into the story. The reason why “Hongseon” was proposed in the contents was to discuss the similarity of red thread and the red line corresponding with women from frequently referenced “The Red and Blue Thread,” when talking of connection between a man and a woman. Meanwhile, Changseongamuirok revealed the fact that a Chinese assassin character, Xiu Zhou who accorded with the theme of being influenced into the virtue by Hwajin’s personality, was accepted, and the fact that transformation took place in order to emphasize the consciousness of the theme. Such acceptance of Chinese assassin stories can be understood in two ways. First, it can be understood as “transformation” and “development” from a comparative literature perspective.” Transformation means changing the original into a story of one’s own, and the way Kuunmong dissolute or combine the original in order to suit the theme, or the way Changseongamuirok involve the suitable narration into a more emphasizing way. Development means a new discovery through transformation, and the fact that assassin stories and formation of female chivalrous fighters were a new required element in epic poems and stories in the seventeenth century for expansion of literature was examined. Lastly, through comparison of Changseongamuirok and Sohyunsungrok in a literature perspective, “influenced assassin” was completed in two works, and after the completion, the way it became the settlement of classical novel’s assassin is discussed. 본 논의에서는 고전소설의 자객화소가 17세기 후반부터 본격적으로 등장한다는 점에 흥미를 느끼고, 구체적으로 <구운몽>과 <창선감의록>을 중심으로 자객화소의 창작경로와 의미를 검토하였다. 먼저 <구운몽>과 <창선감의록>의 중국 자객담의 수용양상을 고찰하였다. <구운몽>은 <홍선전>ㆍ<섭은낭전>ㆍ<수주자객>을 끌어들이되 남녀의 결연에 어울리도록 대폭적으로 자유롭게 변용되었다. 특히 문면에 홍선이라고 제시된 까닭이 남녀 간의 인연을 의미하는 청실홍실 중에서 홍실과 홍선의 유사성에 의한 것임을 논의하였다. <창선감의록>의 자객화소는 <구운몽>으로부터 창작의 아이디어를 얻은 것으로 보인다. 동시에 화진의 인품에 의해 선으로 감화된다는 주제에 부합하는 <수주자객>을 직접 수용한 흔적도 포착된다. 나아가 주제의식을 강조하기 위한 변용도 이루어지고 있음을 밝혔다. 이와 같은 중국 자객담 수용의 의의를 두 가지 측면에서 파악하였다. 첫째, 비교문학적 관점에서 ‘변형’과 ‘발전’으로 이해할 수 있다. 변형이란 원작의 자기화를 말하는데 바로 <구운몽>의 자객화소가 남녀의 결연이라는 작품의 서사적 지향에 맞게 원작의 서사와 의미를 대폭 해체ㆍ조합하는 과정에서 찾을 수 있다. 발전이란 변형을 통한 새로운 발견을 의미하는 바, 자객화소가 17세기 서사적 편폭의 확대 과정에서 새롭게 요구된 서사 요소였다는 점을 검토하였다. 둘째, 소설사의 관점에서 고전소설 속에 빈번히 나타나는 ‘감화된 자객’ 유형이 이 시기에 성립되었음을 <창선감의록> 및 또 다른 17세기 후반의 고전소설인 <소현성록>을 통해 설명하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        부산지역 재수굿 연희과정 연구

        김도환 동방문화대학원대학교 문화예술콘텐츠연구소 2022 문화와예술연구 Vol.19 No.-

        This paper aims to examine the composition and performance of Jaesugut, a shamanistic ritual in Busan. The Busan area is a special area where hereditary and religious dances are mixed and active. In particular, it is an area where Buddhist power is active, and the phenomenon of non-incongruity is evident in the shamanic ritual, Gut. Among the shamanistic rituals in Busan with these regional characteristics, I would like to study Jaesugut, which is the most played. First, by comparing and analyzing the Jaesaegut of women in Busan, we looked at what they have in common with the Jaesaegut of Seoul and Jaesaegut of Hwanghae-do, which are representative Gut of the central region, and how they are performed only in Busan. As a result of the study, it can be confirmed that the Jaesaegut in Busan was greatly influenced by the shamanic streets in the central region, breaking away from the aspect of the exorcism that has been handed down from the past. However, it was confirmed that several streets, including Cheonwang Street, preserve the origin of the exorcism that has been handed down since ancient times. With this paper as an opportunity, I hope that a lot of interest and research will be conducted on Busan Exorcism. 이 논문은 부산지역의 무속의례인 ‘재수굿’의 구성과 연희양상을 살펴보고자 한다. 부산지역은 세습무와 강신무가 혼재되어 활동하고 있는 특별한 지역이다. 특히 불교의 세력이 왕성한 지역으로 무속의례인 굿에 무불습합의 현상이 뚜렷하게 나타나고 있다. 이런 지역적 특성을 가진 부산지역의 무속의례 중 가장 많이 연희되고 있는 재수굿에 대하여 연구하고자 한다. 먼저 부산지역 무녀들의 재수굿을 상호 비교 분석하여 중부지방의 대표적인 굿인 서울의 재수굿·황해도의 재수굿과 어떤 공통점이 있으며 부산지역에서만 나타나는 굿거리는 무엇이며 어떻게 연희되고 있는지를 살펴보았다. 연구 결과 부산지역의 재수굿은 예전부터 전승되어 온 굿의 양상에서 벗어나 중부지방의 굿거리에 많은 영향을 받았다는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 하지만 천왕거리 등 몇 거리는 예전부터 전승되어 온 굿의 원류를 보존하고 있음을 확인하였다. 이 논문을 계기로 ‘부산 굿’에 많은 관심과 연구가 진행되었으면 한다.

      • 군복무 경험이 청년초기 발달에 미치는 영향

        김도환 空軍士官學校 1997 論文集 Vol.39 No.-

        This study was carried out to find out the psychological effects of the military service in Korean university students. The subjects consisted of 309 university students who fulfilled one's military service and 379 who have not yet completed their military duty, and they completed questionnaire composed by Psychosocial Matiurity Inventory (PMI). As a result, there were significant difference in the subscales of the PMI between fulfilled group and unfulfilled group. However, it was not because the effect of military service, but age difference. To put it concretely, there were not significant difference in SCC, EM between fulfilled group and unfulfilled group, & EI than unfulfilled group. On the contrast, unfulfilled group reported higher PT(positive thought) than fulfilled group. The results and suggertions for further research were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        의과대학 교수의 경력개발: 필요성과 실행전략

        김도환 연세대학교 의과대학 2023 의학교육논단 Vol.25 No.1

        Unlike in the past, standards for the quantity and quality of work expected from medical school faculty are continuously rising, causing changes and stress in various areas. This highlights the need for career development among medical school faculty for professional, personal, organizational, and societal reasons. The role of medical school faculty has become more diverse, leading to an increase in the types and levels of competencies required. Medical schools must support their faculty members with diverse identities in fully utilizing their capabilities to achieve the institution’s mission. Furthermore, societal changes suggest that career development for medical school faculty will become even more crucial in the future. To achieve this, both individuals and organizations must make efforts and play appropriate roles. For this purpose, medical schools use a combination of promotion and tenure evaluations and faculty development programs, while individual faculty members follow a career path within the medical school environment. Medical school faculty must be able to meet the evolving demands at each stage of their careers. It is important for professors, who engage in career development, to have a clear sense of their identity and values, and to prioritize their career goals. Medical schools should also ensure that the implicit messages they convey align with the organization’s explicit values. Finally, proactively preparing for future changes in society and generations is essential from a long-term perspective.

      • KCI등재

        <황운전>에 나타난 서사 관습의 변용 양상과 의미

        김도환 동양고전학회 2015 東洋古典硏究 Vol.0 No.60

        이 논문은 <황운전>의 구성적 특징을 (여성)영웅소설 장르 관습의 변용이라는 측면에서 검토하였다. 먼저 <황운전>은 적대자에 의해 가 문이 몰락하는 유형의 영웅소설이라고 할 수 있으며, 서사적 설정만 놓고 보면 몰락의 상황이 보다 심각하게 전개된다. 그런데 이러한 유 형의 작품들이 대체로 적대자에 대한 복수심이 강조되고 가족과의 이 산과 재회가 서사의 핵심에 놓이는 데 비해, <황운전>은 복수심보다 는 국가에 대한 충성심이, 가족과의 이산과 재회보다는 국가적 위기와 극복에 더 방점이 찍혀 있다. 한편, <황운전>은 남성보다 우월한 여 성의 결연담을 다루고 있다. 이러한 유형의 작품들은 자신의 성 정체 와 능력 우열의 대비를 놓고 남성과 갈등을 벌이는 것이 일반적이다. 이와 달리, <황운전>은 그것이 남녀 간 갈등으로 전개되지 않고 국가 적 위기를 극복하는 과정으로 수렴된다. 이처럼 <황운전>은 국가적 위기와 극복이라는 서사 지향을 전개하기 위해 가족서사를 약화시키 고, 남녀의 결연담을 변용하고 있다. 이러한 <황운전>의 서사는 (여 성)영웅소설 창작 방식의 다양한 실험이라는 측면에서 의의가 있다. (여성)영웅소설과 같은 장르소설에서 창작의 다양성이란 장르의 일탈 이 아니라, 장르의 활용, 다시 말해, 새로운 무언가가 아니라 익숙하지 만 색다른 것에 기대어 있다. 그런 점에서 (여성)영웅소설의 특정 유형 을 수용하였음에도 불구하고 예상되는 기대를 재구성하여 국가서사로 변용하는 것, 더불어 그러한 변용의 일관성은 <황운전> 창작의 개성 적 국면으로 이해된다. This research reviewed the constructive characteristics of Hwang Un Jeon from a perspective of genre customs of the heroin novel. First, Hwang Un Jeon can be categorized into a heroic novel based on a story about a family collapsed by antagonist, where downfall circumstances of the family are seriously developed in respect of only narrative setting. Nonetheless, although this type of works mostly emphasizes revengeful thoughts on antagonist, focusing on reunion of dispersed family members for the core of narration, Hwang Un Jeon put more emphasis on loyalty to the country rather than revengeful thoughts, and a national crisis and weathering it rather than reunion of dispersed family members. On the other hand, Hwang Un Jeon deals with alliance stories of women superior to men. In this type of works, it is common that women come into conflict with men on the contrast between their own sexual identity and ability superiority. Unlike this, Hwang Un Jeon is convergent into a process that overcomes a national crisis, not developed into a conflict between man and woman. As such, Hwang Un Jeon attenuates family narratives to develop a narrative-oriented national crisis and conquest of it, and modifies alliance stories between man and woman. This type of narratives of Hwang Un Jeon has its significance in terms of many different experiments in a creative way of heroin novel. Creative diversity in a genre novel like heroin novel relies on not deviation from genre but utilization of it, specifically, familiar but new different one, not something new. In this respect, as well as recomposing and modifying expected anticipation into the narrative of the nation notwithstanding accepting specific forms of heroin novel, such consistency of the modification is understood as a characteristic aspect of creation of Hwang Un Jeon.

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