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      • KCI등재

        Non-associative fuzzy-relevance logics: strong t-associative monoidal uninorm logics

        Yang, Eun-Suk Korean Association for Logic 2009 論理硏究 Vol.12 No.1

        This paper investigates generalizations of weakening-free uninorm logics not assuming associativity of intensional conjunction (so called fusion) &, as non-associative fuzzy-relevance logics. First, the strong t-associative monoidal uninorm logic StAMUL and its schematic extensions are introduced as non-associative propositional fuzzy-relevance logics. (Non-associativity here means that, differently from classical logic, & is no longer associative.) Then the algebraic structures corresponding to the systems are defined, and algebraic completeness results for them are provided. Next, predicate calculi corresponding to the propositional systems introduced here are considered.

      • KCI등재

        (weak) R-mingle: toward a fuzzy-relevance logic

        Yang, Eun-Suk Korean Association for Logic 2007 論理硏究 Vol.10 No.2

        This paper investigates the relevance system R-mingle (RM) as a a fuzzy-relevance logic. It shows that RM is fuzzy in Cintula's sense, i.e., RM is complete with respect to linearly ordered L-matrices (or L-algebras). More exactly, we first introduce RM and its weak versions wwRM and wRM. We next provide algebraic and matrix completeness results for them.

      • KCI등재

        Strong Kleene-Diense Logic: a variant of the infinite-valued Kleene-Diense Logic

        Yang, Eun-Suk Korean Association for Logic 2005 論理硏究 Vol.8 No.2

        Kleene first investigated a three-valued system which follows the evaluations of the Lukasiewicz infinite-valued logic ${\L}C$ with respect to negation, conjunction, and disjunction, and treats $\rightarrow$ as material-like implication in the sense that A $\rightarrow$ B is defined as ${\sim}A{\vee}B$ in its evaluation. Diense and Rescher extended it to many-valued logic and infinite-valued logic, respectively. This paper investigates a variant of the infinite-valued Kleene-Diense logic KD, which we shall call strong Kleene-Diense logic (sKD): sKD has the same evaluations as KD except that sKD takes a variant of Kleene-Diense implication. Following the idea of Dunn [2], we provide algebraic completeness for sKD together with its deduction theorem.

      • KCI등재

        Uninorm logic: toward a fuzzy-relevance logic(2)

        Yang, Eun-Suk Korean Association for Logic 2008 論理硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        This paper first investigates several uninorm logics (introduced by Metcalfe and Montagna in [8]) as fuzzy-relevance logics. We first show that the uninorm logic UL and its extensions IUL, UML, and IUML are fuzzy-relevant; fuzzy in Cintula's sense, i.e., the logic L is complete with respect to linearly ordered L-matrices; and relevant in the weak sense that ${\Phi}{\rightarrow}{\Psi}$ is a theorem only if either (i) $\Phi$ and $\Psi$ share a sentential variable or constant, or (ii) both $\sim\Phi$ and $\Psi$ are theorems. We next expand these systems to those with $\triangle$.

      • KCI등재

        Algebras and Semantics for Dual Negations

        Yang, Eun-Suk Korean Association for Logic 2007 論理硏究 Vol.10 No.1

        Dunn investigated algebras and semantics for negations in non-classical logics. This paper extends his investigation to dual negations, more exactly to duals to the negations in Dunn [3, 5]. I first survey and systematize the algebras of dual negations, i.e., (self-dual) subminimal negation, dual Galois negations, dual minimal negation, wB (or dual intuitionistic) negation, (self-dual) De Morgan negation, and (self-dual) ortho negation, based on partially ordered sets. I next provide dual-perp semantics for these (dual) negations. I finally give representations for them by using dual-perp semantics.

      • KCI등재

        On the Standard Completeness of an Axiomatic Extension of the Uninorm Logic

        Yang, Eun-Suk Korean Association for Logic 2009 論理硏究 Vol.12 No.2

        이 논문에서는 멧칼페와 몬테그나([8])에 의해 소개된 uninorm logic UL에 (t-weakening, Wt) (($\phi$ & $\psi$) ${\wedge}$ t) $\rightarrow$ $\phi$를 더해 얻어질 수 있는 공리적 확장 체계를 연구한다. 구체적으로 먼저 t-weakening uninorm logic ULWt (the UL with Wt)를 소개하고 이 체계에 상응하는 대수적 구조를 정의한 후 ULWt가 대수적으로 완전하다는 것을 증명한다. 다음으로 제네이와 몬테그나가 [3, 6]에서 보여준 표준 완전성 즉 실수 구간 [0, 1] 위에서의 완전성 증명을 사용하여, ULWt가 주어진 실구간 위에서 완전하다는 것을 즉 표준적으로 완전하다는 것을 증명한다. This paper investigates an extension of the uninorm (based) logic UL, which is obtained by adding (t-weakening, $W_t$) (($\phi$ & $\psi$) ${\wedge}$ t) $\rightarrow$ $\phi$ to UL introduced by Metcalfe and Montagna in [8]. First, the t-weakening uninorm logic $UL_{Wt}$ (the UL with $W_t$) is introduced. The algebraic structures corresponding to $UL_{Wt}$ is then defined, and its algebraic completeness is established. Next standard completeness (i.e. completeness on the real unit interval [0, 1]) is established for this logic by using Jenei and Montagna-style approach for proving standard completeness in [3, 6].

      • KCI등재

        The Status of Scientiae Mediae in the History of Mathematics: Biancani's Case

        Park, Woo-Suk Korean Association for Logic 2009 論理硏究 Vol.12 No.2

        최근 1600년 경 예수회 아리스토텔레스주의자들 사이에서 벌어졌던 수학의 과학으로서의 지위에 관한 논쟁에 대한 관심이 급증하고 있다. 필자는 월러스, 디어, 그리고 만코수를 좇아 이 논쟁을 조금 더 자세히 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 필자는 비앙카니가 수학의 본성에 관한 논고에서 중간과학을 논의한 바에 초점을 맞출 것이다. 디어와 월러스의 논의로부터 우리는 수학의 과학적 지위를 옹호한 이들과 부인한 이들 사이의 논쟁에 관한 비교적 훌륭한 조감도를 얻을 수 있다. 그러나 그 논쟁의 일반적 동기를 이해하는 일과 그 안에 내포된 변증적 전략과 전술의 정교함을 감식하는 일은 전혀 별개의 문제이다. 바로 이 단계에서 우리는 중간과학에 관한 비앙카니의 견해의 요점을 이해하는 데에서 어려움에 봉착한다. 비록 중간과학의 문제에 관해서는 침묵을 지켰지만, 만코수가 완벽한 증명, 수학적 설명, 그리고 원인의 문제에 관한 예수회 아리스토텔레스주의자들의 입장을 논의한 바는 역사적으로나 철학적으로나 모두 최고의 중요성을 지닌다. 필자는 그 논쟁에서 진실로 무엇이 쟁점이었는지를 보다 심도 있게 이해하기 위하여 피콜로미니와 비앙카니의 견해에 대한 만코수의 해석을 주의 깊게 검토하고 비판할 것이다. We can witness the recent surge of interest in the controversy over the scientific status of mathematics among Jesuit Aristotelians around 1600. Following the lead of Wallace, Dear, and Mancosu, I propose to look into this controversy in more detail. For this purpose, I shall focus on Biancani's discussion of scientiae mediae in his dissertation on the nature of mathematics. From Dear's and Wallace's discussions, we can gather a relatively nice overview of the debate between those who championed the scientific status of mathematics and those who denied it. But it is one thing to fathom the general motivation of the disputation, quite another to appreciate the subtleties of dialectical strategies and tactics involved in it. It is exactly at this stage when we have to face some difficulties in understanding the point of Biancani's views on scientiae mediae. Though silent on the problem of scientiae mediae, Mancosu's discussions of the Jesuit Aristotelians' views on potissima demonstrations, mathematical explanations, and the problem of cause are of utmost importance in this regard, both historically and philosophically. I will carefully examine and criticize some of Mancosu's interpretations of Piccolomini's and Biancani's views in order to approach more closely what was really at stake in the controversy.

      • KCI등재

        Zeno Series, Collective Causation, and Accumulation of Forces

        Yi, Byeong-Uk Korean Association for Logic 2008 論理硏究 Vol.11 No.2

        This paper aims to present solutions to three intriguing puzzles on causation that Benardete presents by considering the results of infinite series of telescoping events. The main conceptual tool used in the solutions is the notion of collective causation, what many events cause collectively. It is straightforward to apply the notion to resolve two of the three puzzles. It does not seem as straightforward to apply it to the other puzzle. After some preliminary clarifications of the situation that Benardete describes to present the puzzle, however, we can apply the notion to resolve it as well.

      • KCI등재

        Standard completeness results for some neighbors of R-mingle

        Yang, Eun-Suk Korean Association for Logic 2008 論理硏究 Vol.11 No.2

        이 논문에서 우리는 [10]에서 멧칼페와 몬테그나에 의해 소개된 몇 체계들에 대한 새로운 표준 완전성 증명을 다룬다. 이를 위해 이 논문은 연관 논리 R-mingle (RM)의 이웃들로 간주될 수 있는 몇몇 퍼지-연관 논리를 연구한다. 우선, 좌-연속 항등적 멱등 유니놈들과 그것들의 잔여(left-continuous conjunctive idempotent uninorms and their residua)의 동어반복을 다루도록 의도된 monoidal uninorm idempotence 논리 MUIL과 그것의 몇몇 확장이 RM의 이웃으로 소개된다. 그리고 그것들에 상응하는 대수적 구조가 정의된 후, 이 체계들을 위한 표준 완전성 즉 단위 실수 [0, 1] 위에서의 완전성이 제공된다. In this paper we deal with new standard completeness proofs of some systems introduced by Metcalfe and Montagna in [10]. For this, this paper investigates several fuzzy-relevance logics, which can be regarded as neighbors of the R of Relevance with mingle (RM). First, the monoidal uninorm idempotence logic MUIL, which is intended to cope with the tautologies of left-continuous conjunctive idempotent uninorms and their residua, and some schematic extensions of it are introduced as neighbors of RM. The algebraic structures corresponding to them are defined, and standard completeness, completeness on the real unit interval [0, 1], results for them are provided.

      • KCI등재

        R, Fuzzy R, and Set-Theoretic Kripke-Style Semantics

        양은석,Yang, Eunsuk Korean Association for Logic 2019 論理硏究 Vol.22 No.2

        이 글에서 우리는 연관 논리 R을 퍼지화한 체계 FR을 위한 집합 이론적인 크립키형 의미론을 다룬다. 이를 위하여 먼저 FR 체계와 그에 상응하는 크립키형 의미론을 소개한다. 다음으로 FR을 위한 집합 이론적 완전성 결과를 제공한다. This paper deals with set-theoretic Kripke-style semantics for FR, a fuzzy version of R of Relevance. For this, first, we introduce the system FR and its corresponding Kripke-style semantics. Next, we provide set-theoretic completeness results for it.

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