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      • 연개소문의 정변과 高句麗(고구려), 新羅(신라) 關係(관계)

        최호원 ( Ho Won Choi ) 고려대학교 역사연구소 2013 사총 Vol.80 No.-

        As the end of the sixth century Goguryeo began to attack on Silla. King Youngryu who came to throne in A.D. 618 also attacked on Silla, however after A.D. 638 fighting with Silla came to a standstill. Naturally there were groups who had dissatisfaction with such the situation, they were Yeongaesomoon, etc. After the death of his father, Yeongaesomoon had a difficulty with the just succession of status. Therefore he mounted a coup solidarizing with Daeyang Group, and enthroned King Bojang who had similar recognition in Silla. But Yeongaesomoon regime was challenged in and out. There were resist groups as Ansisung castellan inside, and aggravation in relation Tang of attack on Silla. Yeongaesomoon attacked Silla immediately after the coup, and refused the Silla`s asking for a dispatch of troops after the battle of Daeyasung. Meanwhile Taizong of Tang demanded aborting the attack on Silla, and put pressure on Goguryeo. Yeongaesomoon insisted the attak on Silla continuously, then he suffered the Tang`s expedition with the lack of preparation. Therefore his hard-line policy on Silla was also delayed. Developing similar situation of early seventh century, Goguryeo`s fate was affected.

      • KCI등재

        高句麗 寶藏王代 對新羅關係와 認識

        최호원(Choi Ho Won) 고구려발해학회 2014 고구려발해연구 Vol.50 No.-

        연개소문은 642년 정변으로 보장왕을 즉위시키고 권력을 잡았는데, 그는 원래 대신라강경책을 주장하고 있었다. 그리하여 연개소문은 집권 직후부터 신라를 공격하였으며, 이는 신라를 궁지에 몰아넣었다. 한편 당은 고구려 원정을 실행하고, 당에 접근하던 신라는 원정에 응하여 고구려를 공격하였다. 이를 통해 신라는 당과 연합할 것임을 알린 셈이었으며, 신라에 대한 고구려의 감정은 결정적으로 악화되었다. 보장왕대에 들어와서 고구려는 백제와의 연대를 모색하게 되었다. 백제가 소극적으로 당의 고구려 원정을 도운 적은 있었지만 고구려는 신라 압박을 위해 백제와 손을 잡은 것이다. 그 결과가 곧 655년의 대대적인 신라 공격이었다. 이는 고구려가 자국의 세력권을 회복하기 위한 조치였으나, 타국과의 연합으로 이루어졌기 때문에 지속성 유지가 어려운 태생적인 한계를 지니고 있었다. 당시 고구려가 백제 등과 함께 신라를 친 것은 신라의 군사력에 대한 인식의 산물이었으나, 예상 외의 승리는 고구려를 크게 고무시켜 신라에 대한 공세를 강화하였다. 그러나 661년 이후로는 대신라전에서도 연달아 패하면서 연씨 가문도 상당한 충격을 받게 되었다. 당시 國是에 가까웠던 고토 회복을 완성하기가 어려워졌기 때문이다. 신라의 대응으로 인해 고구려는 점차 우위를 상실해 갔고, 이제 신라는 650년대처럼 고구려가 압도하기 어려워졌다. 여기에 연씨 가문의 내분, 당의 공격 등 잇따른 상황 악화로 인해 고구려는 결국 멸망을 맞게 되었다. In 642 Yeongaesomun’s coup took power and enthroned King Bojang of Goguryeo, and he was strong at Silla originally. Yeongaesomun insisted the recovery of old territory. So Yeongaesomun Silla after coup, Silla was in a fix. On the other hand, Tang made an expedition into Goguryeo, in response Silla attacked Goguryeo also. Decisively Goguryeo felt worsening against Silla. During the Reign of King Bojang, Goguryeo and Baekjae groped solidarity. In former days Baekjae assisted an expedition of Tang, but Goguryeo went hand in hand with Baekjae for giving pressure on Silla. The result was an large scale attack on Silla in 655. This was Goguryeo’s measure for recovery of scope of influence, but had a limit by descent because of alliance with foreign country. It was difficult at keeping continuity. Goguryeo attacked Silla with Baekjae, because Silla had considerable millitary power. But unexpected triumph encouraged Goguryeo. In 660 Baekjae collapsed by Silla and Tang without Goguryeo’s assist. After 661 Goguryeo was defeated continuosly by Silla, so Goguryeo’s attack died down gradually. Goguryeo attacked Silla many times, but lost superiority in politically and tactically. And Tang’s attack, internal conflict advanced Goguryeo’s collapse.

      • KCI등재

        高句麗 嬰陽王代의 新羅攻擊과 國內政治

        崔豪元(Choi Ho Won) 한국사연구회 2012 한국사연구 Vol.157 No.-

        King p’y?ngw?n’s ascension to the throne during the late 6th century coincided with Kogury?’s overcoming of the crisis it had experienced in terms of its power during the mid-6th century via the strengthening of its royal authority and settling of public sentiment. Thereafter, during the reign of King Y?ngyang, Kogury? attacked Silla. While this first attempt is best remembered for marking the rise of Ondal, who had first been appointed during the reign of King p’y?ngw?n, as a new power figure, this attempt ultimately ended in failure. Kogury? subsequently attacked Liaoshi in 598 however, this campaign also failed amidst a counterattack on the part of the Sui(隋) dynasty. Having led the campaign against Liaoshi. King Y?ngyang found himself in a precarious political position following its failure. However, he was able to overcome these difficulties by initiating a second round of attacks on Silla in 603. In 608, King Y?ngyang was able to achieve some victories on the battlefield against Silla. However, King Y?ngyang’s policy came under both domestic and international pressure following the Sui dynasty’s decision to dispatch a second expedition to Kogury? in 612. On thedomestic front, strong resistance emerged amongst the aristocrats to the attempts to further invigorate the royal authority. The strong dependence of the figures appointed and actively engaged in politics during the reigns of King P’y?ngw?n and Y?ngyang on royal authority meant that their political power vis-a-vis the aristocrats was quite limited. On the other hand, the campaign against Silla facilitated Silla’s overture tothe Sui dynasty and in essence caused the latter’s expedition to Kogury?. The combined forces of Silla and Sui were able to wrest some 500-ri of territory from Kogury?. This denouement was the result of the weakening of the ability to resist against external shock occasioned by the stretching of its front line defense to the breaking point amidst a two-pronged attack by Sui and Silla. As such, although King Y?ngyang made efforts to continue the policy course set by King P’y?ngw?n and strengthen the royal authority, his efforts were frustratedby a limited understanding of the political situation at the time. His attack on Silla implemented as part of this policy also ended in failure because of the Sui dynasty’s invasion of Kogury?. These results greatly influenced his attempts to strengthen the royal authority.

      • KCI등재

        고구려 검모잠·안승 세력과 대신라관계 인식

        최호원(Choi, Ho-won) 신라사학회 2020 新羅史學報 Vol.0 No.49

        고구려가 멸망한 뒤 신라는 본래의 목표인 백제 故地를 차지하기 위해 노력하고 있었으며, 이로 인해 신라와 당 사이의 갈등은 심화되어 갔다. 신라는 670년 상반기까지는 고구려 유민세력을 진압하려는 입장이었으나, 7월경에 이러한 방침은 바뀌게 되었다. 그 계기는 웅진도독부측의 불온한 움직임 및 영토 획정에서 나타난 당의 압력이었다. 검모잠 등 유민세력은 안승을 왕으로 한 한성 고구려를 세운 뒤 신라에 인정을 요청하였으며, 신라는 670년 8월 안승을 고구려왕으로 책봉하였다. 여기에는 유민측에서 온 책봉 요청을 받아들임으로써 그들의 공격 가능성을 차단하고자 한 신라측의 의도, 고구려에 대한 신라의 원한이 백제보다 적었던 점 등이 작용하였다. 그리고 유민세력은 도움을 청할 만한 세력이 없던 당시의 상황과 보장왕대 대신라정책에 대한 일면의 반성, 책봉 요청을 함으로써 신라의 공격으로부터 자신들을 지키려는 의도 등이 작용하여 신라에 도움을 청하게 되었다. 그러나 유민세력 지도부 내에서는 고구려 부흥에 대한 인식에 차이가 있었다. 안승이 고구려 국가 자체의 부흥보다 유민들을 존속시키는 데 중점을 두었다면, 검모잠은 안승에 비해 한성 고구려를 유지하려는 의지가 강했던 것으로 보인다. 여기에 한성 고구려의 실권자였던 검모잠에 대한 안승의 불만도 작용하고 있었으며, 고연무는 이러한 안승의 조력자였다. 마침내 당군과의 전투와 한성 고구려의 유지를 놓고 생긴 전략적인 시각 차이는 검모잠의 죽음을 초래하였고, 673년 윤5월의 호로하 전투를 계기로 한성 고구려는 사실상 소멸하였다. 안승은 신라로 간 이후인 674년 보덕왕에 봉해졌고 이후 신라에 대한 예속도가 점점 강화되어 갔다. 그러나 유민 세력 내에는 684년 대문 등 보덕국 잔여 무리의 반란이 말해주듯 안승과 다른 생각을 지닌 이들도 잔존하였다. 결국 신라는 684년의 반란을 평정한 이후에야 고구려 유민들에 대한 완전한 통제를 할 수 있었다. After the fall of Goguryeo, Silla tried to acquire the old territories of Baekje which had been its original goal. Consequently, the conflict between Silla and the Tang Empire deepened. Until the first half of 670, Silla’s policy was to suppress the Goguryeo refugees; however, Silla changed its policy around July, triggered by the suspicious activities of Ungjin Commandery and the pressure exerted through the territorial demarcation by the Tang Empire. Goguryeo refugees led by Geommojam re-established Hangseong Goguryeo and crowned Anseung as the new king. In August 670, Silla proclaimed Anseung as the King of Goguryeo. This move was prompted by Silla’s intention to prevent an attack from Goguryeo refugees by granting their request for investiture as well as by the fact that Silla hold lesser grudges against Goguryeo than Baekje. The refugees turned to Silla for help because of the following reasons: the situation at the time was such that there was no one else they could have asked for help, they regretted King Bojang’s policy toward Silla, and they wanted to protect themselves against a possible attack from Silla by requesting an investiture. However, within the leadership of the refugee force, there were disagreements about how to revive Goguryeo. Anseung prioritized the survival of the refugees over the revival of Goguryeo as a state, while Geommojam had a stronger volition to retain Hanseong Goguryeo. This disagreement also stemmed from Anseung’s dissatisfaction with Geommojam who was the de facto leader of Hanseong Goguryeo, and Goeyeonmu was an ally of Anseung. Eventually, the disagreements over the strategy of battle with the Tang Empire and the revival of Hanseong Goguryeo led to the death of Geommojam, and after the Battle of Horoha in leap May 673, Hanseong Goguryeo almost disappeared. Anseung was crowned King Bodeok in 674 after joining Silla, following which Silla’s domination over him and Goguryeo refugees strengthened. However, within the refugees, there were people who disagreed with Anseung as is evident by the 684 rebellion by the remaining force of Bodeokguk including Daemun. Silla was only able to control the Goguryeo refugees after it quelled the rebellion of 684.

      • 제7차교육과정 10학년 사회교과서의 정치사회화 내용요소 분석

        유명철 ( Myung Cheol Yu ),최호원 ( Ho Won Choi ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2004 중등교육연구 Vol.52 No.1

        In general, the tenth grade social studies textbook emphasizes political knowledge, political values, political development, civic duties, and political processes, and pays relatively little attention to political efficiency, the peculiarity of Korean Politics, international politics, political power, and polities. Thus, the future curriculum revision will have to reinforce the relatively insufficient contents of the textbook.(Kyungpook National Univ.)

      • KCI등재

        난연성 Poly(acrylonitrile-co-vinylidene chloride) 공중합체의 중합 및 습식방사

        황재형(Jae Hyung Hwang),최호원(Howon Choi),이승현(Seung Hyun Lee),김가희(Ga Hee Kim),정원영(Won Young Jeong),임대영(Dae Young Lim),육지호(Ji Ho Youk) 한국고분자학회 2018 폴리머 Vol.42 No.6

        본 연구는 난연성 섬유 소재의 개발을 위한 연구로 다양한 조성의 poly(acrylonitrile-co-vinylidene chloride)(PANVDC) 공중합체를 레독스 개시제를 이용한 단량체 연속 공급방식의 수계 현탁중합법으로 중합하고 이를 습식방사하였다. PANVDC 공중합체의 중합 전환율은 79.7% 이상으로 높은 중합 수율을 보였으며, 중량 평균 분자량은 150000 g/㏖ 이상이었다. PANVDC 공중합체의 조성은 1H NMR 분석과 연소 이온 크로마토그래피를 이용하여 결정하는 방법을 제시하였으며, 결정된 PANVDC 공중합체 내의 단량체 조성비는 투입한 단량체 몰비와 유사하였다. 중합된 PANVDC 공중합체는 지속 연소 시간이 짧은 자기 소화성을 가지고 있어 poly(acrylonitrile-co-vinyl chloride)보다는 우수한 난연 특성을 가짐을 확인하였다. PANVDC 공중합체의 습식방사는 dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO)를 방사용매로 DMSO/물(50/50 w/w)을 응고액으로 이용하여 실시하였다. PANVDC(AN/VDC=7/3 ㏖/㏖) 섬유는 상업적으로도 사용가능할 정도의 인장강도를 보였으나 PANVDC(AN/VDC=6/4 ㏖/㏖)와 PANVDC(AN/VDC=5/5 ㏖/㏖) 섬유는 응고 후 생성된 내부의 많은 기공들로 인하여 매우 낮은 인장강도를 보였다. To develop flame retardant fibers, poly(acrylonitrile-co-vinylidene chloride) (PANVDC) copolymers of various compositions were polymerized by aqueous suspension polymerization using a redox initiator and their fibers were wetspun. The polymerization conversions of PANVDC copolymers were higher than 79.7% and their weight-average molecular weights were higher than 150000 g/㏖. The composition analysis of the PANVDC copolymers using 1H NMR spectroscopy and combustion ion chromatography was suggested, and the monomer composition ratio determined in the PANVDC copolymers was similar to the molar feed ratio of monomers. The PANVDC copolymers had self-extinguishing properties and therefore had better flame retardant properties than poly(acrylonitrile-co-vinyl chloride). PANVDC fibers were wet-spun using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a spinning solvent and DMSO/water (50/50 w/w) as a coagulating solution. PANVDC (AN/VDC=7/3 ㏖/㏖) fiber exhibited commercial grade tensile strength, but PANVDC (AN/VDC=6/4 ㏖/㏖) and PANVDC (AN/VDC=5/5 ㏖/㏖) fibers showed very low tensile strength due to the internal pores generated during coagulation process.

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