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      • Model Building for Korean Domestic Tourism Policy

        Lee, Jang-Choon 京畿大學校 附設 觀光開發硏究所 1985 觀光硏究論集 Vol.2 No.-

        國民觀光政策은 各國에 共通된 政策方向을 設定하여 그 理論을 採用할 수는 없다. 왜냐하면 國土가 넓고 資源이 豊富하고 人口密度가 높은 나라가 있는 反面, 國土가 좁고 資源이 不足하고 人口密度가 높은 나라도 있다. 따라서 國民觀光을 보는 視角은 그 國家의 國土性, 資源性, 歷史性, 國民性, 企業性을 考慮하여 그 國家의 性格에 맞는 國民觀光政策開發이 必要하게 된다. 따라서 本槁에서는 韓國의 實情에 맞는 國民觀光政策開發을 爲하여 國民觀光發展의 歷史的 接近을 시도하였고 國民觀光과 社會福祉와의 相關關係를 구명하였다. 그리고 1991年까지의 韓國의 國民觀光客數를 統計的 接近方法으로 그 需要豫測을 實施하였다. 需要充足을 爲한 韓國型 國民觀光政策開發의 模型定立을 爲해 模型定立에 必要한 旣存 哲學으로서 規範的 接近法 特히 價値介入的인 接近法이 Positive Science와 調和를 이루어야 한다는 方向을 設定하였다. 國民觀光政策開發의 模型은 國民觀光資源政策 開發模型, 國民觀光施設 開發模型, 國民觀光資料銀行 設立模型, 國民觀光敎育政策開發模型, 國民觀光 서어비스 Center 開發模型, 國民觀光倫理定立模型, 國民觀光地開發主體와 開發財源調達模型, 國民觀光施設 및 組織開發模型으로 分類하여 그 方案을 제시하였다. 이러한 模型이 效果的으로 政策에 反映되게 하기 爲하여 NTO로서 KNTC의 役割을 企劃 및 調査硏究機能과 자문機能을 강화할 必要가 있다고 分析되었다.

      • A Review of Tourism-Related English Textbooks Available in Korea

        Robert J.Baldwin 京畿大學校 관광개발연구소 1988 觀光硏究論集 Vol.5 No.-

        오늘날 영어는 세계 공통어로서 자국어를 사용할 수 없는 국제 관광에서 가장 중요한 언어로 쓰여지고 있다. 관광산업에 종사하고자 하는 관광 통역과 및 관광 경영과 학생은 유창하고 정확한 영어회화 능력을 갖추어야 한다. 그러나 대다수 전문대학 및 대학생들은 중학교에서 고등학교까지 6년간 영어를 배워 왔으나 영어로 의사소통이 거의 불가능한 실정이다. 따라서 관광계열 학생들을 위해 출판될 관광영어 교재는 ESL(외국어로서 영어) 교재에 보편화된 다음과 같은 특징을 가져야 한다. (1) 실제 관광 상황에서 자주 사용되는 정확한 현대 영어 (2) 유형 연습, 대용 연습과 같은 어학적 방법과 토의 및 역할분담에 따른 질문과 같이 자유롭게 의사소통이 가능하도록 정리된 대화, 그리고 연습문제를 흔히 다루고 있는 외국어 교육기법 사용 (3) 학생이 반복 숙달할 수 있도록 미국인이 녹음한 자료를 실은 구어체 내용 한국 학생을 위한 모든 관광 영어교재는 위에서 언급한 3가지 특징을 기초로 하여 모든 내용을 2개국어, 즉 영어와 한국어로 혼합 구성해 놓아야 하나, 한국어 번역은 다른 페이지에 실려 참조하기가 불편하다. 본 논문에서는 22권의 관광 영어교재를 분석, 조사 연구하였으며 조사한 사항은 표1에 수록하였는 바, 완벽하고 정확한 영어교재를 “+10.00” 등급을 기준으로 하여, 각 영어교재를 비교 분석하고자 하였다. 본 논문을 통해 조사한 주요 사항은 다음과 같다. 1) 대부분 한국에서 사용되는 관광 영어교재는 정확한 현대영어로 되었으며 13권은 +8.00등급, 4권은 +5.00등급 이상으로 평가되었다. 2) 단 한권(참조번호 22)만이 전체가 외국어(ESL교육기법)로 쓰여졌으며, 그중 7권은 한두가지 형태(예 : 교재 7, 8 및 16은 간단한 내용 연습만을 포함시켰음)만의 연습문제를 실었다. 64%를 차지하고 있는 나머지 14권은 전혀 연습문제를 포함하지 않고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 3) 두권(18, 19)을 제외하고 모든 책들은 어학실험실에서 학생들이 사용할 수 있도록 녹음된 구어 영어를 소록하고 있으나, 단 2권(15, 22)만이 교육 가능한 테이프를 갖고 있다. 4) 22권 중 59% 이상을 점하고 있는 12권이 한국어로 주석과 용어 해설을 하고 있으나, 단 3권만이 2개 국어로 모든 내용을 포함하고 있다. 요컨대 한국에서 구입 가능한 관광 영어교재는 훌륭한 교재를 위한 필수적인 3가지 특징을 모두 포함하고 있는 교재를 찾아보기가 어려웠다는 점이다. 표2는 4학기제 전문대학 관광 프로그램과 8학기제 대학 관광 프로그램의 각 학기에 사용할 수 있도록 추천한 관광 영어와 일반 영어교재 목록이다. 전문대학 관광 통역 프로그램에는 교재 16 및 22, 전문대학 관광 경영 프로그램은 교재 1, 2 및 16, 대학교 관광 경영 프로그램을 위해서는 교재 2,3,16,19 및 22가 적합하다고 판단된다. 영어 교육에 관심있는 교수, 교재저자, 출판사, 그리고 KNTC(한국관광공사)는 전술한 모든 4가지 기준을 충족시킬 수 있도록 1~4권으로 만들어진 훌륭한 영어 교제를 공동으로 제작해야 할 것이라고 조언해 본다. 즉, 1,2권은 전문대학 및 대학 관광 프로그램에서 사용되고 3, 4권은 대학 3, 4학년의 관광 프로그램에 적합하도록 제작되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.

      • 內水面 觀光資源 開發方案 : 蟾津江 開發을 中心으로

        徐台洋 京畿大學校 관광개발연구소 1986 觀光硏究論集 Vol.3 No.-

        Although we are living in the age of the popularization of sightseeing with 83.6% of the whole nation participated is sightseeing tour, our sightseeing spots are lacking in its resources for attracting tourists, and the result of artificial development of sightseeing places carried out up to the present regardless of what tourists really would like to see, is just like having removed the recreational facilities in cities to rural districts, eventually producing a poor effect on the development of resources for sightseeing. Especially the Korean peninsula is surrounded by the sea in its three sides and is also rich in its inland water resources such as rivers and reservoirs well-suited for boat-riding. However, the development of inland water resources with its active, unique and charming features hat been overlooked up to date. Therefore it's necessary to develop the Sumjin River whose water quality is god and whose adjacent places are encircled with so many cultural resources for sightseeing resorts without any scenic beauty from being increased in great numbers. In order to make our land well-balanced in the respect of the development of its sightseeing resources our mountains should be well-linked with their adjacent sea. In preparation for the 1988 Seoul Olympic games the active attraction of foreign tourists could make a great contribution to our national welfare in addition to the increase of the income in the provinces and improvement of international payments. The ideas for the development of the Sumjin River are as follows. 1. By preparing the base facilities dredging operations, pollution prevention, road pavement, and sighposts for sightseeing guide should be established completely. 2. The development of marina. 3. The systematization of accomodations. 4. The development of local products and food. 5. The development of various recreation facilities. 6. The development of sightseeing courses such as circular course of the Sumjin River and long distance cruise course.

      • 外來觀光客 誘致增大를 위한 標的 觀光市場의 選定에 관한 硏究

        金東憲 京畿大學校 附設 觀光開發硏究所 1986 觀光硏究論集 Vol.3 No.-

        In formulation and development of tourism marketing strategies, the efficiency and the effectiveness of the strategies themselves have been too strongly emphasized. Thus, the stage of the selection of the target market has been comparatively overlooked. If we understand a tourism marketing strategy as a set of a whole process, an equal emphasis and thorough observation should be given to each aspect of the process. As a synthetic marketing program, in order to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of marketing strategies, the selection of a target market is very important. Because the target market is where the strategy works. This study is to provide an objective method of selecting target markets in the process of tourism marketing. The conventional method of approaching to the selection of target markets is a market segmentation. But the market segmentation is not the only or the best way to select a target market. Even more crucial to the selection of a target market are the Product Portfolio Analysis and the Diversification Analysis. If the target is inappropriately aimed, the arrow will just miss it.

      • 外來觀光客 誘致增大方案에 關한 考察 : 日本市場을 中心으로

        高錫勉 京畿大學校 附設 觀光開發硏究所 1986 觀光硏究論集 Vol.3 No.-

        The number of Japanese tourists visiting Korea has been increased gradually for the advantages. Such as small travelling expenses and short distance between Japan and Korea. In East Asia and pacific area the regional tourists take 55% of the whole tourists in that area, and one third of the regional tourists are Japanese. In connection with the remarkable increase of Japanese oversea tourists the number of competitive nations to attract them is also increasing every year. As Japanese government enacted the law of oversea tour liberalization in 1964 and the diplomatic relations between Korea and Japan normalized in 1965, the number of Japanese tourists visiting korea became on the increase since. However it comes to a stand still at present. Consequently it's inevitable to analize Japanese market in various aspects and obtain systematic support from our government in order to achieve the goal of inviting at least 1 million Japanese tourists. In our country approximately 500,000 persons go abroad every year through the liberalization of oversea tour for sightseeing over 50 years old since Jan.5.1983 and the number of Korean tourists visiting Japan is also increasing every year. Accordingly those Korean tourists going abroad should be well-trained to introduce our country to foreigners well enough to attract them. Especially it's urgent for our government to attract more Japanese tourists through information activities and establishment of solid accommodations, as for attracting foreign tourists it's necessary to induce Japanese Travel Agents to sell our products within enthusiam and to enlarge the no-visa system. In addition it's also necessary to increase the number of our travel agents in Japan and step up marketing activity for attracting female tourists in particular. As for the establishment of accommodations we should accelerate the construction of Youth Hostels, golf links for the exclusive use by foreigners and restaurants for group tourists and besides we should also decide in advance on domestic travel fares so as for international travelling agents to easily make hotel arrangements. In conclusion those ideas mentioned above will contribute to achieving our government's target for attracting 2 million foreign tourists ahead of time and also be a turning point for our country to by taken off as an advanced sightseeing country.

      • 호텔事業計劃을 爲한 段階的 모델設定 : 設計에서 開業段階까지

        金忠鎬 京畿大學校 附設 觀光開發硏究所 1985 觀光硏究論集 Vol.2 No.-

        The hotel business in modern industry has become a rising industry; today the modern hotel is no longer defined as a mere facility only to provide accommodations, food and beverage for its guests since it has become a joint enterprise of a given society and its customers are not limited to a few privileged people in the past. Though there still remain a fatal household nature in some parts of hotel business, it is now growing as an industry with commodities such as rooms, food and beverage, and service based on the ability of management and facilities. In modern industry the hotel business has come to play a very important role, representing a country since it not only makes great contribution towards the earing of foreign exchange, the security of revenue. It further contributes to the world peace, national and regional land development, and the promotion of people-to-people diplomacy. Thus the present worldwide tourism boom through the rapidly developing mechanical civilization has made more and more foreign tourists visit Korea, bringing about the demand for hotel accommodations in both cities and resort areas. But since in Korea there have been no experts in the construction of hotel and its management, and no concrete suggestions in planning the project and in examining the marketability and its long term plan, the domestic economic circles tend to rely on foreign technology and capital. As a result it is evident that in recent years more foreign hotels have began to advance into Korea in the form of a joint investment or technical introduction, and accordingly the whole operation of hotel ranging from the process of hotel construction to its management sums to be controlled by foreigners. This reality actually runs counter to the development of Korea's travel industry, resulting in bringing forth the backward flow of the in-flow of foreign. It also invites unemployment in the existing domestic man power, In the light of the present sistuation and based on its long research experiences at home and abroad in the field of hotel business, this research institution in this study is primarily aimed to suggest the concrete direction in the construction of hotel and its systematized operation and management best fit for Korea's situation, thereby contributing to the development of Korea's hotel business circles as a whole. Comparing with foreign hotels growing as a modern industry, I have in this study studied the marketability, the process of hotel construction, and the rational management after its opening, and analyzed all the equipments and materials necessary before its opening, and worked out a basic model plan.

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