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      • KCI등재


        劉苗苗,朴興洙 중국어문학회 2019 中國語文學誌 Vol.0 No.67

        With the development of networking media, “准”in modern Chinese not only as a morpheme of word formation combined with other morphemes, but also as an affixoid to form a large number of new words in the form of “准X”. Firstly, on the basis of previous studies, this paper explores the morpheme meaning of “准” and its development through the investigation of five dictionaries. Secondly, a total of 4000 “准X” corpuses are selected from BCC corpus, and 144 “准X”words which meet the semantic requirements of “准”affixoid are selected by combining corpus intelligence statistics with manual analysis. This paper classifies 144 “准X”words and investigates the syllable composition, morpheme composition and the internal relations among morphemes in the “X” part. It also examines the structure, meaning and characteristics of the word “准X”as a whole. The word “准X” has five characteristics: Firstly, nouns referring to people are dominant. Secondly, Most words have the nature of spoken language. Thirdly, there are some words combined with network neologisms. Fourthly, there are some words combined with other affixes. Fifth, there are professional terms in a certain field. Finally, this paper analyses the motivation of the emergence and development of “准X”, which can be divided into internal and external motivations. Internal motivation is mainly the concreteness and diversity of meaning, as well as the productivity of word formation. External motivation includes two aspects: the need to express new things and new ideas and the exchange of different cultures.

      • KCI등재


        孟柱億,劉苗苗 한국중국언어학회 2018 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.77

        漢語詞匯豊富,存在大量近義詞。這些近義詞大多帶有相同的語素,且在意義,用法上十分接近,如本硏究考察的“滿意”,“滿足”,僅憑漢語本族人語感,難以淸楚列出二者在意義,用法上的異同。大量近義詞漢語語言表達的豊富性,但對漢語作爲第二語言學習者來說,却增加了學習難度。 中韓兩國自古交流廣泛,韓國語中的“漢源詞”便是語言借用的最佳體現。韓國語中漢源詞“만족하다”其意義、用法大致對應漢語的“滿足”和“滿意”。韓國學習者受到母語的影響常混淆“滿足”、“滿意”這對近義詞。本硏究首先考察了工具書,漢語敎材,敎學大綱中對”滿意“、”滿足“的釋義情況,發現所考察的對韓漢語敎材,中韓韓中互譯詞典中,對“滿意”,“滿足”二詞的用法講解及詞意解釋,均存在“二對一”的現象。用相同的韓語詞解釋“滿意”、“滿足”,學習者會誤以爲二者沒有區別,更有可能導致二者的混用。 基于上述原因,本硏究具體又硏究了以下內容:首先,基于漢族人母語語料庫,從形式上歸納與“滿意”、“滿足”有關的語言形式,幷分析二者具體的意義、用法上的異同。然后以中介語語料庫爲硏究對象,考察韓國學習者對“滿意”、“滿足”兩個詞的習得情況。 本文希望通過上述硏究爲韓國學習者梳理漢語近義詞“滿意”,“滿足”在詞意及用法上的差異,通過韓國學習者“滿意”、“滿足”習得情況的考察對針對韓國學習者的漢語近義詞敎學提供可參考的依据。 Chinese vocabulary system is developed and there are lots of synonyms. Most of these synonyms have the same morphemes, and they are very close in meaning and usage. There are only very subtle differences, such as “滿意” and “滿足” in this study. It is difficult to make a clear list of the similarities and differences between the two in meaning and usage. A large number of synonyms are rich in Chinese language expression, but for Chinese as a second language learner, it will undoubtedly increase learning difficulty. Based on the above reasons, the following contents are included in this paper. First, based on the BCC corpus of Beijing Language and Culture University, 9 kinds of language forms related to “滿意” and “滿足” are summed up, and the similarities and differences between the meaning and the usage of the two words “satisfaction” and “satisfaction” in Chinese are analyzed. Second, Taking the interlanguage Corpus as the research object, this paper investigates the Korean learners’ acquisition of the two words “滿意” and “滿足”. Through the above study, this paper hopes to help Korean learners understand the differences in word meaning and usage of the Chinese synonyms “滿意” and “滿足” make a systematic analysis of the synonyms of “滿意” and “滿足” in order to provide reference for the teaching of synonyms in Korean and Chinese, and to provide some amendments to the compilation of the tool books, such as the Chinese - Korean dictionaries.

      • KCI등재


        맹주억,류묘묘 한국중국언어학회 2019 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.81

        結果補語是漢語中最常用的補語類型之一, 但其語義功能復雜, 語法規則缺乏系統性, 也沒有明顯的語法標記, 故學習者較難正確習得。且韓語中沒有類似的語法表達, 韓國學習者在習得結果補語時難度較大且偏誤較多。鑒于此, 本文將通過自然語料收集, 語法測試探討韓國學習者結果補語的習得情況及産生偏誤的原因, 這對韓國學習者的結果補語敎學具有一定的理論意義和應用价値。 本文第二部分考察了中山大學漢字偏誤標注的漢語連續性中介語語料庫, 收集到25万字的韓國學習者作文語料。我們從語料中筛選出其中韓國學習者生成的結果補語句, 幷對其中的正確句進行分析, 總結出在自然語料中出現的所有結果補語的正確使用頻率從而預測不同結果補語的習得順序; 然后, 對自然語料中的偏誤句進行分析, 統計偏誤率, 對偏誤句進行分析幷總結其偏誤類型及偏誤原因。本文第三部分主要爲針對韓國學習者的語法測試及分析。對中山大學45名初, 中, 高級韓國學習者進行測試收集强制性語料,幷對其進行分析。 綜合語料庫收集的自然語料與語法測試收集的强制性語料分析, 本文發現結果補語在韓國語里的六種對應形式每一種可能會發生的偏誤, 偏誤原因有母語負遷移, 目的語規則的泛化等。最后, 本文針對韓國學習者的結果補語敎學提出具體的敎學建議。 Complement of result is one of the most widely and frequently used in all kinds of Chinese complements. Korean does not have complicated usage on a complement like Chinese, so Korean students feel difficult in studying Chinese and make a lot of mistakes in using Chinese. The main direction of this paper is what appears in the process of Korean students in learning and using Chinese results complement. This paper quotes the language database from character error-coded Chinese Interlanguage Corpus of Sun Yat-Sen University and the text which designed on the basis of the grammar structure difference between Chinese and Korean . This paper is a corpus-based and text analysis-based research, whose conclusions on Chinese complement and detailed analysis on the errors from learner output, is with considerable value for both Chinese Complement study and teaching theoretically and practically.

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