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      • [발표논문] 실시간 다중 에이전트 환경을 위한 반응형 에이전트 구조

        권기덕,김인철 한국지능정보시스템학회 2004 한국지능정보시스템학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.- No.-

        본 논문에서 제안하는 RAA(Reactive Agent Architecture)는 실시간 반응형 에이전트 구조를 취하고 있다 기존의 에이전트 구조들이 가지는 문제점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이질적인복수의 에이전트 구현 언어를 사용한다. 둘째, 행위의 복잡성을 고려한 지원 기능이 충분하지 않다. 셋째, 환경의 동적 연화와 실시간성에 충분히 대응하기 어렵다. 순수 반응형에 에이전트 구조의 경우, 짧은 실행 시간을 요구하는 행위들로 즉각적인 행위의 선택과 실행이 이루어지도록 되어 있어서 비교적긴 실행 시간을 가지는 행위를 처리해 주지 못한다. 또한, 뚜렷한 목표를 가지고 실행되는 것이 아니다. 마지막으로 이전에 실행된 행위들이 저장되어 있지 않다. 또 다른 에이전트 구조인 BDI 구조의 경우에는 실행하고자 하는 행위 들이 명시적으로 미리 정의되어 있기 때문에 즉각적인 행위의 발생을 보장하지 못하며, 따라서 실시간에 효율적으로 반응할 수 없다. 이를 극복하기 위하여 본 논문에서 제안하는 RAA 구조는 객체 지향 언어를 사용하여 실시간에 즉각 반응하는 에이전트 시스템을 구축하였다 . 특히 지속적인 행위와 단발적인 행위를 효율적으로 제어할 수 있도록 구성되어있다. 행위는 실행 시간에 따라서 긴 시간을 실행해야 하는 행위와 비교적 짧은 실행 시간을 가지는 행위로 구분되며, 행위의 명세는 행위의 적용 조건과 유지 조건을 체크하여 행위의 지속성과 행위의 우산 순위를 주어 다양한 행위를 효율적으로 관리할 수 있도록 하였다.

      • 韓國兒童의 運動能力特性에 關한 硏究

        權奇德 韓社大學 1976 대학논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        <Purpose> The purpose of this study was to investigate the motor ability of the Korean children and was based on the comparison with the result of the study by Doll at Vineland Research Center, on the demarcation in accordance with age, sex, and locality, and to find out the different point of each various problem, search out the of effective educational measure, and to obtain the materials which are necessary for the correction inferior motor ability. The motor ability is the most fundamental ability of a human being and is able to be divided into 6 subabilities: (1) Ability of general static coordinatrion. (2) Ability of dynamic coordination of hands. (3) Ability of simultaneous voluntary movements. (6) Ability of synkinesia (associated involuntary movements: by implication asynkinesia or the ability to perform without superfluous movements.) <Appartus> The Oseretsky scale was used in this study. The scale is a year scale of tests of motor maturation for measuring genetic levels of motor proficincy, is comparable in structure with the Binet-Simon scale for measuring intelligence and the Vineland Social Maturity Scale for measuring social competence, and affords a standard means for the clinical evaluation of a distinctive aspect of behavioral development. <Subjects> The subject of this study have been the children from 4 to 16 years old, being classified by sex and locality, and the total number of subjects have been selected with 3,479 children. <Results> Through the above mentioned procedure the following conclusions were drawn. 1) From ability of general static coordination, the more ages increased, the higher motor ability is to be formed in the result of this study than that of Vineland study. 2) From ability of dynamic coordination of the hands, the result of this study has been retarded rather than that of Vineland in the examination result of balancing a rod on the index finger for the male group from 13-14 years old and female from 15-16 years old. 3) From ability of general dynamic coordination, the result has been almost similar to both groups. 4) From ability of motor speed, it has been proved that the result of Vineland has much more advanced than the result of this study except those aged 4 and 14-15 years old. 5) From abilitiy of simultaneous voluntary movements, it has come to know that both groups have been similar in the result except those of 6-7 years old. 6) From ability of synkinesia, it seemed impossible to compare the study result of Vineland, but the result of this study has somewhat been retarded in a whole by the table of pass ratio. 7) There seems not to be any sexual difference in the comparison of sexual difference between whole male and female because of the coefficiency of correlation, being appeared to be too high. 8) In the different inspection between city and country male, 11-12 years old group show the significant difference level of 0.5% while in other transformation original problems, there seems not to be any intentional difference. 9) There seems to be any difference of motor ability between the localities. 10) From the view point of the average of motor ability of 10, 11-12, 13-14 years old in male and female group, it seems that the female have more motor ability than the male. There is a tendency that male appear to be more higher than female, but this can not be proved on the statistics different basis. In addition to the above findings, some discussions on motor ability of the Korean children were made.

      • KCI등재

        장애인의 가족관계의 질과 삶의 질 간의 관계 : 대학생을 대상으로

        권기덕 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2005 특수교육재활과학연구 Vol.44 No.4

        본 연구는 장애인의 가족관계의 질, 세대간 친밀감, 세대간 융합 및 주관적 삶의 질 간의 관계를 밝히기 위해서 수행되었다. 경북 소재 대학에 재학 중인 남자대학생 54명과 여자대학생 47명 총 101명의 자료가 분석에 사용되었다. 분석결과, 사용된 척도의 문항간 신뢰도 계수와 요인간 상관계수는 적절한 값을 보였다. 세대간 친밀감이 주관적 삶의 질 간의 유의미한 영향을 미쳤으나 가족관계의 질과 세대간 융합의 요소는 삶의 질에 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않았다. 성별 간 비교에서 가족관계의 질과 세대간 융합에서 의미있는 차이를 보였고 세대간 친밀감과 삶의 질에서는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 시사점과 제한점에 관해 논의하였다. This study is conducted to clarify the effects of relation among quality of family relationship, intimacy between generations, coalition between generations for people with disabilities.Data from 54 male and 47 female, in total 101 students attending a university were used for this analysis. As the result, item reliability coefficient of the scale used and correlation coefficient shows appropriate value. Subjective quality of life was significantly affected by intimacy between generations but neither by quality of family relationship nor by coalition between generations. In comparison between sex, there was significant difference both in quality of family relationship and coalition between generations, but neither in intimacy between generations nor quality of life. Finally, the suggestion and limitation of this study is discussed

      • KCI등재후보

        미국의 엔터테인먼트산업과 국제저작권협약

        권기덕 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2007 스포츠와 법 Vol.10 No.4

        엔터테인먼트 산업에서 저작권은 지적인 창조물 즉 개인이 창조한 문학, 예술, 음악, 기타 컨텐츠를 보호하는 것으로서 세계 모든 국가의 경제적 문화적 심장으로서 그 역할을 다하고 있다. 작품에 대한 저자의 권리를 보호하고 지원하는 것은 국가경쟁력의 확보뿐만 아니라 세계경제발전에도 중요한 역할을 하고 있으며 이들 작품에 대한 권리는 국제무역에 있어서도 우선권을 가지고 있다.저작권은 세계문화산업의 대표격인 엔터테인먼트산업을 지켜주는 핵심적인 법리로서 주요쟁점으로는 저작물, 저작권, 저작권의 양도, 저작인접권, 저작권이행과 법익, 저작권의 한계와 제한 등으로 나누어 분석해볼 수 있다. 분석의 공통된 기초는 객관적으로 명시되고 고정된 창조물에 대한 경제적, 인격적(도덕적) 권리를 국가의 법률과 세계협약을 통해서 보장해주자는 데 있다. 베른협약, TRIPs협정, 기타 WTO조항들과 같은 국제 조약들은 국가 간의 상호협력을 통하여 저작권보호를 위한 세계 공통의 법리제공을 목적으로 하면서 지난20년 동안 많은 발전을 이루어 왔다. 비록 모든 국가들을 포함시키려는 많은 노력이 행해져 왔을지라도 개별국가들의 문화적, 경제적 역량의 차이로 인하여 폭넓은 저작권보호와 국가 간의 조화로운 균형을 맞추는 데는 아직 많은 발전을 이루어야 할 것이다. 그러나 저작권은 자유무역시대에서 세계의 경제적 정의를 실현하는 핵심적인 역할을 할 것임은 분명하다. Entertainment Industries and International Copyright

      • 身體障碍兒童의 自己槪念에 대한 父母知覺의 一硏究

        權奇德 韓社大學特殊敎育硏究所 1981 特殊敎育硏究 Vol.9 No.-

        Physically handicapped children always have a certain degree of inferiority on their physical abnormality and defect, and it raises various problems in social maladjustment as well as on their characters, and surely affects their self-concept. Parents of the physically handicapped children are a major part of the world experiencing the handicapped children. Having lived with physically handicapped children, their parents' perception that how the handicapped children fell about themselves is significant, and also that parents' perception of the self-concept of their physically handicapped children is of paramount importance with respect to intro-family communication, child management, and development of children's self-concept. This study was designed to investigate the effects of parents' perception on the self-concept of physically handicapped children; 1) The characteristic aspects of self-concept of visually handicapped, hearing handicapped, and crippled children. 2) The characteristic aspects of parents' perception of visually handicapped, hearing handicapped, and crippled children's self-concept. 3) The congruity between the children's self-concept and their parents' perception. The subjects of this study were a total of 322 visually handicapped, hearing handicapped, and crippled children, and 514 of their parents. Q-sort statement was used to investigate the self-concept of handicapped children and parents' perception of it, and based on the results of Q-sort statement the children's self-concept and parents' perception were scored with equal weigh and differential weigh scoring. The scores obtained were fed into FACOM M-160 through SPSS (Nie, N.H. et al. 1974) package program and analyzed by Pearson product moment correlation, point biserial correlation, analysis of variance and multiple correlation analysis. The important findings, thus obtained, were summarized as follows: 1) The most negative self-concept appeared among the visually handicapped. 2) Physically handicapped boys have more positive self-concept than girls. 3) Parents of the hearing handicapped were less pessimistic than those of the other groups of the handicapped, and such the tendency can bring some problems in the guidance of the hearing handicapped. 4) In parents' perception of the self-concept of their children, fathers showed no significant difference in their perception, regardless kind of their child's handicaps and sex, whereas mothers' attitude toward their sons was more positive than toward their daughters. 5) The congruity between self-concept of children and parents' perception was usually higher in the crippled than in other groups of handicapped. 6) In the crippled, their mothers showed a higher degree congurity than fathers with their children in perception and self-concept. The following conclusions were drawn on the base of the findings above mentioned. First: Among the physically handicapped children, the hearing handicapped showed the most significant difference in the self-concept of physically handicapped children and parents' perception, while the crippled showed the least difference. It showed that the parents of the hearing handicapped didn't have accurate perception on their children, but those of the crippled were more intimate relationship with them. Second: As for the effects of parents' perception of their children's sel-concept, among all groups of the handicapped, the parents of the crippled, especially mothers, accurately saw the self-concept of their children, thus enabling them to help the children positively in developing a positive self-concept. Third: The mothers of handicapped children had positively perceived to their sons, but negatively perceived of their daughters, and this tendency may result in many problems during the process of their adjustment.

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