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      • KCI등재

        중국어 존현문에 관한 소고 - 정보적 측면을 중심으로

        남양우 대한중국학회 2022 중국학 Vol.80 No.-

        This paper considered the existence sentence of Chinese in terms of an informational perspective. We can summarize it as follows. First, we can look at the scene with a Chinese dictionary on the desk and express ‘桌子上有汉语词典’ or express ‘汉语词典在桌子上’. That is, it can be expressed in two different syntactic structures for the same scene. These two sentences are the same in terms of truth conditions, but they are different in terms of information. In the former, the speaker used the ‘桌子上’ as a topic and used it as a starting point for the message to be delivered. At this time, the speaker assumes that the information ‘桌子上’ already exists in the listener's head, and the listener updates the new information on it. In the latter, the speaker used the ‘汉语词典’ as a topic and used it as a starting point for the message to be delivered, and the listener updates the new information on it. The reason why the same scene is structured differently is that when the speaker wants to convey some information to the listener, he or she chooses the structure that the speaker thinks is most effective in each situation. In addition, the place of Chinese existence sentence has different characteristics from other topics. It is located at the beginning of the gate and is also the same as other place adverbial topics in terms of old information, but it differs from them in that it is given prominence and encoded as a subject. Second, although the NPs of Chinese existential sentence are known to be indefinite, in fact, many definite NPs are found. Through the definite NPs, we can see that the Chinese existential sentence reflects the cognitive mechanism of close-up perspective mode as well as long-range perspective mode. In addition, although the definite NP of Chinese existential sentence is a definite noun phrase, it may be new information. However, not all definite NPs are new information. Third, we analyzed the informational characteristics of untypical existential sentence. The ‘VP+NP’ structure has no place, so it has no topic. Therefore the entire sentence is new information. ‘NL+NP’ structure has no ‘VP’. This structure can be transformed into an NL+VP+NP structure by inserting the verb ‘有’ or ‘是’ that represents the simplest existence. This structure can be selected and expressed when the conceptualizer does not attach informational value to the existence method of the NP. ‘在NL+VP+NP’ structure further limits the space where NP exists, and serves to emphasize and remind listeners that the space is here.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 정보구조와 사용역

        한정한(Jeonghan Han) 사단법인 한국언어학회 2017 언어학 Vol.0 No.78

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the correlations between each pair of an informational status and a linguistic form showing a wide range of variation according to the types of register (conversation, monologue, novel, newspaper, academy). This was done by conducting quantitative research using processing Sejong modern Korean corpus files. Information structure is composed of the two components, that is, absolute(referential) information structure and relative information structure. The former concerns a speaker’s assumption on the cognition status of the entity a given linguistic expression refers to in a hearer’s mind, meanwhile relative information structure concerns the relation between the parts of a sentence; that is, new information is called focus, and old information is called topic, And the topic can also be defined as the object of categorical judgment. The main findings in this paper can be summarized as follows: Korean information structure and its linguistic forms are closely correlated with the different types of registers(conversation, monologue, novel, newspaper, academy). We have found these facts by way of separating two different information structures. First, for absolute information structure, we have examined (1)interrogative pronouns, interrogative modifiers, (2)personal pronouns(1st, 2nd, 3rd), (3)demonstrative pronouns, (4)indefinite/nonspecific pronouns, (5)‘X iranun Y’ construction. Second, for relative information structure, we have examined (6)categorical sentence, (7)thetic sentence, (8) ‘i/ka’ sentence, (9)cleft sentence.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 ‘-ㄴ 것이다’ 구문과 중국어 ‘是......(的)’ 구문의 정보구조적 대조

        증양 ( Zeng Yang ) 한국중국언어학회 2022 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.102

        This study is to clarify the correspondence between the phrases of ‘-eun geosida’ and the phrase ‘shi......(de)’ by comparative analysis. In general, the phrase ‘-eun geosida’ is corresponding to the phrase ‘shi......(de)’. This paper shows that two phrases correspond to each other through the preceding researches in syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects. According to the theory of information structure, two kinds of phrases have something in common: similar information structure before grammaticalization, and both make marked focus sentences after grammaticalization. Nevertheless, the focus type of ‘-eun geosida2’ and ‘shi......(de)2’ are different. According to Lambrecht (1994)'s types of focus structure, ‘-eun geosida2’ and ‘shi......(de)2’ can express Predicate-focus structure, but it is different that ‘-eun geosida2’ can realize the Sentence-focus structure, and ‘shi......(de)2’ can realize the Argument-focus structure. What is more, Korean can also have multiple focus elements in a sentence like Chinese. Especially in sentence ‘-eun geosida2’, the communicative dynamics of this focus structure is stronger than other forms (such as interrogative pronouns or subject case marker ‘-yi/ga’).

      • KCI등재

        총칭성과 정보구조

        유유현 ( Yu Hyon Yu ) 한국텍스트언어학회 2010 텍스트언어학 Vol.28 No.-

        This study aims to explain how `information structure` affects interpretation on `genericity`. Generally, interpretation on genericity is determined by the contexts. If there is lack of contextual information to determine genericity, ambiguity takes place. However, among many possible interpretations a certain interpretation is more preferred. It is caused by an information structure of the sentence. I got the following results according to these phenomenon and by clarifying information structures. First, the genericity of language expression is generally determined by the context and the combination of markers does not directly influence on genericity. Second, if there is no information that can determine genericity in the context, the information structure of sentences will influence on genericity. Third, if the noun phrase is used as topic, it is interpreted that there is genericity. If the noun phrase is used as focus, it will not influence on genericity of the noun phrase. Fourth, the sentence with `neun` is mainly interpreted as generic, because the sentence lacks stage topic. In other words, the sentence containing `neun` cannot be interpreted as an event related to certain time and place. Fifth, the sentence with `ga` is mainly interpreted as momental incident, as the sentence can have the stage topic. Sixth, if there are many possible interpretations on a sentence, an interpretation having less accommodation to presupposition is preferred.

      • KCI등재


        金 允 经,(Kim Yoon-kyung) 대한중국학회 2007 중국학 Vol.29 No.-

          The first part provides the brief introduction of the verbcopying sentences and an overall plan of this paper.<BR>  The second part of the paper gives a new interpret about the point of information structure of the verb­copying sentences. Based on the information structure of the verb­copying sentences, the paper has discovered two types of verb­copying sentences: the structure required type and the information complemented type. The former is formed under the press of the information structure that it can not properly arrange the component part of the sentence. The latter is formed to eliminate the vagueness of the sentence and to complete the information structure as a whole.<BR>  The third part has discussed the role of the focus in the verbcopying sentences. Through the methods of transformation and comparativeness, the paper has found out its special pragmatic value and the advantages over the other sentence types in indicating focus of the sentences.<BR>  In the forth parts of the paper, the paper has proved the factors of the context and cognition that affect the selection of use of the sentences. The paper has pointed out that although the user may refer the possibilities among variable sentences, it is not at will for him in the course of the sentence selection. Based on the above discussion, we can have the actual and deep understanding of the pragmatic value of the verb­copying sentences.

      • KCI등재

        제2언어 한국어 정보구조 습득 연구 -여격 구문의 생산과 실시간 처리를 중심으로-

        박선희,김현우 국제한국어교육학회 2022 한국어 교육 Vol.33 No.4

        This study examined second language (L2) learners’ sensitivity to information structure in Korean sentence production and online processing. We conducted sentence completion and self-paced reading tasks with 32 Korean speakers and 25 highly proficient Japanese-speaking learners of Korean. In the sentence production task, where participants read a context sentence and provided written continuations for sentence fragments containing a subject and a dative verb, the Korean speakers produced the preverbal complements according to information structure, whereas the L2 learners showed a strong predilection for canonical over noncanonical word order, regardless of information structure. In the self-paced reading task, where participants read Korean dative constructions whose word order was either consistent or inconsistent with information structure, only the Korean speakers, but not the L2 learners, slowed down when the word order was incongruent with information structure. These results suggest that the use of information structure cues during the production and processing of Korean dative sentences remains a considerable challenge for L2 learners.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 ‘是…的’ 구문의 상황유형에 따른 시간 표현 공기 제약 연구

        이은경 한국중국언어학회 2022 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.99

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the past or non-past temporal expressions in ‘Shi(是)…De(的)’ form and the cleft sentence in the co-occurrence phenomenon. In the process of analysis, the relationship between aspectual properties of verb and focus type with the formation of cleft sentence, as well as the relationship between nominalized sentence and the cleft sentence were observed. The State situation type verbs cannot appear in the cleft sentence in ‘Shi(是)…De(的)’ form with temporal expressions. However, they can appear in the ‘O+Shi(是)+T+VP+De(的)’ form in few cases where the T is past or present temporal expression, and is considered to be nominalized sentence. Activity situation type verbs are effected by the duration. Activity situation type verbs with strong durative property generally cannot appear in ‘Shi(是)…De(的)’ form, but in a small number of verb cases can appear in temporal expression in ‘S+Shi(是)+T+VP+De(的)’ form and form a cleft sentence. Furthermore, a small number of activity situation type with strong durative property can appear in the ‘O+Shi(是)+T+VP+De(的)’ form, in which case they will be interpreted as either cleft sentence or nominalized sentence. Semelfactive situation type can be used in both ‘S+Shi(是)+T+VP+De(的)’ and ‘O+Shi(是)+T+VP+De(的)’ form, but only if the T is in the past temporal expression, and in such case both forms can function as cleft sentence with the T being the argument focus. Activity situation type with less durative property were observed to be a halfway point between the activity situation type with strong durative property and the semelfactive situation type. Activity situation type with less durative property can only appear in ‘S+Shi(是)+T+VP+De(的)’ form where the T is the past temporal expression, in which can it will be the argument focus. In case of co-occurrence with non-past temporal expressions, the ‘O+Shi(是)+T+VP+De(的)’ form will be recognized as nominalized sentence. Achievement and accomplishment situation type verbs can appear in ‘S+Shi(是)+T+VPDe(的)’ and O+Shi(是)+T+VPDe(的)’ form when the T is past temporal expression, and form a cleft sentence. These verbs cannot appear in ‘Shi(是)…De(的)’ form with non past temporal expressions. When ‘Shi(是)…De(的)’ form functions as a cleft sentence with information structure having presupposition and argument focus, it is generally in case of co-occurrence with past temporal expression, but never in co-occurrence with non-past temporal expression. It is believed that this is due to the fact that proposition, which expresses the past event, is more appropriate to contain the presupposition and the argument focus. There are many contextual limitations in cases of non-past temporal expression, which requires that the event must either be on-going or expected because it does not express a completed event.

      • KCI등재

        언어 정보 구조를 중시하는 연구 언어 연구의 새로운 시야 개척 (1)

        신근영 중국어문논역학회 2022 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.- No.51

        “인도유럽어의 간섭에서 벗어나 순수한 시각으로 중국어를 보자”는 1980년대 초 朱德熙의 중국어 문법 연구에 대한 호소로, 학계에서는 이에 호응하며 여러 탐구의 길을 걸어왔다. 따라서 본고 역시 이러한 흐름에 입각하여 중국어 언어 정보 구조라는 새로운 시각으로 중국어 문법을 심도 있게 분석해 보았다. 본고에서는 언어의 기능과 언어의 본체 성질에 대해 새롭게 인식해야 한다고 제기했다. 본고에서는 언어의 가장 본질적인 기능이 정보 전달이며, 언어 자체는 소리와 의미가 서로 결합하여 계층성을 지닌 복잡한 부호 체계로 여긴다. 이와 같은 이유로 ‘정보 전달’이라는 언어의 가장 본질적인 기능에 의해 결정되는 것이다. 본고에서는 문장이 전달하는 정보는 문장 자체 의미가 아니라는 것을 간략하게 설명하였고, 국내외 언어 정보 구조 연구에 대해서 요약하여 소개했다. 문장 구조와 문장 정보 구조의 관계에 대해 중점적으로 분석하여 연구의 실효성을 설명하였다. 끝으로 본고는 향후 관련 연구의 토대일 뿐임을 언급했으며, 많은 학자들이 이 연구에 매진하길 희망하는 바임을 밝혔다. In the 1980s, Professor Zhu Dexi proposed that we should keep away from interferences of Indo-European languages and study Chinese grammar unostentatiously. Since then, the academia has made positive responses and explored various new ways. This paper features another such exploration from the perspective of language information structure. It first reconsiders the basic function of language as conveying information and views language in itself as a complicated, multi-level system of signs that combine sound and meaning. It further points out that it is this basic function of language that makes what language is like now. The paper then argues that information conveyed by a sentence is not the same thing as its meaning. This is followed by a focused analysis of the relations between sentence structure and sentence information structure and how analysis of the latter has effectively solved a few problems arising in Chinese grammar. The paper finally calls for more studies of Chinese grammar from the perspective of language information structure.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 문형에 대한 일고찰

        함병호(Ham, Byeong-Ho) 동악어문학회 2020 동악어문학 Vol.81 No.-

        본고는 한국어 문형의 유형과 각 유형의 특성을 논의하였다. 먼저, ‘문장의 기본적인 틀’로 정의되는 기본문형은 다음과 같은 특성을 가지고 있다. ① 필수성분으로 구성된다. ② 주어와 서술어를 갖추고 있는 평서문이다. ③ 담화 맥락을 반영하지 않으며, 무표적인 어순을 가진다. ④ 단문이다. ⑤ 명사구와 격조사가 결합한 형식이 반영된다. 문형의 유형에는 기본문형 이외에도 변이문형과 원체문형이 있다. 기본문형이 논항구조를 기반으로 설정되는 이론적인 문형인 반면에 변이문형은 선행 맥락이나 화자와 청자의 지식과 관련되어 기본문형에서 확장된 문형이기 때문에 논항구조와 정보구조가 함께 반영된 문형이다. 그리고 원체문형은 모든 문형의 출발점으로, 말하고자 하는 대상과 이에 대한 설명으로 구성된다는 점에서 인간의 사고를 반영하는 가장 추상화된 문형이면서 ‘화제-평언’의 정보구조가 반영된 문형이다. 따라서 문형은 ‘원체문형→기본문형→변이문형’의 순서로 추상적인 형식에서 구체적인 형식으로 실현된다. The aim of this paper is to review types of Korean sentence patterns and their characteristics. The main points can be summarized as follows. The basic sentence pattern is defined as the ‘basic sentence frame’ that represents various sentences. The basic sentence pattern in Korean has the following characteristics. ① The sentence pattern is composed of essential components ② The sentence pattern is a declarative sentence with subject and predicate. ③ The sentence pattern does not reflect the discourse context. ④ The sentence pattern is simple sentence ⑤ The sentence pattern reflects the form in which noun phrases and case Josa combine. In addition to the basic sentence pattern, the variant sentence pattern and the original sentence pattern exist in the sentence pattern. While the basic sentence pattern is a theoretical sentence pattern that is based on the argument structure, the variant sentence pattern is an extension of the basic sentence pattern, so it is a sentence pattern that involves information structure such as precedent context and knowledge of speakers and listeners, in addition to the argument structure. And the original sentence pattern is the starting point of all sentence, and is the most abstract sentence pattern that reflects human thinking in that the sentence consists of the object to be spoken and a description of it. Therefore, sentence patterns appear in the order of "original sentence pattern → basic sentence pattern → variant sentence pattern" from abstract form to concrete form.

      • KCI등재

        접속부사어 ‘이때/그때’ 연구

        서반석 ( Seo Ban-seoc ) 국어학회 2017 국어학 Vol.81 No.-

        본고는 접속부사어로 사용되는 ‘이때/그때’의 특성을 다각적으로 살피는 것을 목적으로 한다. ‘이때/그때’는 ‘이때에/그때에’에서 조사가 생략된 형태인 것으로 흔히 취급되어 왔다. 그러나 본고에서는 ‘이때/그때’의 용법 중 ‘이때에/그때에’의 조사생략형에 해당되는 경우도 있지만 그렇지 않은 경우도 있다고 보고, 전자를 ‘이때/그때<sub>1</sub>’, 후자를 ‘이때/그때<sub>2</sub>’라 하였다. 본고에서는 ‘이때/그때<sub>1</sub>’과 ‘이때/그때<sub>2</sub>’의 후행문이 각각 배경적 정보, 전경적 정보를 나타낸다고 보았다. ‘이때/그때<sub>1</sub>’의 경우 후행문에 비완망상이 주로 나타나지만, ‘이때/그때<sub>2</sub>’는 완망상이 나타난다. 또한 ‘이때/그때<sub>1</sub>’은 지시하는 시간 간격이 넓은 편이지만, ‘이때/그때<sub>2</sub>’는 선행문 사건의 한 순간을 좁게 포착한다. 그리고 ‘이때/그때<sub>1</sub>’의 후행문은 화제-초점의 구조를 가진 정언문이며, ‘이때/그때<sub>2</sub>’의 후행문은 초점 정보만을 가진 제언문에 해당된다. 결론적으로 ‘이때/그때<sub>1</sub>’의 후행문이 ‘비완망상, 넓은 시간 간격, 정언문’의 특성을 갖는 것은 배경적 정보를 나타내기 때문이며, ‘이때/그때<sub>2</sub>’의 후행문이 ‘완망상, 좁은 시간 간격, 제언문’의 특성을 보이는 것은 전경적 정보를 갖기 때문인 것으로 보았다. This study aims to observe the characteristics of conjunctive adverbial '이때/그때' in multilateral perspectives. The adverbial '이때/그때' is used to consider as an adverbial '이때에/그때에' and regarded as an elliptic form that omits the adverbial case marker. However, the characteristics of '이때/그때' vary, thus in this study, they were labeled as '이때/그때<sub>1</sub>' and '이때/그때<sub>2</sub>'. In this paper, I argue that '이때/그때<sub>1</sub>' is related to the background information, and '이때/그때<sub>2</sub>' is associate with the foreground information. Sentences with '이때/그때<sub>1</sub>' are generally accompanied with an imperfective aspect; however, sentences with '이때/그때<sub>2</sub>' accompany a perfective aspect. '이때/그때<sub>1</sub>' refers to a wide temporal space of the event of the preceding sentence; however, '이때/그때<sub>2</sub>' refers a temporal spot in the event of the preceding sentence. In addition the sentence following '이때/그때<sub>1</sub>' is an categorical sentence, which has a 'topic-focus' structure within it. In contrast, the sentence following '이때/그때<sub>2</sub>' is a thetic sentence, which only has focus information. As a result, the characteristics of '이때/그때<sub>1</sub>', which are 'being accompanied with an imperfective aspect, referring a wide temporal space, and occurring with an categorial sentence', are related to the background information; and the characteristics of '이때/그때<sub>2</sub>', which are 'being accompanied with an perfective aspect, referring a temporal spot, and occurring with an thetic sentence', are related to the foreground information.

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