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      • KCI등재

        강의 퇴적물과 황해 경계획정 적용가능성에 관한 연구

        양희철 한국해양과학기술원 2009 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.31 No.1

        The demarcation of Maritime Boundary is directly related to the expansion of jurisdiction and the securing of resources. Resource diplomacies of the three countries Korea, China and Japan represent a major task for the national administrations : to secure resources as well as to stablize and sustain resources for future national economies. At the sea area around Korea as well, countries are fiercely competing to secure resources and to expand jurisdiction. This is evidenced by the fact that various principles and logics which are beneficial to each own country are presented through international precedents, agreement between countries and the theories of the international law scholars. They say that the conclusion of demarcation of maritime boundary for the Yellow Sea would be easy from the point that there is no dispute related to island dominion in the waters of the Korean Peninsula especially the Yellow Sea, but still we need to have a strategic approach to this issue from the point that the factors used for claiming maritime boundaries may expand the waters of a country over much. For example, the continental shelf boundary in consideration of the distribution of sedimentary deposits in the Yellow Sea which is being raised by China began from the hypothesis that the inflow of sedimentary deposits to the Yellow Sea through the rivers of China represents absolute majority, but the results of the latest studies raised questions on the hypothesis. Especially, the studies done by Martin and Yang revealed that the inflow of sedimentary deposits to the Yellow Sea from the Yellow River is approximately less than 1% of total sedimentary deposits in the Yellow Sea, and also the result of analysis on the causes and counter policy measures on the environment of Bohai, China supports the reliability of the results of such studies. From a legal aspect, the sedimentary deposits of rivers which are claimed by China represent extremely weak ground for the claim for the title of the continental shelf. The siltline claimed by China seems to be based on the Article 76-4-(a)(i) of UNCLOS. This is, however, not the definition on the title of the continental shelf but it is only a technical formula to utilize in a case where a country desires to expand the continental shelf to over 200 nautical miles. Scientific and Technical Guidelines of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf also confirm this point through the Article 2.1.2 of the Guideline. The only case in which sedimentary deposits of rivers were referred to as concrete demarcation of maritime boundary was in the <Agreement between Burma and India on the Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Andaman Sea, in the Coco Channel and in the Bay of Bengal> which was concluded in 1986 between India and Myanmar at the Andaman Sea. In the said case, India acknowledged the boundary up to the isobath of 200m which Myanmar claimed based on the sedimentary deposits of the Irrawaddy River. It has limits as a case for acknowledging the sedimentary deposits, however, because in fact India's acknowledgment was made in exchange for the condition that Myanmar gave up the dominion of two islands which they had been claiming from India up until that time. The demarcation of Maritime Boundary is directly related to the expansion of jurisdiction and the securing of resources. Resource diplomacies of the three countries Korea, China and Japan represent a major task for the national administrations : to secure resources as well as to stablize and sustain resources for future national economies. At the sea area around Korea as well, countries are fiercely competing to secure resources and to expand jurisdiction. This is evidenced by the fact that various principles and logics which are beneficial to each own country are presented through international precedents, agreement between countries and the theories of the international law scholars. They say that the conclusion of demarcation of maritime boundary for the Yellow Sea would be easy from the point that there is no dispute related to island dominion in the waters of the Korean Peninsula especially the Yellow Sea, but still we need to have a strategic approach to this issue from the point that the factors used for claiming maritime boundaries may expand the waters of a country over much. For example, the continental shelf boundary in consideration of the distribution of sedimentary deposits in the Yellow Sea which is being raised by China began from the hypothesis that the inflow of sedimentary deposits to the Yellow Sea through the rivers of China represents absolute majority, but the results of the latest studies raised questions on the hypothesis. Especially, the studies done by Martin and Yang revealed that the inflow of sedimentary deposits to the Yellow Sea from the Yellow River is approximately less than 1% of total sedimentary deposits in the Yellow Sea, and also the result of analysis on the causes and counter policy measures on the environment of Bohai, China supports the reliability of the results of such studies. From a legal aspect, the sedimentary deposits of rivers which are claimed by China represent extremely weak ground for the claim for the title of the continental shelf. The siltline claimed by China seems to be based on the Article 76-4-(a)(i) of UNCLOS. This is, however, not the definition on the title of the continental shelf but it is only a technical formula to utilize in a case where a country desires to expand the continental shelf to over 200 nautical miles. Scientific and Technical Guidelines of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf also confirm this point through the Article 2.1.2 of the Guideline. The only case in which sedimentary deposits of rivers were referred to as concrete demarcation of maritime boundary was in the <Agreement between Burma and India on the Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Andaman Sea, in the Coco Channel and in the Bay of Bengal> which was concluded in 1986 between India and Myanmar at the Andaman Sea. In the said case, India acknowledged the boundary up to the isobath of 200m which Myanmar claimed based on the sedimentary deposits of the Irrawaddy River. It has limits as a case for acknowledging the sedimentary deposits, however, because in fact India's acknowledgment was made in exchange for the condition that Myanmar gave up the dominion of two islands which they had been claiming from India up until that time.

      • KCI등재

        A Discussion on the Coupling of Traditional National Sporting Events and the Tourist Value

        Han Yahui 국제문화기술진흥원 2022 International Journal of Advanced Culture Technolo Vol.10 No.4

        The Yellow River, one of the longest rivers in the world and the second longest river in the north of China, enjoys the reputation of Mother River. In recent years, more and more researches have pointed to the traditional culture of the Yellow River Basin. The traditional sports of the Yellow River basin belong to the ancient culture of the Yellow River basin. We assume the responsibility in protection and inheritance. This paper from the coupling of tourism and traditional sports to unfold the study by using the methods of literature and data, logical analysis, expert interview methods and so on: 1. The development of tourism leads to the development of Chinese traditional sports. 2. Tourism can make traditional sports get around and promote them as a kind of culture. 3. Let more people know, understand and learn traditional sports culture in a comfortable way, so as to pave the way for the inheritance of traditional sports. The research results of this paper can provide theoretical basis for more research on the development and inheritance of traditional culture in the Yellow River Basin.

      • KCI등재

        중국 문화대혁명 시기의 음악과 정치: 피아노 협주곡 <황하>를 중심으로

        이서현 ( Suh Hyun Lee ) 세계음악학회 2014 음악과 문화 Vol.31 No.-

        The Yellow River Piano Concerto is one of the China`s most influential piano concerto. It was composed collectively in 1969 during the Cultural Revolution in China, a period for China to reform by the idea of Mao Zedong. It influenced not only political issues, but also other aspects like arts in China. There was complete political control of music during the Cultural Revolutionand only a few selected works were permitted to play. Composers attempted to mirror and reflect the reality of everyday life of peasants and working class, to arouse party spirit and nationalism. This paper examine how orchestral music under political power become an instrument of propaganda through analyzing the piano concerto Yellow River . The Theme and formal structure of The Yellow River Concerto basically originates from The Yellow River Cantata composed during the anti-Japanese war, a special period in Chinese history. Several folk music elements with pentatonic scales, and traditional musical instruments such as bamboo flute, pi-pa, erhu etc. are employed in this concerto. The content and representation of the work was not the same as the Yellow River Cantata. However, the function of these two works is similar which showed the national spirit of China in fighting against the enemy. In the most politically motivated last movement, there are insertion of two songs named The East is Red and Internationale, which are new materials for this concerto apart from the cantata. It guaranteed the revolutionary function of this piano concerto. The East is Red is a song to sing the praises of Mao. The theme is played by both wind instruments and piano. It followed by Internationale , which is the international communist anthem from the Soviet Union at that time. Such approach aims at promoting communist ideas in China by under the leadership of Mao. The piece ends with a coda which represents the celebration of the victory. The political and social aspects influence much on the composition technique, style and the choices of instruments and materials for the whole piece. It also has important function in promoting national ideas and reflecting the situation faced by China at that period of time. The Yellow River Piano Conerto is a prominent musical work that bears a great historical significance in the spiritual development of the nation reflecting the relation of music and politcs during the turbulent times in Chines history.

      • KCI등재

        Sources and trace element geochemical characteristics of the coarse sediment in the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reaches of the Yellow River

        Xiaopeng Jia,Haibing Wang,Hongfang Wang 한국지질과학협의회 2014 Geosciences Journal Vol.18 No.2

        Siltation of coarse sediment in the river channel isthe main cause of flooding and dike burst on China’s Yellow River,and the loess are thought as the coarse sediment sources of the lowerreach of the Yellow River. The Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reaches ofthe Yellow River flow through an extensive area of aeolian desert,with flood events occurring frequently in this region. In this paper,we investigate the trace element contents of the coarse sediment inthe Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reaches of the Yellow River. The mainchemical components of the coarse sediments consist of 28 traceelements. Correlation analysis and factor analysis of 21 of thesetrace elements indicates that Ti and Zr are stable indicators of thecoarse sediment sources. Comparing the spatial distribution of someof the main trace elements to major sources and riverbed sedimentof the main reaches of the Yellow River suggests that the coarsesediments deposited in the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reaches aremostly controlled by the local sediment sources. The results of R-factoranalysis further proved that desert sand, riverbank material,and the Ten Tributaries are the primary sources of the coarse sedimentin the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reaches of the Yellow River.

      • KCI등재

        先秦時代 환황해 일대 식생활 및 생업방식의 검토- 인골 탄소・질소동위원소 연구결과를 중심으로

        石諾 한국고고학회 2014 한국고고학보 Vol.90 No.-

        Stable isotope analysis can be used as a means to reconstruct diets bymeasuring carbon and nitrogen isotope values reflecting types of meals suchas C3 and C4 plants for carbon accumulation, and meat and fish for nitrogenaccumulation. This paper introduces the published isotope analysis dataacquired from archaeological sites during the Pre-Qin Dynasty period, equivalentto the Korean Neolithic and Bronze Age periods, in the pan-Yellow Sea area. A review is undertaken in order to understand the characteristics of the localareas and each site, after which a comparison between the Korean Peninsulaand China is attempted. 20 sites are aggregated into 6 groups according togeographic location. They include the western coastal region and the southerncoastal region of Korea, and the Xiliao River area, the area of the lower reachesof the Yellow River, the area of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and thesouthern coastal region of China. Attempts are also made to produce integratedinterpretations on the results of the isotope analysis together with accompanyingmaterial data, ethnobotanical and zooarchaeological research, and palaeoenvironmentalstudies. This comparative review shows that the population of China’s southerncoast consumed abundant amounts of fish and gathered wild plants while anincrease of C3 plant consumption including rice can be observed in the areaof the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. In the lower reaches of the YellowRiver, the average of carbon stable isotope increases with a wide range ofvalues, which implies that there was an increased use of C4 plants as well as ahigh consumption of C3 and wild plants in some local areas. In the Xiliao Riverarea, consumption of C4 plants increased. Nitrogen values are generally highbut decrease proportionately against the distance to the sea and availability ofmarine resources. Notable are the carbon values of the western coastal region and southern coastal region of Korea, which fall within the range of the lowerreaches of the Yellow River. Thus, this may provide the grounds to postulate thatthere might have been some interaction between the Korean Peninsula and thelower reaches of the Yellow River, although more research is required.

      • KCI등재

        중국 황하 유역 세시풍속의 형성특징 연구

        리쯘(李臻) 실천민속학회 2021 실천민속학연구 Vol.37 No.-

        황하 유역 세시문화는 중국 시간문화의 가장 중요한 구성 부분이자 핵심 정신과 영혼이다. 본 논문은 세시풍속을 연구 대상으로 하고 있으며 황하 유역을 지역적 단서로 하여 황하유역 세시문화에 대한 전반적인 파악과 체계적인 연구를 수행하고 있다. 황하유역 세시문화는 지역적 문화일 뿐만이 아니라 역사의 변천을 따라 변화해왔는데 중국의 정치, 문화 그리고 경영의 중심이 남쪽으로 이동함에 따라 황하유역 세시풍속 역시 변화하였고 이 과정을 분석함으로써 중국 전국 세시풍속의 맥락을 정리할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 구체적으로 첫째, 황하 유역 세시문화의 역사 발전과정을 짚어보고, 이어서 황하 유역 세시절기 풍속의 공간적 특징, 황하 유역 소수민족의 시간 문화 등을 분석함으로써 시간, 공간, 인문의 세 가지 측면으로 황하 유역 세시풍속의 형성특징을 분석 연구하고자 한다. 이를 통해 중국 황하 유역 세시문화 발전과 융합의 역사적 면모를 들여다보았다. The ritual culture of the Yellow River Basin is the most important constituent of the concept of Chinese time culture, and also the core spirit of it. This thesis will be a systematic study of the ritual culture of the Yellow River Basin, with its subject being centred on the rituals of the holidays along the Yellow River. The ritual culture of the Yellow River Basin is not only a regional cultural study, from which the overall development of Chinese time custom could be discovered by the lead of ritual culture with the evolution of history, the southward shift of cultural and economic center, and the continuous integration of Northwest Minority Culture. Thus, this study will specifically examine the characteristics of the formation of the ritual culture along the Yellow River region from three different dimensions : the historical development, the spatial features, and the ritual cultures of the ethnic minorities living beside the River, so as to reveal the process of the development and fusion of the ritual cultures in the Yellow River region.

      • Consolidation Characteristics of Rapidly Deposited Yellow River-Derived Sediment in Estuary Delta

        ( Hong Zhang ),( Yonggang Jia ),( Xiaolei Liu ) 대한지질공학회 2019 대한지질공학회 학술발표회논문집 Vol.2019 No.2

        The Yellow River, which presently discharges into the western Bohai Sea, is widely recognized as one of the highest sediment loads on Earth, about 1 × 109 t/y. Nevertheless, the fate of the remaining sediments delivered to the ocean is still not completely clear. Moreover, the consolidation of sediment at the river mouth contributes on the riverine sediment transport and depositional processes, and the evolution of deltaic morphology. In this study, we conducted in-situ experiments at an abandoned subaqueous delta lobe (Diaokou lobe) from 2004 to 2016 to investigate the consolidation process of the sediment. The goal was to improve our knowledge of the consolidation process of the Yellow River-derived sediment input to delta and to link the potential impacts on the fate of sediment. Our results show that the consolidation of the Yellow River derived sediment can complete during in 1500 minutes, and occur as over-consolidation phenomenon. In addition, the strength of the sediment changed over wide range of temporal and spatial scales. However, the sediment will change with the time of hydrodynamic action and even lead to liquefaction or submarine landslides.

      • KCI등재

        AHP를 활용한 중국 황하 연안 생태관광지 가중치 분석

        왕캐,명민식,정나리,조상희 (사)한국관광레저학회 2022 관광레저연구 Vol.34 No.8

        This study conducted a weight analysis of the Yellow River coastal ecotourism sites using the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). The method of this study adopted an indicator model to assess ecotourism site along the Yellow River. In order to select an appropriate index when designing the evaluation model for a comprehensive understanding of the Yellow River coastal ecotourism site, the opinions of 30 experts were combined to set the evaluation index, and the weight was set for each item using stratification analysis. Items categorized according to weights were categorized by stakeholder in relation to related tasks and developed work relationships of those involved. In order to approach the purpose of this study, the weights were classified using the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) over two rounds. As a result of the analysis, all of the evaluation indicators were classified into 36 items. The results of the weight of the ecotourism site along the Yellow River analyzed in the study are implying that it should have a long-term and important cooperative structure in establishing management and planning among organizations related to items

      • KCI등재

        모용선비(慕容鮮卑)의 계성(薊城)시대와 하북(河北)지역

        이춘호 동북아역사재단 2022 東北亞歷史論叢 Vol.- No.76

        Murong Jun, based on the combined situation at home and abroad, decided to leave the region of the Liao in February 350. After that, he tried to transfer the center of the Yan kingdom to the northern region of the Yellow River. In November 352, Murong Jun believed that he could transform the northern region of the Yellow River into the hinterland of the Yan kingdom, so he decided to call himself Yan emperor. And then, he finally moved the capital from Long City to Ji City in February of the next year. In the seven years and nine months since Ji City was conquered and became a new capital, it made Murong Xianbei continue to follow the Chinese culture and accumulate strength to enter the region of the ZhongYuan. During this period, the Murong clan and the Han gentry attacked and appeased many “anti-Murong Xianbei” groups, and therefore good results were achieved. The “anti-Murong Xianbei” groups mainly refers to the powerful landlords of Han. We found that a lot of the powerful landlords of Han and the Han people surrendered to the Yan kingdom(the great Yan empire). They hoped that Murong Jun would unify China with justice, and he would save the people in trouble. The powerful landlords of Han and the Han gentry became local officials in the northern region of the Yellow River. They placated the local Han people in the name of the Yan kingdom (the great Yan empire). This proved to play a decisive role in the northern region of the Yellow River becoming the new center of the great Yan empire.

      • KCI등재

        연왕국(燕王國)에서 대연제국(大燕帝國)으로 - 모용선비(慕容鮮卑)의 하북진출(河北進出)과 국가형태의 변화를 중심으로

        이춘호(Lee Chunho) 동북아역사재단 2021 東北亞歷史論叢 Vol.- No.74

        4세기 연왕국의 근거지 요방으로 인구가 다수 유입되어 심각한 토지부족의 문제를 야기하였고, 관료층의 비대화와 수만에 이르는 유식자로 인해 국가의 재정은 큰 위기에 직면하였다. 또한 춥고 건조한 기후로 인해 자연재해가 빈번하게 발생하면서 모용선비의 생존을 크게 위협했는데, 이런 위기에서 벗어나기 위해 그들은 결국 상대적으로 따뜻하고 습한 하북으로 남하하지 않을 수 없었다. 게다가 다른 유목민족에 비해 한문화를 보다 우호적으로 받아들였던 모용선비는 특히 모용외 때에 이르러 정치·경제 등에서 한화정책을 추진한다. 그래서 그는 수차례 후손들에게 하루 빨리 남하하여 중원을 차지하고 그곳의 주인이 되어 중화의 정통을 계승할 것을 분부하였다. 이렇게 모용준은 국내외의 상황을 종합적으로 검토한 후, 영화 6년 2월 후조에 대한 군사정벌을 통해 대대적인 하북진출을 시도한다. 20여 만의 대군을 셋으로 나눠 남정에 나선 그는 같은 해 3월 요방에서 하북으로 통하는 요충지 계성을 함락하였다. 그렇다면 이렇게 막 함락된 계성으로 수도를 옮기는 것이 가능했을까? 매우 힘들었을 것이 분명하다. 그렇지만 많은 학자가 그랬을 것이라고 주장하는데, 이는 전적으로 사서의 기록 ‘입도어계’, 특히 ‘인이도지’에 대한 잘못된 이해에서 비롯된 것이다. 게다가 당시 계성이 수도의 기능을 제대로 하지 못했음은 모용준이 거의 매년 용성으로 귀환하여 그곳을 특별히 중시한 사실로도 확인된다. 비록 봉혁이 ‘금이도계, 남림조위’라고 언급하기도 했으나, 이는 전적으로 계성의 함락 사실을 지나치게 강조하고 나아가 이후 모든 하북을 차지하기 위해 계성에 전초기지를 둔 사실을 수도를 둔 것처럼 얘기하면서 초래되었던 것이다. 한편, 영화 8년 중순에 이르러 하북의 정세는 연왕국에 매우 유리하게 전개되었는데, 방약·가견 등 한인호강, 그리고 적서·단근 등 호인추수의 귀항이 있었고, 중산·상산·업성 등 하북의 요충지가 차례로 점령되었다. 이렇게 하북은 요방을 대체하는 국가통치의 중심지역으로 점차 변해가고 있었던 것이다. 바로 그때 모용준이 대연황제에 등극하고 계성으로의 천도를 완수하면서 연왕국은 비로소 대연제국으로 국가형태가 바뀌었다. 당시 강남에 우거하고 있던 동진은 그 국력이 북중국에까지 미치지 못해 도탄에 빠진 한인들을 구출할 수 없었는데, 이때 모용준은 호·한인들 간의 민족모순을 격화시킨 염민을 사로잡아 참하고, 이어서 대연황제로서 한인들을 구제하는 것에 그치지 않고 덕과 인으로 새로운 왕도의 길을 열어 호·한인들이 서로 화합하고 상호 공존하는 사회를 만들겠노라 다짐한다. 따라서 대연황제를 칭한 모용준이 호·한인들을 효과적으로 통치하고 나아가 중화의 주인으로서 화하문화를 계승하기 위해 수도를 요방의 용성에서 하북의 계성으로 천도하는 것은 지극히 합리적인 것이라고 하겠다. 그러므로 모용준의 대연황제 등극과 계성으로의 천도는 서로 불가분의 관계에 있었다고 할 수 있다. Murong Jun, based on the combined situation at home and abroad, decided to leave the region of the Liao in February 350. He led two hundred thousand troops to invade the later Zhao kingdom, and soon captured Ji City, then prepared to implement the plan of moving the capital. By the middle of 352, the situation in the northern region of the Yellow River had taken a turn for the better for Murong Xianbei. Murong Jun believed that he could transform the northern region of the Yellow River into the hinterland of the Yan kingdom, so he finally called himself Yan emperor in November 352 and moved the capital from Long City to Ji City in February 353. Therefore, the dynastic form was transformed the Yan kingdom into the great Yan empire. The powerful landlord of Han, had surrendered to the Yan kingdom, recognized that Murong Jun would unify China with justice, and he would save the people in trouble. This makes that Murong Jun has a new understanding of the northern region of the Yellow River, and he has enough firm confidence to govern it effectively. Murong Jun said that he was supported by the people and became emperor, and he finally appeared as a great Yan emperor. So it was reasonable to move his capital to Ji City in the northern region of the Yellow River.

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