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      • KCI등재

        영남지역으로의 비파형동검문화 확산경로와 시기별 변천

        김권구 영남고고학회 2015 嶺南考古學 Vol.- No.72

        This article aims to trace the diffusion routes of the Mandolin-shaped bronze dagger culture into the Youngnam Region over time for the Korean Bronze Age. To do so the Mandolin-shaped bronze daggers found in the Youngnam Region have been dated and their discovered locations have been analyzed. In addition the the Mandolin-shaped bronze daggers found in the Hoseo region and the Honam region have also been dated and their locations also have been compared. The chronology of the Mandolin-shaped bronze daggers has been set up on basis of their features and the related objects found together along with them. The topographical and geographical features of the Youngnam region as well as its interaction routes over time have been reviewed. The analysis has revealed that during the early Bronze Age the inland routes passing through the Sobaek Mountain Range of both the northern Gyeongbuk region and western Gyeongbuk region have been more significant roles than other routes in diffusion of the Mandolin-shaped bronze dagger culture into the Youngnam Region. Instead during the late Bronze Age the Southern Coastal routes have more important roles in diffusion of the Mandolin-shaped bronze dagger culture into the Youngnam Region than the inland routes of the Gyeongbuk region. There are many evidences to support that the Mandolin-shaped bronze daggers might not have been produced in the Youngnam region and they might have been transported into the Youngnam region through the Hoseo region or the Honam region. They are as follows; absence of a moulder for any bronze object including a Mandolin-shaped bronze dagger, some examples of Mandolin-shaped bronze daggers dated earlier than Mandolin-shaped bronze daggers from the Youngnam region, many examples of re-touched Mandolinshaped bronze daggers from the Youngnam region, many occurrences of the Mandolin-shaped bronze daggers from the Southern Coastal areas. The diffusion of the Mandolin-shaped bronze daggers into the Youngnam region must have been related to the social development of the Bronze Age which need them socially, politically and ideologically. 이 논문은 영남지역 출토 비파형동검문화의 확산경로 또는 유입경로를 밝히는데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 영남지역에서 출토되거나 확인된 비파형동검을 정리한 후 부장·매납 시기를 검토 하여 그 시대별·지역별 분포양상을 검토하고 호남과 호서지역 출토 비파형동검의 부장·매납 시기와 지역별 분포양상도 함께 비교되었다. 비파형동검의 부장·매납 시기 편년은 비파형동검의 형태상의 특성뿐만 아니라 비파형동검과 함께 출토된 유물과 출토유구의 중심유행시기도 함께 고려하여 이루어졌다. 또 영남지역의 지형적·지리적 특성과 통시대적인 교통로에 대하여서도 검토되었다. 그 결과 청동기시대 전기에는 비파형동검문화의 영남지역 확산 또는 유입에 있어서 경북북부지역과 경북서부지역의 소백산맥 고봉준령 사이의 안부(鞍部)를 통과하는 내륙교통로의 역할이 더 큰 비중을 가졌던 것으로 보이며 청동기시대 후기에는 경북지역 내륙교통로보다는 남해안교통로가 비파형동검문화의 영남지역 확산에 있어서 더 큰 비중을 가졌던 것으로 보인다. 영남지역에서 아직 비파형동검용범을 포함한 다른 청동기의 용범이 아직 확인되지 않은 점, 영남지역의 비파형동검보다 이르거나 동시기의 비파형동검이 호서지역에서 출토되는 점, 영남지역에서 출토된 비파형동검 중에서 재가공된 것이 다수 확인되는 점, 여수 적량동 지석묘 출토 비파형동검의 경우와 같이 호남의 남해안연안지역에서 청동기시대 후기의 비파형동검이 다수 확인되는 점을 볼 때 영남지역에서 자체적으로 제작되었다하기 보다는 호서지역이나 호남지역을 통하여 비파형동검이 영남지역으로 확산 또는 유입되었을 가능성이 큰 것으로 추정된다. 비파형동검의 확산 또는 유입은 비파형동검을 필요로 하는 청동기시대 사회발전에 따라 이루어진 것으로 보았다.

      • KCI등재

        용산 새 국립중앙박물관의 성과와 과제

        김권구 한국박물관학회 2011 博物館學報 Vol.- No.21

        이 논문은 용산 새 국립중앙박물관의 성과를 평가하고 과제를 검토하는데 그 목적 이 있다. 이 논문은 국립중앙박물관이 2005년 이전개관이후 1년 동안 정상적으로 박물관이 기능하기 시작한 2006년부터 2010년까지의 박물관활동을 국립중앙박물관 이 발간한 연보를 토대로 평가할 것이다. 박물관을 평가하기 위해서는 박물관의 운영철학과 평가기준에 대한 논의가 필요한 데 양적인 평가와 질적인 평가가 있겠으나 양적인 평가를 중심으로 이루어졌다. 용 산 새 국립중앙박물관의 5년간의 성과(2006년~2010년)는 관람객분석, 시설규모분 석, 유물관리현황분석, 예산과 인력분석, 특별전시의 개최양상분석, 사회교육, 학술활 동, 국제교류현황 등이 주로 양적인 기준을 중심으로 분석하였다. 따라서 양적인 분 석이 갖는 한계를 피할 수는 없다. 위의 기준으로 평가된 국립중앙박물관은 5년간 그 이전에 비하여 전반적으로 크게 활성화되었고 범위가 다양화되었다고 평가되었다. 그러나 박물관의 정체성과 역할에 대한 성찰, 관람객과의 소통방식의 개선에 대한 성찰, 방문객 관람환경의 개선과 만 족도 향상, 유물관리개선, 전시와 교육프로그램의 개선 등 박물관 사업의 질 향상 노력, 학술능력강화, 민족주의 등 각종 편견에서 벗어나 지식을 학습하는 비판적 사고 능력의 배양장소로서의 박물관기능강화 등이 앞으로의 과제로 논의되었다.

      • KCI등재

        반구대암각화의 편년에 대한 고찰

        김권구 영남고고학회 2013 嶺南考古學 Vol.- No.67

        There have been long disputes in the upper limit of the chronology of the Bangudae Rock Art. The arguments that the chronological upper limit of the Bangudae Rock Art might be dated to Neolithic have been recently suggested frequently. However the arguments are considered to be premature. The arguments to support its chronological upper limit as the Bronze Age is more logically persuasive. The logical basis to support the chronological upper limit of the Bangudae Rock Art as the Bronze Age are as follows: many examples of the rock art tradition in the Bronze Age, differential ratios of hunting and fishing in the subsistence of the Bronze Age societies, the dubious possibility of hunting whale during the Neolithic Age, the existences of Bronze Age sites and no discovery of Neolithic sites within 10 km's radius from the Bangudae Rock Art, and so on. The preservation of the Bangudae Rock Art as well as that of its neighbouring landscape is extremely essential because its landscape is part of the rock art as a landscape monument. The integrated perception of the Bangudae Rock Art and its landscape is required. Therefore the way to preserve the rock art, whether it is permanent or not, should not have any negative impact on both the Bangudae Rock Art and its landscape. It would be better to seek ways for avoiding its environmental destruction or landscape damage. 반구대암각화의 상한연대에 대해서는 현재 신석기시대설과 청동기시대설이 맞서고 있다. 이 글은 신석기시대설과 청동기시대설에 대한 평가를 하고 청동기시대에 제작되었을 가능성을 제시하였다. 반구대암각화는 청동기시대의 암각화전통, 청동기시대 생업 속에서의 수렵과 어로의 상당한 비중, 직접고래사냥의 신석기시대 가능성 수용의 유보, 신석기시대 패총출토 고래 뼈는 자연사하거나 좌초된 고래의 뼈라는 시각, 반구대암각화반경 10km 이내에서 신석기시대유적의 미확인상황과 상당한 수의 청동기시대유적의 분포상황 등은 반구대암각화 상한연대의 청동기시대설을 뒷받침해준다. 반구대암각화는 우리나라 최초의 구도를 가진 청동기시대 암각화일 뿐만 아니라육지동물과 바다동물 그리고 새까지 묘사된 세계에서도 희귀한 경관기념물로서 탁월하고도 보편적인 가치를 가지고 있다고 판단된다. 반구대암각화와 주변경관은 일체이며 그 경관도 반구대암각화를 구성하는 한 부분이어서 서로 분리될 수 없다는 통합적 인식이 필요하다. 따라서 반구대암각화의 보존방식은 그것이 영구적인 것이건 일시적인 것이건 가릴 것 없이 반구대암각화의 경관을 훼손하지 않는 방향으로 이루어져야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        대구 월배지역 입석의 기능과 출현 배경

        김권구 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2020 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.73

        This thesis aims to review the functions of the menhirs located in the Weolbae Alluvial Fan, Daegu City and their emerging background. To do so the following variables have been analyzed comprehensively: their distribution, topography and geographical features, the distributions of both settlements and dolmens during the Bronze Age, the general pictures of the socio-cultural features and subsistence in Youngnam Region during the Korean Bronze Age, etc. The analysis has reached a conclusion that a series of the menhirs located in the Weolbae Alluvial Fan, Daegu City, had been built up during the Late Bronze Age dated from 8th Century BCE to 4th Century BCE(called the Songguk-ri Phase), which had witnessed the agricultural intensification and village life by the agricultural sedentary groups. That is, the agricultural villagers had built up a series of the menhirs as a strategy not only to reproduce their exclusive right of their village territory including agricultural fields but also to justify it. So it is reasonable to consider a series of the menhirs as a monument for an agricultural sedentary society in the Weolbae Alluvial Fan, Daegu City. The menhirs have been thought to have various functions such as village territorial markers(for example, menhirs at Weolam-dong and Sangin-dong), a ritual center marker or abstractive - collective ancestral worship center(for example, the menhir at Jincheon-dong), village space-dividing standard monument, group’s symbolic landscape monument and so on. The functional diversification of the menhirs had been occurred and their symbolic meanings had been diversified and changed continuously so that their symbolic cultural layers have had multiple meanings. The villages in the Weolbae Alluvial Fan, Daegu City had spatial divisions such as dwelling areas, cemetery areas, ritual areas, agricultural fields, and so on. The menhirs are thought to have been spatial standard monument to recognize the location of each area. In addition the menhir at Jincheon-dong vividly shows the incorporation of megalith culture and petroglyph culture. There are many future research challenges to seek more solid evidences on dating of menhirs, their builder’s settlement patterns and structures over time, and future excavation of the wider areas around the menhirs no. 1 and No. 3 at Weolam-dong. So the contemporaneity of the menhirs must be revisited further in the future by way of more accumulating stratigraphic evidences. The characterization study of menhir stone must be fulfilled to identify stone quarrying sources. 이 논문에서는 대구 월배지역 입석의 기능과 출현 배경의 검토를 목적으로 한다. 입석의 분포상황, 지형, 월배지역 청동기시대의 취락과 지석묘군 분포양상, 영남지역 청동기시대 후기의 사회문화상과 생업양상을 종합적으로 고찰하는 것이 이 논문에서의 연구방법이다. 검토 결과 월배지역 입석군(立石群)은 농경정착사회의 전개과정에서 집단영역의 배타적 점유강화방식의 일환으로 청동기시대 후기(송국리단계)인 기원전 8세기-기원전 4세기에 축조된 농경정착사회기념물로 보는 것이 합리적이라고 판단되었다. 입석의 기능도 분화되어 집단영역의 경계표시물, 제사의례기념물 혹은 추상적-집합적 조상제사의 출현을 상징하는 기념물로 전개되는 모습이며 입석의 상징적 의미도 다양화되고 중층화되며 변화되었던 것으로 추정된다. 진천동 입석의 암각화가 보여주듯 입석과 같은 거석문화와 암각화가 결합하는 양상이다. 또 입석은 자연영역과 인위적 취락의 공간을 구획하며 집단차원에서는 집단이 인지하는 세계의 중심으로서의 의례센터표시 역할을 하는데 사용되면서 취락 내에서는 거주영역, 무덤영역, 의례영역, 경작영역 등을 구획하는 좌표로도 사용되었을 것으로 보인다. 앞으로 입석을 축조한 월배선상지 내의 취락분포양상과 취락구조를 보다 세부적으로 검토하는 것이 입석의 동시기성 확인을 위하여 앞으로의 과제로 남아 있다. 또 월암동 1호 입석과 월암동 3호 입석의 경우 지금까지 이루어진 아주 좁은 면적에 대한 시굴조사를 통해 확인된 토층만으로 입석의 축조시기를 판단하는 것에는 미진한 바가 크므로 입석축조시기의 보다 정확한 판단을 위하여 그 주변 지역에 대한 조금 넓은 범위의 발굴조사가 필요하다. 입석의 재질에 대한 과학적 분석을 통해 입석으로 사용된 암석의 채석장소를 파악하는 것도 요망된다.

      • KCI등재

        한반도 청동기시대의 목기에 대한 고찰-남한지역의 목기를 중심으로

        김권구 한국고고학회 2008 한국고고학보 Vol.67 No.-

        This article aims to examine the wooden tools of the Bronze Age and to reconstruct their characteristics and significance. In the Bronze Age, tools used in daily life consisted mostly of wood and stone. Wooden tools which have been discovered through excavation include hoes, a wooden tool used to level soil, a pestle, a type of small plow, axe handles, a charcoaled handle for a polished stone dagger, a fire shovel, the shaft of an arrow, part of a water pipe, a birdshaped wooden object, and a charcoaled wooden tool. In addition, stone tools such as stone chisels, stone hand planes and stone axes are frequently found at archaeological sites, which indirectly suggests that wood-working was in great demand in the Korean Bronze Age. It appears that Bronze Age wooden tools may evidence regional, as well as, temporal variation, but this is difficult to confirm at present due to lack of conclusive data. It is also believed that the agricultural intensification of the Late Bronze Age is reflected in the wooden tool culture of the period. The appearance of various agricultural tools and water regulating facilities, such as water pipes, are examples of this intensification; they may also be regarded as a temporal signature of the Late Bronze Age wooden tool culture. Indeed, various wooden tools, such as hoes, pestles and other tools can be traced back to the Late Bronze Age (the Songgukri Period). Regional patterns are not clear, at present, but the common features observed from wooden axe handles from Seobyeon-dong, Daegu, and Majeon-ri, Nonsan, may be regarded as a common feature of this tool type in the southern region of the Korean peninsula. In addition, the wooden pestle found at Jeojeon-ri, Andong, was found to share many common features, in terms of shape and style, with the wooden pestles from Japanese sites, such as Itatzuke in Northern Kyushu and Karakogagi in Kansai Province; this may indicate the presence of a common wooden tool culture which was shared by the southern regions of the Korean peninsula and the Japanese archipelago. It is also believed that this similarity in wooden tools may be associated with the diffusion of rice culture from Korea into Japan. The timber used to make these tools appears to have been selectively chosen–the type of wood used depended on the type of tool that was to be made. For example, it has been identified that wood from oak and other oak species (Quercus sp.) were used, in many cases, to make hard tools. More intensive archaeological research and excavations are required, however, in order to shed light on the regional and temporal features of the wooden tools of the Korean Bronze Age. It is hoped that international cooperation and the sharing of information between scholars in Korea and Japan will facilitate further explorations into the relationship between the wooden tool cultures of the Korean Bronze Age and the Japanese Jomon and Yayoi Periods.

      • KCI등재

        경산 갑제동 발견유물에 대한 고찰 -전한경편(前漢鏡片)을 중심으로-

        김권구,권순철,황종현 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2018 新羅文化 Vol.51 No.-

        Recently some of discovered artefacts from Gapje-dong, Gyeongsan City, had been reported. They include the fragments of the bronze mirror dated 'the Chinese West Han Period', a cross-shaped pommel, a dagger sheath-end decoration, and three decorative pieces of daggers' handle part. The artefacts had been found from the 65m high hill-top area located at San 2, Gapje-dong, Gyeongsan City. The artefacts had been discovered from six scattered spots on the hill-top within 20m diameter. Among the discovered artefacts the mirror fragments of the Chinese West Han Period have Chinese characters. The Chinese characters say as follows: As the mirror brightens like the sun and the moon inwardly, our mind suddenly reminds us of loyalty. So let us try to save the loyalty and not to fade away it. The name of the Chinese mirror can be called the mirror with archaic characters of the Chinese West Han Period (異體字銘 前漢鏡) on basis of the character contents, character types, design patterns on the mirror and other features. There are two major areas with the distributional concentration of Chinese mirrors and replica mirrors in Youngnam region. The one area is Gimhae area along with the southern coastal areas, which might be related to Guyaguk polity. The other area is Gyeongju area along with the Geumho River, which might be related to Saroguk polity. The Chinese mirrors and replica mirrors also imply the emergence of powerful leaders with long distance networks. The distributional concentration of the Chinese mirrors and replica mirrors in Gyeongsan area also strongly implies the emergence of the powerful leaders with long distance networks as well as the formation of the local political polity such as Apdokguk polity. The power elites of Gyeongsan area as a leader might have some networks with those of other areas such as Youngcheon area and Gyeongju area. The Shindae-dong Archaeological Site is distant about 1.2km-1.5km away from the Gapje-dong area where the artefacts had been found. The Imdang Archaeological Site is distant about 2.5km-3km away from the Gapje-dong area. This distributional patterns of the above-mentioned three archaeological sites might imply the internal structures of the local polity called Apdokguk as well as the emergence of the powerful leaders with long distance trading networks dated from the second of the first century BC to the first half of the first century AD in Gyeongsan area although their contemporaneity can not be guaranteed yet. The discovered artefacts from Gapje-dong, Gyeongsan City turn out very important academically. So urgent full-fledged excavation is highly required as soon as possible in order to reveal the exact location of the related wooden coffin, its structure, its scale, its other buried objects which might be still remaining possibly, and to identify whether the tomb might be located alone on purpose or not.

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