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      • KCI등재

        남자 대학생의 화제도입전략에 관한 한일대조연구

        영미(鄭榮美) 한국일본어학회 2015 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.43

        The aim of this study is to explore patterns and language expressions on how male undergraduates use their strategies when they bring up topics. Data was collected from 6 conversations between Korean and Japanese undergraduates who are in close relationships. A total of 164 topics were collected from Korean and a total of 170 topics from Japanese. Of those, speakers that used strategies for bringing up the topics were as follows: Korean, 75EA(45.73%); Japanese, 68EA(40.00%). In contrast, speakers who are not strategic in bringing up topics were as follows: Korean, 87EA(54.27%); Japanese, 102EA(60.00%), which were very high. The use of strategies in bringing up topics was related to the relevance of topics with the context, and was analyzed in terms of how polite the speakers were in their conversations. As a result, it was revealed that speakers in both Korean and Japanese mutually adopted the considerate behavior at the locutionary and discourse level complementarily. The strategies in bringing up topics were analyzed by each aspect of the strategies such as [expression of meta], [expression for recognition changes], [discourse markers], and [expression for notice requirements]. As a result, [discourse markers] indicates that it is very high in the speakers’ discourse strategies. Of the various expressions used by speakers’ discourse strategy, “야 (ya, 27times)” and “아 (ah, 23times)”, and “그런데 (by the way, 19times) were widely used in Korean.“え” (e, 15times), “でも” (but, 11times), “で “ (then, 11times), and “じゃ” (if so, 10times) were widely used in Japanese.

      • KCI등재


        鄭榮美(영미) 동아시아일본학회 2012 일본문화연구 Vol.42 No.-

        본고에서는 한국어 모어화자와 일본어 모어화자인 여대생들의 친한 친구 간에 일어나는 청유행위에 대한 응답을 분석하였다. 응답을 수락, 거절, 보류로 분류한 결과, 양 언어 모두 수락이 가장 많은 빈도를 차지하였고, 거절은 거의 일어나지 않았다. 이는 친한 친구 간에 일어나는 부담이 적은 청유에 대해서는 한국어에서도 일본어에서도 수락이 [우선응답]이 되고 있다는 것을 실증적으로 시사하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 수락에 초점을 두어 피청유자가 수락에 임하는 태도를 적극적인 것과 소극적인 것으로 나누 어 분석한 결과, 한국어에서도 일본어에서도 피청유자가 적극적으로 청유를 수락하는 경향이 보였다. 그러나, 적극적인 수락에서도 한국어에서는 제안이나 청유형 종결어미의 사용 등, 상대 방의 반응이 요구되는 언어적 전략이 다용되었으나, 일본어에서는 희망표현이나 긍정적 평가 등, 피청유자 자신의 의견만을 표출하는 언어적 전략이 다용되는 상이점이 있었다. 양 언어에서 적극적인 수락이 가장 많았던 것은 피청유자가 수락의사를 청유자에게 명확히 전달함과 동시에 청유자의 positive face를 충족시킴으로써 양자 간의 원활한 인관관계를 지속 시키기 위함이라고 해석하였다. 또한, 거절과 보류가 상대적으로 적었던 것은, 친한 친구로부터의 가벼운 청유에 대한 거절이나 보류가 청유자의 positive face 침해도가 높아 피청유자가 이를 피하기 위한 것이라고 해석하였다.

      • KCI등재


        영미(鄭榮美)(Jeong, Young-Mi) 일본어문학회 2011 일본어문학 Vol.55 No.-

        本稿では準自然会話における誘い発話文の述部の表現を取り上げ、ポライトネス理論の観点から考察した。韓国語では計26の誘い発話文の中で、「~자」と「~ㄹ까」の使用が圧倒的に多かった(計約88%)。その他に「~아야지」、「~잖아」、「~ㄴ거야」が用いられている。この中で「~자」、「~잖아」、「~는 거야」は相手のポジティブㆍフェイスへの配慮行動として働き、「~ㄹ까」と「~아(어)야지」は相手のネガティブㆍフェイスへの配慮行動として働くことが明らかになった。日本語では計17の誘い発話文が抽出でき、「~シヨウ」、「~シナイ(カ)」、「~シタクナイ(カ)」、「~シタイ」、「~スル(カ)」、「時間の表現+アル(カ)/ナイ(カ)」、「~シニオイデ」の8種類の表現が抽出できた。その中で、「~シヨウ」が半数近くの使用割合を占め、残りの表現はほぼ均等な使用割合を占めていた。「~シヨウ」と「~シニオイデ」は相手のポジティブㆍフェイスに向けられた配慮行動であり、「~シナイ(カ)」、「~スル(カ)」、「~シタクナイ(カ)」、「時間の表現+アル(カ)/ナイ(カ)」は相手のネガティブㆍフェイスに向けられた配慮行動であることが分かった。そして、「~シタイ」は配慮の度合いが最も大きいほのめかしに該当することが分かった。

      • KCI등재

        청유대화에서의 화제 선택과 폴라이트니스

        영미(鄭榮美) 한국일본어학회 2014 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.41

        This study is to find out the relationship between the topic selection and politeness in Korean and Japanese conversation. The subjects were female undergraduates who took part in the invitation conversation. The results of the study are summarized as follows. (1) Both Korean and Japanese speakers tend to prioritize their active communication through being considerate of their partners rather than aim to take part in the conversation. (2) When they select their topics, both Korean and Japanese speakers tend to talk about the subjects which they share each other. Therefore, these findings indicate that the mechanism of positive politeness strategies can be affected when female speakers, who are in close relationship, select their topics in the conversation. (3) When they introduce their topics, both Korean and Japanese speakers tend to develop new topics by mentioning parts of previous contents on speech acts. These tendencies were more obvious in Japanese than Korean. Both Korean and Japanese speakers tend to introduce topics by mentioning the contents of proposition by themselves rather than introduce new topics by requesting some information about their partners. As the results of this study show, the findings provide that the participants had a cooperative attitude in this conversation, thus this conversation had an effect on satisfying their partners’ positive face.

      • KCI등재

        일본어 비즈니스 이메일의 담화구조와 대인배려표현에 관한 고찰

        영미(鄭榮美) 한국일본어학회 2019 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.59

        In this study, the analysis subjects were E-mails that only Japanese people wrote among those between Korean and Japanese who were working in the iron and steel industry such as automobiles. Those E-mail data were prepared from 2015 to 2017, which was totally 532 E-mails. Recipients and senders could be inferred not to affect the progression of conversation significantly whether the relations were internal or external in case of the established business relationship. To consider others, it strongly tended to mention the formalized greeting expression simple. The progression structure of E-mail conversation was reviewed by whether the sender and recipient’s mentioning were present, and whether the consideration strategy to the others before and after suggestion of main topics was present. Upon the results, the structure of ‘recipient-greeting-main topic-closing’ was dominant with 47.4% followed by ‘recipient-greeting-main topic’ with 21.6% which was ended with explanation of main topic without closing. Over 10% E-mail showed simple delivery of main topic. With respect to the initiation level strategy, firstly, formalized greeting expressions and its types were reviewed for consideration of others at the opening and closing parts of E-mail. In the opening part, 70% of total E-mails used formalized greeting expression with 9 different types. In the closing part, 54% used closing greeting. They were classified as ‘maintaining relationship,’ ‘related to main topic,’ and ‘consideration of others’.

      • KCI등재

        지식 분류의 자동화를 위한 클러스터링 모형 연구

        영미,이재윤 한국정보관리학회 2001 정보관리학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        본 연구에서는 문헌을 기반으로 한 지식의 자동분류를 위해 최적의 클러스터링 모형을 제시하고자 하였다. 클러스터링 실험을 위해서 신문기사 실험집단과 학술논문 초록 실험집단을 구축하였고, 분류 성능 평가 척도인 WACS를 개발하였다. 분류자질로 사용한 용어의 집합은 다양한 자질 축소 기준을 적용하여 생성하였으며, 다양한 용어 가중치를 사용하였다. 유사계수 공식으로는 코사인 계수와 자카드 계수를 적용하였으며, 클러스터링 알고리즘으로는 비계층적 기법인 완전연결 기법과 계층적 기법인 K-means기법을 각각 사용하였다. 실험 결과 신문기사 원문 집단에서의 성능이 좋았으며, 완전연결 기법의 성능이 K-means 기법보다 높게 나타났다. 역문헌빈도의 적용은 완전연결 클러스터링에서는 긍정적인 효과가 나타났으나, K-means 클러스터링에서는 그렇지 못했다. 분류자질은 전체의 7.66%만 사용하였을 경우에도 성능 저하가 크지 않았으며, K-means 클러스터링에서는 오히려 성능 향상 효과가 있었다. The purpose of this study is to develop a document clustering model for automatic classification of knowledge. Two test collections of newspaper article texts and journal article abstracts are built for the clustering experiment. Various feature reduction criteria as well as term weighting methods are applied to the term sets of the test collections, and cosine and Jaccard coefficients are used as similarity measures. The performances of complete linkage and K-means clustering algorithms are compared using different feature selection methods and various term weights. It was found that complete linkage clustering outperforms K-means algorithm and feature reduction up to almost 10% of the total feature sets does not lower the performance of document clustering to any significant extent.

      • KCI등재

        남·북한 조선왕조실록 번역 비교

        영미(Jeung, Young-mi) 한국고전번역원 2016 民族文化 Vol.48 No.-

        『조선왕조실록』과 『리조실록』은 남한과 북한에서 동일한 텍스트를 각각 번역한 거질의 역사문헌이다. 본고에서는 『현종실록』의 사례를 중심으로 남북한 실록 번역의 원칙을 확인하고 몇 가지 주제를 중심으로 문장과 어휘의 번역 사례를 비교하여 공통점과 차이점을 드러내고자 한다. 번역의 가장 큰 원칙은 남한과 북한 모두 실록의 원래 형태를 유지했다는 점으로, ‘수정실록’이나 ‘개수실록’도 별도의 실록으로 인식하여 원형대로 번역하였다. 몇 개의 주제로 나누어 번역 사례를 추출하고, 이를 어휘와 문장, 전문 어휘, 주석, 오역으로 나누어 각각의 특징을 살펴보았다. 번역문에서 드러나는 가장 큰 차이점은 한자와 한자어의 사용이다. 남한 번역은 국한문 혼용을 원칙으로 고유명사, 역사 어휘 등에 한자를 병기하고 한자어도 빈번히 사용하였다. 반면 북한은 쉬운 말로 번역한다는 원칙 아래 고유명사 등에도 한자병기를 전혀 하지 않았으며, 역사 어휘 등도 가능한 쉽게 풀어 썼다. 이로 인해 남한 번역은 직역에 가깝고, 역사 어휘 등을 그대로 사용하여 내용을 이해하기 어려운 측면이 있다. 반면 북한의 번역은 모든 어휘를 가급적 풀어 쓰다 보니 원의와는 거리가 생기거나 동일한 어휘라도 의미가 달리 사용되는 경우가 고려되지 않은 것도 있다. 이러한 원칙은 주석에도 영향을 미쳐 남한이 고사 위주의 역주를 각주로 달고, 간략한 어휘 설명은 간주로 처리한 데 비해 북한은 주석을 전혀 달지 않았다. The Annals of the Chosŏn Dynasty of South Korea and the Annals of Yi Dynasty of North Korea were a large collection of historic documents that were separately translated by each from the same text. The purpose of this paper is to examine the principles of translation of true historical records of South and North Korea focusing on the translation examples of the Veritable Records of Hyeonjong and is also to study on similarities and differences presented in the sentences and vocabularies between two different versions. The main principle of the translation was that South and North Korea tried to retain its original form of true historical records. Both the amendment of annals and the revised annals were also regarded as separate versions and translated following an original form. The big difference in translation had to do with the use of Chinese characters and Sino-Korean words. In the principle of mix-up of Korean and Chinese characters, Korean proper names and historical vocabularies were juxtaposed with Chinese characters, and Sino-Koreans words were frequently employed in South Korean translation. In contrast, in the principle of the writing in plain language, proper names were not followed by Chinese characters at all, and the historical vocabularies were explained lucidly as far as possible in the North Korean one. Under such different principles, the usage of footnote of each translation was also influenced. In the South version, footnote was added as annotations centered on old histories, and a brief account of a certain vocabulary was put in parenthesis. In the North version, footnote was not provided at all. Both South and North Korea arranged and listed the errors of original text in the tabulated form. There were sharp differences in the use of vocabularies. While the South translation used historical vocabularies as they are, and some of them were given an explanation and put in parenthesis. In the North translation, almost every vocabulary was explained in a lucid way under the same principle of plain language. In this sense, the translation by the South had some difficulties in figuring out the meaning partly due to its use of hard vocabularies to understand without any explanations. On the contrary to this, it was not taken into account that even same vocabularies in the differentiated context could have different meaning and be deviated from original intention owing to its too explanatory way. There will be a broad distinction from the translation of the present day, for The Veritable Records of Hyeonjong was translated by the South and the North 20 years ago. However, unless basic elements in translation are dramatically changed, comparing the South and North Korean translation of historical documents will have its significance for the translation work. If accuracy is essential to the process of translation, unity is directly connected with availability of the translation. In this respect, this academic study will hopefully help prepare the joint translation between the South and North Korea.

      • KCI등재

        항공서비스전공 여대생의 진로장벽이 진로결정수준에 미치는 영향: 4년제 대학교와 전문대학 비교

        영미 ( Youngmee Jung ) 관광경영학회 2019 관광경영연구 Vol.88 No.-

        This study aimed to examine effects of career barriers of female college students who major in airline service on their career decision level and differences in sub-factors of career barriers affecting career decision level between female college students in four-year and two-year colleges. The subjects included 400 female college students majoring in airline service, by selecting randomly selecting 4 four-year and 4 two-year colleges, in which the department of it is established, and SPSS WIN 21.0 was used for the statistical analysis. The results of the analysis show: first, sub-factors of the career barriers, such as lack of interest, interrelationship, anxiety for the future and collection of information have significantly negative effects on the career decision level; second, although there are no significant differences in the career barriers and career decision level, according to types of educational institutes for airline service major, sub-factors of the career barriers, which have significantly negative effects on the career decision level include lack of interest, interrelationship, problems related with age, physical inferiority, lack of definiteness, for four-year female college students and collection of information, anxiety for the future, interrelationship, lack of interest, for two-year female college students. The finding suggest that curriculum and career coaching, for changing college female students' recognition on the career barriers, who major in airline service and therefore, desirable career decision based on them are required.

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