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      • KCI등재

        맥류 내냉성에 관한 연구 제5보 맥류근의 생육환경차이가 지하 및 지상부의 형질에 미치는 영향

        서형수,박래경,Hyung-Soo Suh,Rae-Kyung Park 한국작물학회 1979 한국작물학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        동일주에서 발생한 근을 이등분하여 생육환경을 바르게 하였을 때 근부와 지상부의 형질에 미치는 영향을 조사하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 1. 근의 생육에 좋은 환경에서 성장한 편보다 과습 과건등 좋지 못한 환경에서 성장한 편이 근수는 적고 근장은 짧았으며 근중은 가벼웠다. 2. 또 근의 양편 모두 생육에 좋은 환경에서 성장한 주보다 한편만이 좋지 못한 환경에서 성장한 주가 근수는 적고 근장은 짧았으며 근중은 가벼웠다. 3. 따라서 동일주에서 한편의 근을 생육환경을 불량하게 하였을 때 그 근에 직접 부착되어 있는 지상부의 생육에만 영향을 미치는 것이 아니고 일주전체에 영향이 있는 경향으로 4. 근의 양편 모두 생육에 좋은 환경에서 성장한 주보다 한편만이 좋지 못한 환경에서 성장한 주가 출수기는 지연되고 간장과 수장이 짧았으며 유효경비율도 낮았다. 5. 수량은 근의 생육량과 정의 유의상관을 보여 근의 생육이 좋은 환경에서 성장한 주에 비하여 임쪽이 좋지 못한 환경에서 성장한 주의 수량이 감수되었는데 감수정도는 과건>과습, 사토> 식양토 순위였다. interrelationship among the characters of the top and the root within a plant was investigated by deviding the roots of the plant into two parts and growing each one in two different environmental conditions, The roots grown on the poor environmental conditions such as over flooding moisture and overdried were less in numbers of root. shorter in root length. and lighter in root weight than those of good growing conditions, It was demonstrated that the roots grown under the poor environmental conditions affected not only the growing of the associated tillers but also the growing of all the tillers within a plant. In comparision with untreated plants. the culm length of treated plants was shortened. and the heading time of them was delayed. The most remarkable yield reduction was appeared at the over flooding moisture treatment. and the next was at the overdried treatment. The ten dency of yield reduction was more severe in sandy soil than that of clay loam.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 답토양(畓土?)의 실용적분류(?用的分類)에 관(?)한 연구(硏究) -제1보(第一報) 사질답(砂質畓) 분류(分類)에 관(?)하여

        정연태,양의석,박래경,Jung, Yeun-Tae,Yang, Euy-Seog,Park, Rae-Kyung 한국토양비료학회 1982 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        저위(低位) 생산답중(生産畓中)에서 분포면적(分布面積)이 가장 넓고 개량(改良)의 효과(?果)가 큰 사질답(砂質畓)의 분포상태(分布?態) 및 실용적(?用的) 분류(分類)와 더불어 현재(現在) 널리 쓰이고 있는 답류형별(畓類型別) 분류체계(分類?系)의 개선(改善)을 위한 사질답(砂質畓) 유형분류(類型分類) 시안(試案)을 시도(試圖)하여 본 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 현재(現在) 이용(利用)되고 있는 기준(基準)에 의(依)한 사질답(砂質畓)의 잠재생산력(?在生産力)은 보통답(普通畓)의 86%이었고 생산력(生産力)의 변이정도(?異程度)가 커서 유형재분류(類型再分類)의 필요성(必要性)이 있었다. 2. 현재(現在) 이용(利用)되고 있는 답유형(畓類型) 구분기준중(?分基準中) "사질답(砂質畓)"은 토성(土性)이 사질(砂質)이더라도 습답(?畓)인 경우(境遇)와 염농도(?濃度)가 높은 경우(境遇)에는 제외(除外)되고 있으므로 "객토대상지(客土?象地)" 추천(推薦)이 복잡(複雜)하고 제염(除?)되거나 배수조건(排水條件) 변화시(?化時)에 유형(類型)을 변경분류(?更分類)해야 하였다. 3. 본(本) 연구(硏究)에서 제안(提案)한 사질답분류(砂質畓分類) 시안(試案)에서는 토성(土性)이 사질(砂質)인 모든 답토양(畓土?)을 포함(包含)시켰으며 수량(收量)에 영향(影響)이 큰 특성(特性)을 기준(基準)하여 개(個)의 아형(?型)(산화용탈형(酸化溶脫型) 사질답(砂質畓); 건답형(乾畓型), 산화환원중간형(酸化還元中間型) 사질답(砂質畓); 반습답형(半?畓型), 환원집적형(還元集積型) 사질답(砂質畓); 습답형(?畓型), 환원염해형(還元?害型), 사질답(砂質畓), 염해형(?害型))으로 재분(再分)하였고 각아형(各?型)은 토성계별(土性系別)로 토양통(土?統)과 연결(連結)할 수 있었다. 그러므로 시안(試案)의 분류단계(分類段階)는 형(型)(사질답(砂質畓))-아형(?型)(4개(個))-토성계(土性系)(5등급(等級))-토양통(土壤?)(48개통(個統))으로 되었다. 4. 시안(試案)과 같이 사질습답(砂質?畓)과 사질염해답(砂質?害畓)을 사질답(砂質畓)의 일부(一部)에 포함(包含)시켜 생산력(生産力)의 변이정도(?異程度)를 검정(?定)해 본 결과(結果)는 현행(現行) 체계(?系)에 의(依)한 것보다 개선(改善)되엇다. 5. 전국(全?)의 사질답(砂質畓) 면적(面積)은 409,902ha로서 총(?) 답면적(畓面積)의 32.3%에 해당(該?)되며 시안(試案)대로 분류(分類)하면 38.9%(492,982ha)에 달(達)하였고 절대면적(絶?面積)이 많은 지역(地域)은 경기(京畿)(88,923ha), 전북(全北)(69,717ha), 경북(慶北)(55,390ha) 순(順)이었고 답면적(畓面積) 전체(全?)에 대(?)한 상대적(相?的) 비율(比率)이 높은 지역(地域)은 강원(江原)(58.9%), 경기(京畿)(50.5%), 충북(忠北)(48.5%), 전북(全北)(41.0%)의 순(順)이며 시안(試案)에 의(依)하면 사질답(砂質畓) 면적(面積)은 더욱 높아져서 강원도(江原道)의 경우(境遇)에는 71.4%가 사질질답(砂質質畓)에 해당(該?)되었다. 6. 사질답(砂質畓)은 답토양(畓土?) 적성등급(適性等級)의 3급지(級地)(69.1%)와 4급지(級地)(29.2%)에 대부분(大部分)이 해당(該?)되었으며 3급지중(級地中)에서는 "3사질(砂質)"(53.3%), 4급지중(級地中)에서는 "4경사(傾斜)"(16.0%)에 해당(該?)하는 토양(土?)이 가장 많았다. 토성계(土性系)(Texture family)별(別)로는 사양질계(砂?質系)(Coarse loamy family)가 59.2%로 대부분(大部分)이었고 징사(徵砂) 사양질계(砂?質系)(Coarse silty)인 것도 전체(全?)의 16.1%에 달( The distribution and practical classification of sandy paddy soils, which have the most extensive acreage among low productive paddy soils in Korea and have distinctive improvement effects, were studied to propose a tentative new classification system of sandy textured paddy soils as a means of improving the "Paddy Soil Type Classification" scheme used. The results are summarized as follows; 1. The potential productivity of sandy textured paddy soils was about 86% of normal paddy and the coefficient of variation was relatively high indicating that the properties of soils included were not sufficiently homogeneous. 2. As the poorly drained and halomorphic (> 16 mmhos/cm of E.C. at $25^{\circ}C$) sandy soils are not included in the "Sandy Soil" type according to the criteria of "Soil Type Classification", the recommendation of "adding clay earth" become complicated, and the soil type have to change when the salts washed away or due to ground water table fluctuations. 3. Coarse textured soils were entirely included in the "Sandy Soils" in the tentative criteria of sandy soil classification proposed, and the sandy soils were subdivided into 4 subtypes that is "Oxidized leaching sandy paddy", Red-ox. intergrading sandy paddy", "Reduced accumulating sandy paddy" and "Reduced halomorphic sandy paddy". The system of sandy soil classification proposed were consisted of following categories; Type (Sandy paddy)-Sub-type (4)-Texture family (5)-Soil series (48). 4. The variation of productivities according to the proposed scheme was more homogenized than that of the present device. 5. The total extent of sandy paddy soils was 409, 902 ha (32.3% of total paddy) according to the present classification system, but the extent reached 492,983 ha (38.9%) by the proposed system. The provinces of Gyeong-gi (88.923ha), Jeon-bug (69.717 ha), Gyeong-bug (55.390 ha) have extensive acreage of sandy paddy soils, and the provinces that had high ratio of sandy paddy soils were Gang-weon (58.9%), Gyeong-gi (50.5%), Chung-bug (48.5%), Jeon-bug (41.0%) etc. The ratio was increased by the proposed scheme, e.g. 71.4% in the case of Gang-weon prov. 6. According to the suitability group of paddy soils, the sandy soils mostly belong to 3 class (69.1%) and 4 class (29.2%). Coarse loamy textural family (59.2%) and coarse silty (16.1 %) soils were dominantly distributed. 7. The "Red-ox. intergrading subtype" of sandy paddy pertinent to 49.6% (245,012 ha) while the "Oxidized leaching sub-type" reaches to 33.5% (64,890 ha) and the remained 16.9% (83,081ha) belong to "Reduced accumulating sub-type (14.0%) and "Reduced halomorphic sub-type (2.9%)" according to the proposed scheme.

      • KCI등재후보

        쌀 Amylose 含量의 遺傳 및 變異性에 關한 硏究

        SANG JIN CHOI(崔相鎭),RAE KYUNG PARK(朴來敬),HYUN OK CHOI(崔鉉玉) 한국육종학회 1979 한국육종학회지 Vol.12 No.3

        This study was mainly concerned about the inheritance of amylose content of rice kernels as it was analyzed by unit of single grain. Eight varieties showing different levels of amylose content were taken. They were first treated at different ripening conditions such as temperatures, planting dates, day lengths and nitrogen applications to find out the varietal differences in variations of amylose content. Next, modified IRRI (International Rice Research Institute) method was applied to analyze in unit of single grain. The revised one was compared with original IRRI method to confirm its availability. Finally, the four of high, two of intermediate and two of low varieties in amylose content were crossed each other to observe their segregations in F₂. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The amylose content of rice kernels showed some variations with different environmental conditions especally during the ripening periods. However, the differences of amylose content among the high, internadiate and low groups of rice varieties were always clearly observed. The varietal differences were higher than the environmental variations within varieties. 2. The amylose content analyzed by the modified IRRI method showed a little higher value than IRRI method. But it was proved to be possible for use at least in case of relative comparison between varieties or lines. 3. High amylose was dominant to low with 3 : 1 segregation ratio in six crosses out of eight crosses of High×Low, and the other two crosses were not fitted to any conventional segregation ratio.

      • KCI등재

        경지정리(耕地整理) 답토양의 특성변화 조사(調査)

        노영팔,정연태,박창영,박래경,No, Young-Pal,Jung, Yeun-Tae,Park, Chang-Young,Park, Rae-Kyung 한국토양비료학회 1983 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        영남지역(嶺南地域)의 경지정리실태와 경지정리(耕地整理)에 따른 답토양의 이화학적 특성(特性) 변화정도를 알기 위하여 경지정리사업(耕地整理事業)이 실시(1979~1980)된 33개(個) 시군(市郡)의 68개(個) 사업지구에 대한 설문조사(設問調査)와 아울러 1981년도(年度)에 경지정리(耕地整理)를 실시한 29개(個) 시군(市郡)의 37개(個) 사업지구 3,300ha에 대하여 절토답(切土畓)과 무절토답(無切土畓)의 이화학적 특성(特性)과 수량조사(收量調査)를 실시한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 설문조사결과(設問調査結果) 농민(農民)들의 대부분(大部分)이 경지정리(耕地整理)에 의(依)한 기반조성효과를 인정(認定)(70.3%)하고 있으나 경지정리후(耕地整理後)의 지력감퇴(地力減退)(27.2%), 지균작업부충분(地均作業不充分)(60.7%), 농민(農民)의 경비부담과중 및 공기지연(工期遲延)에 의(依)한 이앙지연초내(移秧遲延招來) 등(等)이 문제점(問題点)으로 나타났다. 2. 절토비율(切土比率)은 평탄지(平坦地)에서는 15.3%에 불과(不過)하지만 완경사지(緩傾斜地)나 경사지(傾斜地)에서 각각(各各) 25.9% 및 45%로서 경사도(傾斜度)가 높을수록 절토비율(切土比率)이 증가되었다. 3. 절토지(切土地)는 무절토지(無切土地)에 비(比)하여 경도(硬度) 및 가비중(假比重) 증가, 공극량(孔隙量)과 입단량감소(粒團量減少) 등(等)의 물리성(物理性) 악화(惡化)가 현저(顯著)하였다. 4. 지형별(地形別) 물리성(物理性)의 악화정도(惡化程度)는 홍적태지(洪積台地), 경사지(傾斜地)에서 큰 반면(反面)에 평탄지(平坦地)에서는 적었다. 5. 화학적특성변화는 절토지(切土地)가 무절토지(無切土地)에 비(比)하여 유기물(有機物) 및 유효인산의 함량(含量)이 현저(顯著)히 감소(減少)되었으나 규산(珪酸) 및 석회함량(石灰含量)은 증가되었다. 6. 경지정리답(耕地整理畓)의 절토지(切土地)는 지역내(地域內)의 무절사지(無切士地)에 비(比)하여 수량구성요소(收量構成要素)의 전반적(全般的)인 감소(減少)로 약(約) 28% 감수(減收)되었다. To find out problems and changing soil properties induced by leveling of paddy, a field survey was carried out with questionares to farmers of 68 project areas (990 farmers). The soil characteristics between natural soils and cut out sites was compared with soil samples taken from 37 project areas. More than 70 percents of farmers answered to the questionares expressed satisfaction on the paddy land leveling project; however, some farmers replied dissatisfaction that the arable land was decreased the soil productivity due to loss of surface soil or insufficient surface leveling, that the government support was insufficient and that transplanting of rice might be delayed due to retardation of the project. 1. The rate of cut out soils during the land leveling on plain terrain was about 15.3%, but the rates on gently sloped terrain (2-7% slopes) and sloped terrain (7-15% slopes) were relatively high showing 25.9% and 45%, respectively. 2. The deterioration of physical properties was clear in cut out site where the hardness and bulk density increased and the porosity and the rate of water stable aggregate decreased. 3. The degree of deterioration of physical properties on the Diluvial terrace was more severe than on plains or sloped alluvial fans and valleys. The decrease of available phosphorous and the content of organic matter in the cut out place due to land leveling were prominent. 4. The rice yield from cut site was decreased by 28% comparing with that from natural soils.

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재

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