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        韓國のビジネス日本語敎材にみられる 不自然な表現

        趙南星,舩橋瑞貴 한국일본어문학회 2019 日本語文學 Vol.81 No.-

        본고에서는 한국의 비즈니스일본어 교재에 나타나는 부자연스러운 표현에 대해서 조사했다. 본고에서의 비즈니스일본어 교재란 한국에서 발행된 교재이고, 부자연스러운 표현이란 문맥상 적당하지 않은 표현으로 판단된 것이다. 교재에서 부자연스러운 표현은 교수자의 문제이지만, 학습자에게는 좀더 틀리기 쉬운 오용으로 판단된다. 따라서 이들은 중점적이고 우선적으로 지도할 항목으로 생각된다. 교재 작성, 교육에서 주의할 항목임은 새삼 더 말할 필요도 없다.본고에서는 2007-2014년 한국 내에서 발행된 비즈니스일본어 교재 10권을 대상으로, 한국 내외의 일본어교사(일본어모어화자) 10명의 용인성 판단을 바탕으로 검토한 결과, 교재 7권에서 41개의 부자연스러운 표현을 추출했다. 그 결과 비즈니스일본어 교재에서의 부자연스러운 표현은 어휘 관련 표현(25개)이 문법 관련 표현(16개)보다 많이 나타났다. 어휘 관련 표현은 명사, 동사 등, 문법 관련 표현은 모달리티(-ノダ、ネ/ヨ등), 아스펙트(-テイル) 등의 부자연스러운 표현이 많았다.이상, 명사, 동사 관련 표현, 모달리티(-ノダ、ネ/ヨ등), 아스펙트(-テイル) 관련 표현의 부자연스러운 표현은, 비즈니스일본어 교재 작성 및 교육에서 세심한 주의를 요한다. 게다가 비즈니스 장면에 한정되지 않는 부자연스러운 표현도 다수 나타나기 때문에, 종합적인 일본어를 교육함에 있어서도 폭넓게 유의할 필요가 있다고 생각된다. This study discusses the unnatural expressions found in Korean-made Japanese business textbooks. The “Korean-made Japanese business textbook” described in this paper refers to a textbook published in Korea, and “unnatural expression” refers to an inappropriate expression in a contextual perspective. Unnatural expressions in the textbook that come from the teaching side, however, are perceived as a misuse of the learning side. Therefore, this content should be prioritized. There is no doubt that it is a crucial point that needs to be emphasized when writing textbooks as well as when educating students.Ten Japanese teachers in Korea (native Japanese speakers) assessed the acceptability of 10 Japanese business textbooks published in Korea from 2007 to 2014; a total of 41 unnatural expressions were observed in seven textbooks. The major results are as follows: 25 expressive vocabulary items and 16 grammatical expressions were found to be unnatural in those Japanese business textbooks. Nouns and verbs were found among the unnatural expressive vocabulary items, and modality (-noda. ne/yo) and aspect (-teiru) were most likely to be unnatural out of grammatical expressions.Nouns and verb-related expressions as well as modality (-noda. ne/yo)- and aspect (-teiru)-related expressions require scrupulous attention when writing Japanese business textbooks and when educating students so as not to appear unnatural. Moreover, many unnatural expressions appeared outside of the business scene; therefore, attention should be focused widely in Japanese education overall.

      • KCI등재


        趙南星 ( Cho Nam-sung ),舩橋瑞貴 ( Funahashi Mizuki ) 한국일본근대학회 2018 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.62

        本稿では、コミュニケーション上で問題となる日本語学習者による日本語使用を、誤用、不自然な表現、「ストレートな表現」と区別し、2009改定教科書10種における「ストレートな表現」を調べた。本稿でいう誤用とは、「正誤」の問題であり、いわゆる「文法的に誤りである」と判断されるもの、不自然な表現とは、「文法的に誤りである」とは判断できないものの、文脈上、適当ではないと判断されるものである。そして、「ストレートな表現」とは、不自然な表現の中でも、特に、過度に断定的、あるいは直接的であるため、不適切と感じられる表現である。調査の結果、「ストレートな表現」が、2009改定教科書にも少なからず見られた。「ストレートな表現」は、いわゆる誤用のように明確な正誤判断がつく性質のものではないが、受動的、婉曲的な表現を使用する日本語母語話者と比べ、相対的に能動的、直接的な表現を好む韓国語母語話者においては、日本語によるコミュニケーションにおいて「ストレートな表現」を用いやすいこと、また、「ストレートな表現」の問題に自ら注意を払うことは難しいことを指摘した。「ストレートな表現」は相手を直接的、間接的に刺激するものであるため、誤用や不自然な表現以上に、コミュニケーションに支障をきたす場合も少なくないことから、教授、教科書作成において注意が必要な表現形態であることを述べた。 This text is separates the problems of communication of a Japanese learner in error, awkward expressions, and straight expressions, and researched 10 types of straight expressions in 10 textbooks revised in 2009. The error in this text means problem in correctness, which eventually means grammatical error, and awkward expression means error that is not grammatically wrong but contextually inappropriate. And straight expression means expressions that are inappropriate because it is overly conclusive or direct among the awkward expressions. According to the research, there were many straight expressions in textbooks revised in 2009. Straight expressions do not have clear standard like actual errors, but comparing fluent Japanese speaker who uses passive and indirect expressions with fluent Korean speaker who uses active and direct expressions, it was addressed that it is easier for Koreans to use straight expressions and be aware of the problem while communicating in Japanese. Because straight expressions affect the other in a direct and indirect way that cause ctual problems in communication other than errors and awkward expressions, the text tells how professors and textbooks should be careful with using those expressions.

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