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      • 幼兒 美術敎育에 관한 硏究 : 그리기를 中心으로 With Emphasis on Drawing

        朴英花 漢陽大學校 敎育大學院 1988 敎育論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        The Fine art has been recognized as part of the course essential for the infant education. It is considered that the meaning of the education of fine art for the infancy is not merely a technical education making the works of fine art and training hand skill but is the forming of man as worthwhile as desirable with mental education. A measure seems should be taken to back the education man for the perfectness of his personality as the basical education to form a harmonious character into a structural personality, elevating the affinity to the culture, based on the enriched emotion with the aesthetic potentials to appreciate, form, and intuite from his infancy. The study has been made on the fine art education for the infant ever since the Samil Movement in 1919 in our country, according to the record. However, such study on the infant's fine art nowadays is so unsufficiant that even a fundamental structure can hardly be said prepared. Its real status can be said that education is done for the teacher rather than for the infant pupil. Infants have each his own individuality, interest, thoughts. and desire; and he also has an instinct to express them. If the teacher teaches the infant in the way as he thinks, the pupil's drawing the fine art will become conceptualistic and adult-like. At last his forge expression cannot represent the way of his thinking as an infant, individuality, and characteristic internal vigor. Therefore, this thesis has surveyed the practical status of infant education at field to summarize the teacher's recognition degree on the importance of the infant's fine art education and teaching conditions and the future direction in order to find out a fundamental structure that the education of fine art for the infant should follow through the study on the experts' data and a questionaire survey conducted against some two hundred teachers in practice for the infante education in Seoul and Kyungki Province areas. The contents of the questionaire survey have been emphasized on the teachers engaged in the teaching fine art for the infant about their recognition of importance on the education1 their degree of knowledge on the development stage of the infant fine art, their qualification, and heir role. The survey also has focused on the opinion of the teachers about the operation of the drawing activity for he infants to receive the fine art education in a sufficiently free condition, including the teaching time, teaching method, group evaluation method for the improved condition for the infants' drawing activities, and the method how to display and the kind of infants' works on exhibition. Such survey has revealed a few points as follows. It has prevailed the opinion that fine art is important because it help the emotional development or growth for the infant. Most of the teachers fairly recognized that there were growth stages for the infant, but were uncertain as to where the age for the kindergarden belonged to, yielding the answer only 30% to the total questionees. They qualified the eligibility to teach the fine art without taking up the fine art if only the teacher can understand the growth stages for the infant, showing over 70% of the total questioness. The answer to the question on the teaching method was to set the infants free to draw because they enjoy peculiar aesthetic expression. The attitude that the teacher deals with the infants' work, according to the answer, was desirous to let the drawers, pupils, explain their own works by themselves. Thus, we can get a conclusion from the result collecting answers to the questionaire survey as follows. The idea that the infant fine art Is essential for the education of emotion for the infant because it expresses emotional setback, trouble, pleasure, and etc. The teacher's recognition of the infant's growth stages with the development of fine art was uncertain. The notion that the qualification of a teacher with understanding of the fine art but without specialization is satisfactory, must be a wrong conception because teaching of the fine art to the infant is not merely a coaching without regards to the growing stages of the infant with the fine art education. On the other hand, there is a case giving a very bright prospect for the education of fine art for the infant by saying that a teacher should play a role to provide the infant with various data and opportunity as an encourager. Also, another opinion overwhelms that the average number of pupils of a class overweighs a teacher's handling. A majority claims the arrangement of separate class hours. Education of fine art is performed for the emphasis of the teacher rather than for the pupils, from the fact that the same item is uniformly given during the periods(class hours). Therefore, there appear many problems to be improved urgently for the education of fine art for the infant in our country, according to the result of the survey. The improvement measure requires the teacher's broader recognition of the infant's fine art, provision of sufficient opportunity for the infants to get familiar with the theory on the fine art, reduction of class members for sufficing the infant pupils' drawing activity, and preparation of the basic data, too. The teaching method should be corrected from the adult basis to that of infant.

      • 中學校 敎育計劃書의 作成과 運營方案의 探索的 硏究

        朴壽亨 漢陽大學校 敎育大學院 1983 敎育論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        Ⅰ. 緖 論 Ⅱ. 敎育計劃의 理論的 背景 Ⅲ. 學校 敎育計劃書 Ⅳ. 硏究의 實際 Ⅴ. 結 論

      • 中學校 美術實技指導의 問題點에 관한 硏究 : 繪畵實技를 中心으로 focus on painting actual drawing

        崔春子 漢陽大學校 敎育大學院 1989 敎育論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        The Research was analyzed the hamper factors of art education by enquete which composited with education course administration and attitude for painting actual drawing education in selected 30 schools of Seoul city through 3 parts of teachers, students and parents of students for recognize the necessity of suitable education to the eldoscence and recent society. Analyzed results are as follows; 1) Art education, painting actual drawing education was very unsatisfactory middle school to induce expression chance for volition and interest. 2) All environments of students were more apposition than encouragement developing factor for painting education. 3) Also actual drawing of students are unskilful for fundamental technic because art education are poor in elementary school. 4) ?????????????????????????????? actual drawing because actual of upper school studying hard problems. 5) Teachers cannot normally administrate because environments hamper factors are actuality in education system or heteronomouse of school education. 6) So in these states cannot satisfactory to productions of panting actual drawing hours. 7) Required matters of parents and unconcerns about painting education which influence to students directly or indirectly cannot help to development of painting educations. 8) Suggestions for the desirable art education as follows, (1) Art education in the middle school should be aimed at giving the proper educational environments to encourage students character building. Systematic and administrative support for improvement in art education should be given to make the students have more interesting learning atmosphere. Such as a drawing room, teaching instruments and facilities and adequate allotment of time (3-4 hours per week) for actual drawing. (2) In art lesson they put more stress on drawing than theory unless the above-mentioned learning and teaching environments should be provided, they cannot reach the goal they want to. (3) In the light of this it is imperative that we should improve the learning environments in the art education.

      • 家庭環境이 性格 및 學業成就態度에 미치는 影響 : A study of High School Girls

        金愛敬 漢陽大學校 敎育大學院 1989 敎育論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        The aim of this study is to find out the influence of family environment on the personality formation of the high school girls. To organize this study, the following hypotheses were postulated which are desired from various theories about domestic environment and schooling in the literature. (1) The parents' social and economic position will influence high school girls' character. (2) The number of brothers will influence high school girls' character. (3) the location of the house will influence high school girls' character. (4) the parents' social and economic position will not influence girls1 attitude for learning ahcievement. (5) The number of brothers will influence high school girls' attitude for learning achievement. (6) The location of the house will influence high school girls' attitude for learning achievement. The method of collecting and analying data for this study is a quantitative one. For data collection 350 high school girls from 6 high schools in both sides of Han River were selected and the questionnaire method was used. Among them only 240 cases were analyzed as objects for the study. The items included in the questionnaire can be divided into three variables including home environment, personality and attitude for learning achievement. And each variable is made of Likert Scale. For statistical analysis x²-Verification, Discriminant Analysis and Canonical Correlation Analysis were applied using SPSS system. The conclusions of the hypotheses testing are as follows; The high school girls' personality shows the significant difference according to the variable of the parents' career and income and the pattern of house in any other home environmental factors. On the contrary the girl students' personality has been little affected by the parents' standard of schooling, the number of brothers and the location of the house. The girls' attitude for learning achievement does not show the significant difference with the homic environmental factors, but only father's schooling and the number of brothers have to do with the non-interference attitude for learning achievement.

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