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      • KCI등재

        이상 소설에 나타난 산책의 의미와 근대성에 관한 연구 : 몸의 문제를 중심으로 As Found in Lee Sangs Novels

        이재복 우리말글학회 2003 우리말 글 Vol.29 No.-

        The reason why many of the papers, reaching about 600 pieces, on Lee Sangs literature leave much to be desired despite their vast numbers, is that they excluded the body which can be said to be the foundation of his literature. The modern times or modernity revealed in his literature, particularly his novels, is the substance expressed by or embodied by the body. Experiencing modern times and modernity through the body means that his novels reveal the essence of modern times and modernity. Its because the body shows all the phenomenon and essence, the cognition and practice, the consciousness and unconsciousness, the process and reality of modern times. For this reason, this study explores the modern times and modernity that his novels reveal by paying special attention to the experience in the body. It is not different from drawing a birds-eye view of modern times with the body that the body carries out improvised walking from an alcove to Kyongsung, a modern city space. By drawing out a birds-eye view of the opaque and uncertain modern times represented by gray darkness with the body, the speaker reveals not only the bounds of our modern times and modernity but also the limits to their generals. Their intensive representation is the desire for soaring revealed through abstracted and artificialized wings. This desire for soaring should be viewed not as escape to the abstracted and artificialized world but as desire for passing over it. He tries to realize the desire for real modern times by moving to Kyongsung, but it results in not an illusion but disillusionment. A series of these facts that Lee Sang shows through his novels can be viewed as both a drama of the body and that of modernity in itself. He explored the universal aspects of modern generals as well as the special aspects of our modern times or modernity, through a way of speaking and thinking with the body. We cannot say too much that his exploration on modern times and modernity was based on the body. If it may be said to be true modernity to re-create the self or the subject that was regnant as a source of self-evidence in the thought of the body and re-form the understanding of our existence, he is a modernist in its real meaning. It would not be a sound appreciation of Lee Sangs novels and literature that some treat him as if he were a schizophreniac by emphasizing an aspect of the dissociation of consciousness, or others regard him as a tragic hero who wandered about the surface of a pale mind and finally passed away without getting out of languor and doubt or as a prosaic stylist who tried to escape to the abstract and geometric world. Though concerns about Lee Sang are spreading in gear with discussions on modernism or modern and postmodern ages, the reason why those discussions repeatedly expand and reproduce only an intellectual amusement in a cognitive level is that they didnt see the body, the essential foundation of his literature. Once, Kim Soo-young commented on Park Tae-jins poetry that a physical understanding should be preceded to truly understand modernity. His comment has been regarded as a kind of a classic in writing in the name of poetics of the whole body. It would be said that the ground for calling Kim Soo-young a real modernist is on this understanding of modernity and the body, rather than on his avant-garde, experimental and modern sense. But theres no basis for concluding that Kim Soo-young is a poet who wrote a poem with his whole body though he shows an understanding of modernity and the body. This is rather because the cognition of speaking and thinking with the body is not fully physicalized than because in its nature of genre, in poetry the pains of the body before language are not revealed concretely in a textual level. While many of critics make comment that Lee Sangs literature lacks the social consciousness, they dont doubt its authenticity. Its because he embodies speaking with the body. It can be said that the true modernist or modernity is none other than Lee Sang himself and his novels. Our society is in modern ages, and though it switches over to postmodern ages the problems of the body and modernity Lee Sang showed us would exist as an important basis for understanding the world. In this sense, the problems of the body and modernity revealed by his novels will be a certain standard in discussing modern ages and modernity, and further, postmodern ages and postmodernity that our literature as well as his poetry and essays reveals.(Hanyang University)

      • KCI등재

        이상 시에 나타난 다다이즘적 특성에 관한 연구

        이재복(Jae Bok Lee) 한국언어문화학회 2000 한국언어문화 Vol.18 No.-

        The main purpose of the thesis is to pursue the Dadaistic features of Lee-sang`s Poetry. Lee-sang`s Poetry, as a whole, is discoursed in the Dadaism and the Surrealism. Both of these are not technical but social and historic. Especially, among these two terms Dadaism, first of all, regards to the social and history, they have negative sprit. In this respcet, I studied Lee-sang`s Poetry. As the result of this point of view, he was a poet who wrote poem fiercely as like the fighter, in the colonical era. His negative thought should be realive through the modern poets. In order that his dadaistic spirit accepted the aethetic dialectic, he said, desperate give birth to technic(language) and technic(language) give birth to desperate. That`s the reason why we think over and over.

      • KCI등재
      • 이상 소설의 각혈하는 몸과 근대성에 관한 연구

        이재복 한국여성문학학회 2001 여성문학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        이상 문학에 대해 육 백 여 편에 달하는 많은 글들이 쓰여졌음에도 불구하고 본질에 접근하지 못하고 있는 것은 그의 문학을 발생시키는 본질적인 토대인 몸을 배제해 왔기 때문이다. 그의 문학 특히 그의 소설이 드러내는 근대 및 근대성은 몸으로 말해진 혹은 몸으로 구현된 실체들이다. 몸으로 근대 및 근대성을 체험한다는 것은 그의 소설이 근대 및 근대성의 본질을 드러내고 있다는 것을 의미한다. 그것은 몸이 근대의 현상과 본질, 인식과 실천, 의식과 무의식, 과정과 실재 등을 모두 드러내고 있기 때문이다. 이런 이유 때문에 본고에서는 몸 체험에 주목하여 그의 소설이 드러내는 근대 및 근대성을 탐구해 보았다. 몸은 그 특성상 역동성을 강하게 드러내며, 이것은 소설의 말과 관계가 있을 뿐만 아니라 텍스트의 육화로 이어지는 것이 사실이다. 즉 몸은 텍스트와 발생론적인 인과성으로 연결되어 있다고 할 수 있다. 이런 점에 주목하여 이상 소설의 글쓰기 주체가 보여주는 자신의 주관화된 각혈하는 몸과 그것을 객관하고 타자화한 창부의 몸 중에서 먼저 각혈하는 몸을 통해 어떻게 근대성을 발견하고 있는지를 살펴보았다. 그 결과 말하기 주체 자신의 각혈하는 몸, 다시 말하면 피를 쏟으면서 점점 탕진되어 가는 몸을 통해서는 육체와 정신의 아이러니와 페러독스, 자기 소외라는 이중화된 근대의 구조와 근대적인 실존에 대한 불안과 공포를 읽어낼 수 있었다. 글쓰기 주체 자신의 각혈하는 몸을 통해 드러나는 이러한 특성은 모두 근대의 본질에 닿아 있지만 그 중에서도 이중성은 시사하는 바가 크다고 할 수 있다. 근대는 이미 출발부터가 이중적이었다. 이를테면 근대를 성립시킨 계몽이성이 자유로운 인간의 탄생을 가져온 동시에 인간에게 새로운 압제와 질곡을 불러일으키고 있다거나 주체성의 원리에서 비롯된 지복(至福) 자유가 인륜적 조화의 상실을 가져왔다는 점, 혹은 자연의 지배로부터 인간을 해방시킨 계몽의 형식 바로 그것 속에 인간을 복속 시키는 야만이 잠재되어 있다는 사실 등은 근대의 이중성을 잘 말해주고 있는 예라고 할 수 있다. 근대의 본질을 내장하고 있는 이러한 이중성을 드러낸다는 것은 작가의 근대에 대한 통찰이 깊이를 획득하고 있다는 것을 의미한다. 더욱이 그것이 관념이나 인식만으로 이루어진 것이 아니라 몸에 대한 체험을 통해 이루어졌다는 점에서 그 의미는 더욱 크다고 할 수 있다. The reason why many of the papers, reaching about 600 pieces, on Lee Sangs literature leave much to be desired despite their vast numbers, is that they excluded the body which can be said to be the foundation of his literature. The modern times or modernity revealed in his literature, particularly his novels, is the substance expressed by or embodied by the body. Experiencing modern times and modernity through the body means that his novels reveal the essence of modern times and modernity. Its because the body shows all the phenomenon and essence, the cognition and practice, the consciousness and unconsciousness, the process and reality of modern times. For this reason, this study explores the modern times and modernity that his novels reveal by paying special attention to the experience in the body. The body strongly reveals dynamics in its own nature, which involves the words of novels as well as is connected to the physicalization of texts. That is, it can be said that the body is connected to texts with the causality of the evolution theory. Paying special attention to this point, explores how the speaker in Lee Sangs novels finds modernity through both his subjective body expectorating blood and the objectified prostitutes body. As a result, the irony and paradox of the body and the spirit, the duplicated structure of modern times of self-isolation, and the fear of and anxiety about modern existence were to be read through the speakers expectorating body, or, the body that is being exhausted by expectorating blood. This modernity revealed by the speakers own body is also found in the prostitutes body where it is objectified. On the other hand, those found in the prostitutes body that plays a role of a mirror are the duality of a poisonous flower, the image of an onion as a condenser of desires that doesnt reveal the real entity, and the natures of modern times like alienation in communication by the body and fetishism. Though these natures revealed by the speakers expectorating body and the prostitutes objectified body both come in touch with the essence of modernity, above all, the duality can be said to have a lot of implications. Modern times were dual from its own beginning. The examples prove well the duality of modern times like that the reason of Enlightenment which established modern times at once created free men and brought a new kind of oppression and fetters to human beings, the freedom of beatitude originated from the principle of subjectivity caused the loss of humanistic harmony, or barbarism which subjects men to his rule lurks in the form of Enlightenment itself which freed men from the natures bondage. Revealing this duality inherent in the substance of modern times means that the insight of the author into modern times has obtained profundity. Moreover, the meaning is to be greater in that it has been obtained through the experience in the body as well as by ideas or recognition.

      • 부신성 쿠싱씨 증후군의 부신절제술후 합병증

        이재복 고려대학교 의과대학 1998 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.35 No.2

        Background : Adrenalectomy is needed in about 10 to 25% of Cushing's syndrome due to adrenal adenoma, hyperplasia or carcinoma. The purpose of this study is to compare the postoperative complications of adrenalectomy between the Cushing's and non-Cushing's patients. Method and Material : I collected the data of patients from July, 1987 to Jan, 1998 by the review of Korea University hospital chart. Comparison of the clinical data was made by statistical method. Results : Adrenalectomy was performed in 77 patients and the causes of adrenalectomy were primary aldosteronism(25 cases), pheochrmocytoma(23 cases). Cushing's syndrome(20 cases), adrenal carcinoma (5 cases), non-functioning adrenal adenoma(2 cases), ganglioneuroma(1 case) and neuroblastoma(1 case). The causes of Cushing's syndromes were adenoma(16 cases), nodular hyperplasia(3cases) and carcinoma(1 case) Approaches of adrenalectomy were anterior(60 cases), posterior(14 cases) and lateral(3 cases). Postoperative complications were atelectasis, pneumonia, wound infection, paralytic ileus. intra-abdominal abscess, intra-abdominal bleeding, acute renal failure and psychosis in order of frequency. The rate of postoperative complication in Cushing's syndrome was 85%, which was higher than the non-Cushing's rate, 31.6%(p=0.02). Respiratory complications, such as atelectasis and pneumonias were more common in postoperative complications of Cushing's syndrome (p=0.02). In patients of Cushing's syndrome, the development of postoperative complication was related with time of operation, size of tumor, weight of tumor, site of tumor, pathology and method of approach(p>0.05). Conclusion : The patients of Cushing's syndrome was prone to postoperative complications and the respiratory complications were the most common postoperative complications. Preoperative and postoperative careful respiratory management will reduce the complication of adrenalectomy in patients of Cushing's syndrome.

      • 스캔 설계 법칙 검사에 관한 연구

        이재훈,김형국,조경연,임동욱,민형복 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1997 論文集 Vol.48 No.2

        Since testing of digital circuit is becoming increasingly important, many methodologies have been introduced to enhance design for testability (DFT). DFT was taken into account in the automated test procedure and improved reliability of the design. Both tasks are well suited for scan rule checker. This paper presents a scan rule checker for gate level digital circuits. The scan rule checker deals with basic rule check, basic scan rule check, muxed scan rule check, clocked scan rule check and lssd. Scan design informations were represented in the configuration file and libraries were modeled for the scan rule checker. It is an efficient way for the design for testability methodology.

      • 정수 슬러지의 복토재 응용에 관한 타당성 연구

        이재복, 임성진 경성대학교 환경문제연구소 2000 環境硏報 Vol.10 No.1

        The objective of this study is to investigate the feasibility on waterworks sludge modification for cover soils in sanitary landfill site. The waterworks sludge was modified to improve material properties by making a single or combined dosing of admixtures such as hydrated lime, loess and activated loess into the sludge produced from the water treatment process, Current disposal systems such as landfill, ocean dumping and incineration were compared with the sludge reuse through modification from the economical and environmental point of view. Cover soils requirement accounts for 20% of the total capacity of sanitary landfill. Environmental and economical benefits of sludge modification include decrease of treatment cost, procurement of cover soils and reduction of landfill area.

      • 안동호 상류 운곡천의 이화학적 수질특성과 식물플랑크톤 군집 특성

        이중복,이희무,이건주,박정원,박재충,김동걸,권기석 7개 국립대학교 환경연구 논문집 공동발행 위원회 2002 환경연구논문집 Vol.2 No.1

        This investigation is about the characteristics of phytoplankton community and physciochemical water quality of specific 6-point the Woon-kog stream system in upsteam of the Andong Lake. DO value was showed over 8.1㎎/L at each site and COD_Mn, BOD, T-N, T-P tend to increase as they stream down and that the existence and dominance of phytoplankton was low and it was difficult to conclude the definite correlation of water quality and phytoplankton community. Finally, it seemed to be desirable that alternatives for pollutional reduction should be made and performed on the basis of the continuous monitoring of the inflow to preserve the Andong Lake.

      • 튜브형 전기응집 시스템에 의한 산업폐수의 처리특성

        이재복,정종식 慶星大學校 環境問題硏究所 1997 環境硏報 Vol.7 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 튜브형 전기웅집 시스템을 이용하여 도금폐수, 염색폐수, 피혁폐수, 제지폐수 및 자동차부품 제조폐수를 처리하고 각 폐수별 오염물질의 제거효율과 적정 운전조건 및 제거특성을 파악하고자 하였다. 튜브형 전기웅집 시스템에 의한 도금폐수의 제거효율은 중금속인 Zn이 96.3%, Cu가 93.8% 및 Cr 이 99.5%로 높았고, 염색폐수의 제거효율은 COD 이 81.9%, COD 이 51.5% 및 색도가 89.4%이었다. 피혁폐수의 제거효율은 COD 이 40.5%, DOD 이 77.0%이었고, 제지폐수의 제거효율은 Ca 이 88.5%, Mg 이 87.7% 및 Na 이 63.9%이었으며, 자동차부품 제조폐수의 제거효율은 n-hexane 추출물질이 97.7%, ABS가 68.8%이었다. 적정 전류밀도는 도금폐수가 39.1∼68.5 ㎃/㎠, 염료폐수가 48.9∼73.4 ㎃/㎠, 피혁폐수가 18.2∼30.6 ㎃/㎠, 제지폐수가 45.7∼78.3 ㎃/㎠ 그리고 자동차부품 제조폐수가 40,8∼53.8㎃/㎠이었다. 적정 체류시간은 대부분 5∼13sec로 아주 짧았다. 다른 유형의 전기분해 시스템과 비교해 볼 때 상대적으로 낮은 전류밀도와 체류시간의 운전으로 높은 효율을 나타내었다. The objective of this study is to assess removal efficiency, optimum operating conditions and removal characteristics of plating, dye, leather manufacture, paper manufacture and car parts manufacture wastewter by tube type electrocoagulation systems. The removal efficiency of plating wastewater by electrocoagulation treatment was 96.3% for Zn, 93.8% for Cu, and 99.5% for Cr , respectively. The removal efficiency of heavy metals was very high. The removal efficiency of dye wastewater by electrocoagulation treatment was 81.9% for DOD , 51.5% for COD , and 89.4% for color. For other wastewater, the removal efficiency of leather manufacture wastewater was 40.5% for COD and 77.7% for DOD . On paper manufacture wastewater, it was 88.5% for Ca , 87.7% for Mg and 63.9% for Na . On car parts manufacture wastewater, the removal efficiency was 97.7% for n-hexane extracts and 68.8% for ABS, respectively. The most efficient current density of plating wastewater for electrocoagulation treatment was evaluated as the range of 39.1∼68.5 ㎃/㎠. For dye wastewater it was 48.9∼73.4 ㎃/㎠, and 18.2∼30.6 ㎃/㎠ for leather manufacture wastewater. On paper manufacture wastewater, the most efficient current density was inthe range of 45.7∼78.3 ㎃/㎠ and 40.8∼53.8 ㎃/㎠, for car parts manufacture wastewater, respectively. Required retention time for wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation systems was 5∼13sec. Operation conditions compared with other type electrolysis systems was more efficient especially in current density and required retention time.

      • Cycle-Based 시뮬레이션 기법을 이용한 고장 시뮬레이터 구현

        이홍기,이재훈,민형복 成均館大學校 科學技術硏究所 1999 論文集 Vol.50 No.1

        As IC design size increases, handling events generated by every gate evaluation in traditional event-driven simulation techniques have been more time-consuming. This complexity is same for fault simulation. In this thesis, we present a new fault simulation technique that uses cycle-based simulation concepts. This new fault simulator has been implemented by using cycle-based simulation techniques. Implemented fault simulator uses techniques that propagate single fault to a stem and gather propagated faults on the stem to make a packet of multiple faults. This packet is propagated from the stem to a primary output by evaluating gates in levelized order. Experiments have been performed on the ISCAS85 benchmark circuits to show efficiency of the implemented fault simulator. Experimental results show that our simulator runs 3.3 to 22.9 times faster than fault simulator using traditional event-driven simulation techniques.

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