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      • 한국 전자출판산업과 한글코드의 역사적 고찰

        이기성 ( Ki Sung Lee ) 한국전자출판연구회 2014 출판논총 Vol.4 No.-

        1980년대는 한국에서 전자출판이 시작된 시대인데 한글코드 표준화 문제로 정부와 마찰을 빚었었다. 그러나 출판,인쇄 국어학계가 일치 단결하여 한글 1만 1172자를 지켜내는데 성공하였다. 한국전자출판연구회와 컴퓨터통신동아리(엠팔)의 활동으로 한글폰트, 한글통신 문제를 해결하였다. 1987년에 보석글 위드프로세서를 개량하여 편집/제작된 한글 DTP가 영진출판사에서 최초로 시작되었다. 1990년대는 콘텐츠출판학회, 한국전자출판협회가 추가로 탄생하였고 국내 대학에 전자출판 관련학과가 창설되었다. 문체부에서는 서체별로 한글 1만 1172씩 폰트를 개발하였다. 2000년대는 PC게임이 스마트폰게임으로,OS는 원드 OS에서 안드로이드 OS로 변화가 시작되었다. 한글코드 표준화는 KS 5601-87, KS 5601-92, KS 5700을 거쳐 유니코드를 종결되었다. 이제부터는 스마트와 클라우드에 적응하고 이에 대한 대응책을 마련해야 한다는 것이 결론이다. 가장 중요한 대비책은 전자출판 관련 교육이다. 두 번째는 저작권 보호 문제이다. 세 번 째는 정부의 적극적인 지원이다. 한글 입력 자판 문제도 하루 속히 해결하고 통일에 대비해야 한다.103키 같은 데스크 톱이나 노트북용 키보드는 한글 세벌식 자판으로 표준을 바꾸고, 태블릿이나 스마트폰의 자판은 좀 더 입력하기 쉽고, 빠르게 입력할 수 있는 과학적인 자판을 개발하도록 꾸준히 연구하여야 할 것이다. The Eighties, CAP(Computer Aided Publishing) industry has begun in Korea but the industry was in trouble with the govemment because of standandization of the Korean character code. Members of the CAP Society and Electronic Mail pals found solutions about the CAP industry problems on computer communication and displaying method of Korean charcter fonts. DTP(DeskTop publishing) edited in Korean character began in 1987 using Bosukgeul Word processing software by youngjin publishing Co., Ltd. The CAP department of Kaywon college was established in the Nineties, The Ministry of Culture developed various style of 11,172 Korean fonts The Noughties, personal computer games are slowly begun to replaced by smart phone games. Standardization of the Korean character code has been improved from KS 5601-87 code and KS 5601-92 code to Unicode via KS 5700 code, needless to say, CAP industry has to adapt the smart and the cloud circumstances.

      • 화면책 출판용 서지 데이터베이스의 도서관 활용방안에 관한 연구

        金仁淑 한국전자출판연구회 1991 출판논총 Vol.1 No.-

        Recently, the flow of modern society is proceeding towards Information Society that includes Electronic industry with computer, Development of the new medium based on it, and Information industry which products, manages, and applies information matching development of communication industry. The advent of new medium as a tool for realizing the information society made it possible to convert printing medium that is traditional record transmission medium into electronic medium. This technological process in rapidly changing society proposes that Publishers had better gradually extend the boundary of publishing by adopting the new medium rather than stay in only information transmission of paper medium. On that count, Publishers who take charge of producting and distributing literature from the traditional view began to supply printing catalog information which is made not of paper catalog about printed matter but of machine readable catalog such as diskettes. But unless Publishers make an attempt to provide relevancy between library bibliographic data-base made for the purpose of using mainly in existing library and bibliographic data-base consist of printing catalog information, it will cause financial difficulties, the loss of human resources, and time. Therefore, in this thesis I would like to present a plan that can make it possible to remake the publisher's bibliographic data-base instead of manufacturing bibliographic data-base of their own. Methods of the study for this are Study of literature, Using bibliographic data-base connected with computer communication, and experiences of EDPS services in the library. (1) Publishers have to standardize technological modelity so that machine readable searching system processed by computer - MARC (machine readable catalog) can use bibliographic information about publication made in the library for its own use. (2) Unified keycode is needed for search, so ISBN (international standard book number) is thought to be suitable because it is directly printed on publication, has its clear-cut code system, and has international currency. There are three details that must be considered from the view of culture, technology, and copyright when adopting the bibliographic data-base for monitor publishing. ① Hangul code problems. ② Standardization of communication protocol. ③ Protection of copyright.

      • 전자출판 정의와 전자출판학 발생 배경

        이기성 ( Ki Sung Lee ) 한국전자출판연구회 2014 출판논총 Vol.4 No.-

        전자출판(CAP)은 Computer Aided publishing의 약자로 "컴퓨터를 이용하여 출판을 하는 행동" , 즉 출판행위를 하는데 컴퓨터를 사용하는 것이다" 라고 정의된다. 1980년대에는 종이매체를 디스크매체를 추가하여 출판을 하고, 1990년대에는 종이매체, 디스크 매체에 통신매체를 추가하여 출판을 하여 왔다. 통신망화면책(화면책, 통신망책)은 개인컴퓨터부터 포스트컴퓨터까지 그 플랫폼이 확대되고 있다. 전통출판은 종이책, 디스크책, 화면책을 거쳐 유비쿼터스책과 구름책으로 발전하고 있다. 전자출판학(Theory of the CAP)은 1970년대 납활자시대를 거쳐 1980년대 사진식자시대로 들어서면서 태동하였고, 1987년 신구대학과 동국대 언론정보대학원에서 최초로 "전자출판론" 강좌가 개설되었다.

      • 베스트셀러 變化의 推移와 그 脈絡에 關한 硏究 : 韓國의 最近 10年間 베스트셀러를 中心으로

        趙道顯 한국전자출판연구회 2000 출판논총 Vol.2 No.-

        A best-seller means a book which has been sold sensationally in a quite short period, which can be substituted by such expressions like 'a large circulation', ' a book which has been sold so much' or 'a marvelous sales result which go beyond average'. A similar term, 'steady-seller' is usually used when a book is sold continuously throughout some period and there are other similar terms such as 'long-seller', 'big-seller', 'top-seller' of 'million-seller' used differently by debaters. Above all an author's individual competence and a work's basic attribute becomes the key point which mostly influences the birth of a best-seller. Another primary factors, 'the circumstantial one', which shows how correctly it reflected the social circumstances and the 'publishing industrial structure' when a best-seller is created not achieved, play important roles in the generation of a best-seller as well. And another best-seller can appear when it becomes a hot issue by the mass media or the advertising strategy succeeds regardless of its contents. So the publicshing planning can be another primary factor in the birth of a best-seller besides the factors of work, circumstance, publishing industrial structure. Compared to the current best-sellers, the past ones were made naturally among the general public while the recent one is the artificial product which is planned and induced from the planning stage to the sales. As a result of the research on the changes of the authors, themes (divisions), publishing companies, titles, and years of the best-sellers in domestic famous book stores. the aspects of the changes were summarized as being diversified, open, and being more scientific. Compared to the previous periods, in 1990s the readers chose books according to their own tastes among politically, economically and socially affluent circumstances. Also with globalization people became more interested in foreign travels and more eager to accept foreign cultures and languages, which promoted more book purchasing. Especially social psychology facing year 2000, the rapid development of the computers, and the revolutional development of the information technology stirred people's interests and brought various kinds of changes. A best-seller plays an positive role such as an useful channel of information to the readers, as a stimuli to the production of the books of good quality, and as a pride to the people involved in publishing industry while it has also some negative aspects such as reckless commercialization of the publishing industry, distortion of the distribution structure, and incitement of the reader's biased reading habits. Thus to reborn as a real best-seller in Kroea, POS(point of sales) system, and the real-name usage system should be settled to establish the dignity of the publishing industry as well as the critics who can diagnose the quality of the books professionally should be cultivated. When only such a book as coincides with the certain standards is selected as a best-seller, more books which is valuable as a cultural product can be produced.

      • 검인정 교과서 출판의 발행 추이에 관한 연구 : 지리·가정 과목을 중심으로

        김민숙 한국전자출판연구회 1991 출판논총 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the authorized text books in Korea in various dimensions and to propose some new directions of the text books. The dimensions of the analysis include the followings: -Changes in types and the number of the text books over time. -Analysis of the text books by the publishers, by subjects. -Analysis of the text books in geography and domestic science. -Comparison of the number of the authorized text books before and after the oppression on publishers with the disguised cause of tax evasion of the publishers(in short, the oppressive measure). The analysis indicated that: -the number of the authorized textbooks decreased -some of them became government designated ones, -the total number of them decreased. -and emergence of new publishers. The consequences of the changes include standardization of the desire for information and attitude in research, and this in turn seem to have resulted in deterioration of the textbooks. On conclusion, the findings of this research may be summarized as follows: -The oppressive measure taken by the government in 1977 resulted in discontinuation in the process in textbook development. Consequently the technology for design and manufacturing of textbooks deteriorated. -The business of textbook publication should not be abused for political reasons. The private sector should take the responsibility of publishing good textbooks under free competition system. On the other hand, the Ministry of Education should take care of the publication of the textbooks which are not self-sufficient economically. -It seems to be necessary to establish, so called, 'the institute of textbook development'.

      • 전자출판에 있어서의 바람직한 한글 코드 설정에 관한 기초적 제언 : 초·중·고등학교 국어교과서의 음절출현분석을 중심으로

        손애경 한국전자출판연구회 1991 출판논총 Vol.1 No.-

        This paper is studied that lay emphasis on an information exchange as well as Hangul embodiment in CAP (Computer Aided Publishing). There is agreement among the experts in many fields of the publishing world that progress in Korea's information processing industry and electronic publishing requires support of effective Hangeul code development and aggressive standardization activities. That is, it needs standardization establishment in view of the present domestic affairs than standardization base on international standard. With the objective of recommending the kind of organization that will allow such standardization activities. I wrote this paper on the subject of a perfect combination form Hangeul code system standardization as the part of this research project. The contents of concrete research: - Study the present situation of domestic computer aided publishing - Study the present situation of domestic Hangeul code - Study the comparison of complete form and combination form Hangeul code - Consider the standard of ISO -2022 and the KS C 5601 complete form Hangeul code - Analyze the new standardization tentative plan - Study the syllable appearance analysis of the Korean language text book in a primary school, middle school, and high school course - Analyze in comparison with the KS C 5601 complete form code as syllable analysis result In conclusion, I deal with a problem of the Hangeul expression problem as a worth measure of culture than technical problem in this paper. Also the standardization code was appropriated notwithstanding, I pursuited the impediment chief cause of fundamental disunion and standardization plan. A realistic standard should be developed through joint research involving the publishing world, universities, the educational world, and research institutes. Standardization research on electronic publishing world should be conducted in conjunction with the national computer network.

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