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      • 人工衛星 데이타를 利用한 土地利用 變化에 관한 硏究

        閔一植,張寬淳 中部大學校 農業開發硏究所 1994 農業開發硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        본 연구는 SPOT와 Landsat TM Data를 이용하여 都心地域의 土地利用度를 분류하고 經時的 土地被服度 變化를 추적하여 都市의 확장과 山林地域의 잠식추이를 알아보고자 하였다. 연구 결과를 종합하면 다음과 같다. 1988년에서 1991년까지 4년동안 植生被服度의 변화는 山林面積이 316.87 ㎢에서 297.66 ㎢로 19.21 ㎢가 감소되었고, 農耕地는 124.23 ㎢에서102.62 ㎢로 21.61 ㎢가 감소되었다. 반면 都心地域은 42.98 ㎢에서 62.29 ㎢로 19.31 ㎢증가했다. 大田地域에서 1988년 이전에는 農耕地 잠식이 심했음이 확인되었고 1991년에는 山林地域 잠식이 유사하게 나타나 앞으로 都市開發에 따라 山林地域이 계속적으로 잠식될 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 1988년 이후 4년동안 都心地域에서 분류된 지역에서는 현재 대단위 住宅 密集地域이 형성되어 大氣汚染物質의 주요 排出源이 되고 있으며 , 앞으로 開發空間은 北西向에서 南西向으로 추진될 것으로 분석되어 이들 지역에 새로운 汚染源이 형성될 것으로 전망된다. The study has been conducted to understand the regional developing pattern by changes of landuse from 1988 to 1991 in Taejon city area. For this study, land cover types, which used SPOT data in 1988 and Landsat TM data in 1991, were analysed by unsupervised classification method applied IDRISI system. The results are summerized as follows ; Forest and agricultural area were decresed as much as 19.2 ㎢ and 21.6 ㎢, respectively, with the increase of urban area as much as 19.3 ㎢ for four years from 1988 to 1991. The invaded region before 1988 was agricultural area but a greater part of developing area from 1991 was forest area. It is considered that forest as a part as sinks for air pollutants will be seriously invaded by urbanization in Taejon. Urbanization will expand locally from northwest to southwest of city center, which will be the new pollution sources. It is expected that air pollution in Taejon is the very serious problems in the future.

      • 老朽化 사과 果樹園 土壤의 層位別 數種 化學 成分 分布 特性 및 그에 따른 老朽化 原因의 推定

        姜信正 中部大學校 農業開發硏究所 1993 農業開發硏究論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        長期間 사과를 栽培한 果園土壤의 老朽化 原因을 土壤化學性面에서 把握하기 爲하여 40年 以上 栽培한 사과원 土壤과 그곳에 隣接한 非栽培地土壞을 土層別로 採取하여 그것들의 化學性을 分析하여 比較한 結果는 다음과 같다. (1) pH는 대체로 非栽培地 土壤에서는 上層에서, 栽培池 土壤에서는 下層에서 낮았다. (2) 非栽培地 土壤에 比하여 大部分의 栽培地 土壤에서 單獨成分으로는 置換性Ca과 全Mn의 含量은 不足함이 確認되나 그 外의 化學成分은 不足하지 않았다. (3) 置換性 鹽基의 合量은 非栽培地土壞에 比하여 大部分의 栽培地土壤에서 表層에서는 많았으나 深層에서는 적었다. (4) 栽培地 土壤의 酸度는 置換性 鹽基의 合量과 高度의 正의 相關이 認定되었으나, 非栽培地 土壤의 酸度는 置換性 含量과는 相關이 認定되지 않았다. 以上의 結果에서 長期間 栽培되어진 사과원 土壤은 深土에서 置換性 鹽基의 不足에 依한 pH低下가 老朽化 原因中의 하나로 作用한 것으로 推定된다. In the apple orchard cultivated for a long time, there are many problems which would act as a bad factor for replanting new apple tree. This experiment was tryed for seeking some of those in that soil. Soil sample was collected from soil horizon in the old orchards, in which apple was cultivated over 40years, and was analyzed for some chemical components. For the comparison with those results, reference soil was also sampled and analyzed. That was located near the old orchards, was not cultivated with apple tree and was showed as the same pedon with the cultivated soil. The results were as follows; pH showed a tendency to decrease in low horizon of the cultivated soil whereas increase in that of the uncultivated one. As a comparsion with each chemical component, the content of exchangeable Ca or total Mn was likely to be deficient in the cultivated soil. But all components except those was not like that. Sum of exchangeable cations in the cultivated soil was lower in its lower horizon. The pH in the cultivated soil showed very high positive correlation with sum of exchangeable cation. From those result, it was assumed that, in lower horizon, lower pH, which would be origined by low content of sum of exchangeable cations, reacts as a factor for the deterioration of old apple orchard soil.

      • 原乳와 還元乳의 混合比, CaCl₂ 및 Rennet의 添加量이 Mozzarella Cheese의 組織에 미치는 影響

        金容輝 中部大學校 農業開發硏究所 1994 農業開發硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        본실험은 원유와 환원유를 100:0, 70:30, 50:50, 30:70의 비율로 혼합한 원료유에 CaCl₂ rennet의 첨가량을 각각 0.03, 0.06, 0.09% 및 0.005, 0.01, 0.015%로 달리하여 직접산성연속교반법으로 Morzzarella cheese를 제조하여, 형성된 curd의 성질과 응고시간, 용융성과 조직 및 관능검사를 비교하여 최적의 환원유 혼합비와 CaCl₂ 및 rennet의 첨가량을 알아보고자 수행하였으며, 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 환원유의 혼합비가 증가함에 따라 curd의 경도와 탄력성은 점차 증가하였으며, CaCl₂와 rennet의 첨가량이 증가함에 따라서도 경도와 curd의 크기는 증가하였다. 환원유의 혼합비가 증가함에 따라 응고시간은 증가하였으나, CaCl₂와 rennet의 첨가량이 증가함에 따라서는 감소하였다. 환원유의 혼합비가 증가함에 따라 용융성은 감소하였으며, 환원유의 혼합비가 70%인 시료의 용융성은 전혀 이루어지지 않았다. 환원유비 혼합비가 증가함에 따라 경도와 파쇄성 및 고무질성은 증가하였으나 탄력성과 결합성 및 부착성은 감소하였으며, 조직과 환원유의 혼합비사이에서는 현저한 유의차가 인정되었다. 환원유의 혼합비와 CaCl₂ 및 rennet의 첨가량간의 최적의 조합은 환원유의 혼합비가 30%이고, CaCl₂와 rennet의 첨가량은 각각 0.03%와 0.01%일 때 가장 적합한 것으로 나타났다. This study was undertaken to investigate the optimum mixing ratio of raw and reconstituted milk, the added contents of CaCl₂ and rennet for manufacturing of Mozzarella cheese with D. A. C. A(Direct Acidification and Continuous Agitation) method. The properties of curd, coagulation time, meltability, texture(elasticity, hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, brittleness, gumminess) and sensory evaluation of Mozzarella cheese made with the mixing ratio of raw and reconstituted milk(100:0, 70:30, 50:50, 30:70%), the added content of CaCl₂(0.03, 0.06, 0.09%) and rennet (0.005, 0.01, 0.015%). The results obtained were as follows : 1. The hardness and elasticity of curd were decreased as the mixing ratio of reconstituted milk increased, and as the added contents of CaCl₂ and rennet increased, hardness and size of curd were increased. 2. The coagulation time gradually increased as the mixing ratio of reconstituted milk increased, but that was decreased as the added contents of CaCl₂ and rennet increased. 3. Meltability was decreased as the mixing ratio of reconstituted milk increased, and the meltability of samples made with the mixing ratio of raw and reconstituted milk (30:70) did not not entirely flow. 4. As the mixing ratio of reconstituted milk increased, hardness, britleness and gumminess were increased, but elasticity, cohesiveness and adhesiveness were decreased, and there were significant differences(p<0.05) between texture and the mixing ratio of reconstituted milk. 5. It was the optimum conditions for manufacturing Mozzarella cheese made with the mixing ratio of reconstituted milk, the added contents of CaCl₂ and rennet that the mixing ratio of reconstituted milk(30%), the added contents of CaCl₂(0.03%) and rennet(0.01%).

      • 脫리그린 爆碎材에서 調製한 Carboxymethyl과 Acetyl Cellulose의 性狀

        張埈福 中部大學校 農業開發硏究所 1994 農業開發硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        木質系 biomass의 효과적 前處理法으로 평가받고 있는 爆碎法으로 우리나라의 主要樹種인 소나무(Pinus densiflore)와 신갈나무(Quercus mongolica)를 爆碎處理하고, 爆碎材를 다시 아염소산나트륨으로 脫리그닌 處理한 후 carboxymethyl cellulose 및 acetyl cellulose를 製造하여 그 性狀을 검토한 결과 다음과 같았다. 脫 리그닌 爆碎材 CM化物의 水 可溶化率 및 置換度는 소나무 81.4~95.9% 및 0.71~0.79, 신갈나무는 76.2~89.5% 및 0.79~l.05로 나타났다. 脫 리그닌 爆碎材 CMC를 精製한 CM化物의 置換度는 소나무 0.50~0.71로, 신갈나무는 0.70~0.88로 나타났으며 , 製品의 色은 白色을 나타냈다. 脫 리그닌 爆碎材 CM化物中 水不溶分의 팽윤도는 소나무 CM化物은 95.9~96.5 이고, 신갈나무 CM化物은 76.2~98.5의 값을 나타냈다. 이 값은 RMP에서 調製한 CM化物의 팽윤도 보다 2배 정도 높다. 保水率은 소나무 CM化物 은 580.0~751.2 및 신갈나무 CM化物은 124.3~307.6으로 RMP에서 調製한 CM化物의 保水度와 비슷한 값을 나타냈다. CM化物의 IR 스펙트럼分析 결과 1,600 ㎝^-l~1,700 ㎝^-1부근에 -COO기의 흡수가 나타나 확실한 carboxymethyl化를 입증할 수 있었다. 아염소산나트륨으로 脫리그닌 處理한 爆碎材로 調製한 acetyl化物은 白色의 분말로 얻어졌다. Acetyl化物의 置換度는 소나무의 경우 2.40~2.81로, 신갈나무는 2.16~2.77로 나타났으며, 中性糖分析 결과, 소나무는 hemicellulose 含量이 1% 미만으로, 신갈나무는 0.6~2.5%로 나타났다. 특히 소나무에서는 30㎏/㎠, 9분 爆碎材에서 hemicellulose가 없는 거의 순수한 cellulose acetyl 化物을 얻을 수 있었다. 신갈나무는 25㎏/㎠, 6분 爆碎材에서 hemicellulose 含量이 1% 미만으로 나타났다. Acetyl化物의 흡수스펙트럼은 1,740 ㎝^-1 및 1,200 ㎝^-1부근의 ester carbonyl기에 의한 흡수가 현저히 증가하였다. Steam explosion process is one of the most efficient pretretment method for the utilization of lignocellulosic blomass. The carboxymethylcellulose(CMC) and acetyl cellulose from the steam exploded wood(EXW), pine wood(Pinus densiflora) and oak wood(Quercus mongolica), after delignification, was manufactured by standard method. In CMC manufactured by delignification of EXW, respectively for the water solubility and D. S (degree of substitution) of pine were 81.4~95.9% and 0.71~0.79, and oak were 76.2~89.5% and 0.79~l.05. The values were higher than these of non-treated ones. D. S of purified CMC manufactured by delignified EXW, respectively for pine and oak were 0.50~0.71 and 0.70~0.88. The color of CMC was white. IR-spectra of carboxymethylated pine and oak EXW after delignification were found that paeks at around 1,600 ㎝^-1~l,700 ㎝^-1 increase markedly, due to -COO group. The degree of substitution of acetylated wood prepared from delignified EXW, pine and oak were 0.50~0.71 and 0.70~0.88. Hemicellulose content of acetylated EXW after delignification, pine and oak were less than 1% and 0.6~2.5%. The color of acetylated wood was white. IR-spectra of acetylated pine and oak EXW after delignification were found that paeks at around 1,740 ㎝^-1 and 1,200 ㎝^-1 increase markedly, due to ester carbonyl group.

      • 교배 방식에 의한 비육돈 생산비절감 효과

        홍경표,정영호 中部大學校 農業開發硏究所 1997 農業開發硏究論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        Considerable variation exists in crossbreeding systems employed by commercial producers. Most are designed to capitalize on heterosis present in most traits. Although most operations use some type of crossing scheme, variations in the breeds used and the crossing method are common. The disadvantage of the two-breed system is that only 67% of maximum heterosis is achieved after six generations. But the addition of a three breed increases heterosis to 86% of maximum. Perhaps most importantly, the static cross can be designed to achieve 100% of maximum heterosis in both the pig and the dam. A compromise system of mating that achieves the advantage of a specialized maternal female and 100% of maximum heterosis in the final pig produced is what has become known as the static rotational or rotaterminal system. In this system the best producing sows from within the herd are indemnified and mated to maternal breeds to produce the replacement females. The balance of the sow herd is mated to a terminal sire and all of the offspring marketed. If 20% of the litters are sired by maternal line boars in a three breed rotational system, a replacement rate of one female from each such litter will allow the sow herd to remain of constant size if approximately 20% of the sows are culled twice each year. The optimum utilization of healthy, genetically superior stock that is well managed, and fed to achieve their genetic potential, should result in the low cost production of a superior pork product.

      • Mozzarella Cheese의 Free Oil(Oiling Off)측정을 위한 Babcock법과 Gerber법의 비교에 관한 연구

        유제현,김용휘 中部大學校 農業開發硏究所 1996 農業開發硏究論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        본 실험은 whole milk Mozzarella cheese(WMMC)와 part skim Mozzarella cheese (PSMC)중의 free oil(FO) 측정을 위해 개발된 Babock법과 Gerber법의 측정조건(열수에서의 침지시간, 원심분리시간, 유화시간 및 반복회수)에 따른 FO의 생성량을 비교 검토함으로서 Babcock법과 Gerber법을 이용한 최적의 FO 측정조건을 모색하고자 수행하였으며, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. Modified Babcock법에 의해 측정된 FO 함량은 열수에서의 침지시간과 원심분리시간이 증가함에 따라 점차 증가하였으나, 유화시간과 반복회수에 따른 FO함량간의 유의차는 인정되지 않았다(p<0.05). 최적의 열수침지시간과 원심분리시간을 각각 10분으로 한 modified Babcock법에 의한 FO함량이 normal Babcock법에 의한 FO 함량보다 11%(PSMC), 46%(WMMC)정도 높게 나타났다(P<0.05). Modified Gerber법에 의해 측정된 FO함량은 열수에서의 침지시간과 원심분리시간 및 유화시간이 증가함에 따라 점차 증가하였으나, 유화 후의 원심분리시간에 따른 FO함량간의 유의차는 인정되지 않았다(P<0.05). 최적의 열수침지시간과 유화시간을 10분과 5분으로 한 modified Gerber법에 의한 FO 함량이 normal Gerber법에 의한 FO 함량보다 13%(PSMC)와 45%(WMMC) 정도 높게 나타났다. This study was undertaken to investigate the optimum methods for measuring free oil (FO) in whole milk Mozzarella cheese(WMMC) and part skim Mozzarella cheese (PSMC) by the modified Babcock and Gerber methods. FO contents were compared to determine the optimum measuring conditions (immersion time in hot water, centrifuge and tempering time, repeat times) of modified Babcock and Gerber methods. The results obtained were summarized as follows ; FO contents measured by the modified Babcock method were increased as the immersion time in hot water and centrifuge time increased, but there were no significant differences (p<0.05) in FO contents according to the tempering and repeat times. FO contents measured by the modified Babcock method(the optimum immersion and centrifuge time ; 10min) were higher(p<0.05) 11%(PSMC) and 46%(WMMC) than those measured by the normal Babcock method. FO contents measured by the modified Gerber method were gradually increased as the immersion, centrifuge(1st) and tempering time increased, but there were no significant differences(p<0.05) in FO contents according to the centrifuge(2nd). FO contents measured by the modified Gerber method(the optimum immersion and tempering time ; 10 and 5 min) were higher(p<0.05) 13%(PSMC) and 45%(WMMC) than those measured by the normal Gerber method.

      • 豚肉 商標化의 經濟性 分析에 關한 調査硏究

        홍경표 中部大學校 農業開發硏究所 1994 農業開發硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        Trademarking pork products gives pork producers a pride of providing high quality pork to consumers and a guranteed price for their products. Also it benefits trading companies due to advertising effects and eases the trading of pork products. Mean while, to consumer trade marking provides chance to select a brand name and recognition of a brand name in turn provides means of expressing their taste to pork producers and farmers. In the view of national interest, trade marking is in dispensable to compete with imported pork products and to protect and develop domestic pork producing industries. Trade Marking of pork products in Korea began in Year of 1950, companies try to differentiate their brand name from competetors with their know-howa and methods to create consumers. Unfortunately, due to the lack of experience and the shortage of business fund, only three companies are registered. It is required for policy makers to support the companies to be competetive.

      • 造景樹木의 大氣汚染物質에 대한 防禦機能 : SOD 活性을 중심으로 Superoxide dismutase Activity

        金明姬,李壽煜 中部大學校 農業開發硏究所 1993 農業開發硏究論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        造景樹木들의 大氣汚染物質들에 대한 感受性 및 抵抗性을 규명하기 위해서 野外調査와 室內實驗을 통하여 葉內 硫黃含量과 superoxide dismutase (SOD) 含量을 測定 分析하였다. 全 樹種에서 葉內 硫黃含量과 SOD 活性間에 正의 相關을 나타내었다. 植物體가 汚染物質에 대하여 自體防禦를 위하여 初期에는 酵素活性을 增大시키지만, 植物體의 收容限界를 넘을 때는 오히려 酵素의 失活과 함께 植物體가 被害를 받았다. 闊葉樹는 大氣汚染物質의 淨化能力이 큰 반면 針葉樹는 汚染物質에 대한 防禦能力이 크게 나타났다. 葉內 SOD 活性은 非汚染 地域과 汚染地域間에 差異가 뚜렷하였는데, SOD 活性은 闊葉樹에 비하여 針葉樹에서 높게 나타났으며, 소나무보다는 잣나무에서 活性이 높았으며, 튜립나무는 은행나무와 양버즘나무보다 낮은 것으로 나타나 SOD 活性이 높은것이 大氣汚染物質에 대한 耐性이 强함을 알 수 있다. This study was conducted to determine the toxic effects of air pollutants on landscaping trees, Pinus densiflora, Pinus koraiensis, Ginkgo biloba, Liriodendron tulipifera, Platanus occidentalis and their resistance to the pollutant toxicity in urban and industrial regions of Seoul and Taejon, Korea. Total sulfur contents and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity were analysed in tree foliage of Pinus densiflora, Pinus koraiensis, Ginkgo biloba, Liriodendron tulipifera, Platanus occidentalis. In all species total sulfur content and SOD activity had a positive correlation. Air pollutants accumulated in tree tissues were supposed to enhance the enzyme activity like SOD providing with the resistance mechanisms. Trees under the air pollution stress increased enzyme activity to develop internal self-resistance against pollutants, but after a critical point enzyme activity decreased gradually and resulting in injury after all. Deciduous trees had greater filtration capacity than conifers and coniferous trees showed greater resistance against air pollutants than deciduous species. Foliage SOD activity was higher in polluted area than in unpolluted area for most species. Coniferous species and mature trees had higher SOD activity than deciduous seedlings. Especially Pinus koraiensis, Ginkgo biloba and Platanus occidentalis han higher SOD activity than other species. The tree species with the high SOD activity showed strong resistance against air pollutants. Changes of SOD activity was different between species and in most species SOD seemed to participate in resistance mechanism.

      • 몇가지 植物生長調整劑의 處理가 大豆炭廣病(Colletotrichum truncatum)의 附着器 形成에 미치는 影響

        都銀洙,具漢謨,梁鎭,柳亨植 中部大學校 農業開發硏究所 1996 農業開發硏究論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        in vitro 및 in vivo에서 植物生長調整劑를 處理하여 大豆 炭疽病菌(C. truncatum)의 附着器 形成에 미치는 영향에 대하여 調査한 結果는 다음과 같다. IAA를 1,000ppm과 100ppm의 濃度로 處理했을때 in vitro 및 in vivo 모두 附着器 形成率이 낮아 沮止效果가 있었다. NAA處理時 1,000ppm의 농도에서는 in vitro 및 in vivo 모두 附着器 形成率이 감소되어 沮止作用이 있었으나 濃度가 낮아질수록 附着器 形成率이 중가했다. GA處理는 어느 濃度에서도 附着器 形成 沮止에 거의 영향을 미치지 못하였으며, kinetin處理는 GA보다는 약간의 附着器 形成 抑制效果가 있었으나 그 정도는 微微하였다. 供試된 모든 植物生長調整劑를 in vitro 및 in vivo에서 處理하였을 경우 어느 濃度에서도 시간의 경과와 함께 附着器 形成率은 증가하여 沮止作用이 낮아지는 것으로 나타났다. This study was conducted to find out the effect of plant growth regulator to appressorium formation of Colletotrichum truncatum in vitro and in vivo. The results were as follows : Percentage of appressorium formation was low at 1,000ppm and 100ppm of IAA application in vitro and in vivo. Percentage of appressorium formation increased with low concentration(10ppm and 1ppm) and decreased with high concentration(1,000ppm and 100ppm) in NAA application in vitro and in vivo. It has not an effect on appressorium formation in every concentration of GA application, but kinetin was somewhat effective than GA in inhibiting percentage of appressorium formation. Percentage of appressorium formation was increased with the lapse of time at every concentration of plant growth regulator application in vitro and in vivo.

      • 탈리그닌 처리한 폭쇄재의 산가수분해

        장준복,양재경 中部大學校 農業開發硏究所 1997 農業開發硏究論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        소나무(Pinus densiflora)와 졸참나무(Quercus serrata) 및 자작나무(Betula platyphylla var. japonica)의 chip을 폭쇄 전처리한 다음 탈리그닌 처리 후 산가수분해 하고 그 성상을 분석 하였다. 폭쇄재를 수산화나트륨으로 추출한 결과 1% 수산화나트륨추출이 잔존 리그닌 함량이 비교적 낮았으며, 침엽수재보다는 활엽수재에서 탈리그닌 효과가 뚜렷하였다. 아염소산나트륨 처리는 수산화나트륨 추출보다 탈리그닌 효고가 우수 하였으며, 농도별로는 10%처리가 2% 처리보다 효과적으로 나타났다. 1% 수산화나트륨으로 추출한 폭쇄재의 2단 가수분해에서 무처리 폭쇄재보다 가수분해 환원당 수율이 높았다. 아염소산나트륨으로 처리한 폭쇄재의 2단 가수분해는 6시간 반응에서 최대 환원당 수율을 나타냈으며 수율은 무처리 폭쇄재에 비해서 약 20% 정도 높았다. 1% 수산화나트륨 용액으로 추출한 잔사의 구성당 분석 결과 상당량의 hemicellulose가 추출되어 glucose잔기의 함량이 높게 나타났으며, 폭쇄처리조건이 강할수록 glucose함량이 높게 나타났다. This study was performed to obtained the optimal condition that hydrolyzed exploded wood by using sulfuric acid, after delignification. Wood chip of pine wood(Pinus desiflora), oak wood(Quercus serrata) and birch wood(Betula platyphylla var. japonica) were treated with a high pressure steam(20-30㎞/㎠, 2-6 minutes), delignified with sodium hydroxide and sodium chlorite, and then hydrolyzed with sulfuric acid. The result can be summerized as follows ; 1% sodium hydroxide in treating the exploded wood was the most effective concentration in the delignification of sodium hydroxide. Lignin content of exploded wood treated with sodium chlorite was lower than that sodium hydroxide. The maximum reducing sugar yield of exploded wood treated with 1% sodium hydroxide was lower than non-treated exploded wood. In the case of sodium chlorite treated, the maximum reducing sugar yield was high than non-treated exploded wood. In sugar analysis of exploded wood, it was found that arabinose and xylose residue decreased with increasing of steaming pressure and time. Sugar composition of acid hydrolysis solution was composed of xylose and glucose residue. The rate of glucose residue was increased in high pressure condition.

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