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      • KCI우수등재

        조선후기 동성촌락 구성원의 통혼 양상

        권내현(Kwon Nae-Hyun) 한국사연구회 2006 한국사연구 Vol.132 No.-

        The nobility of Joseon period intended to maintain their social position through marriage with people whose surname were prominent. They also concentrated on establishing marriage relations with specified surnames in accord with their own families through accumulated experiences between generations. Concentrated on 16 surnames were more than half the 117 surnames of Andong Kwons' female spouses, the subjects of analysis. This phenomenon became generalized only after the 17th century when the base for the single-lineage village was beginning to be established. Because a circle to offer marriage could not be concentrated unless a surname group who asserts a certain figure to be its famous ancestor in a specified area resided and the trend that other family prefers such member as a spouse extended. Though there was a time gap, close corelation existed between the development of the single-lineage village and concentration of a circle to offer marriage. Seeing from the standpoint of a marriage area, the nobility wanted to obtain their spouses as from far as possible. But, due to the influence of famous the single-lineage village formed in their neighborhood, they obtained most of their spouses from nearby area(Gun, Hyeon) or, even at the farthest, within province(Do). In case of the Andong Kw?n families, marriage within Myeon was 7.4%, marriage within Gun was 26.7% and the remains were expected to be marriage within Do including nearby Gun and Hyeon. The ratio similar to such ratio showed in the late Joseon period as well as in a recent famous the single-lineage village. This is another case where the tradition of the late Joseon period was handed down to today. In the meantime, it was revealed that the ratio of remarried couples who came from the same Gun and Hyeon was very high compared with that of remarried couples whose spouses came from other area. In case of remarriage, a circle to offer marriage was more limited to the inside of an area, which was related to the discrepancy in age between husbands and wives and the social standing of their families. That is, the average gap in age of husbands and wives who got married for the first time was 3.4 years old, but in case of most of remarried couples, the husbands were older than wives and the gap in age was 12.3 years old. Also, from the viewpoint of economical power based on the scope of retaining servants or social standing judged through production of central government officials, in most cases, the families of the subjects of remarriage were inferior in strength to those of the subjects of first marriage. Unlike remarriage, a concubine was not acknowledged as a formal wife and thus her descendant was treated discriminatively. Illegitimate lines of the Andong Kwon lineage in this area accounted for 28% of the total members, showing high ratio. The illegitimate lines whose social standing were lower than legitimate lines were restricted in marriage and even the ratio of remarriage were only half of that of legitimate lines. But, illegitimate lines formed the single-lineage village on the basis of the same identity, kinship relation, and certain economical power, maintaining their own circle to offer marriage. Instead a village whose solidarity based on kinship relation and economical power is weak and where legitimate and illegitimate lines were mixed, the scope of selecting a spouse were more restricted.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 조선 사회의 계층 이동 양상 ― 유학호와 비유학호의 비교를 중심으로

        권내현 ( Kwon Nae-hyun ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2018 大東文化硏究 Vol.103 No.-

        유학의 증가 양상을 어떻게 설명할 것인가는 조선 사회 신분 변동이나 군역 운영 연구의 주요 쟁점 가운데 하나이다. 19세기 급증한 유학에 비양반층이 포함된 것은 분명한 사실이지만 누가 유학이 되었는지 또는 그렇지 못하였는지는 명확하지 않다. 이 연구는 19세기 특정 지역 호적에 기재된 전체 가계를 추적하여 유학호와 비유학호의 직역 변동 양상과 그 성격을 분석하였다. 그 과정에서 경제력과 집단 노력이 계층 변동에 미친 긍정 영향과 오랜 관념과 차별이 미친 부정 영향을 검토하였다. 이를 통해 조선 후기 신분변동론에 대한 재해석을 시도해 보았다. Explaining increase of yuhak is one of the major issues in the study of status change and military operation of Choson society. It is evident that yuhak who grew rapidly in the nineteenth century, included a non-yangban class, but it is not clear who was or was not yuhak. This study traced entire households recorded in the household register of a specific area in the 19th century, and analyzed the characteristics and occupational change of yuhak households and non-yuhak households. In addition, positive impacts of economic power and collective effort and negative effects of long-standing prejudice and discrimination on the class mobility were examined. Based on these facts, the theory of status change in the late Choson period was reinterpret.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        홍경래 난' 연구의 쟁점

        권내현(Kwon Nae-hyun) 한국인물사연구소 2009 한국인물사연구 Vol.11 No.-

        조선후기 민중운동에 대한 연구자들의 관심이 전반적으로 줄어들었음에도 불구하고 홍경래 난에 관한 연구는 최근까지 지속되었다. 이는 삼남 지역에 비해 연구가 저조하였던 평안도 사회에 대한 분석이 본격화하고 홍경래 난에 대한 관심이 해외 학계로까지 확대된 데에서 비롯되었다. 이와 관련한 성과들은 평안도 사회와 홍경래 난에 대한 새로운 사실들의 축적은 물론 연구 시야의 확대를 가능하게 하였다. 하지만 저항의 배경과 주체, 성격 문제에 대해서는 여전히 많은 논란과 쟁점이 남아 있는 것 또한 사실이다. 그것은 19세기 조선사회의 일반적인 모순과 평안도의 지역적 특성을 어떠한 방식으로 이해할 것인 가의 문제이다. 또한 저항을 주도한 세력은 과연 누구이며 이와 관련하여 오늘날 저항의 성격을 어떻게 파악할 것인가의 문제이기도 하다. 전반적으로 홍경래 난은 사회구조와 변동을 해명하기 위한 이론적 틀에 초점을 맞추었다가 실증을 통한 사실의 재구성으로 논점이 옮겨가고 있다. 이 과정에서 평안도 사회의 전반적인 변화와 연관시켜 저항의 다양한 측면을 조망해 보려는 시도가 나타나고 있으며 이는 다시 지역 사회에 대한 관심으로 전환되고 있는 것이다. Researchers, up to recently, have published not a few articles on the Hong Kyŏngnae rebellion contrary to the overall declination of scholarly attention to the people's movement during the later half of the Chosŏn dynasty. The steady attention to this rebellion is mainly encouraged by the advanced analyses on the P'yŏngan province community through which further understanding on the area has been achieved also, overseas scholars expanded their fields of interest to this subject. As the result new facts on the P'yŏngan province community and the rebellion have been revealed and new aspects rediscovered. The background, the subjects, and the characteristics of the resistance, however, still reserve many disputes and issues to be met. Considerations on the background of the Hong's rebellion are related to the viewpoints how we see the general contradictions of the nineteenth Chosŏn society and how we understand the attributes of the P'yŏngan province community. As the same manner, the matter of the subjects of the resistance shows how we locate the Hong Kyŏngnae rebellion in the landscape of revolutionary history. Summing up, the foci of the studies on the Hong Kyŏngnae rebellion has been transferred to reestablishment of the facts from the conventional tendency examining the rebellion according to the theoretical analyses of the social structure and its reformation. Attempts to relocate the Hong's rebellion in the context of the P'yŏngan province community so to view the dynamic aspects of the rebellion also have been carried on, and have inspired researches on the local societies of the Chosŏn dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        17-18세기 조선의 화폐 유통과 은

        권내현 ( Kwon Nae-hyun ) 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2017 民族文化硏究 Vol.74 No.-

        17세기 동아시아 국제 관계의 재정립을 거치며 일본 은이 조선으로 본격 유입되었다. 일본 은은 조선과 중국 사이의 무역에서 국제 화폐로 사용되었고 국내 상거래에서도 화폐로 활용되었다. 조선 내부에서는 지역과 계층에 따라 포목, 미곡, 동전, 은으로 구성된 다층적 화폐 시스템이 운영되었고, 이 가운데 동전과 은은 상품 화폐의 영역을 잠식하면서 상평통보의 주전으로 이어졌다. 상평통보의 전면적 주조와 보급은 다층적 화폐 구조를 동전 중심으로 일원화하려는 시도에 따른 것이었다. 동전이 중심 화폐로 부상하고 일본에서 은의 유입이 감소하면서 화폐로서 은의 기능은 점차 위축되었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 은은 동전의 확산에 기여하였으며 동전의 가치를 규정하는 수단으로도 활용되었다. 하지만 은의 상대적 가치가 계속 상승하고 국내에서의 유통량이 감소하면서 동전의 가치를 은으로 결정하는 것 자체가 무의미해지고 있었다. 18세기 전반 일본 은의 유입 감소가 지속되면서 이를 보완한 것은 국내산 은이었다. 문제는 조선에서 중국으로 은의 유출이라는 원심력이 구심력보다 항상 강하게 작용하고 있었다는 점이었다. 조선 내부에서는 청나라에 대한 반감과 경제적 피해론을 명분으로 조선 은의 중국 유출을 반대하는 분위기가 팽배하였다. 더욱이 은의 유출 파장이 동전의 부족 현상과도 연결되자 조선 왕조는 국내산 은의 유출을 강력하게 규제하고 국내 고액 거래에서 은의 화폐 기능을 회복시키려 하였다. 하지만 대청 외교와 무역에서 은을 대체할 상품을 찾기 힘든 상황에서 국내산 은의 유출 규제는 실효를 거두기가 어려웠다. 또한 국가 공인의 규격화된 은화 발행 시도도 은의 유입과 생산 감소, 은의 지속적 유출에 대한 우려 때문에 현실화하지 못하였다. In 17th century, by reestablishment of international relations in East Asia, Japanese silver had been brought into Joseon. Japanese silver was used as international monetary between Joseon and China and also for domestic business transaction. Within Joseon, multi-layered monetary system was operated by being composed of linen and cotton, rice, coin, silver differentiated by areas and classes. Among them, coin and silver encroached the area of money used for merchandise, which were led to the main monetary of Sangpyeong Tongbo. The creation and distribution of Sangpyeong Tongbo were due to the attempt of standardizing the monetary structure into coin. As coins rise as the major monetary and as the inflow of Japanese silver was decreased, the function of silver was also weakened. Even so, silver contributed to the distribution of coin and was also used as the standard for deciding the value of coin. However, as the relative value of silver was increased and amount of circulation was decreased, it had become meaningless to decide the value of coin by silver. During the first part of 18th century, as the inflow of Japanese silver was decreased, it was domestic silver that supplemented the lack of supply. The problem was that outflow of silver from Joseon to China. Within Joseon, the hostility and economic damage by Qing dynasty were spread in the country and most of the official opposed the outflow of silver from Joseon to China. Even more, when outflow of silver was led to the lack of coins, the Joseon dynasty strictly regulated the outflow of domestic silver and attempted to restore the function of silver as monetary means. But since it was difficult to find other products to replace silver for diplomacy and trade with Qing, the actual effect of regulating outflow of silver was minimal. In addition, the attempt of circulating nationally certified silver coins was not realized because of reduced production and inflow of silver, and concerns on consistent outflow of silver.

      • KCI우수등재

        조선후기 호적에 대한 이해

        권내현(Kwon, Nae-Hyun) 한국사연구회 2014 한국사연구 Vol.- No.165

        The studies on the household registers of late Chos?n Dynasty have so far drawn out rich results. In previous studies, heated disputes have been unfolded surrounding the viewpoints on the household registers and the households and the characteristics of a Yuhak (or a Confucian who doesn’t have official post or rank). As a result, it was revealed that households in the household registers were not naturally formed households, but that they were regimented households, related to the imposition and collection of taxes, and that Yuhaks who drastically increased in number were related to the operation of taxation, rather than were due to the aspect of changes of the status. The positions of the state, local government offices and the people complexly worked in the preparation of the household registers, while compromises were being sought between the ideologies, principles, reality and custom. Against the strengthening of the control of the state and the local government officials, the Yangban developed agnate communities on the one hand, and partially cooperated with the local power on the other, trying to get their social positions ratified. Different from the Yangban’s defensive responses, the commoners tried to enhance their status aggressively and actively, while they follow the old customs of the rural communities. The future studies of the household registers should investigate in what way the interests of such diverse main agents changed in accordance with the periods and were reflected in the household registers. This enlarges the necessity to utilize diverse data together, beyond the analysis of the household registers data themselves. And beyond investigating the contents of the regimentation of the household registers, we should pay more attention to finding out what is the nature of the ruling order and the social changes of Chos?n Dynasty which they ultimately mean.

      • KCI등재

        내재적 발전론과 조선 후기사 인식

        권내현(Kwon, Nae-Hyun) 역사비평사 2015 역사비평 Vol.- No.111

        Internal Development Theory has long kept its status as a logic representing the science of history of modern Korea. In the teeth of pungent criticism from some of today’s academia, the meaning of Internal Development Theory as a history of historiography can not be underestimated. However, unless the theoretical, empirical limit underlying the theory and interpretational fallacy derived from it or its one-sidedness are overcome, one can hardly expect the science of Korean history to advance. Study of the history of the later Chos?n dynasty based on disassembly of the medieval society and the sprout of capitalism also find it hard to create new logic. To overcome this predicament, we should be open to the possibility of varied imagination regarding the modern time. In this light, not just interest in disassembly of the medieval society but, much more exploration of its structure should be resumed and the burden for detecting the embryo of capitalism should be removed. Besides, beyond the perspective of a one-nation history, Chos?n’s process of pursuing its identity in relation to the surrounding nations and how internal self-contradiction is accumulated along with historical development should be understood together.

      • KCI등재

        한국사 교과서 조선시대 신분제 서술의 함의와 오류

        권내현 ( Kwon Nae-hyun ) 역사교육학회 2022 역사교육논집 Vol.81 No.-

        The contents of the status system of the Joseon Dynasty described in Korean history textbooks did not change much for a long time. The main narrative underlying it was the dissolution of the status system due to the rapid increase in yangban. This is the logic of accepting the internal development theory that the medieval society transitions to the modern society through the dissolution of the land ownership system and the status system. Nevertheless, textbooks vaguely described the relationship with the status system by defining the Joseon Dynasty as a society that was one step more advanced than the middle ages. Recent textbooks reserved the division of times and used the expression of agitation rather than the collapse of the status system to relieve meaning. However, they did not accept the academic research results that the rapid increase in yangban and the background were errors. Overcoming the delay between academic research and textbook descriptions, there is a need for a narrative change that pays more attention to the social changes that occurred in the process of liberation and growth of the lower classes, including nobi(slaves).

      • KCI우수등재

        [조선후기] 팽창, 다양화, 모색

        권내현(Kwon, Nae-hyun) 역사학회 2011 역사학보 Vol.0 No.211

        The study on history in the late period of Joseon Dynasty during 2009~2010 is, above all, characterized by quantitative expansion. Recently, studies related to the late period of Joseon Dynasty continuously shows increasing trends, which seems to continue for some time in the future. An increase in the number of researchers, expansion of outside assistance of this study, emphasis of quantitative evaluation of universities, etc. applied to this study. Next, in the study of the late period of Joseon Dynasty during this time, a variety of materials and methodologies applied. The study area continuously has expanded through discovery of new materials including king Jeonjo"s letter, and translation and computerization of existing materials. Through this, a political history got to be able to re-recognized, study scopes of local finance or foreign relation history and utilization scope of a family register have been expanded. Lastly, it can be enumerated that new attempt of comparison study for objectively analyzing position of Joseon in East Asia. This partly contributed to finding features of Joseon society that has been insufficient up to the present time. However, it is difficult to say that the study has been improved in quality beyond the quantitative expansion. The study for finding the character of Joseon society through long-term efforts and prospect was also insufficient. Accordingly, the task in the study on the history in the late periods of Joseon Dynasty is in diversification of study methods, consistent attempt to newly seeking and raising the level of products to be obtained through this.

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