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      • Predicate의 제약에 관하여

        趙炳泰 동국대학교 영어영문학과 1974 Dongguk review Vol.- No.5-6

        본 논문에서 필자가 의도한 바는 영어의 소위 predicate로서 사용되는 형용사와 명사가 지닌 구문 및 의미상의 제약을 밝히는데 있다. 동일한 술어가 학자에 따라 여러 의미로 사용됨은 다 아는 현상이나 이 predicate도 광의로 쓰이는 경우와 협의로 사용되는 경우 큰 차이가 나는데, 본 논문에서는 가장 협의로 해석한 경우인 copula에 의해서 주어에 대한 서술을 완결시키는 명사 및 형용사, 즉 소위 subjective complement를 주로 취급하겠으나, 경우에 따라 factitive verb (make, call, think, etc.)에 의해서 주어 또는 목적어의 敍述을 완전히 하는 명사, 형용사--이 경우에는 Otto Jespersen은 전자에 대한 predicative란 용어와는 별도로 dependent nexus 또는 nexus-object의 한 형태로 a simple collocation of a primary and its adnex로 서술한다-- 즉 소위 objective complement도 predicate로 인정하고 논술하겠다. Chomsky는 Aspects(1965:107)에서 다음과 같은 규칙을 제시하였다. Chomsky는 Aspects(1965:107)에서 다음과 같은 규칙을 제시하였다. Copula Predicate (ⅲ)VP (NP) (Prep-Phrase) (Prep-Phrase) (Manner) V S' Predicate (ⅳ)Predicate→ Adjective (like) Predicate-Nominal Chomsky의 predicate는 규칙 (ⅲ),(ⅳ)에 명시되어 있듯이 Copula-Predicate와 V-Predicate로 구분한 것으로 미뤄봐서 Chomsky는 copula로는 be만을 염두에 둔 듯하다. 필자는 반드시 Aspects 방식만을 신봉하는 것은 아니다. Lakoff(1965)와 Bach(1967) 등은 deep structure에 copula be를 인정치 않고 변형과정에 copula be를 삽입함을 주장하고 있으며, 또한 Ross(1967, 1966)는 본동사로서의 be를 deep structure에 존재함을 내세운다. 이런 학자들의 서로 다른 주장은 우선 접어두고 be를 본동사로 간주한 Ross의 주장에 대한 B J. Darden의 반론을 우선 제시한다. The argument which pertains to the presence of "be" in the deep structure is that of verb-verb constraints. Ross's examples use the verb "force," which requires a non-stative verb as the noun verb of its complement, and "seem," which with verb phrase promotion requires a stative verb. Thus "I forced him to learn the answer" is all right, but "He seems to learn the answer" is odd expcet in the iterative sense of 'learn'. "I forced him to know the answer" is odd, while "He seems to know the answer" is all right Likewise. *be sleeping "I forced him to *ahve slept *be allowed to leave" are all odd, while *be bald be sleeping "He seems to have slept be allowed to leave" are all normal. be bald According to Ross, the "be" of the progressive, the "have" of the perfect, the "be" of the passive and the copula "be" can be analyzed as true vervs with the feature +stative. Ross admits that some usages of the progressive and passive are -stative, but his analysis does account for the most normal usage. However, this analysis of the copula is simply false. The verb phrase "be bald" is -stative not because of the verb "be", but because of the adjective "bald". There is nothing at all odd about "I forced him to be heroic." "I forced him to be a boy" is odd, buyt "I forced him to be a hero" is perfectly normal. Verb-verb constraints apparently affect the adjective or noun in predicative position, ignoring the copula. Since the progressive and the passive and the both take the surface form of adjectival phrases, it is painfully easy to link the occurrence of "be" in these constructions with the occurrence of "be" with "bald." It is the progressive and passive constructions which are normally stative, not the auxiliary verb "be" Verb-verb constraints are supposed to affect only the next lowest verb. Since these constraints seem to ignore the copula, this is argument that the copula does not exist at the level of deep structure.

      • 영어 문장부사로서의 epithet adverbs와 관련구문의 고찰

        조병태 서울대학교 교양과정부 1973 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        본 논문의 의도는 영어 문장부사로서의 소위 epithet adverbs 와 이에 관련된 여러 구문의 성질을 통사론적 및 의미론적으로 고찰하는데 있다. 여기서 epithet adverbs 란 흔히들 양대부사(manner adverbs)와 동일한 것으로 간주하나 분명히 구문상으로나 의미상으로나 구별이 된다. 후자는 주로 문장내의 동사와 깊이 관련을 맺고 있는 word-modifying adverbs의 일종임에 비해서 전자는 문자의 주어와 아울러 문장전체의 의미에 영향을 미치는 sentence modifying adverbs의 한 종류에 속한다. 문장(1)을 검토해본다.

      • KCI등재

        영어의 저주어에 관한 고찰

        趙炳泰 서울대학교 어학연구소 1982 語學硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        This paper aims (1) to capture some properties of swear­words in contemporary English and (2) to find out reasons why English­speaking people have been making predominant use of sexual and scatological oaths, especially since the 1960’s, instead of the oaths derived mainly from religious swear­words, which were persistently uttered previous to World War Ⅱ. The following are what Ⅰ have found out in this paper. With a drastic decline in authority of Christianity and of the Bible, English­speaking people, who take no longer religious oath seriously, turn to sexual and scatalogical oaths for swearing so that they may relieve their feelings with a frightful curse or may display hostile and contemptuous attitudes to the established society. Swear­words have the same quality as slang, because once over­used for a considerable period of time, they come to lose their vivid novelty, tending to be replaced by another new expression concerned. What is a remarkable fact about swear­words, from a grammatical viewpoint is that although the vocabulary items vary from age to age or from person to person, the grammatical constructions and collocational patterns, where swear­words perform their exclamatory function and combine with other words, always remain scarcely unchanged. Swear­words have such a syntactic property as they tend to place in the medial position of the sentence (or of the word), functioning as an infix to the main word (or to the main syllable), foretelling the strong­stressed key element in the sentence(or the word). Some swear­words, which consist of weakly­stressed two words, usually either precede the primary stressed syllable of monosyllabic or disyllabic Anglo­Saxon words, or are inserted right before the primary stressed syllable of polysyllabic Latin, French, or Greek loan words. This phonological property gives another piece of evidence that swear­words are a kind of infix in English. Thanks to the frequent use of English phrasal verb expressions, one encounters profuse examples of such verb­phrase patterns as ‘fuck_2+around/up/off’, whose verb meaning has nothing to do with the original meaning of the verb fuck_1. In this verb­phrase pattern, fuck_2, which is weak­stressedly pronounced, takes on the figurative meaning, functioning as a pseudo­verb, and acts as an infix to the following adverbial particles (off, up, around), which play more essential roles in pronunciaiton as well as in meaning of the verb­adverbial particle construction.

      • 經營思想의 發展에 관한 硏究

        車大運,趙炳泰 東亞大學校經營問題硏究所 1984 經營論叢 Vol.7 No.-

        Management is a science built up in the course of development of human history as in the case of other social sciences. The purpose of this study is, therefore, to help understand properly what management is by looking into the developing process of management thought. It may be true thet much attention should be paid to the history of a learning in order ot understand it as a new knowledge. This study will also help understnad management by examining various managenent thoughts, because modern management is a synthesis of all thoughts as H. Koontz says that we are in " management theory jungle." The analyzing method on the development of the management thought, in this study, is to be given from the historical viewpoint: clssical theory of management which is Taylor's scientific management method and Fayol's processing management, new-classical theory of management which is the theory of human relations, modern organization theory, behavioral science, and management science. The influences to which thease thoughts contributed are summarized as follows: First, Taylor's scientific management method(1910) started as means of "efficiency movement" has become a mother of modern management, though it is criticized as it has made man a machine model. Second, Fayol's processing management(1916) has suggested the general principle of management and the elements of management which is a guide to general management. Third, Mayo and et al's theory of human relations(1924) has organized modern behavioral science by recognizing the improtance of emotion and attitude which the employees have. Fourth, Barnard's modern organization theory(1930) looked upon a member of organization as a system which interacts and each individual as a decision maker or a problem solver, and has formed a school of decision making theories which is the successor to A. Simon. Fifth, Behavioral science (1950) which proves human behavior by means of interdisciplinary approach appearred since the theory of human relations was criticized. It has been innovated in personal management as well as in organization. Finally, Operations Research(O.R.) called management science(1950) has become used as optiomal solution method and decision making process through mathematical model in place of measuring data process. Thease management thoughts make up the main stream of modern management, because management is a synthesis of all management thoughts. is also thought that modern management should be studied in terms of modern business management and Koontz's co-ordination theory.

      • 영어에 나타난 gesture와 그 표현

        조병태 서울대학교 교양과정부 1970 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        사람이 자기의 생각과 감정을 남에게 표시하는데 있어 언어가 제1차적인 요소임은 말할 나위도 없으나, 사람의 의사 소통은 언어행위만이 유일한 작용이 아니며, 여기에는 얼굴표정 및 손짓이나 몸짓등의 gesture와 음성어조(vocalization)가 동반하여 비로소 이루어지는 것이다.(1) 따라서 이 두요소의 작용이 따르지 않는 의사 소통에서는 생생한 실감이 없는 점을 Edward Hall은 아래와 같이 논술하고 있다. One of the most highly elaborate forms of interaction is speech, which is reinforced by tone of voice and gesture. 언어행위에 있어 gisture가 얼마나 큰 역할을 하고 있는 지는 언어의 기원을 gesture Ianguages에 두고 주장하는 학자들이 있는 점에서도 쉽게 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        영어의 代不定詞 to에 관한 연구

        趙炳泰 서울대학교 어학연구소 1989 語學硏究 Vol.25 No.3

        This paper deals with the syntactic properties of the so-called pro-infinitive to in present-day English from the standpoint of catenative verbs of English, which have recently been subsumed under English verbs by some English grammarians. Instead of the clumsy to do so, the frequent use of to as the pro-infinitive to, which has been on the rapid increase especially in colloquialism since the middle of the 19th century, is a clear indication that the infinitive marker to does not form an inseparable unit with the following verb-phrase. In this paper the writer presents five pieces of convincing evidence that the pro-infinitive to belongs to the preceding verb (i.e. the fist part of the catenative verb) more closely than to the following deleted verb-phrase and suggests some substantial revisions in the description of the ellipsis in to infinitive clauses of Quirk et al.(1989:12.64). This paper is an empirical study that aims to verify the necessity for the proposition of catenative verbs in contributing to a clear explanation of the properties of the pro-infinitive to in English.

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