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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Anti-inflammatory activity of compounds isolated from Astragalus sinicus L. in cytokine-induced keratinocytes and skin

        김병학,오익훈,김정호,전주은,전병욱,신종헌,김태윤 생화학분자생물학회 2014 Experimental and molecular medicine Vol.46 No.-

        Inflammation is a part of the complex biological responses of a tissue to injury that protect the organ by removing injurious stimuli and initiating the healing process, and is considered as a mechanism of innate immunity. To identify biologically active compounds against pathogenic inflammatory and immune responses, we fractionated water, aqueous methanol and n-hexane layers from nine kinds of leguminosae and examined anti-inflammatory activity of the fractions in human keratinocytes and mouse skin. Among the fractions, rf3 and rf4, isolated from the aqueous methanol layer of Astragalus sinicus L., exhibitedthe strongest reactive oxygen species (ROS)-scavenging and anti-inflammatory activities as measured by inhibition of the intracellular ROS production, nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-jB), janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT), and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt signaling in cytokine-stimulated human keratinocytes, as well as by effects on T-cell differentiation in mouse CD4þ T cells. In addition, topical application of rf3 and rf4 suppressed the progression of psoriasis-like dermatitis and expression of pro-inflammatory mediators in interleukin (IL)-23-injected mouse ears. Our results suggest that Astragalus sinicus L. may ameliorate chronic inflammatory skin diseases due to its antioxidant and ntiinflammatory activities via regulation of the intracellular ROS production, NF-jB, JAK/STAT and PI3/Akt signaling cascades as well as immune responses, and these results are the first report that Astragalus sinicus L. exhibits pharmacological activity.

      • KCI등재

        육상수조 중간양성 방식별 생사료 및 배합사료 공급이 북방전복, Haliotis discus hannai 치패의 성장과 체성분에 미치는 영향

        김병학,박민우,김태익,손맹현,이시우,Kim, Byeong-Hak,Park, Min-Woo,Kim, Tae-Ik,Son, Maeng-Hyun,Lee, Si-Woo 한국패류학회 2015 The Korean Journal of Malacology Vol.31 No.2

        본 연구는 전복 육상 중간양성 시 생산성과 경제성 향상을 유도하고자 육상 중간양성 방식별로 수용한 전복치패에 배합사료와 해조류를 공급하여 성장 및 생존율을 조사하였다. 실험 전복은 2012년에 종묘생산 된 양성 1년생 (각장 22.74-23.67 mm) 을 사용하여 해조류 (sea weed diet, SW) 와 배합사료 (artificial, A) 공급구에 각각 바닥식 (floor culture, FC), 그물 바닥식 (net floor culture, NFC), 이중 은신처 (double shelter culture, DSC) 그리고 육상 가두리 (indoor net cage culture, INCC) 로 총 8개의 중간양성 방식을 2반복으로 설정하여 10개월간 사육하였다. 월별 각장 절대성장률 (absolute growth rate of shell length, $AGR_{SL}$), 일간성장률 (daily growth rate of shell length), 중량 변화에서 9월부터 11월 까지를 제외하고 유의적 차이가 없었다. 육상수조 내 사육방법별 월별 중량변화는 유의적 차이가 없었다. 성장에서는 각장, 각폭, 체중에 대한 모든 성장지표에서 유의적 차이는 보이질 않았으나, 배합사료 공급구의 이중쉘터 방식이 높은 값을 보였다. 생존율은 A-FC가 70% 이상으로 55-60%인 다른 실험구보다 유의적으로 높았으며 (P < 0.05), 생사료와 배합사료 공급한 전복치패 가식부의 일반성분은 차이가 없었다. 따라서 2 cm 이상의 전복치패를 육상수조에서 서로 다른 중간 양성 방식별로 사육 시 배합사료와 생사료 공급은 성장차이를 보이지 않으며, 배합사료를 공급한 바닥식 중간양성이 생존율이 높게 나타나, 육상 중간양성 시 바닥식 양성이 생산성 향상에 유리할 것으로 판단된다. This study was conduct to investigate the effect of intermediate culture types on the growth and survival rate of the juvenile abalone, Haliotis discus hannai fed seaweed and artificial diet. Intermediate cultures were to determine there that was to fed seaweed (SW) of artificial diet (A) of floor culture (FC), net floor culture (NFC), double shelter culture (DSC) and indoor net cage culture (INCC) in land-based tank, in two replicate. In the growth performance of juvenile abalone reared through intermediate culture to fed SW of A, that the absolute growth rate ($AGR_{SL}$, $AGR_{SB}$), daily growth rate ($DGR_{SL}$, $DGR_{SB}$), and specific growth rate ($SGR_{SL}$, $SGR_{SB}$) to the shell length (SL) and shell breadth (SB) of experimental groups were not significant. As weight gain (WG), daily weight gain (DWG) and specific weight gain (SWG) to body weight through intermediate culture types in land-based tank was not significant. However, as to survival rate to experimental groups, A-FC was higher than those of different groups (P < 0.05). Therefore, these results is showed that was not difference to growth of juvenile abalone over 2 cm fed seaweed diet and artificial diet according to intermediate culture types. But floor culture with artificial diet indicate that was highest to survival rate, therefore, it is beneficial for higher productivity in floor culture with artificial diet among intermediate culture types.

      • KCI등재

        해상가두리 및 육상수조 중간양성 방식에 따른 북방전복, Haliotis discus hannai 치패의 성장 및 생존율

        김병학,박민우,김태익,손맹현,이시우 한국패류학회 2014 The Korean Journal of Malacology Vol.30 No.3

        This study was conduct to investigate the effect of Intermediate culture types on the growth and survival rate of the abalone, Haliotis discus hannai, in net cage and indoor tank. Intermediate cultures were to determine there that was to setting at marine net cage culture (NCC) in net cage, floor culture (FC), net floor culture (NFC), double shelter culture (DSC) and indoor net cage culture (INCC) in indoor tank, in two replicate. In the growth performance of juvenile abalone reared through intermediate culture, that the absolute growth rate (AGRSL, AGRSB), daily growth rate (DGRSL, DGRSB), and specific growth rate (SGRSL, SGRSB) to the shell length (SL) and shell breadth (SB) of NCC were higher than those of different groups (P < 0.05). As weight gain (WG), daily weight gain (DWG) and specific weight gain (SWG) to body weight through intermediate culture types in indoor tank was not significant. Also that, survival rate among experimental groups of intermediate culture in indoor tank was not significant. Therefore, these results is showed that should to cultivate for net cage so that intermediate culture of juvenile abalone over 2 cm, accordingly research to effective progress of juvenile abalone intermediate culture in indoor tank be should from various reason as well as feed and rearing condition. 본 연구는 해상가두리와 육상수조의 다양한 중간양성 방법에 대한 성장 및 생존율을 조사하여 육상수조에서의 전복치패양성의 효율성 증가와 생산성향상을 유도하고자 실시하였다. 해상가두리 (net cage culture, NCC) 실험은 육상수조 사육은 2013년 6월부터 2014년 4월까지 10개월 (300일) 동안 실시하였고, 실험 전복은 2012년에 종묘생산 된 양성 1년생 (각장 평균 22.74–23.67 mm) 을 사용하였다. 육상수조 실험구설정은 바닥식 양성 (floor culture, FC), 그물 바닥식 양성(net floor culture, NFC), 이중 쉘터 양성 (double shelter culture, DSC) 그리고 육상 가두리 양성 (indoor net cage culture, INCC) 을 각각 2반복구로 설정하여, 수조 당10,000 마리를 수용하였다. 해상가두리의 월별 각장과 성장률(absolute growth rate of shell length, AGRSL) 은 육상수조 사육방법보다 유의적으로 높았고 (P < 0.05), 육상수조 내사육방법별 월별 중량변화는 유의적 차이가 없었다. 전복치패각장의 일간성장률 (daily growth rate of shell length, DGRSL), 특수생장율 (specific growth rate of shell length, SGRSL) 에서도 NCC가 육상수조 실험구보다 유의적으로 높았으며 (P < 0.05), 각폭 성장에서의 성장률 (absolute growth rate of shell breadth, AGRSB), DGRSB, SGRSB에서 NCC가 육상수조 내 실험보다 유의적으로 높았고 (P < 0.05), 육상수조 내 실험구간의 유의적 차이는 없었다. 육상수조 내 실험구에서 측정된 전복체중 성장은 FMW, WG, DWG, SWG에서는 각 실험구별로 유의적 차이가 없으며, 모든 실험구의 생존율은 실험종료 시 까지 55-60%를 유지하였다. 따라서 2 cm이상의 전복치패는 중간양성 시 동일한 밀도, 먹이를 공급한 육상수조 내에서는 차이를 보이지 않았지만, 신선한 먹이가 공급되면서 가두리 주위로 자연먹이가 풍부하게자랐던 해상가두리가 성장에 유리하게 작용하였던 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Dietary Nutrient Content, Feeding Period, and Feed Allowance on Juvenile Olive Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus at Different Feeding Period and Ration

        김병학,조성환 한국수산과학회 2014 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.17 No.4

        We examined the effects of dietary nutrient content, feeding period, and feed allowance on compensatory growth, food use, chemical composition, and serum chemistry of juvenile olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. We placed 720 juvenile fish into 24 400-L flow-through round tanks (30 fish per tank). A 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design (diet: control (C) and high protein and lipid (HPL) × feeding period: 8 and 6 weeks × feed allowance: 100% and 90% of satiation) was applied. Fish were hand-fed twice daily, based on the designated feeding schedule. Weight gain and food consumption were affected by both the feeding period and feed allowance, but not by diet. The food efficiency ratio was not affected by diet, feeding period, or feed allowance, but the protein efficiency ratio and protein retention were affected by diet and feeding period, respectively. We found that the full compensatory growth of fish was not achieved at a restricted feeding allowance.

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