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      • 環太平洋經濟協力의 構想과 展望

        金相漢,孫秀錫 경북대학교 환태평양연구소 1988 環太平洋硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        Since the early sixties, the pattern of international trade has undergone a significant realignment. This change has been in large part due to the phenomenal growth of the economies of the Pacific region, which has led to a remarkable rise in both inter-and intra-regional trade. Thus, trade has been a primary source of growth and development in many nations of the Pacific Basin, even in times of international economic crisis. With the continuing erosion of the international trade system, however, it is becoming apparent that Pacific countries will have to work together closely in order to maintain their unprecedented trend of growth. Thus, since the late sixties, there habe been discussions on the establishment of the Pacific Economic Cooperation body among Pacific nations several times. Recently, in relation to the open economic policies of China and U.S.S.R., there has been much interest on the pacific economic cooperation. Thus, this paper discusses pacific Econonic Cooperation which has been considered until now and the U.S.S.R.'s participation in the Pacific Economic Cooperation body. Finally, the issues and perspectives on the Pacific Economic Cooperation are considered.

      • 亞太地域의 軍事·安保環境의 推移

        李宇榮 경북대학교 환태평양연구소 1988 環太平洋硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        The inportance of countries of Pacific area which will lead 21 century is newly emerging due to the increase of national income, the trade of goods. and the transfer of science and technology etx., which owe much to the population specific gravity, enormous resources, and industrialization. Especially, in the late of 1984, the second-term policy report or speech etc., by R. Reagan, the presdent of the United States said that the trade quantity with Pacific area began to exceed from 1982 in comparision with. Atlantic Europe countries and have declared the commencement of performance toward Pacific period on the basis of reversal phenomenon of trade quantity. new leading class of the Soviet Union is making a challenge to Pacific Rim area with triple objects, that is, 1) geographical expansion and increase of influence power, 2) approach of up-to-date techniques, 3) resources development and labor population increase in Siberia and Maritime Territory and so on, and the United states makes stress on control of the growth of the Soviet military power as a security interests. But this area is lacking in comprehensive security device and exposing potential fragility against outside military powers on aggressions without multilateral security device being able to cope with them. Just in this context, since now the problems of the Korean penninsula have international issues including Pacific Rim. visualizing active, wide, local security deivce, they have not to be limited only between the parties, South and North Korea, and they have to be studied, estimated and discussed by connecting with comprehensive international security problem. By doing so, we will preserve splendid achievements of Korea and other democratic countries of pacific Rim area and prevent them from war.

      • 太平洋 時代와 太平洋 共同體 : Pacific Era and Pacific Community

        金禹鉉 경북대학교 환태평양연구소 1988 環太平洋硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        The countries on the Pacific which proceed to the Pacific Era have various ideas for the Pacific Community. They agree on the very idea of forming the Pacific Community ideal goals, but they seem to compete to get hegemony. It seems that the United States is on the base of Spykman's rimland theory and Soviet Union of Mackinder's heartland theory in forming the Pacific Community to continue the yalta system, as they are central countries in the Yalta system. Asian countries, which are involved in the Confucian cultural area, show the inclination to withdraw from the Yalta system. It is expected that the Asian countries which are involved in the confucian cultural area will rise in the pacific Era. The rise of Asian countries is the rise of rimland. So, there is a limit to accepting the theory of world control oriented by the Christian (European) culture of the Atlantic Era, especially the heartland theory and the rimland theory both of which supplied the theoretical background of the Yalta system without any amendments. On the contrary, if the confucian cultural area rises in the economic and political fields, there will be a possibility of forming a Neo-Chinese-World concept (the term was made by the writer). In other words, the philosophy of world control could be changed in the Pacific Era. Because korea has been nothing but one of the peripheral countries either in the heartland theory and in the rimland theory or in the Neo-Chinese-World concept, it lacked responsibility for the history of the world and was subject to invasions by bog countries. In order to prevent the vicious circle of the repetition of the undesirable history in the Pacific Era, we need to have responsibility for world society. To reach this goal, I think , Far-Eastern watershed which involves both North Korea and South Korea together is desirable.

      • 北韓의 黨·軍制度에 관한 考察

        李柾熙 경북대학교 환태평양연구소 1992 環太平洋硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        The object of this paper is to analyze the relation between the North korean Labor Party and the military. In North Korea, it is institutionalized that the party should hold the reigns of the military. This fact has been maintained since the regime of North korea was established. For example, political officiers always work in the military and the general in Division is a operational officer but the deputy general is a political officer. This formation streches over a subordinate organization, platoon in the military. This apparently indicates that the party should always command and supervise over the military. So this paper is concerned with interaction between the party and the military. The followings are the facts that we have discussed. 1. The Organization of the party and the military 2. The connective organization and role between the party and military.

      • 바쿠닌의 연방사상

        김우현,배규성 경북대학교 환태평양연구소 1992 環太平洋硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        Up to now bases of his philosophical and historical background we analysed Bakunin's assertion of Collectivism (Lumpenproletariat Socialism), Pan-Slavic Federation and European Democratic Federation of Republics in his Program of Democratic Pan-Slavism which appeared at the Prague Congress of the Slavs 1848 in the form of 'Appeal to Slavs' or 'Manifesto to the Slavs'. His main theme is Freedom, not ristricted by outside factors but only by his own will, which presents the last moments of history, Humanity and the solidarity of freedom. Meanwhile State and the Church are two systems of slavery to be demolished. State depends on the maintenance of slavery and minorities' privilege over drudge people for its existence and the church is the earthly agent of God, the extreme of abstraction. Science also should not be more than the function of life not to speak of the means of exploitation of the poor people in the name of it. Future society of freedom and humanity could be constructed only by demolishing state and the church, the solidarity of privileged class and establishing federatern of small autonomous communes on the bases of natural, instinctive solidarity of human beings and humanity. In the mean time, 19C is the century of Liberalism, Democracy and Nationalism. Putting it aside whether the times ideas or ideas lead the times, Bukunin led revolutionary Europe of 19C with Marx, his fellow and competitor in the theory and movement of Europen Revolution. He saw the breakdown of Hapsburg Empire as the ground of Free Federation of the Slavs and Europe, at last, all the World. In conclusion together with his influence on the labor movement, populism in Russia, anarchism, revolution of a small number of professional revolutionaries, Bolshevism, Fascism and all the national revolution of Socialism, We can see his life and philosophy in the following four points of view. First, in the viewpoint of philosophy of Freedom. His philosophy of Freedom not restricted by State and the church but only by his inner side, containing all kinds of scientific abstractions is in itself potent possibility of each people. In Freedom the full development of material, intellectual, moral possibilities can develope endlessly, being not restricted by that of other people. Second, in the viewpoint of European Revolution. While Marx asserted revolution of class-conscious and systematic proletariat not as 'governing people' but 'administrating things' to get rid of the bourgeois order of society and set up huge cooperative commonwealth, Bakunin insisted on general, voluntary, immediate revolution of all exploited class, rural and urban. All kinds of State and Government to have an absolute tendency to power in itself shold be broken down and in the ruin of them will appear Free Federation of Small Autonomous Associations. Third, in the viewpoint of international politics, He insisted on Democratic Pan-Slavism. In a sense his philosophy is a Russian Messianism containing the claim of Slavophiles. His Federalism of Pan-Slavism is supranational and has tools of revolution as well as suitable means of supranational organization in its federation principle. Fourth, in the viewpoint of utopian philosophy, His aim was Federation of Pan-Slavism, European Democracy and Federation, finally World Federation According to Professor Eugene Pyziur, researcher of Bakunin, his philisophy has not only Utopian law for obtaining full and complete Freedom but also non-utopian law for full command of political power and establishment of strict social order. But practical application of his theory to reality demands the sacrifice of his utopian factor of Freedom.

      • 太平洋協力體의 構想과 展望 : 太平洋綜合戰略硏究 A Study of the intergrated power in Pacific Area

        李宇榮 경북대학교 환태평양연구소 1989 環太平洋硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        The international political trend of the end of 20th century shows that the bi-polar system (so called Yalta system) between the U·S and the Soviets began to collapse according that the idoelogy fade and the economy raises up as main issues. In this situation, China and Japan which belong to Asia-Pacific area became powerful countries the NICs, that is Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore became influential, and the Pacific area became more important. These show that the Pacific area will become the central arena of the world history of 21st century after 1990s. So the countries in this area have been visualizing and pushing forward the effective, cooperative organization for lasting growth and development keeping pace with world trend for regional economy cooperation. The ASEAN in south eastern Asia countries has aleady promoting the cooperative plan, and every country from Japan, and the U·S to the U.S.S.R and China is trying to establish the cooperative organization and take initiatives in that. Although they agree to the need of these communities, these are still in initial stage because of difference of interests among these countries. Since the Korean economy survival depends upon export, especialy for extending export market and the stability of gaining resources. the establishment and its relationship of the Pacific cooperative community are a most important part. And Korea is now in better position to mediate a intricate conflict between the developed and the developing countries. Thus Korea should maximize its interest by making the best of this better circumstances. The countries in this area will not be able to expect institutionally integrated cooperative community in the near future. That community can be established by cooperating from the urgent and possible parts step by step.

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