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      • 유방암 환자에서 bcl-2 단백 발현의 예후 인자로서의 의의

        류진우,박종권,정민,박동국,김정택,이두선,이찬영,전호진 단국대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.32 No.-

        Breast cancer in women pose a problem, and it can be difficult at times to evaluate the possibility of the cancer recurrence in node negative early cancer. The reliable prognostic markers are needed in breast cancer management to help clinicians identify the patient with the high risk of recurrence and arrive at more rational decisions for proper treatment. In order to investigate the prognostic significance of bcl-2, an immunohis-tochemical staining was performed in 35 tissue sections from paraffin blocks of primary breast cancer. Bcl-2 positivity was 43%. No relation could be observed between bcl-2 expression and known prognostic factors(tumor size, lymph node metastasis state, histologic grade, and nuclear grade), There was strong relation between bcl-2 expression and estrogen receptor positivity (ER) (P〈0.05). No relation is found between bcl-2 expression and c - erbB - 2 expression. These results suggest that bcl-2 expression is associated with a favorable prognostic factor(ER) but it is of no value as independent prognostic factor to the clinician in identifying the patients with high risk of recurrence.

      • The French Lieutenant's Woman에서의 작가의 개입에 관하여

        柳斗善 弘益大學校 1986 弘大論叢 Vol.18 No.1

        That the author-narrator refuses the old omniscience is the most distinctive characteristic of The French Lieutenant's Woman. In the earlier chapters, the author-narrator is seemingly a traditional one who leads the story and sometimes makes comments on the characters and their situations. In chapter thirteen, however, the narrator shows quite a different feature from the earlier one: the author confesses about his limited knowledge, thus breaking the reader's expectation. In many other cases, the author-narrator discusses his own technique. In other words, he not unfrequently reveals his self-consciousness as a writer. By expressing his own mechanism, Fowles defies both Victorian occupation with the illusion of omniscience and contemporary fixation upon the illusion of detachment. Another example in which the author refuses his omnipotence as God can be found in the "freedom" given to the character by the author. Therefore, a character shockingly enough does not follow the order made by the author. The several endings (at least two) of The French Lieutenant's Woman are also closely related to the above kind of "freedom" which is given to the reader by the author. The reader can choose the one which he likes most. Of course, both the author-narrator's intrusions and self-limited omniscience are essential to the theme and plot of The French Lieutenant's Woman. Thus Fowles successfully fuses past and present. But considered more carefully, the above observations contribute to the peculiar kind of assertivity of The French Lieutenant's Woman. In other words, the author-narrator of the work is quite assertive in that the reader can unmistakably be sure of the presence of the author who controls the whole story.

      • Samuel Johnson's "Art of Thinking" in Rasselas : Rasselas에 나타난 Samuel Johnson의 사유(思惟)방법

        유두선 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 1997 人文科學 Vol.5 No.-

        본 논문은 Rasselas에 나타난 Samuel Johnson의 사유(思惟)방법을 살펴봄을 목적으로 한다. "어떻게 살 것인가"라는 물음을 던지는 이 작품에서 Johnson은 대조적인 해결책을 제시하는데 이를 통해 작가로서는 균형(balance)을 유지하고 독자들은 선택의 여지를 갖게 된다. 더 나아가 Johnson은 제시된 두 해결책을 초월하는 경우를 제시하기도 한다. 이러한 방법들을 통해 Johnson은 어떤 절대적 진리의 존재를 부인하는 동시에 어떠한 주의·주장도 실제의 삶의 과정에서 점검되지 않으면 의미가 없다는 자신의 생각을 드러내는 것이다. 이러한 균형감을 바탕으로 한 Rasselas가 Johnson의 어느 다른 작품보다도 독자들의 꾸준한 사랑을 받는 것은 당연한 일이다.

      • Self, Truth, and the Novel : 로렌스(D.H.Lawrence)와 바흐찐(M.M.Bakhtin) 비교 Prolegomena for a Comparative Study of D.H.Lawrence and M.M.Bakhtin

        유두선 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 1998 人文科學 Vol.6 No.-

        영국의 소설가 로렌스(D. H. Lawrence)와 러시아의 철학자이자 문학 이론가인 바흐찐(M. M. Bakhtin)은 상호 영향 관계에 있었다는 흔적이 없음에도 불구하고 여러 가지 면에서 놀랄 만한 공통점을 보인다. 이와 같은 이유로 80년대 이후의 비평가들은 이들의 공통점을 근거로 하여 바흐찐의 관점에서 로렌스의 소설을 이해하려는 노력을 계속해 왔다. 그러나 이 과정에서 로렌스와 바흐찐의 차이점이 간과된 점이 없지 않았다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 이들의 공통점은 물론이고 로렌스와 바흐찐 사이의 차이점까지도 밝혀 보려고 한다. 특히 로렌스와 바흐찐의 자아(self)에 대한 개념이 이들의 진리관과 어떻게 연결되어 있는지 논의할 것이다. 진리가 소설에서 어떻게 구현되는지의 문제를 살펴보는 과정에서 로렌스와 바흐찐의 대조가 더욱 두드러질 것이다. 또한 바흐찐 소설론에서 중요한 역할을 하고 있는 '웃음'에 대한 고찰도 이루어진다. 본격적인 소설 작품의 분석은 별도의 지면을 요하는 까닭에 여기서는 주로 로렌스의 산문을 중심으로 논의를 진행하려고 한다.

      • D.H. Lawrence의 Aaron's Rod 연구 : -In Relation to His Theory of 'Power'- -그의 '힘'의 이론과 관련하여-

        柳斗善 弘益大學校 1984 弘大論叢 Vol.16 No.1

        This paper proposes to study Lawrence's Aaron's Rod, one of the so-called "leadership novels" that deal chiefly with the problem of "leadership", and are intimately realted to the theory of "power", which Lawrence advances in order to cunterbalance the heavy emphasis on the "love-ideal" prevalent in modern society. Although usually neglected by most critics as Lawrence's minor works, these "leadership novels" have their significance in developing the problem of true and deep relationship between men, "another kind of love", presented but left unresolved in their predecessor, Women in Love. Birkin's offer of Blutbruderschaft in that novel fails to be accepted because of Gerald's ultimate refusal. The "leardship novels" which follow take up the problem and go on to develop it more extensively. However, the relationship between Lilly and Aaron, the two main figures in Aaron's Rod, is portrayed quite differently from that presented in Women in Love. It is no longer the relationship of brotherhood but rather a leather-follower bond, resting on the principle of "power". After peregrinating through the decadent society of postwar Europe, Aaron feels inclined to rely on Lilly as his leader who will give the "guidance for life". But neither of them can remain in this decadent society any longer and consequently they leave it for another continent. The very fact that the Lawrentian figures in Aaron's Rod depart from the world where they have stayed, once they find it undesirable to live in, shows that the issues by "leadership novels" are too difficult for any writer to give a neat solution, and thus directly pointing to us the immensity and complicity of the problems that he could do no more than bring up.

      • 로렌스와 하디 : 그 비교연구를 위한 서설

        유두선 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 2001 人文科學 Vol.9 No.-

        This paper proposes to explore Thomas Hardy's influence on D. H. Lawrence in terms of the issue of presenting the writers' message in the novel. Focusing on Lawrence's posthumously published essay on Hardy, "Study of Thomas Hardy," the paper examines how Lawrence came to create the character of Birkin in Women in Love, who takes the role of passing the writer's messages, although filtered, after reviewing how Hardy turned out to fail in his later novels such as Tess and Jude where the author's messages are rather clumsily proffered through Hardy's mouthpieces. With a Birkinian character in it, Lawrence's post-Birkinian fiction characterizes itself quite different not only from his own pre-Birkinian novels including Sons and Lovers and The Rainbow but also Hardy's later novels.

      • Jane Austen의 Persuasion의 개작에 관하여

        柳斗善 弘益大學校 1987 弘大論叢 Vol.19 No.1

        The penultimate chapter of the original draft of Persuasion was replaced by two chapters(Chs. 22 and 23). By good fortune, the discarded draft survived, and was eventually published. To compare the revised chapters with the cancelled chapter is quite interesting, for it shows the author's great concern for the achievement of the unity of the novel maintained throughout the preceding chapeters. One assumption underlying out reading of Persuasion is that Anne Elliot's choice of Wentworth over Mr. Elliot is the core of the novel. Anne's refusion to remain in the world of Mr. Elliots is "revolutionary" (as Q.D. Leavis names it ) enough to reveal the author's resistance against the landed class of the time; Anne has no hesitation in uniting herself to the common Wentworth family which she finds more warm-hearted and sincere, though not polished and elegant. The main trend of the revision is towards a more dramatic treatment of the scene in which the reunion of Anne and Wentworth is made. In the climatic scene of the revised chapters, Anne plays an active part in bringing her lover back again, while she remains passive in the cancelled chapter. The revision can also be considered an attempt to maintain the tonal unity of the novel: the narration in the revised chapters is more mainly made by Anne than in the original draft, thus achieving the unity of tone and at the same time strengthening the heroine's role in the novel. The style of the revised part is more consistent with that of the former chapters. This kind of stylistic unity is a good example of the author's effort to make a more controlled observation of Anne's love for Wentworth which the author thinks is not merely personal but assumes a crucial social meaning as well.

      • From Epic to Novel : 알렉산더 포프의『머리타래의 강탈』연구 A Reading of Alexander Pope's The Rape of the Lock

        유두선 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 1999 人文科學 Vol.7 No.-

        본 논문은, 러시아의 비평가 M. M. Bakhtin의 관점에서 18세기 영국의 시인 Alexander Pope의 The Rape of the Lock 서사시보다는 소설을 더 많이 닳은 시로서 재평가함을 목적으로 한다. 고상함과 사소함을 병치함으로써 서사시의 가장 큰 특징인 독자와의 거리감을 일소한 The Rape of the Lock은 Bakhtin의 이른바 "소설화된" 시의 특징을 보인다. The Rape of the Lock은 더 나아가 먼 역사적 과거가 아닌 당대 현실을 대상으로 한다는 점에서도 소설과 비슷하다. 18세기 영국에서 소설이 "발생"한 것도 같은 맥락에서 이해될 수 있다.

      • Literacy Rewarded: A Reading of Samuel Richardson's Pamela

        유두선 홍익대학교 인문과학연구소 2000 人文科學 Vol.8 No.-

        본 논문은 Samuel Richardson의 Pamela가 그 부제가 의미하듯 여주인공 Pamela의 '미덕'이 보상받는 작품이라기보다는 그녀의 '글쓰기' 능력이 보상받는 작품이라는 가설에 입각하여, 이 소설이 극심한 신분변동을 특징으로 하는 당시 사회의 한 특징을 드러내는 양상을 밝히기 위한 것이다. 작품 초반에 보이는 여주인공의 '글쓰기'는 그야말로 '전복적'인데 이를 통해 Pamela는 남자주인공과의 결혼에 이르게되는데, 작품 후반부에서는 Pamela의 언어가 지배계층의 언어에 포섭되는 인상을 지울 수 없다는 점에서 이 소설이 보이는 '전복성'의 한계를 감지할 수 있다.

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