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        스포츠 손상에 대한 물리치료 : Physical Therapy for Sports Injuries

        최병옥 대한물리치료사학회 1994 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        스포츠 손상 환자에게 물리치료를 하는 목적은 다음과 같다. 1) 부상당한 선수가 가능한한 빨리 자기종목에 복귀할 수 있도록 하기 위해서이다. 2) 부상당한 부위근육의 coordination과 mobility와 strength를 회복시켜 치유된 조직을 안전하게 보호하기 위해서이다. 3) 환자의 cardiovascular endurance와 전반적인 근육의 힘을 유지시키기 위해서이다. 4) Biomechanical abnormalities(근육의 불균형, 유연성의 결여)를 개선시키기 위해서이다. 5) 너무 빨리 운동 경기에 참여하려는 선수를 보호하고 조직에 손상을 줄 수 있는 비정상적인 기술을 교정하도록 하고 운동선수와 코치, 트레이너들과 협조관계를 유지하기 위해서이다. 6) 잘 개발된 물리치료 프로그램을 통해서 제2, 3의 부상을 방지하기 위해서이다. 7) 심리적으로 안정감을 주기 위해서이다. 8) 치료하지 않으므로 말미암아 장차 빨리 오게 될 퇴행성 질환을 방지하기 위해서이다. 9) 부상을 예방하는 방법을 제공해 주기 위해서이다. Physiotherapists involved in the treatment of sports injuries reguire a clear picture of the aims of treatment. 1. To enable the injured athlete to return to his or her sports quickly and safely. 2. To regain the strength, mobility and coordination of the muscles of the affected area so that the healing or healed tissues are sufficiently protected. 3. To maintain and if necessary increase the general strength and cardiovascular endurance of the patient. 4. To influence any biomechanical abnormalities such as muscle imbalance, limb imbalance and inflexibility. 5. Tp gain the cooperation, not only of the athlete, but of the coach or any other in fluential person to ensure that the patient is discouraged from returning to sport too soon and that the faulty technigue precipitating tissue damage is corrected. 6. To make a positive contribution towards the prevention of another injury by advising on further rehabilitation exercises. 7. To provide a psychological 'prop'. 8. To try to prevent the subsequent development of degenerative disease due to the unavailability of treatment. 9. To provide a prophylactic service.

      • KCI등재

        일부 물리치료과 학생의 임상실습 만족도에 대한 연구 : A Study on Degree of Satisfaction on Clinical Practice of Physical Therapy Students

        최병옥 대한물리치료사학회 1996 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.3 No.3

        The purpose of this study is improvement of clinical practice education through examination of satisfaction on clinical practice of physical therapy students and grasping the factor have on effect on satisfaction of clinical practice. The students of the survey were 328 junior college students and 41 University students selected from 8 junior college and 2 University by questionnaire from Oct. 6 to Oct. 26, 1993. The collected data was analyzed by ANOVA, T-test, Multiple range test (Tukey, LSD, Duncan), principal factor analysis according to purpose of study. The results were as follows : The degree of satisfaction according to the item on clinical practice was low as 0.346 of a total 1.0. The degree of satisfaction of instruction(0.40) revealed to be high. Compared with the degree of satisfaction on contents(0.39), practice environment(0.38), satisfaction after practice(0.36), practice hours(0.35), personalrelations(0.33), problem of practice place(0.31), practice evaluation(0.25) revealed to be low. 1. The degree of satisfaction on clinical practice according to education system was lower junior college than University. 2. The degree of satisfaction on clinical practice according to volitional group and another intention group and another intention group was not different. 3. The degree of satisfaction on clinical practice according to the order of merit was not difference A group, B group, C group, but it of D group was low. 4. The degree of satisfaction on clinical practice according to the time of practise, the group that clinical enforce during a session was higher than the group that it enforce during vacation. 5. The degree of satisfaction on clinical practice according to clinical practice place was high in University hospital and general hospital. but was low in hospital and clinic. 6. The degree of satisfaction on clinical practice according to existence or non-existence of a hospital in affiliation was higher existence a hospital in affiliation group than non existence a hospital in affiliation group. 7. The degree of satisfaction on clinical practice according to satisfaction of major was high in group of high satisfaction major.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        견관절 충돌증후군의 치료 : Treatment of The Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

        최병옥,유병규 대한물리치료사학회 1996 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.3 No.4

        견관절 충돌증후군의 원인은 다양하다. 대결절과 견봉과 같은 뼈의 변성으로 견봉 밑의 공간이 좁아진 경우나 회전근개가 약해지거나 관절주머니가 딱딱해지거나(capsular tightness) 상완관절의 불안정성으로 인해서 상완골두가 비정상적으로 이동하여 견봉밑의 공간이 좁아진 경우에 충돌증후군이 걸리게 된다. 충돌증후군의 치료는 상완관절과 견흉관절의 운동을 회복시키고 회전근개와 견갑근육의 기능을 회복시키는데 초점을 맞춰야 한다. 또한 동적인 안정성(dynamic stabiliaztion)을 향상시키는 운동들도 포함시켜서 치료한다. Impingement syndrome is mechanical impingement between the greater tubercle of the humerus and the under surface of the coracoacromial arch, is a common source of shoulder pain in the athletes as well as non-athletes. Several factors contribute to shoulder impingement syndrome, including rotator cuff weakness, capsular tightness, poor scapulohumeral rhythm, and muscle imbalance of the scapular upward rotation force couple. The purpose of this article is to review current concepts of anatomy and biomechanics and the underlying pathomechanics as it relates to evaluation and treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome.

      • KCI등재

        스포츠 손상에 대한 평가 : Evaluation for the Sport Injury

        최병옥 대한물리치료사학회 1993 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        This study doesn't tell you how to diagnose an injury, but it may help you prevent an injury from getting worse. And will certainly help you more effectively address the next injury situation that you encounter. The contents of sport injury evaluation are as follows: 1. When an athlete suffers an injury, you should immediately evaluate his or her safety, position. and equipment. 2. Then begin a primary survey of the athlete's vital signs or ABCs : airway, breathing, and circulation. 3. If the athlete has any breathing or circulation problems, immediately send for help and begin lifesaving first aid. 4. In the athlete's heat and breathing rates are normal, begin a secondary survey to pinpoint the exact nature of the injury. 5. To do a through job of evaluating, follow the HIT process: history, inspection, and touch. 6. When you're determined what the injury is, begin administering appropriate first aid.

      • KCI등재

        사무직 근로자의 요추부 굴곡근 및 신전근의 등속성 근력평가 : Isokinetic Evaluation of the Trunk Flexors and Extensors for the White Collar Workers in Adult Males

        오승길,최병옥 대한물리치료사학회 2000 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        After warming-up exercise for 20minutes, Isokinetic measurement of trunk strength for flexor and extensor was done by using Cybex 6000 TEF Unit on 91healthy male white workers from 22years old to 49 years old, and compared each other. 20 repetitions of trunk extension-flexion were done at 120°/sec angular velocity. After resting for 1minutes, Four repetitions at two different angular velocities(60°/sec, 120°/sec) were done with 30seconds of resting interval between each angular velocity. The purpose of this study is to obtain the isokinetic normative strength values for trunk extensors and flexors, and is to know the correlation between age, height, weight of subjects and data from isokinetic trunk strength measurement, and is to provide a guideline for exercise program of male white collar workers The collected data were analyzed by ANOVA, Duncan's Multiple Range Test, and Pearson correlation coefficiency in PC-SAS program. The results obtained were as follow; 1. There is significant positive-correlation with the statistic value between weight and peak torque of trunk muscles at two different angular velocities(60°/sec, 120°/sec)(p<0l), between height and peak torque of trunk muscles at two different angular velocities(60°/sec, 120°/sec) except peak torque of trunk flexor at 60°/sec(p<.0l). 2. There is nagitive-correlation between age and peak torque of trunk muscles at two different angular velocities(60°/sec, 120°/sec), there is significant differences with statistic value between age and peak torque of trunk extensor at 120°/sec(p<.0l). 3. Mean peak torque and mean peak torque % by body weight of trunk extensor is 1.1times higher values than trunk flexor at 60°/see. 4. There is the increase in peak torque angle of trunk flexor with increasing of age, and the decrease in peak torque angle of trunk flexor with increasing of age at two different angular velocities(60°/sec, 120°/sec). there is significant differences with statistic value in peak torque angle of trunk flexor at 120°/sec(p<.0l). 5. There is significant decrease in endurance ratio of trunk extensor with increasing of age at 120°/sec(p<.0l). In conclusion, peak torque of trunk extensor is 1.1 times higher values than trunk flexor in healthy male white collar workers.

      • KCI등재

        슬개대퇴관절의 해부학과 생체역학에 관한 문헌적 고찰 : Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Patellofemoral Joint

        최병옥 대한물리치료사학회 2001 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        The patellofemoral joint is formed by the articulation of the patella and femoral condyles in the trochlear groove. The cxmplexity of the patellofemoral joint is magnified by the fact that the tibiofemoral pint works in conjunction with the patellofemoral joint. Additional1y, other joints such as the subtalar joint. hip and sacroiliac joints indirectly contribute to the function of the patenofemoral joint. This Pint has little bony stability. Soft tissue surrounds the joint to increase stability. The patellofemoral joint increases the mechanica1 advantage of the quadriceps muscles and resists mechanical loading. In patellofemoral dysfunction, patellofemoral contact pattern is disrupted, leading to excessive compression at the joint. When you treat the patellofemoral dysfunction, you should evaluate anatomic and biomechanic components and find factors of patellofemoral dysfunction. Hamstring tightness, weakness of VMO and. tightness of lateral retinaculum lead to flexed knee and abnormal patella tracking and patellofemoral joint reaction force and patellofemoral dysfunction. A through understanding of the anatomy and biomechanics may assist the clinician in the recognition and treatment of patients with patellofemoral pain, Therefore physical therapists should apply modality as well as therapeutic exercise, stretching and strengthening. In this paper, I will discuss the germane anatomical structures and biomechanics of the patellofemoral joint.

      • KCI등재

        요추간판 수핵탈출증 수술환자의 체간부 굴근 및 신근의 등속성 운동 평가 : Isokinetic Evaluation of the Trunk Flexors and Extensors of Operated Laminectomy & Disectomy Patients

        최병옥 대한물리치료사학회 1996 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        Isokinetic exercise is dynamic, but the spped of movement must be regulated so that the resistance is in ratio to the force applied at each point throughout the full range of motion. The purpose of this study is to comparise with trunk flexors & extensors of isokinetic evaluation of pre-exercise and post-exercise in operated laminectomy & disectomy patients. 7 subjects were examined at 120˚/sec and 60˚/sec each 15 days. The results were as follows; 1. Peak torque of extensors on 60˚/sec showed significant difference statistically(p<0.05), but peak torque of flexors on 60˚/sec showed no significant difference statistically. 2. Trunk flexors/extensors ratio of peak torque of 60˚/sec showed no significant difference statistically. 3. Peak torque % B.W of extensors on 60˚/sec showed significant difference statistically(p<0.05), but peak torque % B.W of flexors on 60。/sec showed no significant difference statistically. 4. TAE of extensors on 60。/sec showed significant difference statistically (p<0.05), but TAE of flexors on 60˚/sec showed no significant difference. 5. Total work of flexors & extensors on 60˚/sec showed significant difference statistically.(p<0.05). 6. Average power of flexors & extensors on 120˚/sec showed significant difference statistically(p<0.05). 7. Endurance ratio of flexors & extensors on 120˚/sec showed no significant difference statistically. 8. Set total work of flexors & extensors on 120˚/sec showed significant difference statistically(p<0.05). 9. TAE of extensors on 120˚/sec showed significant difference statistically(p<0.05), TAE of flexors on 120˚/sec showed no significant difference statistically. 10. Total work of flexors & extensors on 120˚/sec showed significant difference statistically(p<0.05).

      • KCI등재

        20대 정상 성인의 남·여 보행분석 연구 : A Study on Gait Analysis of Normal 20` Adult Male and Female

        안창식,정석 대한물리치료사학회 2001 대한물리치료과학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        The aim of this study is to present the basic reference data of age and specipic gait parameters for Korean Adult The basic gait parameters were extracted from 20 Adult 10 men and 10 women, 21 to 24 years of age using VICON 512 Motion Analyzer. The temporal gait parameters and kinematic parameters of Korean Adult similar to other western reference data. The results were as follows: 1) The mean Cadence of the male to the female were 113.5 steps/min to 117.6 steps/min. 2) The mean Walking Speed of the male to the female were 1.30m/s, to 1.27m/s. 3) The mean Stride Length of the male to the female were 1.35 m, to 1.30 m. 4) The mean maximal angles of pint on the pelvic tilt motion for different male to the female were 9.80˚ to 7.75˚(p<0.5) 5) The mean maximal angles of pint on the hip flexion motion for different male to the female were 22.6˚ to 27.65˚.(P<0.5) 6) The mean maximal angles of pint on the knee flexion motion for different male to the female were 55.78˚ to 55.49˚(p>0.5) 7) The mean maximal angles of pint on the ankle dorsiflexion motion for different male to the female were 12.47˚ to 13.39˚(p>0.5)

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