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        전시체제기 죠반(常磐)탄전 관련 명부자료를 통해 본 조선인 노무자의 사망실태

        정혜경 한국민족운동사학회 2009 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.59

        죠반(常磐)탄전이란 일본 후쿠시마(福島)현의 후타바(双葉), 이와키(石城) 탄전과 이바라키(茨城)현의 이바라키(茨城) 탄전을 총칭하는 명칭이다. 일본 본토에는 홋카이도(北海道)탄전이 가장 많은 석탄 매장량을 기록하고 있고, 이어서 규슈탄전이 뒤를 잇는다. 이에 비해 죠반탄전은 일본 3대 탄전이기는 하지만, 1930〜1945년간 생산량이나 광부 인원수에서 전국 대비 7% 정도인 소규모 탄전이었다. 이 지역에는 1939년 이후에 약 2만명이 넘는 조선인이 탄광노무자로 동원되었다. 현재 국내에 알려진 죠반탄전에 동원된 조선인 노무자 관련 명부는 7종이고, 그 가운데 4종은 사망자 명부이다. 이 글은 필자가 다른 논문을 통해 제시한 명부분석 연구방법론에 의거해 죠반탄전에 동원된 조선인 노무자의 사망 실태를 살펴보고자 하는 사례연구이다. 이를 위해 국내 소장 죠반탄전 관련 명부에 대한 기록학적 방법을 통한 미시적 분석을 실시하고, 이 가운데 「戰時下常磐炭田朝鮮人鑛夫殉職者名簿(長澤秀 정리)」를 중심으로 필자가 검증한 「常磐탄전조선인사망자명부(鄭惠瓊 정리. 305명)」를 대상으로 사망 실태를 분석했다. 이를 통해 305명의 본적지 및 사망연도별 실태, 사망원인별 실태, 입산시기별 실태, 사망 당시 연령별 실태 등을 확인할 수 있었다. 이를 통해 1944년과 1945년에 가장 많은 수의 조선인이 입산을 했고, 이 기간에 입산한 조선인의 사망률이 가장 높으며, 가장 많은 수의 조선인이 입산한 후 1년 이내에 사망했음을 알 수 있었다. 이들의 대부분이 작업과 관련하여 목숨을 잃었고, 사망원인은 작업 교육의 미비와 무리한 작업장 투입, 유년 노동력의 동원으로 판단된다. 그러나 이 글을 통해 죠반탄전에 동원되었다가 사망한 조선인들의 전반적인 사망실태를 제시할 수는 없다. 다만 명부자료에 대해 기록학적인 분석방법은 어떠한 것이며, 명부자료를 역사학적으로 분석하는 방법은 어떠한 것인가 하는 사례를 제시할 뿐이다. 죠반탄전의 사망자 명부자료를 통해 관심을 기울여야 하는 대상은 바로 명부에 나타나지 않는 빙산의 실체이다. 사망자 명부에 남아 있지 않으나 발생한 것으로 추정(이바라키현 소재 탄광의 사망자 현황이나 공습으로 인한 사망자, 1944년 10월 이후 입산자 가운데 사망자)되는 사망자의 실태이다. 기록에 남아 있지는 않지만, 결코 잊어서는 안 되는 ‘이름 없는 죠반 탄전 조선인 사망자’의 실태를 규명하는 것은 여전히 남은 우리의 과제이다. When you call Joban (常磐) coal field, it comprehensively includes the area such as Hutaba (双葉) and Iwaki(石城) field of Hukushima (福島) Prefecture, and Ibaraki (茨城) of Ibaraki Prefecture in Japan. Following two major coal fields, Hotkaido field of Hotkaido Prefecture and Kushu field, Joban coal field was the third big coal field in Japan; but it was comparatively quite smaller than two major ones in its coal reserves. It occupies only 7 percentage of the mine laborers population during 1930 to 1945 in Japan. Since 1939 more than twenty thousands of Korean people was moved to this field to provide human power. To the present there have been found seven forms of registers of the Korean workers in the Joban coal field among which four were the death rolls. This paper is a case study of the death rolls of three hundreds and five of people based on the analytical approach to the rolls with which the writer already dealt in a previous paper. As a result, the writer attained the detailed facts of the deceased; their legal domicile, the distribution of the years and ages in which they died and what caused them to die were unveiled. According to the findings, during the year 1944 to 1945 the number of Korean workers who were moved to the field was the biggest and the death rate also hit the highest record in the field. The main death causes include the early involvement in the filed work without enough training, and abuse of child labor. It is not possible for the writer to reveal the whole picture of the dead persons with analytic approach to the archives, but she still has another job to identify the dead persons who are believed to have been dead by the air attack, or other reasons in the Joban coal filed during the War.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        정신박약아동의 장애요인에 관한 부모의 인식조사 : 일부 특수학교 재학 정신박약아을 대상으로 With the Mentally Retarded Children Attending the Special Schools

        정혜경,김정근 한국보건통계학회 1982 한국보건정보통계학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        In order to find out the awareness of parents on the causes of their mentally retarded children, a survey with questionnaire was carried out with 487 parents whose children are attending 7 special schools, from September 1st to 30th, 1982. The following results were obtained. Ⅰ. Of 487 children studied, male was 310 and female was 177. Ⅱ. I.Q of the children studied were classified as; custodial 4.7%, trainable 38.4%, educable 40.8% and unknown or unmeasurable 16.2% respectively. Ⅲ. Parity distribution of the 487 children studied were first 34.7%, second 25.3%, third 17.7% and over 4th 22.4% respectively. Ⅳ.Onset periods of mental retardation responded by parents studied were: hereditary 12.7%, fetal age 10.3%, at delivery 24.2%, infant age 21.4%, child age 11.0% and unknown 20.4% respectively. Ⅴ.Of 487 children studied, Down's syndrome was 12.7%. Relative risk of Down's syndrome was increased by age: 15-19 age group 0.00, 20-24 age group 0.20. 25-29 age group 0.61, 30-40 age group 0.82 and over-35 age group 2.75 respectively. Ⅵ. Of 487 parents studied, 10.3% responded that their children's mental retardation was occured in fetal age and the causes they responded were: medication 36.0%, eclamsia 28.0%, CO poisoning 8.0%, cardiac disease 8.0%, fainting 8.0%, infection 2.0%, others 10.0% respectively. Ⅶ. Of 487 parents studied, 24.2% responded that their children's mental retardation was occured at delivery. Under-weight baby was 7.0% and the baby delivered by disturbed delivery was 17.2%. Ⅷ. Of 487 parents studied, 21.4% responded that the causes of their children's mental retardation was occured in infant age and the causes they responded were: convulsion 34.6%, febrile disease 25.0%, meningitis 10.6%, measles 10.6%, jaundice 4.8%, medication 3.8%, brain under-development 3.8%, encephalitis 1.9%, Co poisoning 1.9% and others 2.9% respectively. Ⅸ. Of 487 parents studied, 11.0% responded that the causes of their children's mental retardation was occurred in child age and the causes they responded were: convaulsion 44.4%, meningitis 20.4% febrile disease 13.0%, measles 9.5%, encephalitis 7.4%, trauma or accident 3.7% and other 1.9% respectively.

      • KCI등재

        임부 남편의 모유수유에 대한 태도 유형 분석

        정혜경,김경희 한국간호과학회 1998 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Vol.35 No.4

        By using Q-methodology, this study examines the attitudes of pregnant womens' husbands toward breastfeeding. Also, the research provides basic data necessary to develop a strategy for recommending breastfeeding. A total of 112 items for the Q-population were collected from related literature and interviews with the general public, specialists, pregnant women and their husbands. Finally, 38 statements were selected. Twenty one husbands of pregnant women classified these statements on each card on a 1 to 9 point scale(forced normal distribution) and wrote the reasons for both the most supported and the most resisted statements. The materials collected were analyzed by using pc QUANL program. The analysis drew down following fact that even though the attitudes of the husbands of pregnant were very similar, they could be classified to three types according to the motivation and recognition the degree of choosing breastfeeding. Type 1 is the mother's duty supporter, who insists that breastfeeding is completely natural and the proper duty of the mother. Type 2 is the emotional value supporter, who thinks that breastfeeding emotionally affects both the baby and the mother in a positive way. Type 3 is the conditional choice supporter, who chooses the most proper suckling way of feeding according to given conditions.

      • KCI등재
      • 소설에 나타난 근대적 자유연애 사상

        정혜경 숙명여자대학교 한국어문화연구소 2009 한국어와 문화 Vol.5 No.-

        'Free love' which was a new, modern style of love was about to arise when traditional ethics - which lays value on obedience - has been collapsed. In this essay, I tried to analyze how literary works dealt with conflict and confusion caused by advent of the new concept. In the early part of modernization, free love implied modern self-awakening. It was due to the fact that free love contributed to form a modernity which emphasized free will and one's desire. In the early stage of modernization of Chosun itself, however, it was beyond its power to establish national identity under western imperialism. Free love, which arose under the historical background, unavoidably accompanied a conflict against an traditional ideology and an blind and ideal obeying. For this reason, free love was understood as an egoism which denied community so that there was a tendency to return to traditional order. The tendency was shown in literary works as deriding or strictly punishing free love of the modern women. We can infer that the intellectuals had a strong prejudice against free love originated in a serious class consciousness and conservative ethics for all that an advent of free love made it possible to express their appropriate sexual desire. We can also understand predicament of the modern women who endured contradictions of the times. Free love in modern age shows a sense of independence, an impulse of novelty, a model of westernization and even persistence of old custom. We can see both the serious process of finding self-consciousness in modern age and the unavoidable limit under the colonial period through analyzing literary works and argument about free love.

      • KCI등재

        Aesthetics of Korean foods: The symbol of Korean culture

        정혜경,양혜정,신다연,정경란 한국식품연구원 2016 Journal of Ethnic Foods Vol.3 No.3

        Advances in transportation and communication have broken down critical barriers within the global economy, pushing us towards a more unified world. In keeping with this trend, processes of communication, transportation, and production are becoming increasingly standardized, mechanized, and automated. Yet as this global era of uniformity progresses, people and individuals will inevitably encounter identity confusion. Numerous individuals, ethnicities, nationalities, and countries around the world are working to counteract such identity confusion. As globalization progresses, groups and nationalities that fail to preserve their identities will dwindle and become absorbed by stronger entities. Therefore, many societies are investing great efforts into rediscovering and revamping their indigenous traditions, cultures, and customs. When travelers visit another country, one of the simplest avenues for them to experience the local culture is food. Unlike other cultural elements, many of which have become diluted because of globalization, native cuisines are still perceived as retaining the traditions, uniqueness, and diversity of individual cultures. It is more important than ever for people and countries to expand and preserve their respective cultural currencies. In this respect, taking a cultural approach to Korean cuisine is a fascinating and meaningful endeavor. In light of the recent publication of a few articles dealing with the symbolic significance and meaning behind Korean cuisine, an effort to compile a list of the distinctive cultural properties of Korean food seems vital. Furthermore, presenting the aesthetics of Korean food through a method that integrates science and culture is a very significant task. The authors of this paper firmly believe in its potential to advance the globalization of Korean food.

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