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      • 자동차 이미지 초해상화 모델의 변수에 따른 성능 비교

        송문혁(Moon-Hyuk Song),송주명(Ju-Myung Song),홍연조 한국정보통신학회 2023 한국정보통신학회 종합학술대회 논문집 Vol.27 No.1

        초해상화란 저화질의 이미지를 고화질의 이미지로 변환하는 과정이다. 초해상화 모델의 성능에 영향을 미치는 요인에는 활성화 함수, batch size, 손실함수 등이 있다. 활성화 함수는 모델의 입력 값에 따른 출력 값을 결정하고, batch size는 한 번에 학습시키는 데이터 그룹의 크기를 의미하며, 손실함수는 학습과정의 오차를 측정하여 모델이 오차를 최소화하는 방향으로 학습할 수 있도록 해 준다. 본 연구에서는 ESPCN 초해상화 모델에서 위 변인들을 조작하여 같은 입력 이미지에 대한 출력 이미지의 품질을 비교한 뒤, 최적의 변수 설정을 찾고자 했다. 이미지의 특성을 학습하는 인공지능이기에 이미지 종류 또한 성능에 영향을 줄 것이라 판단해 자동차 이미지 데이터셋을 이용했다. 평가함수는 PSNR을 사용하였으며, 최종 결과는 같은 실험을 10번 수행한 값의 평균으로 산출하였다. 학습 결과 활성화 함수는 ReLU, batch size는 8, 손실 함수는 LogCosh를 사용할 때 가장 좋은 성능을 보였다. Super-resolution is the process of converting a low-definition image into a high-definition image. Factors affecting the performance of the super-resolution model include activation functions, batch size, and loss functions. The activation function determines the output value according to the input value of the model, batch size refers to the size of the data group to be learned at once, and the loss function measures the error of the learning process so that the model can learn in the direction of minimizing the error. In this study, we tried to find the optimal variable setting after comparing the quality of the output image for the same input image by manipulating the above variables in the ESPCN super-resolution model. Since it learns the characteristics of images, it was determined that the type of image would also affect performance, so we used the automobile image dataset. PSNR was used as the evaluation function, and the final result was calculated as the average of the values performed 10 times in the same experiment. As a result of learning, the activation function showed the best performance when using ReLU, batch size 8, and loss function using LogCosh.

      • 인공지능 기반 수치모델 초해상화 연구

        조창제(Chang Je Cho),강성욱(Seong Wook Kang),곽경일(Gyeong Il Kwak),이준호(Joon Ho Lee),김국진(Kuk Jin Kim) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 2022 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.31 No.1

        Since high-resolution meteorological data can be used for precise research or useful services in real life, the need for high-resolution data production is increasing. Considering the local phenomenon and complex geographical characteristics of the Korean Peninsula, the installation of a large number of observatories is ideal, but this is limited by practical problems such as budget. Numerical models can be a good alternative to this. In this paper, a study was conducted to super-resolution the GDPS data of the 12 km unit grid into the LDPS data of the 1.2 km unit grid through the FSRCNN and VDSR techniques. As the performance evaluation index of the super-resolution model, MAE, which means the average difference between the super-resolution data and the LDPS data, and PSNR, which means the loss rate of the data, were used. As a result, the VDSR model was excellent for temperature and the FSRCNN model was excellent for U and V components for wind.

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