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      • KCI등재

        试论明代外交的特点 - 以出使朝鲜明使为主 -

        林常薰(Lim, Sang-hun),,在喆(Her, Jae-chul) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2015 역사문화연구 Vol.55 No.-

        명대 외교의 가장 큰 특징 중 하나는 “환관 외교”라고 부를 정도로 환관의 외국 출사가 많았다는 것이다. 필자는 명과 가장 밀접한 관계를 맺었던 조선의 예를 들어 명 전반에 걸쳐 조선에 출사한 명 사신들을 정리하여 보았다. 그 결과 명대 조선 출사 사신 중 환관 출신이 조관보다 훨씬 많았음을 파악해 명실상부한 환관 외교였음을 확인했다. 또 이와 관련해 명에서 환관을 사신으로 보내는 원인과 환관 사신들의 특징 등에 대해서도 분석해 보았다. One of the main characteristics of Ming Dynasty’s diplomacy is that many Eunuch served as an envoy abroad, even called “Eunuch Diplomacy”. This paper analyzed the envoys of Ming Dynasty who sent to Chosun. Consequently, it assured that Ming Dynasty’s diplomacy was truly Eunuch Diplomacy in that envoys, who dispatched to Chosun during Ming Dynasty, from Eunuch were far more than those from courtier. Furthermore, it analyzed not only the reasons why Eunuchs were sent as envoy, but also the characteristics of these envoys from Eunuch.

      • KCI등재

        大明皇帝의 朝鮮人 寵妃, 權賢妃

        林常薰(Lim, Sang Hun) 한국외국어대학교 역사문화연구소 2018 역사문화연구 Vol.67 No.-

        「明史·后妃傳」에는 明의 3대 황제 成祖 永樂帝의 后宮이었던 恭獻賢妃權氏에 대한 기사가 존재한다. 권씨는 조선 여인이며, 아름다운 외모와 뛰어난 玉簫 솜씨로 단숨에 영락제의 마음을 사로잡아 ‘賢妃’를 除授 받고, 永樂 5년에 薨한 徐皇后를 대신하여 六宮의 주인이 되었다. 영락제는 衣食住 등의 생활 문제를 그녀에게 맡기며 매우 흡족해했다고 한다. 영락제는 그녀가 他界하고 십여 년이 지난 후에도 여전히 눈물을 흘리며 그녀를 그리워하는 모습을 보이기도 할 정도로 그녀를 사랑하였다. 이뿐만 아니라 또한 그녀의 의문스러운 죽음에 영락제는 진노 하여, 후대에 ‘魚呂之亂’이라 불리는 3000여 명의 明宮 내 대학살 사건이 발생했을 정도였다. 그녀는 사후에 山東省 棗莊市에 安葬되었고, 그 陵墓인 ‘娘娘墳’은 지금까지도 현지인들의 존경을 받으며 잘 보존되고 있다. 이처럼 명대의 최전성기를 이끌었던 영락제의 지극한 총애를 받으며, 그의 삶에 적지 않은 영향을 끼쳤던 권현비이지만, 그녀에 대한 이야기들은 그다지 잘 알려져 있지 않고 있다. 더욱이 그녀가 강제로 명에 進貢되었던 朝鮮의 貢女, 즉 조선의 女人으로써 황제의 총애를 받았다는 점은 명초의 朝明關係에도 일정정도 영향을 끼쳤다. 본문은 이러한 점에 착안하여 그간 잘 알려지지 않았던 권현비라는 역사적 인물 소개에 중점을 두며, 영락제와의 관계 및 조명관계 등에 대해서도 살펴보았다. There is an article in the Ming Shi · Hou Fei Zhuan (「明史·后妃傳」) about Kwon Xian-Fei who was the queen of third emperor of Ming dynasty. Kwon is a Joseon woman, who took the spirit of emperor Yong-Le(The third emperor of Ming dynasty) at once by her beautiful appearance and excellent jade flute(玉簫) skill, and was given the “Xian-Fei(賢妃)” exemption. Emperor Yong-Le very satisfied with her life problems such as clothing, food and shelter. Emperor Yong-Le loved her so much that she was still tearful after a decade or so from other worlds and showed her longing for her. In addition to this, Emperor Yong-Le was also angered by her questionable deaths, and there were about 3,000 murders in Ming Palace, called “Catastrophe of Eo-Ryeo(魚呂之亂)”. She was buried in the city of Zaozhuang(棗莊) in Shandong province after the death, and her mausoleum is still well preserved with the respect of the locals. Although it is Kwon Xian-Fei who received the great favor of emperor Yong-Le, who led the most prosperous period of Ming dynasty, and had a great influence on his life, the stories about her are not well known. This article focuses on introducing the historical figures of Kwon Xian-Fei, which has not been well known, Joseon-Ming relationship were also examined.

      • KCI등재


        王慧開 ( Wang Huikai ),林常薰 ( Lim Sanghun ) 순천향대학교 인문학연구소(구 순천향대학교 인문과학연구소) 2019 순천향 인문과학논총 Vol.38 No.2

        嚴歌苓作爲優秀的海外華人作家,其創作的多變與成功,屡屡引起文壇轟動。嚴歌苓以跨文化的視角考量東西方的歷史文化,其作品對女性形象的建構與女性命運的書寫,尤其引人關注。嚴歌苓在《金陵十三钗》中塑造了一群在戰時狀態中保全性命的妓女形象,這些妓女們面對戰爭,旣有身體的躲避,也有身分的隱藏,表現出開始的膽小莽撞、放浪沈沦,發展到流露善良眞情最后主動獻身犧牲的无私偉大的邊緣女性形象,由自私、風流低贱的“妖女”變化爲善良復仇的“烈女”及聰潁崇高的“聖女”,完成了獨特的歷史文學邊緣女性形象建構。將文學歷史中的“妖女”、“烈女”和“聖女”的妓女形象融爲一體,展現出立體化的妓女群像。嚴歌苓的這種歷史講述和邊緣女性形象創造與建構,都是超越歷史和跨越國界的永恒眞誠的人性書寫。 Yan Geling, as an excellent overseas Chinese writer, has caused a lot of sensation in the literary world due to the changeability and success of her works. Yan Geling considers the east and the west history and culture from a cross-cultural perspective. Her novel "Flowers of war” in shaping the image of a group of prostitutes in wartime hiding, these prostitutes has both the escape of the body and the identity of the hidden. It shows the timid, reckless and unrestrained destruction at the beginning, develops to the selfless and great marginal female image that reveals kindness and true feelings, and finally takes the initiative to sacrifice herself. By the selfish, low and tasteful " witch girl" change to the kind revenge " integrity " and to the noble "saint", completed the unique historical literature marginal female image construction. This will be show a three-dimensional portraits of prostitutes, integrate the " witch girl "and" integrity "and" saints "image of prostitutes in literature. Yan Geling's historical narration and the creation of female images on the edge are the eternal and sincere human writing that transcends history and borders.

      • KCI등재

        身体“躲藏”与形象建构 ——评严歌苓的『金陵十三钗』

        王慧开,(Wang, Huikai),林常薰(Lim, Sanghun) 순천향대학교 인문학연구소 2019 순천향 인문과학논총 Vol.38 No.2

        严歌苓作为优秀的海外华人作家,其创作的多变与成功,屡屡引起文坛轰动。 严歌苓以跨文化的视角考量东西方的历史文化,其作品对女性形象的建构与女性 命运的书写,尤其引人关注。严歌苓在《金陵十三钗》中塑造了一群在战时状态 中保全性命的妓女形象,这些妓女们面对战争,既有身体的躲避,也有身份的隐 藏,表现出开始的胆小莽撞、放浪沉沦,发展到流露善良真情最后主动献身牺牲 的无私伟大的边缘女性形象,由自私、风流低贱的“妖女”变化为善良复仇的“烈 女”及聪颖崇高的“圣女”,完成了独特的历史文学边缘女性形象建构。将文学历史 中的“妖女”、“烈女”和“圣女”的妓女形象融为一体,展现出立体化的妓女群像。 严歌苓的这种历史讲述和边缘女性形象创造与建构,都是超越历史和跨越国界的 永恒真诚的人性书写。 Yan Geling, as an excellent overseas Chinese writer, has caused a lot of sensation in the literary world due to the changeability and success of her works. Yan Geling considers the east and the west history and culture from a cross-cultural perspective. Her novel Flowers of war” in shaping the image of a group of prostitutes in wartime hiding, these prostitutes has both the escape of the body and the identity of the hidden. It shows the timid, reckless and unrestrained destruction at the beginning, develops to the selfless and great marginal female image that reveals kindness and true feelings, and finally takes the initiative to sacrifice herself. By the selfish, low and tasteful witch girl change to the kind revenge integrity and to the noble saint , completed the unique historical literature marginal female image construction. This will be show a three-dimensional portraits of prostitutes, integrate the witch girl and integrity and saints image of prostitutes in literature. Yan Geling s historical narration and the creation of female images on the edge are the eternal and sincere human writing that transcends history and borders.

      • KCI등재

        从 『金锁记』 透视张爱玲的生态 女性主义意识

        王慧开,(Wang, Hui-Kai),林常薰(Lim, Sang-Hun) 순천향대학교 인문학연구소 2017 순천향 인문과학논총 Vol.36 No.2

        张爱玲在 『金锁记』 中成功塑造了在男权制度下由单纯少女转变为毒辣母亲的曹 七巧这一形象,这一形象与生态女性主义相结合反映了张爱玲的隐性的生态伦理关 怀与生态女性意识。通过这一形象展示了传统文化中男权统治社会中女性与自然同 一的“他者”地位,女性不仅是自然、家庭和社会与自我生态破坏的牺牲者,在一定 程度上也成为各种生态破坏的参与者,引出自然生态、社会生态与精神生态危机。 通过对 『金锁记』 的生态女性意识解读,展现张爱玲在小说创作中寄寓着建立人与 自然、人与人、人与自我和谐共处的生态意识与构建和谐社会的发展观念。 Eileen Chang in the Golden Cangue in shaping the success of the patriarchal by pure girl into a sinister mother Cao Qiqiao this image, the image and the eco feminist combination reflects the awareness of ecological ethics of care and ecological woman Eileen Chang. Through this image shows the traditional culture of male dominated society women and nature with a status of “the other”, women become nature, family and society and self - Eco vandals, draws out natural ecology, social ecology and spiritual ecology crisis. Golden Cangue symbolizes the establishment of the Eileen Chang people and nature, people and people, people and the ecological consciousness of self harmony and the construction of harmonious social development concept.

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